Sweetpea Chubb-Baggins' journal

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Monday, February 18th, 2002
7:52 pm - *does a dance*
how much do I love "secret life of us"

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7:00 pm - ummm, ok
a strange cat has just wandered into my living room. Oddness.

current mood: curious
current music: Malcolm in the middle

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5:50 pm - can I just say...
I am so sick of a certain self-righteous chauvinest housemate who's name may or may not start with B.

current mood: aggravated
current music: The evening news

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4:55 pm - hehehe
talking to Charlie-girl. What a sweetie. Mair I'm very sorry sorry sorry sorry.

current mood: embarrassed
current music: the simpsons

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12:46 pm - er...yes

Go to Hard Bitter Candy for more Holeness.

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Sunday, February 17th, 2002
7:42 pm - I love technology
I've been sending silly sms messages to Jenn. funniness.

love, hugs and slack
Grace XX

current mood: amused
current music: edtv

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5:47 pm - I just saw Black Hawk Down...
OH...MY...GOD. I don't think I've cried so much at a movie ever before. seriously. Josh Hartnett is amazing, as is Eric Bana ('cause I have to stick up for Aussie talent ;))

current mood: drained
current music: There is no Dana...only zoooooooooooooooool

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Saturday, February 16th, 2002
7:32 am - yeah, so
baby!lij is gone...but...but...prettiness!!! and baby!lij is still lurking somewhere. In other, completely unrelated news. I had nooooooo sleep last night.

current mood: hungry

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2:38 am - random *squeeeeeeness*
I have I mentioned I am totally and utterly in love with Wax? Yes, well I am.

current mood: content

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2:06 am - oh and, um, Chris

current mood: annoyed

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Friday, February 15th, 2002
10:17 pm - help meeeee!!!!
ok, why do none of the larger videos I download have visuals? they only have sound...very annoying

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8:51 pm - *has given up on crazy/beautiful...
and is now downloading ghostworld*

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8:35 pm - Hey Mair...
I found Battle Royale on Morpheus if you still want it.

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8:22 pm - boop
I sent you a little something in the mail today mmmwaaahahahahahahah *cough*.

current mood: groggy
current music: that little aim noise...yeah

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7:35 pm - so, um, yeah
thiscover is much cooler than the one I have. that is all. Oh, and i have the inexplicable desire to download crazy/beautiful. *shrugs*

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4:06 pm - *puppy dog eyes*
anyone feel like making me an Orlando icon? I'm not feeling very creative.

Love, hugs and slack
Grace XX

current mood: grateful
current music: I love myself today - bif naked

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Monday, February 11th, 2002
7:38 pm - karma...and all that sort of junk
Ok...so last night I found out that Incubus ARE doing a concert in Brisbane, I go to buy a ticket today...THEY'RE SOLD OUT. I cried. Oh well, I did get a cheque in the mail for $220, so it wasn't all bad...I guess.

Love, hugs and slack
Gracie XX

current mood: apathetic

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Sunday, February 10th, 2002
9:51 pm - Hey Charlie!!
Can I move into muffled.net? I have a whole layout planned and everything *puppydog eyes*

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8:54 pm - There is no spoon
Goddamn I love the Matrix!! Trinity...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. *cough*

current mood: geeky
current music: follow the white rabbit...

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7:52 pm - *giggles uncontrollably*

Who's your Fellowship fella?

Tall, dark, and RUGGEDLY handsome!

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