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Below is user information for Brian "B.A.M. B.A.M." Miller. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:rallydude (120261)  
Name:Brian "B.A.M. B.A.M." Miller
Website:The Little Yahoo Group That Could
Location:Vancouver, Washington, United States
AOL IM:TeaForTwoPleez (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:The past has past and today is a new day. The time for change has come and so that is what I must do.

My name is Brian, I'm 17 years old, and this is my online journal.
Memories:5 entries
Interests:"playing", "your mom" (inside joke), amish, basketball, being a poser, bunko, chatting, cheerleading, cheese, clubbing, dancing, dogs, driving, food, friends, fun, games, girls, hanging out, hanging wit muh homiez, hip-hop, key club, leadership, meeting people, more stuff, music, parties, pasta, pimping, pop, popping crackers, rap, raves, runnning, school, sex, soccer, sports, stripping, stuff, swimming, techno, tennis, working
Friends:55: alaanabask, alittle158, angelbaybe, babybluglitter, badkitty83, bayprincess2003, blackkitty, bluever, bringdaheat, brittmyster, brosely, cherrysoda, crazyemily525, dancequeen03, danzinturtle, fallendownagain, flammable, icebox, ihaveproblems, jane0doe, justwannabeme, kandykitten, knotonit, littlebigbob, lonelyirishgeek, lowlowhbhs, maggiepie, marweiner, masterjake13, messengerchick, missmoomoo, misstressacacia, monkeydogkat, nehalem03, niknak, nitelight, peachbeach, peasnerpantz, plain_jane, rallydude, saggezza005, samirawks, searching4myslf, soccerangel4, sterlingrose, surf_lifeguard, sweethrtemma, texas_ranger, thespian_queen, tierneyrocks, titania2003, travistyx, whitelies, xanderzgirl, xpink2001x
Friend of:36: alittle158, angelbaybe, badkitty83, bayprincess2003, blackkitty, bluever, bringdaheat, brittmyster, brosely, cherrysoda, dancequeen03, danzinturtle, fallendownagain, icebox, jane0doe, justwannabeme, littlebigbob, lowlowhbhs, maggiepie, marweiner, messengerchick, missmoomoo, nehalem03, niknak, nitelight, plain_jane, rallydude, samirawks, soccerangel4, sterlingrose, surf_lifeguard, sweethrtemma, texas_ranger, thespian_queen, whitelies, xanderzgirl
Account type:Free User

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