(not so) secret's journal

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Friday, March 15th, 2002
1:08 am - Help Save The Youth Of America

I'll let you guess where it is, heh.

"I'm celebrating my love for you with a pint of beer and a new tattoo!" - Billy Bragg

current music: Ludacris

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Friday, January 25th, 2002
12:52 am - This summer...
I am "studying" (har har) abroad in London this summer - anyone want to hang out with me there? :)

current music: Sky Cries Mary

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Friday, December 28th, 2001
1:23 am - Stolen from Lindsey & Sarah.
  • age I am-- 22
  • age when I lost my virginity-- 17
  • times I thought i was in love-- Four.
  • times I was really in love-- Three. I look back now on the first time I thought I was "in love" & see that it was a total joke. The next two times were real & genuine, and I am currently in love as we speak. It seems to get more serious & intense each time, although I hope this is the last. :)
  • times I have had my heart broken-- I'd have to say one and a half. A "half" because I dumped Mr. "In Love" #1 and didn't feel too crushed (only .5 broken-hearted, heh) but Mr. "In Love" #2 was a fucking doozy and my heart was seemingly used to play kickball with, so I felt. Argh.
  • hearts I have broken-- I think one, when I dumped said "In Love" #1.
  • months I have been single-- Up until the relationship I'm in now, I hadn't been on a date in three years.
  • continents I have visited-- Continents? I am so shitty at geography - I'll name places instead: England, Scotland, Wales, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Italy, Monaco, and Germany.
  • age when I first flew all alone-- I can't even remember, I was so young. My mom used to fly me to my Nana's house alone, and I loved it. I still love travelling alone.
  • numbers of boys I have kissed in my life-- Six. That's it.
  • number of girls I have kissed-- None, except for maybe friendly pecks on the cheek or something.
  • drugs I am addicted to right now-- None.
  • number of piercings-- Just the ears.
  • number of tattoos-- None, but if I ever meet Morrissey (chances are slim these days) I will get him to autograph me somewhere (preferably my shoulder blade) and I will have it immediately tattooed in.
  • number of times my name has appeared in a cd book-- a few times in various Bis cds, because they're good friends of mine & I love 'em.

    current music: The Cure - acoustic greatest hits! Awesome!
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    Monday, December 17th, 2001
    4:48 pm - argh.
    My boyfriend of the past 16 months is getting on my nerves. BAD.

    Let's just say that the stereotypical "male" and "female" roles (and I'm not saying that I buy into said roles, I'm just trying to illustrate my point) are reversed with us - I am the typical "man" and he is the typical "woman". I wear the pants around here. (I don't mean that in some "ooh, I'm so badass and I tell him what to do" way, I mean it in the context of he's the sensitive one, he always cries, etc.)

    We are trying to figure out a Christmas family visting schedule, and we are fighting like cats & dogs about this. I say since we aren't married (and our parents live an hour or more away from each other, and he doesn't have a car and I would have to drive him back and forth) that we can separate. My mom (who is VERY easygoing) likes him and everything, but she understands he has no transportation there and also understands he wants to see his own family. No big deal. Cool, right? Well, he insists that his parents will be SO HURT by this and if I don't make time to come over sometime on Christmas or Christmas Eve their feelings will be DESTROYED, like it's some huge melodramatic thing. ARGH! My mom (who is also the BEST cook in the world) is making this lovely steak and lobster dinner for us on Christmas Eve, along with a nice "dinner" (at 2pm) on Christmas day, and I don't want to miss either of them. I suggested that we could do something at his parents' house this Sunday, or perhaps I could come over later on Christmas night, but this apparently makes me the most selfish person alive. @#!@#@$#^&*(&(*&#$@!

    Is it really that weird to want to hang out with my own family on Christmas?!

    current music: OutKast

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    Thursday, December 6th, 2001
    5:10 pm - Take this job and shove it.
    Okay, I need help in deciding where to work while I'm in school. These are the conditions:

  • I can only work Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays (and of course some weekends) after 5pm
  • must pay AT LEAST $8 an hour - I've got bills & a car payment
  • must be reasonably easy & not require a lot of training/brainpower - I'm not looking for a career here, I'm looking for something to pay the bills

    Got any ideas?

    current music: Lloyd Cole & the Commotions
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    Monday, November 26th, 2001
    11:16 am - What to do?
    Okay, I have a question...

    Let's say I have two friends - for purposes of anonymity, I will call them Bob and Joe. Bob and I are tight, and Joe comes into the mix. At the time Joe does something that both Bob and I deem as very shady, so we cut him out of our lives forever with lots of petty arguments and mean phone calls/emails (with the meanness coming equally from all three sides.)

    Fast forward six or so months, and I am put in the same situation as Joe was earlier, this time with Bob and another person. (Thus putting me in Joe's shoes.) I now see that Joe wasn't entirely shady in his dealings, and that perhaps Bob shares some of the blame.

    This begs the question: even though it has been upwards of six months and Joe and I haven't spoken (and infact have had seething hatred for one another) do I apologize to Joe because I can now see where he was coming from? Do help me out here, people.

    I hope that "story" wasn't too confusing.

    current music: Blur

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    Tuesday, November 13th, 2001
    12:21 pm - Hint, hint
    Christmas is in little over a month...

    Heh heh heh.

    current music: My Life Story

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    Monday, November 12th, 2001
    10:49 am - My fault or yours?
    What happens when you start to hate one of your best friends? What happens when absolutely everything they do gets on your nerves and when you are hanging out with them you just want them to leave? And how do you go about addressing this issue with them? Or should you even bother?

    Should you just let go?

    current music: The Beautiful South

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    Wednesday, November 7th, 2001
    5:05 pm - Stolen from Lindsey, who stole it from Cheryl
    Four things you would eat on the last day of your life:
  • spinach artichoke dip from California Pizza Kitchen
  • my mom's mashed potatoes
  • fish & chips from the Harry Ramsden's in Manchester
  • homemade chocolate milkshake

    Four CDs from your collection that you will never get tired of:
  • R.E.M. "Life's Rich Pageant"
  • The Smiths "Meat Is Murder"
  • New Order "Technique"
  • The Beautiful South "Miaow"

    Four celebrities you would have sex with:
  • Michael Stipe
  • Morrissey
  • Gideon Yago
  • Robbie Williams

    Four causes that you would donate to if you won the lottery:
  • local homeless shelters
  • domestic abuse shelters
  • children's hospitals
  • cancer research

    Four vacations you have taken:
  • England
  • France
  • Switzerland
  • San Fransisco

    Four songs you get stuck in your head frequently:
  • Echo & The Bunnymen "It's Alright"
  • the fucking HORRIBLE one from that Target Mossimo commercial that goes "speeding motorcycle..." ARGH!
  • lots of other shit I see on MTV...

    Four things you'd like to learn:
  • to cook things from scratch
  • more HTML
  • cockney rhyming slang
  • to play guitar

    Four beverages you drink frequently:
  • Dr. Pepper
  • Cheerwine (this soda only sold in North & South Carolina that tastes just like cherry Dr. Pepper - SO GOOD)
  • sweet tea
  • orange Gatorade

    Four TV shows that were on when you were a kid:
  • "Thundercats"
  • "The Dukes Of Hazzard"
  • "Hollywood Squares" (the O.G. version)
  • "Gummi Bears"

    Four places to go in your city:
  • the movies
  • MJQ
  • tattle tale
  • swinging richards

    Four things to do when you're bored:
  • make webpages
  • make zines
  • read zines
  • write letters

    Four things that never fail to cheer you up:
  • Jason
  • mail
  • They Might Be Giants
  • presents

    current music: The Bluetones
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    Sunday, October 7th, 2001
    9:22 pm - Best lyric ever?
    "Why don't you let go of your boy and see
    you've lost none of your buoyancy?"

    - The Lucksmiths

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    Thursday, September 20th, 2001
    12:53 pm - Boring list of things I need to buy.
    Basically this is here because I've got to put it down somewhere so I will remember...

    New Order "Get Ready"
    Trembling Blue Stars "The Ghost Of An Unkissed Kiss" EP
    The Charlatans "Wonderland"
    Bis "Return To Central"
    Biscuit Boy "Fat Chance"
    Fosca "Supine On The Astroturf" EP
    the new They Might Be Giants...

    Damn. Pay day is a week away and I want to hear all of them RIGHT NOW. Heh.

    current music: Would-Be-Goods

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    Saturday, August 18th, 2001
    2:30 pm - copycat, copycat
    Following in the footsteps of Lindsey and Ciara, I give you
    Twenty-five things you may or may not know about me.

    1. I consider myself fatherless. My parents divorced when I was three and I haven't spoken to my father in ten years. He's recently tried calling me a lot and I either don't answer or have my roommate tell him I don't want to talk to him. I have no room for him in my life.

    2. In our old house (the one we lived in before my parents bought the house they have now) we had to have 2 doors replaced and buy 5 or 6 new phones because my stepdad would get drunk and punch through/rip down my door and would grab any phones out of mine or my mom's hands and throw them on the ground and stomp on them when we tried to dial 911. On Christmas night when I was eight or nine years old (I remember I was in 2nd or 3rd grade) my stepdad got incredibly drunk - the drunkest I've ever seen him to this day - and overheard me muttering under my breath about how it was the worst Christmas ever. He told me to go to my room, and I stomped up the stairs and slammed my door, calling him a name. (I was young, so it was probably something like "dummy" or whathaveyou.) He ran up stairs, promptly beat down my door, broke off one of the columns of my bed (it was a wooden canopy bed, sans canopy) and wielded it over me like a baseball bat. My bed was in the corner of the room, and the left side was right up against a window. I kept scurrying backwards until I was cornered and up against the window, and my mom woke up and ran in just in time to save me from either being thrown out the window or beaten with the bedpost. It was the only night I can ever remember actually fearing for my life.

    3. My first date was the senior prom, when I was a sophomore. His name was Dave and he was my first boyfriend and my first kiss. I was fifteen and we dated for three months and I dumped him and started dating someone else the very next day. (Actually, I guess I technically cheated on him because I made out with said boy the night before I actually broke up with Dave.) All Dave and I ever did was kiss (very innocently, he didn't really know what he was doing either), and even though boy #2 was a year younger than me he was the first one that I "fooled around" with.

    4. I have slept with three boys in my life: an ex boyfriend, my current boyfriend, and one was (is) a very very good friend that I was ridiculously attracted to. Contrary to popular belief, the sex did not ruin our friendship at all - if anything, I think it made us a little closer.

    5. I've been to England, Scotland, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, and the Bahamas. I love to travel (especially throughout the UK) and it's where practically all of my money goes.

    6. My parents are very very rich, but I've had to have a job since I was sixteen and besides getting pretty cool gifts for Christmas or my birthday they do not give me any money.

    7. I have a very defined widow's peak and hated it when I was younger. I was always jealous of the other girls in my classes with normal hairlines who could wear their hair back in ponytails and not look like Eddie Munster, so I shaved it when I was in seventh grade. It was horrible and I had this little triangle of buzz until it grew out into bangs. (Also, my hair is naturally jet-black, and I suppose as a result of my hair being so dark my scalp is tinted blue. I'm not kidding.)

    8. I was a kleptomaniac when I was little (and I mean very young, like around 5 - 8 years old) and I would always steal little things from stores - when my mom or Nana would find out they would take me back to the store and make me apologize and give it back to the manager.

    9. I've had to wear glasses since I was ten years old, and my prescription has gradually gotten worse. I have astigmatism and am near legally blind, especially in my right eye.

    10. My great uncle was William Faulkner. He was my Nana's (that's grandmother, but I call her "Nana") mom's brother. My Nana's first name is actually Faulkner, because her mom wanted to honor her brother.

    11. I've been obsessed with Morrissey to an embarrassing degree since I was 12, and during one of his live shows I was one of those fans who ran on stage and hugged him and kissed him. I didn't let go and a bouncer had to come drag me off - and I held on until the bouncer had to actually pry our hands apart. Afterwards I ran off stage and cried tears of joy. I am very serious. Heh.

    12. I am allergic to only two things: Gain clothes detergent (it gives me itchy red rashes when I wear clothes washed in it) and, get this: the sun's chemical reaction to chlorine. That is exactly what a doctor told my mom when I was taken to the hospital when I was about three or four years old - I had been out in a pool all day long with little or no sunscreen and had second and third degree burns on my face. (I have some disgusting photographs of me in the hospital with crispy blackened burnt cheeks and shoulders.) If I don't put on tons of SPF 5000 before swimming in a pool I still get really sunburnt.

    13. In elementary school I was called "freckle face" relentlessly, and at the time it really hurt my feelings. (I don't know why.) I was called "Punky Brewster" too, and was still called that up until sophomore year in high school - I had long hair then and did look a lot like her, especially when I wore overalls. (I do mean little Punky Brewster in the show, not the actress Soleil Moon Frye in real life. She looks too 90210 now.)

    14. Besides Morrissey, I'm incredibly obsessed with Michael Stipe as well and when I turned fifteen my mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I said "to go to Athens to meet R.E.M." My mom drove me and two of my friends up there and even though we didn't find Michael Stipe we did find Mike Mills' house and I knocked on his door with my mom and met him. Between then and last year I had been to Athens countless times to go to shows and visit friends, and I had never ever even caught a glimpse of him - until I met him in November of 2000. He was so incredibly nice and I've actually seen him out in Athens twice since then and each time he's smiled and nodded at me. Bestill my heart!

    15. When I went through a brief "I hate my mom" phase in high school I told her to fuck off one night and that was the only time she ever slapped me across the face. I really regret ever saying that to her.

    16. I collect mix tapes and cds (I have hundreds, make me one!), Sanrio anything, NME, Q, and Sassy magazines, photographs of me with famous people (I stalk everyone), one inch buttons, and vinyl stickers. Please feel free to send any of the above to P.O. Box 13308, Atlanta GA, 30324. Heh heh.

    17. I absolutely loathed my name when I was younger and wanted to change it to Sydney or Taylor. I'm semi-satisfied with it now.

    18. I've chipped my two front teeth about four times, and as a result both have jagged edges like a saw.

    19. I am incredibly lazy when it comes to answering emails/snail mails/guestbook entries/comments left on my site. I'm also bad about commenting on other people's sites even though I love to read them. I'm addicted to mail in general, and even though I feel really guilty not answering people I still let my laziness get the best of me.

    20. I get lots of hate mail, and most of it is because people assume that since I'm obsessed with pop culture and teenypop type things that I'm an idiot. Oh well.

    21. My "beauty" regimen consists of showering two times a day (usually), cutting my fingernails once a week and having my eyebrows waxed every two weeks. Oh, and Bonne Bell Dr. Pepper chapstick. I'm pretty low maintenance.

    22. I'm terrified of underwater stuff in general and absolutely refuse to swim in anything I can't see the bottom of. I think this is because of two things: a) I had a teacher in middle school tell our class about swimming in a lake and having a dead body float up next to her, and b) being "taught" to swim at five years old by my stepdad literally throwing me into the middle of an enormous deep lake yelling "swim, dammit!"

    23. Even though I'm in a serious long-term relationship, I still wear huge Hanes Her Way granny underwear daily and save the hott Victoria's Secret stuff for nights when I know I'm going to get lucky. Heh.

    24. I've gained twenty pounds in the past year and am really unsatisfied with my body. Until recently I hadn't given my weight a second thought, but I'm finding myself depressed lately over it and this upsets me. I don't necessarily want to be stick thin, but I'd like to be able to fit into clothes from a year ago with no problems. (But on the other hand I'd like to say "fuck it!" and not even think about my weight ever again and be comfortable with my body. I've been wrestling with this daily and it sucks.)

    25. I hope people I know and hang out with in "real life" don't find out about this LiveJournal.

    current music: Field Mice

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    Sunday, August 12th, 2001
    9:44 am - argh.
    Lately I've been really depressed - well, "depressed" isn't really the right word, more like "disappointed" - and it's really out of character for me.
    I'm really unsatisfied with my living situation at the moment. A mutual friend of mine and my roommate's lease was up and he's been crashing on our couch until he can find a place to live - but it's been two weeks now and he isn't looking very hard. Our livingroom is now his bedroom and he never leaves our apartment. I try to go watch television in my own livingroom and get shit from him about changing the channels and such - I know it sounds petty, but it's MY livingroom and if I want to lounge around in it watching bad tv I can do so because I PAY THE BILLS. His friend is constantly at our apartment too and they do nothing but sit on the couch. I leave for work in the morning - they are on the couch. I come home at night - they are on the couch. I'm all for doing a favor for a friend, but I'm tired of being The Bitch - I'm the one always yelling about the bills not being paid on time, telling people they can't smoke in the livingroom, etc - so I don't really want to be the one to have to kick him out but it's coming to that. I bought two six packs of drinks a week ago and they are all gone already - and I had two of them. Two out of a possible twelve. "You guys can have some" doesn't translate into "go ahead and eat/drink everything of mine whenever you like". These things sound petty and make me sound selfish but when you're as annoyed as I am getting they are magnified by a thousand.
    Also, I am the only one who lives here (or "lives" here) that actually has to work. My boyfriend and I are the only ones out of our group of friends with 40 hour a week jobs and the only ones who don't call in sick every day. It's frustrating as hell having an actual schedule and having to get up early and be at work on time to get the paycheck to pay the bills to just come home exhausted to five random people sitting on your couch who woke up at noon anyway and didn't have to leave the house.
    I know this might sound anti-social, but I am tired of having the "party house". I am tired of living in the apartment everyone meets up at. I am really fucking tired of people just walking in our door and flopping down on our couch like they own the place.
    Sometimes June 2002 (date the lease is up) can't come soon enough.

    current music: Sandie Shaw

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    Thursday, July 26th, 2001
    10:06 pm

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    1:00 am
    I had to get one of these to keep up with people...everyone is getting a livejournal these days.

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