Captain Howdy Loves Reagen's LiveJournal
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Captain Howdy Loves Reagen's LiveJournal:
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Sunday, March 10th, 2002 | 12:31 am |
im going to buy a pair of creepers,they r like 80 which is not bad since the same pair on another site was like 109,i really am geting aggravated over the stupid crushlink thing,i want to know who keeps on sending me those things argh................ anyways hope me friends r having a great night later the creep Current Mood: tiredCurrent Music: the exploited | 12:28 am |
im going to buy a pair of creepers,they r like 80 which is not bad since the same pair on another site was like 109,i really am geting aggravated over the stupid crushlink thing,i want to know who keeps on sending me those things argh................ anyways hope me friends r having a great night later the creep Current Mood: tiredCurrent Music: the exploited | Friday, March 8th, 2002 | 10:51 am |
bad news mike yesterday i felt sad,i felt dizzy,and kinda mad,at work i felt slow,confused,and did not know what to do,lastnight i got drenched with rain,while i was getting carts,i might get really sick,i might even die,i feel better today,but theres always a relasp of lastnight.and sometime soon my luck might just run out. Current Mood: depressedCurrent Music: creepshow | Thursday, March 7th, 2002 | 2:46 pm |
thinking bout my friends just hoping all of my friends r having a great day,thinking bout you makes me happy!!
Current Mood: dizzy | 10:30 am |
blah blah dont read confusing my thoughts i dont understand about some people. hell i dont even understand myself,you know all the people on the internet i talk to, never understand me,there always like what? blah blah blah, im nt so worried about moving to virginia anymore,im kinda thrilled at least i will get to hang out with my awesome grandparents, and work on engines and shit with my grandpa,mans do i miss them, they actually understood me.friends r good but friends can turn in a snap of fingers,but i actually have a couple good ones, and u know who u r. kjdflkdasahaldjdas;lkdjlsjkdaslaslkjdask jdlkasjdlka im confused
the creep
Current Mood: confused Current Music: creepshow theme (horror movie) | Tuesday, February 26th, 2002 | 10:10 am |
somone has a crush on me,and i can not find who,its like your crush has the same domain as you blah blah blah blah and has 6 letters in the first name blah blah blah blah its really making me aggrivated that i cant figure it out. creep Current Mood: aggravatedCurrent Music: the circle jerks | 12:29 am |
ive been thinking bout this alot, say if i was to get really sick and have to go into the hospital,and say i died, i wonder if my friends would kare?i hope they would say yes, but in the back of my head i know its just to be nice, cause noone really kares bout me except my also thinking bout the moving day,im kinda scared in away,i mean i dont know why?if i were to buy some book for signing,i wonder if anyone would sign it? the creep Current Mood: sadCurrent Music: soul asylum (runaway train) | Saturday, February 23rd, 2002 | 12:23 am |
im sorry anyone if you were on(ashley m.) and i blew up at you,i just feel like im being fucked around at work with me hours and they always give me such late ass shifts and like one day off everyonce in just burned out tired pissed cranky and i dont get enough sleep which piles the shit over the top. so yea im so sorry if i blew up at any of you guys its just me blowing my top. the creep Current Mood: drainedCurrent Music: weezer | 12:12 am |
Current Mood: drainedCurrent Music: weezer | Friday, February 22nd, 2002 | 1:17 pm |
yay i bleached me hair last night it looks so coo, i like my hair bleached its like a whitey yellow blonde, heh i like it.i miss friends that i use to hang out with, at skool now noone has time to hang out very sad cause im going to be moving in a few.and i still need a picture of all of us =) Current Mood: sadCurrent Music: weezer | Monday, February 18th, 2002 | 3:08 pm |
i hate people all together i went to the vf factory cause supposeably they were selling pinstriped and plaid pants for like 4 dollars and i went there and it was like i was speaking a different language,dumbfounded it must take stupid people to run a buissness these days.and its like since i am not in some of these gay little trends that people have, im considered the bad guy, like if i go into like bestbuy its like oh no look out for this kid hes dressed different then us trendy assholes so he might steal something then u get like fiffty people constantly asking if they can help u. its like piss off im not going to steal anything from your worthless store geeze. like ragen said some people r just plan gaye.and boy she hit the nail on the head there.i think people r just afraid of change, so they see something not in there trend so they figure its a bad seed. well let me tell those people something, change accures every fucking second of the day, and if those people can not handle the change they can just go fuck themselves cause im tired of it. i dont kare if people stare at me its fine i dont kare if people comment on me for how i look.i just dont kare about people plan and simple. the creep Current Mood: angryCurrent Music: the meatmen | Friday, February 15th, 2002 | 11:01 am |
new haircut i want to get a fiftys ducktail greaser haircut like on the movie the outsiders, that would be so awesome so i prolly will yay. the creep Current Mood: energeticCurrent Music: stabbing westward | Wednesday, February 13th, 2002 | 9:27 am |
i feel SICK my tummy feels all messed up and shit this suxs,i hate feeling sick blah, i watched a nightmare on elm street dismorning it was awesome ofcourse, i finally bought it yesterday, now i have a grand total of 31 horror movies yay ,and i bought the movie fallen down on dvd very awesome movie check them out. Current Mood: blahCurrent Music: seven dust | Tuesday, February 12th, 2002 | 8:13 am |
PiSsEd OfF am i the kind of person which everyone loves to blow off? and if so fuck those people that say yea,i can be a cold hearted person too, i just dont like to hurt peoples feelings,well they can think what they want to think, im not changing i like me, people like me, my dogs like me, cause im the real article what you see is what you get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the creep Current Mood: grumpyCurrent Music: u.s. bombs | Friday, February 8th, 2002 | 8:26 am |
$280.00 good lord thats alot of money, im not going to buy it i have been writeing emails to the guys who make the masks for the friday the 13th movies, the jason hockey masks, and shit, they want an arm and a leg for one, get this they want like 270 for one like 190 for another and like 280 for another almost freakin 300 dollars, thats nutts.shit i am just going to make my own, like make the mold for it and everything, so i need confiedence from all you guys, trust me it works. stay healthy all and i will talk to u all later =) later mike Current Mood: productiveCurrent Music: jackle | Thursday, February 7th, 2002 | 8:03 am |
yesterday at work was fun, well later on cause i worked until midnight again and me and the kick ass manager ruth were all fulling around the whole time like acting dumb and shit i like chillin with her shes the awesomest manager.oh ya those 2 damn good looking punk gurls ashley and nicole came in yesterday sheesh they r hotties, lol and nicoles hair looks very good for a do it yourselfer.if i cut my own hair it would = shit.she should be a hair dresser.ya i did not even talk to them i even walked right in frontof them, im dumb i should have stoped and chilled with them.but i felt ackward and like shit so ya.and i did not want to make them feel ackward.well next time they come in i def have to talk to them.i miss chillin with those guys that was awesome.oh ya i cut my finger yesterday with a knife its a deep cut across the top of me ring finger then at work a piece of card board slidunder neath it again and it bled like a mother but blood tastes good.i hope i did not screw over my friendship with nicole and ashley cause that would sux.anyways in gonna go so (I HOPE YOU DID AWESOME ON YOUR PERMIT TEST ASHLEY!!!! =)) oh ya me and my sisters awesome boyfriend r going to make r own friday the 13th hockey mask from a mold we r going to make its gonna rule cause we r both so awesome at art. LATER MIKE Current Mood: excitedCurrent Music: my dog snoring | Tuesday, February 5th, 2002 | 4:05 pm |
i hate it here i hate it so much, i like my friends tho thats like 6, and u know what im really freakin tired off, friends that make up bullshit so that they wont have to hang out with u,im tired of all this shit, if u dont like me then just freaking tell me dont just keep on giving me the bullshit cocka run around cause i am not going to put up with any of that horse shit anymore im tired and the true friends i have r very slim like i said about 6 geeze some people can be so god damn imature about shit it drives me to drink. later mike Current Mood: bitchyCurrent Music: pissed off | 3:58 pm |
i work 6 to midnight tonight so come on in and see me,heh yea right the only ones that ever do come in are me friends robert and kiri and tara.everyone else must be to good to come see me i see how it is!!!!! later mike Current Mood: crankyCurrent Music: shindlers list theme | 9:06 am |
im bored i got some stupid skin thing on my arm and it hurts like a bugger, my back hurts i have to work till midnight tonight, no one talks to me, or writes in my suckey journal,i have a dead journal too its coo.i want to get drunk right now but cant cause i work tonight. ohwell i better just head back to me room and watch cartoons.. ok later yall later mike write me god dang it Current Mood: aggravatedCurrent Music: The Unseen Police Brutality | Monday, February 4th, 2002 | 7:48 am |
yesterday was coo, at the ren. fair. haha i twisted me hair into spikes so me whole head was covered and as soon as i got there these ren gurls all come up to me and r like r u alright me dear did u get burned or electricuted i started laughin, im like no im allright.then it continued throughout the fair all these people were like did a porquipine attack your head.hahaha it was a hoot,but some hot ass ren gurls were all like hi spikey head boy and they all waved at he ohhhhhhhhhh they were so hot yay. i got all the attention.then i saw this one guy and i was like what r u suppose to be thetown drunk and hes like i beg your pardon u r not much better lol. it was hilarious. then i saw some hottie punk girls there like two ohhhhhhhh i wish i talked to them but i could not get up the nerve. and they kept looking at me so at least they noticed me so tired i did not go to bed until 2am yesterday morning and we stayed at the fair until close.and i had nothing to eat the whole i came home ate tool a shower ofcourse, and plopped down on my bed and dozed off, that did not take that much. oh i t was great seeing hot girls and talking to them yay everyone there is going to remember me sean robert kiri and his grotesqly disgusting brother mike. all in all i had a time to remeber with me friends awwwwwwwwwwwww i love those guys oh so much except mike ofcourse. Current Mood: amusedCurrent Music: Black Flag |
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