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[25 Feb 2002|04:14am]

What era of Trent Reznor are you? Take the What Trent Are You? quiz to find out!
Quiz by chameleon669!
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[23 Feb 2002|03:27pm]

What Sex Toy Are You?
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[23 Feb 2002|03:18pm]

Go Faeries!!

Take the What Faery Are You? Quiz!

This quiz was made by lia
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w0rdw0rd!whatwhat!uhhhhhhhhhhh [23 Feb 2002|11:07am]
[ mood | giddy ]

yeah i know how to party! Last night mandy and i went up to karma...nobody was there but that didnt stop us from having a DAMN good time! like mandy said in her journal...we got drizzunk....anywayz my friend brian went up there to hang with us...ive had a crush on that boy since the first day i met him over a year ago...and now we are finally getting to know eachother...its great and it makes me happy *hehe*
today mandy brian and i are gunna go to the zoo and have an all out GOOD/FUN will be good to get out of the house and do something besides party...i wanna get high before i go to the zoo though..that would be niiiiiiice...yeah so im just gunna go over to my comfy bed and go back to sleep! peash out :D

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[22 Feb 2002|03:36am]
[ mood | cheerful ]

ok so wed. night i went to hyperia to see deiselboy...and of course HE RAWKED DA FUCKIN HIZZOUS...non the less...omg i had so much fun...saw alot of old freinds...and partied down ;) i went with christopher...he got kinda tipsy so i had to drive his ass home! hehe hes cute! i met a few people there too...i met a guy that looks like travis from blink182! woot! when i came home kevin was up so i ended up talking to him till im up and about at 3am on friday morning...haaaaaaa
kthxbye *cheer*

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[17 Feb 2002|05:31pm]
[ mood | horny ]

im at christophers listening to moulin rouge soundtrack...and christopher is singing hehehe...liz is in the shower getting her pootang clean for me! *lick*
i love you too christopher and liz *unf*

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hahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahha [17 Feb 2002|07:23am]

GOTH GIRLYour personality type is GOTH GIRL. Drawn to the darker things in life, you enjoy scary movies and walking in graveyards. Your favourite colour is black and you probably own a cat.
Click HERE to get your own personality doll
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oops [15 Feb 2002|04:27pm]
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:D [15 Feb 2002|10:46am]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | the sounds of the UFo inside da area! SELECTAH! ]

I JUST WOKE UP AND IM WIDE AWAKE!!!! just thought i would let you know...
im going to hyperia tonight to see DIESELBOY!!!! omg im sooooo fucking excited.....i get to shake my booty to some jungle style for the first time in a very very LONG time...cant wait...!
ok i gotta go get my nails done,buy clothes,and do some other shit..kthxbye!

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wooo [15 Feb 2002|02:11am]
[ mood | flirty ]
[ music | UFO ]

yeah so im back in houston...i still wish i was in New Orleans...i had the time of my life! so much fucking was a drunkin boobie fest hahaha...the first night i got too drunk and got sick...i didnt pace myself...but the rest of the week i did...and i prolly got about a total of 4 hours sleep...its ok cuz i know how to party *winkwink* i was gunna go to zoolu but i didnt make it up there...had to many hurricanes....*mmm* just thinking about it makes me wanna have another er maybe 4...the drive back was horrible...felt like it took 2 days...
today was valentines day...i spent it with my VERY good freinds Liz and Christopher...i love those 2 so much!!!!! we went out to eat sushi and they gave me roses! *awwwwe* now im home and i gotta go to bed so goodnight
oh yeah i got the UFO cd...its bad ass!
peash out dawooogs

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[08 Feb 2002|10:11am]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Tribal gathering or something on winamp on christophersputer ]

yeah so im packed and ready to go to nola...we should be leaving in a few...*cheer*
i cant wait to get away from kinda sick of everyoen bitching me out sorry but i make my own damn decisions...its my life...and if my so called "freinds" dont wanna be freinds with me anymore because of my job...then hey i guess they wernt real freinds to begin such a more chilled layed back person than i used to be and i dont flip out over lil things anymore...i dunno what else to say im drawing a blank....i love all my freinds and you know who you are...

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[04 Feb 2002|11:50am]
[ mood | hopeful ]

yeah so im sitting here stuffing my face with jack & the box like a fat ass would....ha!...its good so i dont care...ive been loosing weight this past week so its all good *woop*...kevin is sleeping at the moment...YES my friend kevin is living with me...its good to have someone be here!!!!! cuz ive been so lonely living all by myself...hes a great roomate...we just chill and smoke herbs all day...but its getting time for me to get a job...tomorrow i have an interview at Noahs ark vet clinic...ill be a vet tech..which ive alwayz wanted to it will be great...
hahaha my kittin is cute! kevin put this braclet on his has spikes...he looks all hardcore...
ok anyways...i really wanna go to OKC~!%$@@ to see my trent poopnugglet...i dunno whats going on with that right now...hopefully i can go sometime soon....all im doing is "hoping" i love him and i know ill get to see him soon so its ok :)
today im going to huntsville...liz is going to take pictures of me for her photography class...:D im excited! woohoo...
i also cleaned my grandmas house and got some monies cuz i gots to pay this fool back and shit...well im out peash w0rdw0rd haha* ;)
KEEP IT REAL! *giggle*

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*teehee* [31 Jan 2002|06:40pm]
[ mood | happy ]

MmMMm pizza when you just wake up is the bomb diggity y0...hehe*
ive been trying to look for a job but its just not working...i woke up today and to my suprise :O my vet left a message on my answering machine saying she wants me to work for her...hopefully it will be a job...last time she called me she wanted me to do kenal work for $6 an hour..i said NO! not gunna be cleaning shit for $6 an hopefully its the job i want this time...ive also been talking alot to Trent up in OKC...He and I use to have a thing about 2 years ago...and im falling for him again...i want to see him ever so prolly gunna go up there for valentines day if everything goes well...he means alot to me and i love him to death...mmm just thinking about it makes my heart go *pitter patter*...its a good feeing to have! i havent had this feeling in SOOOO happy thats all that matter right now...:D

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yay [29 Jan 2002|07:50pm]
Sea Green

This quiz says absolutely nothing about your personality. Take it!

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w0rdw0rd aww jeahhhhh baby! [29 Jan 2002|12:46am]
click to take it!

You're slick, sleek, and you waste no time when there's a mission to be taken care of. You do what you're told, even if it sometimes means risking your life. You care for others to such an extent that you'd do anything for the ones you love. Not only that, but you're stylish, original, agile, and passionate.
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lalala [28 Jan 2002|06:58am]
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CHRIS IS DA ISH!!!!!!! [28 Jan 2002|06:47am]
OHHHHHHHHHHH....And much LoVe to da OnE like cHrIs!!!!!cdlrosa you rawk! w0rd

<3 mandy and corn <3
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Crackeded outnesss and stuffies [28 Jan 2002|06:10am]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Juno Reactor ]

um weekend started off friday...i went to christopher and liz's house...we drank alot of alcohol...we went out to eat at Mai's which is the best place ever! they are open till about 4am! *score* after that we headed over to Stone's house...haha he got me pretty damn stoned*w0rdw0rd*...after that i came home and crashed...but listen to this shit!..................
on saturday i went to christopher and liz's house again...drank a couple of drinks...smoked MAD dope...but then *uh oh* christopher busts out with some PILLZZZZ....hahaha right! i prolly took about a whole pill...and those fuckers where HUGE! but then..check this out...chris goes and gets some acid...what? did you just say acid? oh w0rd...anywayz took bout a half of that...and my world was all fux0red up...BUT THEN....christopher says "whipit store now" hahaha....yeah whipits to top it all off...i wasnt gunna do any cuz i was already feeling cracked out as it was...but hey...i did it anywayz..and it RAWKED my sox(as mandy would say)...the drive home was pretty damn fucking bright if you ask me...not really used to being awake during the day...but anywayz...i took a shower and that was the hardest thing i have ever fucking done in my life!!!!! yeah trying not to look at shit when your bathing yourself(as in bubbles and perve)*um no*...i went to bed...woke up 6 hours later *why* ate some pizza and a shit load of other im still awake and its almost 6:30 am...needz some mad sleeps right about now dawwooog...ok peash out foolz! :D

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*SCORE* [28 Jan 2002|06:02am]

Which of Jen's Favorite
Famous Women Are You Most Like?

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w0rdw0rd [28 Jan 2002|12:20am]
[ music | da sounds of mandy playin wif da kitty ]

See what Care Bear you are.

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