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January 19th, 2005

09:31 pm - Anyone Know More?

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08:30 pm
ok well.. I've not been able to find a job and I've been looking since Dec 1st. So now my question is this...

where are the call centers around Nashville? I won't do outbound calls.. but I will take inbound calls..

thanks for any suggestions..


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08:28 pm
ok well.. I've not been able to find a job and I've been looking since Dec 1st. So now my question is this...

where are the call centers around Nashville? I won't do outbound calls.. but I will take inbound calls..

thanks for any suggestions..


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08:19 pm - help tennessee
We're The Love Drunks, a blues-punk band from Atlanta. We sound like Black Flag fucking up The Cramps.

Anyway, help us get some publicity, why don't ya? We need to get in touch with websites, radio stations, local music papers...whatever! If you know someone that can help, just pop us an email at thelovedrunks@yahoo.com or reply below. Thanks!

Fri March 11th - at The Obscure (Cookeville, TN) 9:00, All Ages

Sat March 12th - at The Old Hickory Collective (Jackson, TN) 9:00, All Ages

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02:08 pm - topics in biology and psychology book for sale!
For MTSU people looking for textboooks:

I have a Topics In Biology book that I am selling for $20 and Psychology book (the purple one. They are $66 at Phillips Bookstore I think) that I'm selling for $40. Email me at ebbie_rocks@hotmail.com or leave your info so I contact you if you want to buy them. I also live on campus if you want to see the books before you buy them.

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01:57 pm

Hey guys, for all of you who don't know, I'm in a band called September 22nd.  Anyway, we just finished up recording a new ep to be released in February, and we've posted a new song on our myspace.

It's heavy but not metalcore.  If bands like Converge, ISIS, Deftones, and Neurosis are your thing, you might like this.  So please check it out.  The song is called "If The Devil Were Real, That Sonofabitch Would Speak Spanish."



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01:24 pm - Working as a Loan Officer at Athens First Bank & Trust, Blogging on the Sly, Day One
See, the thing about loans is, you never ever want to overapply for a loan, putting up all your houses, cars, tractors, and pools for collateral. That makes you look desperate, like you don’t even need the money, which will cause the loan official to invariably laugh, crumple then wad your loan application up, cackle, and ball it up and throw it into the white-hot cylinder which rotates in the center of the bank, on a steel dais, which doubles as both a conveniently placed incinerator and also tool to keep the building steady on its own, independent axis, which is disconnected from the earth between the hours of noon and five, revolving then, passing slowly through the chilly, afternoon Athens sky, above the downtown and campus areas, its loan officials glancing down intermittently, happily waving at all the collegians, throwing them scraps to play with. Morsels of loan. Tiny, delicious wisps of pretend, faux-loan. Okay, that's enough.

EDIT: Bonus insight: No matter what happens in Iraq, in a few decades Americans will probably all look back on it and say, hey, you guys. You know what? For better or worse, we probably did a lot of good in that region.

EDIT2: Bonus link: It's just like the movie My Best Friend's Wedding, except instead it's My Best Friend's Latest Post.

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01:23 pm
who wants to teach me how to play the guitar? I've played a string instrument for most of my life, so it wont be too terribly difficult. I have no money with which to pay you, but I can bake :)

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01:19 pm
i am sick....the viruses/bacterium in my body want to kill me. But my body's putting up a valiant fight. However that leaves me in the middle feeling crappy and horrible and not able to work. I am currently rooting for my body to win.
Current Mood: [mood icon] sick
Current Music: Scared of Chaka - spitting quarters

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09:20 am
i am very much terrified of going to the dentist. for over a year i have wanted a new dentist because i rather dislike the dentist i've been going to for the past few years (evil). so last all last week when i was in pain due to the small size of my mouth and a molar crowding it i refused to go to the dentist, but finally it hurt so bad i went to the school nurse. she told me what i did not want to hear: you need to go to the dentist. arg! i don't want to go to my dentist! so there was a rush to find a new dentist who would see me... very soon. so, finally on monday i had two teeth removed. it was not very bad at all because this new dentist was nice and he put me to sleep and i woke up and my teeth were gone! my complaint now (it is always something isn't it) is that i have to eat soft food and mush which can be frustrating. i want real food! real food i tell you! well anyway, enough of that.

so, mister z and myself have been watching Fruits Basket, which miss kerri has let me borrow, and of course it is very good! so far, my favorite characters are yuki, haru and momiji and z's favorite character is shigure. z has one more episode to watch until he will be caught up with me in the series. wee, what fun! (i know, i know, i am a dork)

i really want one of these:

and z favors this one:

Current Mood: [mood icon] groggy yet awake
Current Music: ... no music... it's too early...

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January 18th, 2005

06:19 pm - About A Protest
The Peace Coalition is having a rally/vigil outside the Federal Building from 4pm--6pm on the 20th for the inauguration. Spread the word.

Just passing on info, so don't start debating politics again. I beg you.
Current Mood: [mood icon] tired
Current Music: News Hour

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05:25 pm
Hey...I've been searching around and I came across this site. I figured it would help me out a lot. As you figured, I'm new. I love the scene and wanted to know more about it. Though..I do have a question.

Does anyone know if Emerson(Murfreesboro local band) has a website. If so, may I please have the link. I am in the process of starting a fan community and well...I need some info. Thanks!

Anyway, glad to come across this place.


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02:30 pm
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The atheist who tried to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance asked the Supreme Court on Tuesday to bar the saying of a prayer at President Bush's inauguration.

In an emergency filing, Michael Newdow (search) argued that a prayer at Thursday's ceremony would violate the Constitution by forcing him to accept unwanted religious beliefs. His request has been rejected by two lower courts.

Newdow also asked that Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist (search), who is designated as the justice to hear emergency appeals for the D.C. Circuit, recuse himself because he is scheduled to swear in Bush and thus has a conflict of interest.

Rehnquist previously has sworn in four presidents since becoming chief justice in 1986.

"He has become a fixture in a governmental ceremony that has become infused with sectarian Christian religion and not once — as far as can be determined — has he made the slightest attempt to end that ... violation," Newdow wrote.

If Rehnquist does remove himself, the case will go to the next senior justice, John Paul Stevens (search), who has the option to refer the appeal to the full court for consideration.

Two lower courts have rejected Newdow's request to ban the prayer, suggesting he couldn't show actual injury in hearing it. In his ruling last week, U.S. District Judge John Bates also said the court did not have authority to stop the president from inviting clergy to give a religious prayer at the ceremony.

Attorneys representing Bush and his inaugural committee have argued that prayers have been widely accepted at inaugurals for more than 200 years and that Bush's decision to have a minister recite the invocation was a personal choice the court had no power to prevent.

Newdow gained widespread publicity two years ago after winning his pledge case before the San-Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, which ruled that public schools violated the separation of church and state by having students mention God.

The Supreme Court later threw out the ruling, saying Newdow could not lawfully sue because he did not have custody of his elementary school-age daughter, on whose behalf he sued. Newdow refiled the pledge suit in Sacramento federal court this month, naming eight other parents and children.


I don't know weather to shake my head or laugh. The way this country has always worked is we come upon a situation and we deal with it, in that order. (Barring the current military/geo-political shit storm.) Anyways most things of domestic policy are handled in that manner. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there" so to speak. Until we elect our first atheist, Jewish, Hindu, or Muslim president I say, who the fuck cares? The man is reaching and I think its sad that Chief Justice Rehnquist might even be considering recusing himself from this. Could it constitute a conflict of interest? Maybe, but goddamn what a moot point.

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10:53 am
fuck man, it's 7 degrees outside! which begs the question, why does it feel a little warmer than that in my apartment after i adjusted the thermostat purposefully last night to prevent such an occurrence. blast. i can't wait for that that high of 15 to 20.

at least it's not blustery to the point of knocking my face off, as was experienced in Chicago. why yes children, i once again ventured west for what amounts to the...i've lost count...time this season, this weekend. many thanks to Andrew and Dexter for inviting me along and for finding many things wrong with my car. love, love, love Chicago. major consideration went to applying for the bar in Illinois today. living downtown would make me happy, but i would definitely want to get rid of my car...driving is not practical. i must come to a decision early because i think you have to apply for it once you start law school to avoid hefty fines. we'll see.

for two days, many things were seen. let's review...
1. the Essex Inn: my favorite features were the bedspreads inspired by vomit and the prints from the larger collection at the Chicago Institute of Art that littered the hallways and the room. i was also knocked down by an unnamed party in front of a CTA bus full of people outside this building.
2. The Field Museum of Natural History: was introduced to Sue, the world's largest T. Rex, with almost every bone in tact. her head was located separate from her body for some unknown reason. we explored the Pacific Islands and Ancient Egypt. and then we were "miniaturized" to enter the world of soil!
3. Dick's Last Resort: the appeal of Dick's is that the staff insults you while you eat. not in our case, for we had a lazy server. however, watching others was fun, the food was delicious, and the bartender who was belting out Janis Joplin tunes while still serving drinks was outstanding.
4. The World Famous Billy Goat: the old man got mad at me for not ordering the rib eye special. and why oh why were there dollar bills sticking out of the ceiling? no one knew.
5. The Sears Tower: we could only go up to the 99th floor due to maintenance but still an amazing view. i could see my car from there! and a zamboni clearing the ice at memorial park...i think.
6. traveling on the "L": the signs were confusing and mistakes were made, but an adventure regardless.
7. Shedd Aquarium: lesson in why free doesn't always equate to quality. no, that's a lie. i loved it here, despite the endless stream of screaming children. fish are pretty. amphibians are cool. and i want to go back to the Caribbean.

driving home always feels like it takes forever, especially when visibility is low and ice is afoot. needless to say, i was tuckered out.

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02:13 am - tomrrow
tomorrow is going to be full of:
Dead Thing - because sometimes you just want to ride your bike to the show
X - Los Angeles (remastered)
Mission of Burma - Signals, Calls, and Marches (plus "Academy Fight Song"/ "Max Ernst" single)
The Max Levine Ensemble - How to build an intergalactic time travel machine

oh man.
Current Mood: [mood icon] drunk
Current Music: Missio of Burma - that's when I reach for my revolver

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January 17th, 2005

09:54 pm
hi. i just moved here. do you guys know anywhere that is hiring? i can work full time this semester. i've applied at some places, but it seems like everyone is full. i have restraunt and coffee experience. i'd like to work with people my age (i'm 21) and where i can meet lots of cool people. thanks!

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07:26 pm - Because LJ is the Answer to All
Anyone recommend or know someone who can do some masonry work?

I have brick front steps that really need to be redone. None of the handyman places want to touch masonry and none of the masonry places want to a project that small.

Comment here or email me at dawntn at gmail dot com.

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If you're interested, there's more info behind the cut Read more... )

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12:53 pm
you think you're a man, you are only a boy
you think you're a man, you are only a toy
Current Music: vaselines - you think you're a man

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