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Radical Edward

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LMAO! [23 Feb 2002|06:43pm]

I'm a......

Take Squiggle UK's 'Are you addicted to online tests' test

1 banana| tally me banana

[23 Feb 2002|03:45pm]
Wait. Terry Gilliam is finished with it. They are casting!!!

tally me banana

WOOOOOOOOOO [23 Feb 2002|03:43pm]
Neil Gaimen is doing a script to Good Omens by him and Terry Pratchet!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
tally me banana

Now THIS is a quiz. [22 Feb 2002|11:13pm]
[ mood | angry ]

What era of Trent Reznor are you? Take the What Trent Are You? quiz to find out!
Quiz by chameleon669!

This kinda goes with the theme:

I Will Die of Natural Causes.
Your choice of life style has enabled you to live a nice long life.. To eventually die of a stroke, or was it a heart attack.. Either way you out lived just about anyone that gave a shit about you anyway.. Congrats

Find out how you will die, Take the Death Quiz now!

Lets keep the theme going:

Victims are tied into you and stretched inch by agonizing inch, until they are either rent limb from limb or they confess. Or hey, maybe both. Not as bad as some people, someone tells you what you want to hear you'll feel better.

What torture would you be?
1 banana| tally me banana

[21 Feb 2002|08:30pm]
[ mood | amused ]


Which 80's tv toon are YOU? | made by kt of p-e.org.


Which 80's tv toon are YOU? | made by kt of p-e.org.

tally me banana

Sigh. [21 Feb 2002|08:26pm]
[ mood | sad ]

Which Chess Piece Are You?
tally me banana

Yea, k. [21 Feb 2002|08:22pm]
[ mood | amused ]

You are Kermit!
Though you're technically the star, you're pretty mellow and don't mind letting others share the spotlight. You are also something of a dreamer.

tally me banana

Somehow there is something slightly disturbing about taking this test. [21 Feb 2002|08:17pm]
[ mood | confused ]

But I did anyway.

Hooray, I am the mightiest of all the Jesus types! I possess the amazing power of walking on water. I can tell people to eat me and they will listen! I deserve a pat on the back.

Take the What Jesus Would You Be? Quiz

tally me banana

Yup. [21 Feb 2002|09:20am]
[ mood | annoyed ]

Last post from work for awhile. Jacob got a router that sees EVERYTHING we are doing. Big brother anyone? He may as well be standing over my shoulder all day long. Sux. Talk to ya all later.

4 bananas| tally me banana

Ok. [20 Feb 2002|12:17pm]
[ mood | tired ]

Apparently my job here is not only to be a sales managers assistant, but also the psychologist for ppl, as well as the person everyone gets to complain to about everyone else. I guess it is because I don't run around and talk to everyone about what everyone else tells me. Currently I have two ppl complaining to me about the other, both not realizing the other is. Sigh. I guess each trusts me, which is fine since i wouldn't betray that trust.

1 banana| tally me banana

Yup. [20 Feb 2002|11:03am]
[ mood | pissed off ]

So Niki screwed everyone over. I'll have to tell you the whole story later since i don't have the time, but I will tell you, because I need to vent. I am pissed. So much so that I would actually tell her off if I saw her, and those of you who know me in real life know that it takes an awful lot to get me to that point. So expect a saga later.

4 bananas| tally me banana

Yay!!!! [19 Feb 2002|09:55pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

    I wanted to try this out. Kool!!!

Thanks paperdolldecays!!!
2 bananas| tally me banana

Kool. Fits in with my 2 DAOC characters... [19 Feb 2002|06:42pm]
[ mood | amused ]

I Am A: Chaotic Good Elf Bard Cleric

Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.

Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.

Primary Class:
Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit.

Secondary Class:
Clerics are the voices of their God/desses on Earth. They perform the work of their deity, but this doesn't mean that they preach to a congregation all their lives. If their deity needs something done, they will do it, and can call upon that deity's power to accomplish their goals.

Find out What D&D; Character Are You?, courtesy of NeppyMan!

2 bananas| tally me banana

[19 Feb 2002|01:04pm]
My problem with a desk job is that i can't sit still for long.

[19 Feb 2002|12:34pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

Jacob is in a very bad mood now. With Mira gone (she is the sales manager) everyone is being very lax. He has seen ppl on the internet, which isn't alowed, because they are too stupid to see where he is. Ppl are talking on the phone to friends rather than to customers. And with Niki pulling what she is plling, it doesn't look good today. Not to mention the phonefiasco and dialing out, but thats a completely different story. We had switched to digital and thought we had no choice but to dial 9 before everything but the day after it was changed to that we found out we didn't. However when they called to change it back it couldn't be done right away so we were stuck with the 9 thing for a few months. What took a day to start apparantly takes months to change back. And today they started changing it back, but not all in one shot. Only one line at a time. So that is confusing. Plus there were all the automatic faxes that are screwed up now. Sigh.

2 bananas| tally me banana

[19 Feb 2002|10:40am]
[ mood | annoyed ]

Jacob is in. He is going to be pissed that she isn't here. Just for the record, she hasn't worked a full week in months. And now that Mira is gone for the week there is nothing to stop him from firing her.

tally me banana

Hey! Guess what?! [19 Feb 2002|09:35am]
[ mood | annoyed ]

Niki isn't here again. I am on my own again. I am screwed today and probably for the rest of the week since she probably won't be allowed back.

tally me banana

Well [18 Feb 2002|04:41pm]
[ mood | relieved ]

Well, at least the beginning of hellweek(aka - my boss is on vacation and I, being her assistant, has to take care of everything-and she is the one with the most volume) didn't start off badly. It is presidents day so there are no calls coming in from the government. So it has been really quiet and relaxing. Tomorrow...well, that will be a different story. At least if Niki is out today (the other assistant) it was a good day to be out. I WILL be pissed if she is out anymore this week. Actually she probably get fired if that happens.

I can't wait to play Monopoly with terminalmalaise again... I kick his booty.

2 bananas| tally me banana

Today's lesson: [18 Feb 2002|12:05pm]
[ mood | confused ]

Apparently there is no such word as warranteed. It is actually warranted. But how is it pronounced then? Is it pronounced warranteed or like it is spelled?

3 bananas| tally me banana

Awww...mushy... [17 Feb 2002|02:38am]
[ mood | awake ]

I am oddly in the mood to stay up forever. I could sleep, but dont need to. Iwish I were back to my college days where I didnt have class till noon and stayed up most of the night.

terminalmalaise and I were discussing this 5 year history everyone has been doing and we both agreed ours are depressing. Iwonder if I should do mine and if I do should I post it. terminalmalaise asked me that and I said it could be theraputic. But I am not sure if I should because I don't want to subject everyone some of the details that can't really be left out due to the life changing importance of much of it.

BTW terminalmalaise, I just wanted to let you know how nice it is to have you to tell stuff to that most other ppl wouldn't want to hear and what I wouldn't want to tell most ppl. And that I appreciate you as a friend.

2 bananas| tally me banana

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