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Monday, June 4th, 2001
1:16 am - What the hell happened tonight?
I am not so looking forward to tomorrow after the events of tonight. Let me set this up- there was me, Evan Reed, Alex, Pat Rhodes, and some other dudes... we had a paintball gun and we had just stopped at my house to grab a BB gun. Now we're outside in two cars in front of my house. I shoot at a tree in the lawn across the street.... and out of nowhere this guy comes running grabs a handful of rocks and slams them at Evan's car... we pull the fuck away. This guy then runs as fast as he can towards Pat's car trying to chase them down... Pat threw his car into reverse and floored it. It was Evan and I in one car and the rest in the other car... we met up a little later to find out this guy who was super pissed about something got in his car after we burned away and he was driving around town looking for us. What the fuck? I shot air at a tree, the gun wasn't loaded. Why does this guy want us dead? So tomorrow when I wake up my task is to go across the street and not get beat up while trying to explain this to them. Other than that, a lot of maybe somewhat not legal things happened tonight. All in all, a weird day.

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Tuesday, May 29th, 2001
7:42 pm - The search is over.
I found a girl. I like said girl, and she likes me. There is only one problem...

On that note, I may be moving out of state... I'm sick of Buffalo. It's time for something new.

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Wednesday, May 23rd, 2001
1:23 am - It is war.
Ants have infested my house, and to me this is war. There is nothing worse than having ant after ant crawl across my room... and they all end up dying thanks to this hefty can of Raid that I have. When will this madness stop? I hope soon.

My show is looking good, I should have a venue confirmed by the end of this week, and then it will be time to make some fliers... I am a little bummed that I won't have fliers in time for the H2O show but at least this way I won't have to go sit through that crap.


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Sunday, May 20th, 2001
10:57 pm - Crucial times...
Last night I went bowling for a few hours... but the crazy part is that I had a good time. Through it all, something as simple as bowling can bring out the best in me... crazy. Friday night was all about driving around causing trouble, and trouble we did cause... for lack of a better word, I will say that it was fun.

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