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Making out- No Doubt |
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. s u r v e y . Basics
1. First Name: Kim 2. Hair Color: Dark brown to a blackish color 3. Middle Name: Neecole 4. Hair Style: straight hair to my chin 5. Eye Colour: Dark Brown 6. Height: 5'6 7. Location: My bedroom 8. Birthday: Jan 13 9. Zodiac Sign: Capricorn 10. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: No 11. Do you have a crush?: well lets see who do I not have a crush on should be the question. But i would say I have the biggest Josh Hartnett crush and I have a big Crush On Juan
1. Favourite Animal: Kitty and rabbits 2. Favourite Sport: Soccer lacrosse 3. Favourite Colour(s): Baby Blue, Black, White, Pink 4. Favourite Friend(s) Offline: Uh i dun know i guess i would say my lil circle of MLC friends 5. Favourite Friend(s) Online: The Random Josh fans I meet and my old friends and more MLC 6. Favourite Song(s) of the Moment: That song by the calling u know ugh i forgot 7. Favourite Movie Quote: "Don't Dream it be it" 8. Favourite Store: Filenese, Epic, American Eagle, Aeroposptale hot topic ocansionaly 9. Favourite Feeling: Being loved :) 10. Favourite Shoe: those big platform Mary Jane sneakers 11. Favourite Scent: Plumeria, Ralph 12. Do You Wear Make-Up?: Yes 13. Which is more important, personality or looks?: Personality matters but looks count too cuz u don't want someone butt ugly and u don't wanna be BUTT UGLY 14. What kind of personality do you like in a guy/girl?: A real dork, funny, sensitive, not to sensitive, caring, likes me for me, good conversation, 15. Do you move fast or slow in a relationship?: Uh dunno 16. What is your idea of the perfect guy/girl?: Josh Hartnett umm well lets see if I can't have Josh I want a shy rebel, funny, sensitive, caring, person who likes me, my friends, a dork, etc 17. Would you ever ask someone out?: Yeah 18. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes: Brunettes cuz Josh Hartnett man but Blondes are ok it really doesn't matter as long as they r cool nice etc
Love, Life, + Friends
1. What is the first thing you notice about someone?: Eyes 2. When's the last time you cried?: I cry everyday 3. What do you want to be when you grow up?: I wanna be like Halle BErry 4. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: Sometimes 5. Do you want children?: I have a kid already with u know who lol no joking it not a real kid but yeah one day 6. How far have you gotten?: Out of this world in beyond I mean we went off to see the wizard lol.. no uh im innocent jeeze 7. Do you like someone right now?: Yeah 8. Do they know?: Supposedly yes 9. Do you have a best friend?: Yeah
Within the last 24 hours, have you. .
1: Had a serious talk?: nope 2: Hugged someone?: no 3: Gotten along well with your parents?: Hell no I hate my dad we haven't talked in 4 days and I hate him did I say I hate him? I really do 4: Fought with a friend?:no
Do you like too
1: Give hugs?: Yes 2: Give back rubs?: LOL I remember that lil excersise thing we did in class where we had to rub someones back and they had to return the favor and we were all in a circle it was funny then there was the lil HCT back rub thingy massage junk but being an MLCer that stufff doesn't happen 3: Take walks in the rain?: No 4: You ever have that falling dream?: what is that? 5: What is on the walls of your room?: Posters of JOsh Hartnett, Brandon Boyd, the rest of Incubus, Aaliyah, Shakira, Gwen Stefani, Alicia Keys, Mena Suvari, Josh again Josh again Josh again 6: When you chew gum, what kind?: Bubble yum or whatever i can get a hold of 7: Do you use lip blam?: Yes
in the last month have you or did you. .
1. Drink?: Nah 2. Smoke?: Yes 3. Drugs?: I don't do drugs 4. Have Sex?: No 5. Made Out?: nope 6. Go on a date?: No 7. Go to the movies?: Yes ive been actually like everyweek this month 8. Go to the mall?: Yeah 9. Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: No 10. Eaten sushi?: No 11. Been on stage?: yes 12. Been dumped?: No 13. Had someone be unfaithful to you?: Oh yeah 14. Watched The Smurfs?: No 15. Hiked a mountain?: Nope 16. Made homemade cookies?: Yes 17. Been in love?: Im in love with Josh and Juan
More Stuff
1. Are you popular?: no 2. Are you pretty?: No but everyone is 3. Do you have your own phone line?: No i have my own phone and I have my own cell phone but not my own line in my house. 4. What is your favourite word to say?: Dork 5. What is your favourite phrase to say?: You dumb dork 6. What are you doing right now?: A survey 7. What song are you listening to?: Incubus Nice to know you 8. What are you wearing?: Black pants, black tank top, black kitten sawks from Hot topic,
Prefrences- Pick
1. Cold or hot?: Cold 2. Lace or satin?: Lace 3. Blue or Red?: blue 4. New or old?: New 5. Rain or snow?: Snow 6. Give or receive?: recieve 7. Wool or cotton?: Cotton 8. Rose or Daisy?: Daisy 9. Private school or public school?: Public 10. Chocolate milk or plain milk?: Milk sucks 11. Celsius or Fahrenheit?: Fahrenheit 12. Spring or Fall?: spring 13. Inny or outty?: Inny 14. Now or then?: Then 15. How many fingers am I holding up?: Kiss my ass 16. Scent?: uh??? 17. English or Maths?: English 18. Bath or shower?: shower 19. Bedtime phrase?: Don't let the bed bugs bite 20. Self-stick or lick?: Self stick 21. Cursive or print?: print 22. Do you like surprises?: suprises it doesn't matter 23. Paranoid or Cautious?: Paranoid 24. Heights or Crowds?: Crowds 25. Half-full or half-empty?: Half-full 26. Top or bottom?: Depends 27. Do you/Would you dye your hair?: Maybe 28. Speeding or running red lights?: Speeding 29. Gold or silver?: silver 30. Bad habits?: Being online too much; geting mad easily; Biting my nails, Yelling, Not doing homework, 31. Piercings?: my ears thats about all 32. Erogenous Zone(s)?: uh 33. "Maybe" or "Mebbe?": Maybe 34. Snore or talk?: none of that 35. What do you wish you'd done?: JOsh uh no uh LOl said yes and called someone lol 36. Fetish: Josh Hartnett 37. Do you have one of THOSE voices?: Yeah i guess 38. Jammies or naked?: Jammies 39. Neurotic or psychotic?: Neurotic 40. Do you talk to yourself?: Yeah y not