xtina's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]

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they were all out of moonrocks, but i really had to whizz when i got there. [Monday|04 March 2002|11:46pm]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | mesh - you didn't want me ]

blarg, i sure don't want to be doing tech support a year from now, let alone even longer...i still don't know what i DO want to do though...i think maybe it's time to skip directly to plan B, marry a rockstar! any takers? :)

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time flies when you're sitting on your ass [Monday|04 March 2002|03:40pm]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | Front Line Assembly - Everything Must Perish ]

yeah, so i had all kinds of plans for today. i woke up all early because i went to bed early...funny how that works...and i don't have to work until 4:30. i had all kinds of time to waste today...

but i started scanning the pictures that i finally got developed this weekend. the slacking all started there. while i was scanning them i decided that i should change my lj layout a bit. a bit turned into a lot. yeah...soooo....

then since i was already at the puter, and i can't just do one thing at a time, i started fiddling with my webpage...blarg. that always ends up taking forever. i didn't really even do anything. trying to figure out why my stylesheet won't save right took up a lot of time. then i added some new pics and got all mad about the spacing and junk. hehe i'll fix it later....laaaater, right...as usual.

i wanted to workout for a lot longer than i ended up having time for.

i wanted to start working on my coat. i was going to start it on friday but i thought my pins and other assorted sewing junk was here. heh, nope, it's at bryan's. so there went that. i'll have to get more later or tomorrow, and try again tomorrow before work.

anywhere, since i scanned them, here they are:

view from hotel in pittsburgh
me at the hotel in pittsburgh
bryan's snowy backyard
bren and kelly
me at la shish
matt from pittsburgh
matt again
grainy picture of a drunk sara
jason and bren

i think that's all of the decent ones...

what's with my friends and i, sticking our tongues out in pictures?? i dunno. we're odd :)

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[Monday|04 March 2002|09:33am]
*yawn* i'm soooo sleepy still. i went to sleep at around 11 last ngiht, and i slept until like 9 this morning. i think i'm broken.
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[Saturday|02 March 2002|07:46pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | aphex twin ]

one week until i go to scotland. i can't wait. not only do i get to have over a week off of work, but i also get to get the hell out of michigan. heh waaaaaay out of michigan. :) it's going to be tons of fun. hehe i think bryan's mom might be even more excited about he and i going there than we are. she's cute.

yesterday bryan and i went to ann arbor to go shopping. we got some new anime at wizzywig. we got the boogiepop phantom box set, which was really good. and the second ceres dvd. we'll prolly watch that one today or tomorrow. awwwe yeah. i'm thinkin maybe we should start renting dvds more often, it'd be waaaay cheaper. oh well... we also went to the army surplus store. bryan got a neato new bag. it even came with a ruler. hehe it was called a dutch school bag or something. i also picked up a b-day present for my brother at cat's meow. i hope he likes it.

i think i've gotten fatter since i started working out and junk. :( maybe something is wrong with me. maybe i need to watch what i eat better. i don't like this, not one bit. i don't care if i have to eat nothing but dirt and twigs, i will get less fat, and soon damnit.

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damn you mother nature [Monday|25 February 2002|04:44pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Project Pitchfork - Daimonion (You Hear Me In Your Dreams) ]

it was all nice and warm looking all day. now that i get to go home kinda soon it looks all like it's going to rain or prolly snow. damn michigan.

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[Monday|25 February 2002|03:08pm]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | Ravenous - Silver Ray ]

poll poo )

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nasty teen sluts [Monday|25 February 2002|12:46pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Project Pitchfork - Fear ]

everything is broken today! weeeeeeeeeeee! i think i had too much coffee today. i can't sit still.

last night i finally got the tasty indian food that i have been craving.

i think i'm going to work on the coat that i want to make tonight. finally. i'm such a procrastinator, even when it's something that i enjoy or want to do. heh i suck.

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taco-mobile [Sunday|24 February 2002|12:16pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Project Pitchfork - Mine (Beast Of Prey) ]

i think i'm hungry. maybe the indian food place will be open today. i could really go for some curry goodness. i've been craving food from there for weeks. i need to figure out how they make their curry sauce stuff so that i can make it at home. that would rule :)

ouch :( i burned my tongue on coffee. i hate that. it's gonna feel weird for a day or two now. evil coffee of doom!

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there are only 2 kinds of white basketball players [Sunday|24 February 2002|11:05am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Project Pitchfork - Drone State ]

*yawn* soooooo sleepy. i got home from work last night, all tired and ready to go to sleep. but the fat elephant sluts that live upstairs were trying to get with the d00dz in the apartment building across from us. i don't like living out here. :(

oooh, i almost forgot. bryan bought the new apop. ewww. it sucked so bad. it wasn't even that it was all techno-y. it sounded like they just took left-over loops and stuff from some of the more technoish songs from welcome to earth and just picked random one and hit repeat. the vocals were all fucked up too, they didn't sound finished. omg, and then there were the lyrics. ick. i don't like apop anymore.

some of the d00dz today are pretty rowdy this morning. looooud. it's gonna be another long day at work :(

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[Saturday|23 February 2002|11:21pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | Seabound - Exorcise ]

i ate too many noodles. i might explode. work is boring today. i'm tired and crabby because i didn't sleep too well last night. i got pretty damn drunk at the club last night. erich is a bad infulence, he kept feeding me more drink. :) kelly was trashed when she got there too. it ruled. we tried to dance but i think mostly we were just stumping around drunk trying to dance. hehe oh well. i saw lots of people that i hadn't seen in a while too.

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a dumptruck full of dead babies [Friday|22 February 2002|11:02am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | clan of xymos - november ]

blarg. i just woke up, but i'm tired. everytime i stay at bryan's house i wake up all tired, like i didn't sleep at all or something. oh well...anyway, we went to see a beautiful mind last night. it was pretty good. today we're going to go see queen of the damned after we have dinner. then we're going to meet erich and some other people at city club. tonight should be good times. i should prolly get clean now so that i can get to the grocery store and get stuff to make lasagna, cuz it takes forever.

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[Wednesday|20 February 2002|11:41pm]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | Project Pitchfork - Jupiter ]

blargl still an hour left of werk. :( i'm tired. i'm so gonna be ready to get out of here at 12:30. hell, i was ready to leave hours ago :) 46 calls so far. lots o calls. at least things have slowed down a bit...maybe i can take a nap under my desk.

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[Wednesday|20 February 2002|10:09pm]
[ mood | sad ]

:( poopy

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[Wednesday|20 February 2002|08:15pm]
stupid illiterate fuckers keep calling :(

grrr. ain't. i fucking hate that word. it's for hicks and morons.
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[Wednesday|20 February 2002|08:13pm]
we're uber busy tonight, it sucks :(
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"i'm a cop, you idiot!" [Wednesday|20 February 2002|06:07pm]
pocket arnold!
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dark and stompy [Wednesday|20 February 2002|01:25pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | g m cerveny ]

last night was fun times. my boots are heavy and stompy. my legs were tired when i woke up. i had a couple of drinks, but i could barely tell, except that they were sloshing around in my stomach while i was dancing. it was corecomm mania there; we even got amy to go. she's conservative, but uber fun. :)

just finished working out. it's all rainy outside. i had to play outside a little on the walk back from the place where the workout-y goodness is. i'm all wet now. the rain is so much more fun when you choose to be in it, rather than when you have to be out in it. i can't wait for the thunder storms. :)

i should get cleaned up soon, i'm supposed to go visit candace at work before i have to get to work myself at 4. i hadn't seen candace in months until last night. she's a bit neurotic, but i love her to death. i'm glad her and my brother finally called things quits, they were an explosive combination.

this weekend looks like it is going to be full of movies and shakin' it. i'm prolly gonna head over to bryan's after work. sometime this weekend we're gonna try to get to birmingham to see amelie(directed by one of the d00ds that did city of lost children). i think we're also going to try to catch that movie with the vampires and junk, of which title eludes me at the moment...oh well. or maybe i can convince him to go see a beautiful mind. i've wanted to see that for a while now. my uncle said it was really good. so it's prolly worth checking out.

friday night we're gonna head out to city club. i'm excited, we're going to meet my friend erich there. i haven't seen him in prolly about a year or something crazy like that. it should be good times. even if the music sucks ass(which there is a good possibility of), there will at least be fun people there.

blarg, i really fucking hate out cable modem people. i don't even know where it comes form now, i just know that is sucks hardcore. we lose signal upwards of 20 times a day. it's fucking lame.

anyway, time for less rambling and more showering.

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"It's a fine night to have an evening." [Tuesday|19 February 2002|11:07am]
[ mood | nostalgic ]

hey sara, 'member the time we got all wasted and watched that steven wright video you brought 2 times in a row? that was great. i found this site and it reminded me of that.

that is all.

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*strech* [Tuesday|19 February 2002|10:38am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

soooo tired. i went to bed before 11 last night. i layed down because i was ick feeling, and then i started getting tired...i just woke up a little bit ago. i still have that morning zombie feeling. i think i could prolly go back to bed and sleep through the rest of the day. maybe my battery is running out?

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*yawn* [Monday|18 February 2002|03:10pm]
boring day at work.

i'm sleepy...

want to take a nap. ack.

that is all.
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awwe yeah [Monday|18 February 2002|10:49am]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | assemblage 23 - purgatory ]

click it, you know you wanna :)

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geek poetry [Sunday|17 February 2002|06:37pm]
"Here's an easy game to play.
Here's an easy thing to say:

If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
And the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
And the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
Then the socket packet pocket has an error to report!

If your cursor finds a menu item followed by a dash,
And the double-clicking icon puts your window in the trash,
And your data is corrupted 'cause the index doesn't hash,
Then your situation's hopeless, and your system's gonna crash!

You can't say this?
What a shame sir!
We'll find you
Another game sir.

If the label on the cable on the table at your house,
Says the network is connected to the button on your mouse,
But your packets want to tunnel on another protocol,
That's repeatedly rejected by the printer down the hall,

And your screen is all distorted by the side effects of gauss,
So your icons in the window are as wavy as a souse,
Then you may as well reboot and go out with a bang,
'Cause as sure as I'm a poet, the sucker's gonna hang!

When the copy of your floppy's getting sloppy on the disk,
And the microcode instructions cause unnecessary risc,
Then you have to flash your memory and you'll want to RAM your ROM.
Quickly turn off the computer and be sure to tell your mom!"

someone forwarded this to us at work...i dunno where it came from.
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[Saturday|16 February 2002|10:46pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Project Pitchfork - Jupiter ]

yeah...sooo. i'm at work, as usual...i'm ALWAYS at work. at least we're kinda slow today. i need something to entertain me though, i'm bored. ken went home. no one's online now. adam was, but he said he wasn't in a good mood and didn't want to tell me why. then he had to go. i hope he's not mad at me or something. :( i wanted to work on some new sketches, but it's all dark in here, so i don't think that's gonna work out too well.

yesterday bryan and i went to the fabric store and played. i got some coat patterns, so i'm gonna somehow use them to make my coat. hehe it's gonna be interesting. i haven't sewn anything in awhile. yeah, this is definitely going to be an adventure. i can't wait to finish it. heh i can't wait to start it for that matter. :)

it was all snowy again today. no more snow pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.

beep bop boop, i was all hyper, but now i'm starting to get sleepy. no fun!

at least I'm not all emotional and crampy like the other day. i'd take bored and sleepy over that any day.

time for more workies.

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[Thursday|14 February 2002|09:39pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]

sooooo tired and ick feeling. it feels like i've been here for a millions years. i wanna go home :(

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pms can suck it [Thursday|14 February 2002|05:53pm]
i'm tired, my back hurts and i have cramps. oh, and my head feels like it' about to implode!

anna and i were going to work out this morning, but we were both too tired. i slept until around 1 or something.

the tickets to scotland and my passport are all at bryan's now. yay! i can't wait! we're going to london for a day too! it's going to be sooooo much fun! not only do i get over an hour off of work, but i get to go on an uber fun vacation with bryan. :) i should wear my new stompy boots to the airport. that would be fun. now all we have to do is wait a whole bunch of days. doh.

ken and i got subs. mine was tasty, but now i'm feeling a little queasy. doh.

i'm going to make a coat. i think i'm just about done with the sketch of how i want it to look i'm not sure what kind of material that i want to make it out of yet. i also need to find some coat patterns or something. i've never made a coat before. this should be exciting. weeeee!

and now for something completely different:

it's funny when people get all upset because people are saying shit to them in disapproval of their personal situations or whatever, but if there are a bunch of people agreeing with them and giving someone else shit, they don't seem to mind. that amuses me. hehe
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even more exciting than new boots... [Monday|11 February 2002|12:07am]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | Project Pitchfork - Citynight ]

this morning bryan and i went out to breakfast or whatever with vicki and james. weee!! they're fun! i really miss getting to hang out with them. it's been a while since we've gotten to.

after foodz we went to michael's for art goodness. i got some new drawing and charcoal pencils and junk. my old ones seem to be missing in action. weeee. now i just need to find one of my sketch books. i have a bunch, why is it when i want to use one they're all missing? grr. oh well. i've been pretty bla feeling today, so i prolly wouldn't have done anything anyway.

maybe tomorrow! :)

it feels like my head is going to explode. :( i dunno what's going on with my body. i'm tired all the time. i've been feeling so ick. i've been keeping track of my foodz and junk on fitday.com, thanks to jade :) i almost always get all the stuff that i need to and for the most part i don't get too much of the bad stuff. i've even been exercising and drinking lots of water and junk. i dunno, maybe i'm just broken or something. i wish i could fix it because it's really starting to fuck with my moods too...

i feel so directionless and lost. i think i need to make some sort of plan for the future or something. maybe i need objectives to work toward. my life seems to be completely lacking structure. now if only i know where i wanted to end up...blarg. i have vague ideas, but nothing specific, so that doesn't really help. i know what i enjoy and what i don't but that doesn't seem to be helping at all, it seems to be complicating things more. limiting the possibilities.

i guess i really need to just sit down and think about things and make some definite decisions.

i dunno. for now though, i'm gonna play some lord and hope that the last half hour of my shift tonight will go by quickly.

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new boots! [Sunday|10 February 2002|03:18pm]
[ mood | excited ]

you're jealous. ok, so maybe not, but i'm excited.

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who wants to play tomorrow evening?! [Thursday|07 February 2002|08:03pm]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | Seabound - Exorcise ]

i'll be at bryan's in plymouth, but we can go where ever. we don't have anything planned yet, so we're open for ideas. :) call me or you can send me a text message. weeee!

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crazy ex's can suck it [Wednesday|06 February 2002|03:43pm]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | Project Pitchfork - Jupiter ]

adam called me really early this morning. i really hope everything goes ok. if not i might have to go to japan and kick some ass.

yup...i had to be at work at 8am this morning because i had customer service training. it took up most of my shift. it was pretty boring. it was also freezing in the training room. i guess i learned a few things...it's all pretty much common sense though...now i'm back on the phones for an hour.

i think i'm tired. going in to work early is kinda neato though. i'm going to go home and have a whole bunch of time left in the day still. bryan might come over when he's done with his dentist appointment. yay.

damn. we're kinda busy today. blarg. i wanted to just kinda chill after those hours of boringness...oh well, i'll live.

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[Tuesday|05 February 2002|12:30pm]
See what Care Bear you are.
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m00 [Monday|04 February 2002|05:59pm]
[ mood | fat ]
[ music | and one - und wieder ]

even my face looks fat. ick.

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*yawn* [Monday|04 February 2002|10:48am]
[ mood | optimistic ]

yup we did it. anna and i are awake all early again. she should be here any minute so that we can go work out. i'm glad she wants to be a workout guy too, because i have been feeling especially lazy lately. i dunno if i would be able to motivate myself to do anything right now. i dunno what my deal is, but i need to get over it soon. i've been pretty moody lately too. blarg. it makes me want to kick things. oh well...

hehe oh yeah, i went to kinko's last night after work. i got my passport photo. it's funny. maybe funny isn't the word for it, bad, or possibly mug shot like. hehe anyway, here's the pic that's going to represent me abroad for the next ten years.

i'm sooooo excited about the trip. i think i might explode.

that is all.

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[Sunday|03 February 2002|12:37am]
done with work now. i want to go out and shake it or something. the clubs out here are lame and they close early. blarg. oh well. i'm tired anyway. i should prolly get my passport photo taken and go grocery shopping instead anyway.
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meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooow [Saturday|02 February 2002|06:12pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | BT - Flaming June ]

!!!! it looks like i get to go to scotland! i have to get a passport on monday, but then i should be all set! :)

last night bryan and i met pfrank, erica and paul at pinball pete's. it was good video game playing fun. after that we went to pizza house for some foodz. i ate too much, i thought i was going to explode. angie was working so i got to see her for a few as well.

weeee i'm at work. it's cold in here. anna came over and played during her lunch break. i'm kinda bored, but way too excited about the trip to let that get me down.

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*yawn* [Thursday|31 January 2002|12:24pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Clint Mansell - Requiem For A Dream - 01 - Sum ]

why do the apartment morons like to bury my car in snow? they always plow the snow from the parking lot behind the cars....they should just plow it on top of all the cars that are parked illegally or whatever. that would be much more amusing.

it sucked. woke up later than i wanted to. got clean and dressed all quick like. ran out to my car, well, more like stumbled quickly. it took forever to get the snow off of my car so that i could see out to drive and all that good junk. while i'm doing that i notice the giant snow mound behind my car, damnit! the saturn isn't exactly a monster truck or anything. finally i get in the car. weeee! stuck! damnit! hehe luckily, it only took a few tries to get over it though. i think i was only a few minutes late. heh i'm a champ. or something.

i'm cold still though and my pants are moist at the bottom. hehe i said moist.

i'm sleepy. i should probably stop switching shifts where i work like 9 hours after my last shift ended. it makes me feel like i didn't even leave here, not for long at least.


time for more worky stuff.

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assholes [Thursday|31 January 2002|02:21am]
[ mood | indescribable ]

i don't know which one of you assholes that i supposedly call a friend decided it would be fun to tell adam that i'm using him. and you had better pray to whatever higher power it is that you believe in that i don't fucking find out. i'm sorry that you're so bitter and jealous that you don't have any friends that you need to try to fuck with other people's friendships. you're a fucking asshole and i hope that you live a long, lonely and miserable life.

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[Thursday|31 January 2002|01:13am]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | Apoptygma Berzerk - Bitch ]

yeah, i'm just a huge bitch that doesn't care.

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!@#&*@#$!!! [Thursday|31 January 2002|01:09am]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | KMFDM - Back In The U.S.S.A ]

of course! i had to get a call rigtht before i go home, and she's a fucking illiterate moron! i fucking hate these people!

that is all.

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nooooooooooo! [Thursday|31 January 2002|12:50am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Neuroticfish - WakeMeUp! (Recompiled) ]

hehe i died in my second from last fight in lord. damnit. oh well.

i'm bored and dazed, i get to go home in a few minutes. i hope some jerk deesn't call right before i get to go home. that would not make me happy. i think i'm gonna try to get up really early tomorrow and work out before i ahve to get ot work at 10 am. ick. mabye that will give me some energy to get through the day.

this is a good song.

that is all.

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silly plaid golf pants [Wednesday|30 January 2002|11:20pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Project Pitchfork - Jupiter ]

last night i hung out with bryan and sp00n. bryan had class, so sp00n came over his house, and we watched some tv until bryan came back. then we got some food. wee.
when i got back to the apartment the dvd's that i ordered from amazon.com before xmas finally arrived. hehe and not just the replacement order that they sent out, but the first one too. hehehe so i got 2 of everything that i ordered and i'm not sending them back. hehe take that assholes. they can get the money from ups if they want it. it's my fault they're morons.

!! i might be going to scotland with bryan in march! as long as i can get the time off work i'm so there! excited!!!! i have to get a passport too. eep. not much time... I really really really really hope that i can get the days off work. i might throw a temper tantrum if i don't. heh

i've been all bouncy all night!

oh! and i went home on lunch and i got an uberlong letter from adam that haven't had time to read yet, and a valentine's day card from my mom. mail rules, when it's not bills.

anyway, time for more worky goodness. and lord soon...need to make the experience that i lost when ptron killed me.

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