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LiveJournal for Ariel.

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Thursday, March 21st, 2002

Time:8:44 am.
Mood: sleepy.
Music:superdrag - goin out.
- hair: blonde -new highlights!
- eyes: blue
- height: 5'7
- weight: 105orso
- figure: smallish

- clothing: skirts, tights, straight-leg jeans and little tshirts
- music: britpop, glamrock, emo/hardcore, ALTernative, sloanrock

- wearing: low-rise straight-leg jeans, oldskool roxy tshirt
- music: superdrag!
- feeling: what am i doing.nothing.oh.

- bought: coffeeplushotcocoapluschocolatecreamerplusartificialsugar.
- did: stumble out of bed, turn on computer.
- read: movie reviews.
- watched on tv: don't remember.

- club or houseparty: leavemealone.
- tea or coffee: chai tea, cocoa coffee.
- high achiever or easy-going: easy going..please.
- cats or dogs: both.
- single or taken: taken!
- pen or pencil: pencil.
- gloves or mittens: mittens.
- food or candy: hahh candy.
- cassette or cd: cds and mix cds]]
- snuff or cigarettes: ew.
- coke or pepsi: coke or pespi.
- matches or a lighter: lighter.
- sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: who remembers sunset beach???!!!! i fucking used to love/adore/worship that show. i would watch it being filmed at seal beach back in the's been canceled for years y'know.. i would still watch b&b; if i could be bothered.. shut up ariel.

- kill: no, dying's a bummer.
- hear from: anyone who wants to hire me..
- tickle: chris, it's too easy.
- look like: milla jovovich, kate moss, gwyneth paltrow.
- be like: a better me..

- food: thai food.
- drink: teas, chai, coffee, diet sodas, natural vanilla rice milk.
- color: red, crimson.
- shoes: mary janes, platform tennis shoes.
- song: "coax me" -sloan
- vegitable: carrots.
- fruit: strawberries, peaches, pineapple.
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Monday, March 18th, 2002

Time:10:13 am.
Mood: sore.
Music:new order - temptation.
oh hello..

.taking pictures in

the dark and needles and syringes and rainwater.

i miss nick. [good nick] [[hahh]]
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Saturday, March 16th, 2002

Time:3:01 pm.
Mood: numb.
Music:cibo matto - white pepper ice cream.

take the what amusing entity are you? quiz by kimburk

my life is unsuccessful, today i achieve nothing.
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Sunday, March 3rd, 2002

Subject:yaya roadtrip
Time:7:51 pm.
Mood: loved.
Music:sloan - people of the sky.
i'm going to be in santa cruz this weekend, like two nights or so. i miss the good people there so i'm visiting them, or something. fuck, i hate thinking of stuff to write here since no one counts on it, reads it, whatever. ..who are you? plus who am i? i'm someone who has moved away from the wacky city of santa cruz and is currently crying on the bathroom floor in long beach, ca. i love it, i love it.
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Friday, February 22nd, 2002

Time:7:05 am.
Mood: groggy.
Music:joy division - warsaw.
favourite musicians--

A - arab strap, air, alkaline trio, the apples in stereo
B - belle and sebastian, built to spill, blur, brian eno, the beatles, bjork, bright eyes, beck
C - the cure, the cardigans, coldplay, cibo matto, the clash
D - dashboard confesional, david bowie, dandy waarhols
E - elastica, elvis costello, eels, elliot smith
F - the faint
G - gomez, guster, green day, get up kids
H - hot water music
I - iggy pop
J - joy division, jimmy eat world, jets to brazil
K - kula shaker
L - lou reed, le tigre, ladytron, letters to cleo, lords of acid, london suede
M - modest mouse, my bloody valentine, morrissey, madonna, matthew good band
N - neutral milk hotel, new order
O - oasis, oleander
P - pulp, placebo, pedro the lion, promise ring, pavement, plone
Q - queen
R - radiohead, roxy music, reggie and the full effect, the rentals, rainer maria
S - sloan, the smiths, sunny day real estate, stereolab, superdrag
T - travis
U - ultimate fakebook, u2
V - vandals
W - weezer, the who
X - xoxo?
Y - yo la tengo
Z - zero money

current mood: alive.
current music: joy division.
current taste: sour cherry.
current hair: soaking wet.
current grievance: homesick.
current annoyance: a broken hairbrush.
current scent: candy.
current stupid musing: sleep privation.
current longing: money.
current thing i ought to be doing: going to the grocery store, cashing my paycheck.
current windows open: none, brr.
current desktop picture: myself making a peace sign.
cd's currently scattered about room: beck, sloan, smiths, joy division.
current book: Lanterns and Lances by James Thurber.
current cds in stereo: joy division, sloan!
current disc in DVD player: none.
current colour of toenails: rocket blue.
current earrings: faux diamond studs.
current refreshment: lollypop.
worry: weight gain.
current malicious intent: involves handcuffs.
current misguided opinion: candy is good for you.
current crush: chris, odelay.
current favourite celebrity: ewan mcgregor, chris murphy.
current time wasting wish: just say no.
current hate: food.
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Monday, February 18th, 2002

Subject:get down with the sickness
Time:7:41 pm.
Mood: uncomfortable.
Music:eels - spunky.
i have the flu. despair. splatter splatter. i went into work today even though i'd thrown up twice and couldn't control my shaking arms, and yeah i think the boss finally noticed despite my not speaking up for fear of having to drive myself home again. bleh. but he had a car to deliver down the street though so i followed him in my car and waited what seemed like 40 minutes and sat there in pain with the ac running before he decided that this particular 2000 Ford Expedition LE [i learned how to write receipts today] wasn't quite finished [at all] and then we drove back to the shop in both cars still. I left at 11:30 and it was fucking wonderful to stagger back here to my bath and bed.
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Sunday, February 10th, 2002

Subject:alive and alright
Time:3:56 pm.
Mood: bored.
Music:lords of acid - out comes the evil.

Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty
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Saturday, February 9th, 2002

Subject:are you okay? you've been shot in the head..
Time:9:10 pm.
Mood: predatory.
Music:david bowie - seven years in tibet.
i'm happy, this is such a good song, i'm talking to chris and lalala..
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Friday, February 8th, 2002

Subject:your name is a golden bell hung in my heart...
Time:7:10 pm.

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by
peacefulchaos !

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Subject:the mother daughter generation gap
Time:6:44 pm.
Mood:rice milk.
Music:my bloody valentine - loveless.
we found the frangapini perfume, it smells wonderful like flowers and insense, it
is a condescending shade of neon pink. we found ourselves in a little shop called
the Generation Gap, it's been open for 25 years, hehe. there you can buy swirly glitter
crafted crack pipes, ancient black lights, depleted lava lamps, etc. it was fun to look around..
my mom also bought a KISS poster, a Crow (blacklight??) poster and a fucking gorgeous black and white photo pin-up of
Madonna for me *drool* then we drove around (I drove my mum's car, listened to loud David Bowie and
Roxy Music) and went looking for a good Thai restaurant. now that i'm feeling more and more like myself, I can
look forward to seeing Chris tonight and learning to smile again.
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Subject:feeling better is easy
Time:12:31 pm.
Mood: drained.
Music:cardigans - been it.

my mom's dragging me out of bed (well, out of the house right now) and we're going to go on a search for some of her favourite perfume that smells divine and is hot pink, but is hard to find ..and maybe later we'll see a movie. chris left around 10 this morning, we slept on the couch downstairs last night to avoid my mom who was searching through her motorcycle gear, making frozen pizzas and watching new movies. we tried to watch a movie, but we fell asleep after i had taken some of my mom's atavan and it was true that I became more out of it than anything..oh well, now that i'm alive and alright my mom is *freaking* out because I wont stop writing in my journal!! hehe, she told me to write that and I am an obedient time to run along now!

oh, and that picture is me standing outside at my uncle's house yesterday. that's all there is to it.
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Tuesday, February 5th, 2002

Time:9:39 pm.
Mood: moody.
Music:beck - mellow gold.
1. First Name: Ariel
2. Hair Color: Blonde
3. Middle Name: Morgan
4. Hair Style: flippy.
5. Eye Color: blue
6. Height: 5'7''
7. Weight: 106
8. Birthday: December 2nd
9. Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
10. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: yes.
11. Do you have a crush?: yessir.

1. Favorite Animal: pandas.
2. Favorite Sport: sleeping.
3. Favorite Color(s): red, crimson.
4. Favorite Friend(s) Offline: too many to list, boo.
5. Favorite Friend(s) Online: xPeteEdgeX, Executer00, FlyinPckls, Sloanrock
6. Favorite Song(s) of the Moment: Sloan's Summer's My Season, Bjork's All is Full of Love
7. Favorite Movie Quote: "You have one choice, boy: sex or the saw! Sex is, well, nobody knows. But the saw, the saw is family!" - Texas Chainsaw part 2!
8. Favorite Store: Thrift stores, Target.
9. Favorite Feeling: deep sleep.
10. Favorite Shoe: mary janes.
11. Favorite Scent: cinnamon, nutmeg.
12. Do You Wear Make-Up?: if i can be bothered.
13. Which is more important, personality or looks?: personality.
14. What kind of personality do you like in a guy/girl?: mellow, relaxed, smart, sense of humor
15. Do you move fast or slow in a relationship?: it depends, i've had it both ways
16. What is your idea of the perfect guy/girl?: someone who's interesting, who cares about life, empathizes, listens to sloan, makes me tea..or just chris.
17. Would you ever ask someone out?: yeah, i have.
18. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: eh.

Love, Life & Friends
1. What is the first thing you notice about someone?: thier smile, their eyes.
2. When's the last time you cried?: today.
3. What do you want to be when you grow up?: I want to be a graphics designer and a writer of grand novellas.
4. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? not anymore, wahhhh.
5. How far have you gotten?: oh, i'm there baby.
6. Do you like someone right now?: yes.
7. Do they know?: yes.
8. Do you have a best friend?: yes..crystal and krista and chris..i find these names together to be quite humorous.

Within the last 24 hours, have you...
1. Had a serious talk?: not quite.
2. Hugged someone?: yes.
3. Gotten along well with your parents?: very well.
4. Fought with a friend?: nope, just avoided.

Do you like to...
1. Give hugs?: yesh.
2. Give back rubs?: i'm a weakling.
3. Take walks in the rain?: love to.
4. You ever have that falling dream?: to the point of convulsions.
5. What is on the walls of your room?: many many postcards and Jarvis and photos.
6. When you chew gum, what kind?: cinnamon extra!
7. Do you use chap stick?: yes and lipgloss is bliss.

In the last month have/did you...
1. Drink?: yes, girl drinks, i'm a girl drink drunk.
2. Smoke?: no.
3. Drugs?: no.
4. Have Sex?: yes.
5. Made Out?: yessir.
6. Go on a date?: yes.
8. Go to the mall?: yeah, i went to a mall and an outdoor mall, go me.
9. Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: that's insanity.
10. Eaten sushi?: i denounce sushi.
11. Been on stage?: no.
12. Been dumped?: no.
13: Have someone be unfaithful to you?: no.
14. Watched The Smurfs?: no, i wish.
15. Hiked a mountain?: no, that would be exercise, ick.
16. Made homemade cookies?: no.
17. Been in love?: i'm getting there.

More stuff.
1. Are you popular?: not quite, but I have a lot of friends.
2. Are you pretty? dunno.
4. What is your favorite word to say: more.
5. What is your favorite phrase to say?: slipped my mind..
6. What are you doing right now?: taking the survey, listening to Beck, blinking incesantly.
7. What song are you listening to?: Beck - Soul Suckin Jerk
8. What are you wearing?: men's pj pants, legoland teeshirt, cashmere sweater, slippers.
1. Cold or hot?: holy fucking cold.
2. Lace or satin?: lace.
3. Blue or Red?: red.
4. New or old?: old.
5. Rain or snow?: rain.
6. Give or receive?: give.
7. Wool or cotton?: cotton.
8. Rose or Daisy?: rose.
9. Private school or public school?: public.
10. Chocolate milk or plain milk?: plain.
11. Celsius or Fahrenheit?: Fahrenheit.
12. Spring or Fall?: Spring.
13. Inny or outty?: inny.
14. Now or then?: now!
15. How many fingers am I holding up?: this many.
16. Scent?: sex.
17. English or Math?: english.
18. Bath or shower?: both.
19. Bedtime phrase?: goodnight starshine.
20. Self-stick or lick?: self-stick.
21. Cursive or print?: print.
22. Do you like surprises?: love them.
23. Paranoid or Cautious?: paranoid caution.
24. Heights or Crowds? crowds.
25. Half-full or half-empty?: half-something.
26. Top or bottom?: how can I choose?
27. Do you/Would you dye your hair?: i don't, won't, na uhhhhh.
28. Speeding or running red lights?: red lights, rawr.
29. Gold or silver?: silver.
30. Bad habits?: being shy, not eating.
31. Piercing?: 7 ear piercings, belly button stud.
32. Erogenous Zone(s)?: wouldn't you like to know.
33. "Maybe" or "Mebbe?": maybe.
35. What do you wish you'd done?: .
36. Fetish?: sloanrock.
37. Do you have one of THOSE voices?: i sound like a little girl.
38. Jammies or naked?: jammies if i'm bleeding cold and alone.
39. Neurotic or psychotic?: neurotic.
40. Do you talk to yourself?: i'll have to ask myself.
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Sunday, February 3rd, 2002

Subject:javalicious part two
Time:8:43 pm.
Mood: weird.
Music:pulpy goodness.

okie, sorrie to post craptacular pictures of myself, but do you see the optical illusion that is Jarvis posing in the background?? yeah, i though, I'm tired and anxious from sitting in a doctor's waiting room for almost two hours, bleh. all those tiny metal chairs and parenting magazines crush my spirit..although when I got home chris called me from a payphone at school and it was nice to hear his voice, yessir. it's amazing how he makes me feel like things aren't all bad here, and they aren't really all that terrible..I just choose not to divulge much until I feel more alive.
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Time:8:37 pm.
Mood: amused.
Music:pulp - love is blind.

Which British Band Are You?
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Friday, February 1st, 2002

Time:10:19 am.

Which Kids In The Hall recurring character are YOU?
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Monday, January 28th, 2002

Time:2:44 pm.
Mood: pleased.
Music:blur - star shaped.
it's in the stars

dearie, my journal still sucks and I am searching for wisdom, only I feel dumb.
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Saturday, September 15th, 2001

Time:5:30 pm.
Mood: ditzy.
Music:Belle and Sebastian - A Century of Fakers.
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Friday, September 14th, 2001

Time:9:43 am.
Mood: weird.
Music:The Dandy Warhols - Boys Better.
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Sunday, August 19th, 2001

Subject:she can be broken
Time:5:32 pm.
Mood: sore.
Music:Sloan - Raspberry.
I'm cold and hungry and downloading lots of Apples in Stereo and Guster off of Morpheus (and it's working!) Steffi's back online and living in San Francisco now. I really need to make a trip up there to see people, get thrifty, eat good asian food and just overcome my fear of driving further than San Jose. I'm still sad because I'm missing the Belle and Sebastian concert in Sept. Why does school and family have to choke the life out of me? My friends are doing okay, I can still breathe in their exclusive company.
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Wednesday, August 15th, 2001

Subject:you taste like dirt
Time:7:05 pm.
Mood: bitchy.
Music:Beck - Loser.
it's going to take all day to get home tomorrow, fuck me. I hate carrying heavy bags, and mine are especialy heavy this time since I bought some clothes and shoes and underwear (which is a type of clothing, yes). like a slap in the face, I don't even want to think about school starting.
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LiveJournal for Ariel.

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