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[26 Feb 2002|05:59pm]

streak it

This sadness alone [17 Feb 2002|09:59pm]
Nothing to do...nothing to see...no one to be with. lately ive been writing stuff next to my drawings, they may not makes sense to people but i don't really give a rats ass. As the days pass, i think that i will write some of them here. ok well that's all i guess. ¤ later days ¤
1 streak in the sky| streak it

[09 Feb 2002|12:19pm]
ok so i changed the background music, it's kinda lame cause it's a midi. but im gonna find a way to put actual audio. wait scratch that...i found a way but i just gotta do the editing and uploading, wich will take me a while...but hey now i have something to do.
streak it

[06 Feb 2002|10:47pm]
Ok finally i update..i have been avoiding it cause nothing really exciting happend. so i let stuff accumulate...so here it is. the show on saturday was really awsome! bought me a tsunami bomb shirt, and ate jack in da box. my brother and i are in the process of putting performance parts into my sisters car. and i started modifying my journal abit more..i hope you all love my background music (if you cant hear it please leave me a message) it's metallica "one". um im going to this thing at fullerton tomorrow that should be pretty cool. go bowling and play pool and what not. ¤later days¤
1 streak in the sky| streak it

Saturday dilema [29 Jan 2002|04:13pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | thursday-wind-up ]

ok so there's this awsome show on sat. and i really wanna go cause kiers is going and all the cool younger ppl in our fam. the thing is my moms birthday is tomorrow...and she's gonna have her party on saturday. i don't know whether to stay here and be with my mom...or go have fun with those crazy kids i call cousins. my head feels so blah, ive been thinking about this all day...

4 streaks in the sky| streak it

[23 Jan 2002|03:02pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | No use for a Name- Note your savior ]

ok well yesterday i got my thursday shirt in the mail...im so happy i looks awsome, and today i got my thursday buttons in the mail....one of em looks wrong but i don't care cause i only paid $2 for em so ha! ppl on ebay are buying em for $6 and up...no school today, so im relaxing listening to my fat wreck chords compilation cd..it's pretty awsome. kiers came over the other day and left her cd's here, she was distracted so i guess it could have happend to anyone. i dunno what else to say for today because ive just been talking jibberish so far so um....later days!

streak it

[21 Jan 2002|01:52am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | A0001- Thursday ]

We'll all look the same someday, and even now the robot starts to think...I wonder what it dreams- Thursday

2 streaks in the sky| streak it

[20 Jan 2002|05:00pm]

streak it

[20 Jan 2002|04:44pm]
Hey, i see you have braces...i have braces too. ok that was lame but i saw beavis and butt-head do america today. i hung out with v and cess and jen at the montebello mall today it was pretty fun...i got me an a.f.i. t-shirt pretty awsome. later we went to watch "orange county" pretty funny movie, it made me laugh alot. i created a new image today check it out...those are lyrics from various thursday songs just in case if you were wondering. um...that's all for today i guess...check you later.
streak it

[16 Jan 2002|10:42pm]
Hey ppl...what's up? I met some great ppl online these last 2 weeks...ppl are great! i miss my pata :( my aunt should pay for the internet again so she could come back to the net and the lj world. um...not much for to day....so um....yeah..."i am no killer"
1 streak in the sky| streak it

[14 Jan 2002|09:39pm]
OMG!!!! just today i started reading stuff about la llorona...and just 2 mins a go i saw a comercial w/ her in it!! it was a got milk commercial. how freaky is that??
2 streaks in the sky| streak it

[14 Jan 2002|01:39am]
Damn that deso!! i went to that pic thing...damn shit scared the fuck out of me...i still see it in my head, just coming at me. oh i joined a new community i posted in there and it's really cool...if you're ever in a ghost story mood you should go to it. It's called spookylegends. i might start a new community sometime soon so check back with that later...that is if kiersto can get me the code. spent time with adrian today...he wasted 3.5 hours of my life doing nothing. i sat in the truck listening to music for 3.5 hours in a parking lot...while he was flirting with some girl he likes. we raced a 96' civic and actually won...i trip out on that rodeo of my dads....i was eating my #4 combo from carls jr. during this race. i have never eaten so fast in my life! i don't think i even tasted the damn food...it was like chew chew swallow and so on and so forth. anyway im here home thinking of ghost stuff...looking for latin american urban legends like the llorona and shit like that. later gators...
streak it

[11 Jan 2002|01:10pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | mass as shadows ]


001) Full Name: Alex Jimenez
002) Birthday: 9.4.83
003) Age: 18
004) Zodiac Sign: Virgo
005) Where you live: west covina


006) If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? My brother.
007) If you had to go live in borneo for the rest of your life and you could take one person on this earth,who would you take? Anyone willing to go with me.
008) Who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with? Kiersten "the pata".
009) If you woke up one morning and noticed that your leg was missing who would be the first person you would call? my brother.
010) Let's say your dad came in your room one day and told you that you had to get married in the next week but you can pick the person but you have to stay with them for the rest of your life no getting out of it, who would you pick? cameron diaz.
011) What if you woke up tomorrow and you were someone else completely, who would you be? kris roe.


012) What would be the first thing you would do if you woke up one morning and you were the opposite sex? Play with my boobs.
013) If all of a sudden you had the ability to do one thing better than everyone else, have one amazing talent, what would it be? play guitar.
014) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change(personality and looks)? Looks - my clothes, Personality - less shy around the beautiful ladies
015) What is your dream career? Doctor or Electrical engineer, maybe.
016) What is the one thing you just have to do before you die? fall in love.
017) If you could be a member of any band that has ever exsisted, what band would that be? Metallica.
018) What is the thing you care about most in your life? Pata's and friends.


019) winter or summer? winter
020) the beach or the mountains? Beach
021) pop or punk? punk
022) rock or rap? Rock.
023) new york or L.A.? Los Angeles...the Greatest City in the World.
024) milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Dark Chocolate.
025) dogs or cats? Dogs.
026) britney or christina? Christina.
027) leno or letterman? Leno, most definately.
028) mtv or vh1? punk-o-rama
029) country or classical? Classical
030) day or night? The night time is the right time.
031) lake or ocean? Ocean.
032) waffles or pancakes? Waffles.
033) soccer or football? Football.
034) baseball or swimming? Baseball!
035) chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate.
036) sugar or spice? Sugar...
037) grisham or canyon vista? Grisham.
038) eminem-please stand up or please shut up? Stand up.


039) If you could be in any movie as the lead role what movie would it be? Detroit Rock City (drummer for Mystery).
040) If you could design your perfect mate what would he/she look like and be like? Cameron Diaz.
041) If you won the lottery what would you do with your, let's say, 18 million dollars? Pay bills, buy muscle cars, build a new house for my parents, and buy many beautiful guitars.
042) What is the single most embarressing thing that has ever happened to you? i peed my pants in kindergarden...stupid teacher.


043) fallen in front of someone you thought to be quite good looking? Maybe - wasn't a big deal if I did.
044) run into a wall? Uh-huh. Parked cars hurt worse...and trees.
045) sleep walked? Yes.
046) gone skinny-dipping? Yes.
047) kissed someone of the same sex? hell no.
048) snuck out of the house at night? Yes.
049) gotten in a car wreck where you are the driver? No0.
050) laughed so hard that what you were drinking spewed out your nose? Yes.
051) started laughing really hard so you just spit out what you had in your mouth cause you couldn't swallow? Yes.
052) swallow a bug? last week.
053) actually kept a new year's resolution? Don't know - Probably not.

streak it

[11 Jan 2002|12:49pm]
Hi, I'm Greg Brady!
Which Brady Bunch kid are you most like?
streak it

[11 Jan 2002|12:47pm]
Understanding: yes
Open-minded: yes
Arrogant: no
Insecure: depends on what we are talking about
Determined: yes
Musically talented: I can sing, play guitar ::somewhat::, baritone and trumpet, and drums
Interesting: i think so
Hungry: no
Casual: yes
Friendly: yes
Social: i guess
Socially noticed: no
Underestimated: yes
Unmotivated: no
Procrastinating: hehe...too much
Strong: yes
Special: isn't everyone?
Gifted: in some areas
Smart: sure
Moody: yes
Childish: i have the potential
Independent: very
Up for a challenge: uh-huh
Hard working: if i so choose
Organized: very
Healthy: pretty normal
Shy: sometimes
Difficult: sometimes
Lacking vocabulary skills: no, i give myself vocab words to improve my speech
Attractive: i like to think so
Aware: very
Bored easily: yes
Messy: no
Thirsty: always
Gullible: no
Responsibility: what's that? j/k yeah im resposible
Obsessed: can be at times
Angry: sometimes it cannot be helped
Sad: also, it can sometimes not be helped
Happy: sometimes
Convincing: yes
Careful: quite
Trusting: trusting, until someone gives me a reason to no longer trust them
Contradicting: yes...wait, no...well, maybe
Careless: sometimes
Schizophrenic: no
Ill: no
Talkative: depends on the person
Curious: yes
Indecisive: no
Legal: um...i dunno
Original: i dunno
Different: yes
Unique: i believe so
Ignored: ignored by some
Reliable: yes, unless i have to be something bad happens
Content: no
Optimistic: sometimes
Deep Thinker: sure
Self-disciplined: i guess
Sleepy: not so much
Lonely: quite
Mortal: heck no..you cant kill me you bastards!! muahahahaha <-- evil laugh
streak it

[10 Jan 2002|11:11pm]

Ah the wonder years...how great was this show? i mean really there was an anoying older brother...a cool hippie sister... a dorky best friend...and a love intrest name winnie cooper. family shot with paul gettin in the way :-) as you can tell im quite bored
streak it

[10 Jan 2002|09:40pm]

Dig my blue hair...you know you want blue hair

took me 10 mins. to make this...it was the longest 10 mins. of my life!!
streak it

[09 Jan 2002|11:21pm]

You are sexy, outgoing, and inwardly poetic, just like that uber-endowed, and massivley taltented guitarist Jimi Hendrix! you!

Test made by

Take the ' which dead rockstar ' are you, test, here!

2 streaks in the sky| streak it

[09 Jan 2002|11:19pm]

Not quite that quick on the uptake, you're in it for the music and the LSD. But you rock, just likeJohn Lennon

Test made by

Take the ' which dead rockstar ' are you, test, here!

streak it

[09 Jan 2002|10:53pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | billie jean on the boob tube ]

hey...im bored, im actually watching the rerun of the jackson concert...bringin back memories from when these songs were new. ah 80's nastalgia. watching transformers, thundercats, and HE-MAN protector of the universe. great decade to be a kid.

streak it

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