Sunday, April 21st, 2002
11:56 pm - ssiiigghhhh
off to bed i am. i decided not to show those two extra sculptures to the examiner tomorrow. it's one less thing to worry about. so, i've just been sitting, listening to the sonics , sititng in my thinking chair. i'm not going to worry about things as much as i have been. i'm not going to worry about how my current relationships are oging to change after june. i'm not going to worry about my surgery. i'm most definately not going to worry about anything except finishing school and enjoying the last bits of this year with people i'm incredibly lucky to have around. and what to wear for my art exam tomorrow. eek!
current mood: calm
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5:02 pm - woah.
weekend = funny.
friday was the (cue cynicsm) big senior show... it went well, dressed up, wasted a good three hours, just the way it should be. the exam's going to be easy... i hope.
after the show i went to the movies with cara and tj. we saw ice age. funniest movie ever.
yester day i was supposed to go to the dismemberment plan with dan and some of his friends. but i'm a colossal idiot because i forgot id. so, they wouldn't let me in. stupid 18+ clubs. so, dan and i went and had dinner at a lovely little italian restraunt where we had a lovely waiter. then we walked around, binged on european candy, and had sodas. it was a good night and alot wackier than you'd think.
current mood: indescribable current music: Dictators - Stay With Me
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| Tuesday, April 16th, 2002
5:20 am - woooowwwwww.....
time it took old computer to convert mp3s to wav files and burn a cd: 45 min to 11h 30min+ new computer completes it all in less than 5 minutes.
current mood: impressed current music: white stripes - astro
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| Monday, April 15th, 2002
8:34 pm - hehee
today i had so much fun.
24 extra credit points on my math test. (that means i can get a 76 and STILL get 100 or a 66 and still get an a) awesome.
i did my french homework in biology (that's before french! wow!)
at lunch liz and i made "art" with rotten oranges that had fallen from our tree, youghurt, and mints that were in the bottom of her bag. we called them "adipose orange" and "the birth of marat" we decided that on wednesday we're going to the dashboard confessional show. we're going to throw shoes at him. i'll teach him to tell me my shoes are ugly. petty? yes. awesome? hell yeah! (it doesn't matter if we get kicked out, his music sucks, anyway)
in french i was productive! whoohoo!
after school sue, liz, and i went to take photos at bethesda with our murals. they're sending press releases to the newspapers. WE WENT BACK TO SCHOOL TO FINISH THE BANNER FOR THE POLICE AND IT'S STILL NOT FINISHED!!!! ARGGHH!
now i'm working on my journals 'cos internal assessment is due tomorrow.
ps - dan, i'm eating all your mints 'cos they're in front of the computer. that'll teach you to leave food at my house. ;)
current mood: happy current music: Arsonists - What You Want
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| Thursday, April 11th, 2002
9:31 pm
12:47 am - akkk! the chimps are catching up to us!!!
Archaeologists uncover first excavation of chimpanzee stone tools at an African site-the scope of their work has entered virgin terrain
Wild Chimps Rocked On: Apes left unique record of stone tools
Bruce Bower
Archaeologists, by definition, uncover the remnants of past human activity. With the first excavation of chimpanzee stone tools at an African site, however, the scope of their work has entered virgin terrain.
Chimps transported suitable pieces of stone to the undated site and used them to crack open nuts placed on thick tree roots, according to Julio Mercader of George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
"At least some wild chimpanzees have produced stone [artifacts] and left behind an archaeological record of their nut-cracking behavior," says Mercader, who directed the excavation. He described the recent discoveries at the annual meeting of the Paleoanthropology Society, held last week in Denver.
Researchers previously had reported that chimps living in western Africa's Ta? forest avidly stockpile stones at places with broad tree roots or stumps that serve as anvils for cracking nuts. This activity may represent a learned behavior peculiar to the local animals, since chimps living in other parts of Africa don't use stone implements (SN: 6/19/99, p. 388).
Mercader and his coworkers excavated a Ta? forest site called Panda 100. Trees bearing so-called Panda nuts grew in this region until 1996, when they died out. The chimp artifacts haven't been dated yet.
The researchers chose their dig site after noticing four large tree roots that displayed pounding marks made by stones. Excavation of trenches at the site yielded two more tree roots with similar markings. Fragments of nutshells were recovered around all six roots.
Moreover, Mercader's group unearthed 479 stone artifacts, often in close proximity to the shell fragments. These artifacts included the remains of hammering stones, thin flakes that had been pounded off those stones, and pieces of shattered rock.
The earliest known stone tools, made by human ancestors in eastern Africa around 2.6 million years ago, consisted of sharpened chopping implements and larger rocks used as anvils. Chimps' hammering stones recovered at Panda 100 are about the same size as those ancient choppers, Mercader says. However, implements used by human ancestors show more evidence of having been intentionally modified than do those attributed to chimps, he notes.
The Ta? forest discoveries suggest that archaeologists may be able to investigate links between nut-cracking tools employed by chimps and human ancestors, says wild-chimp researcher William McGrew of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Homo species cracked nuts with stone implements at least 780,000 years ago (SN: 2/23/02, p. 117: Available to subscribers at http://www.sciencenews.org/20020223/fob5.asp .).
"There seems to be a signature of chimpanzee archaeology at Panda 100, which is pretty cool," remarks Nicholas Toth of Indiana University in Bloomington, who studies ancient stone tools. Still, he adds, "the Ta? forest material that I've seen looks fairly crude."
In contrast, human ancestors' earliest known tools exhibit remarkably sophisticated workmanship, Toth says. In a study presented at the Paleoanthropology Society meeting, he and his coworkers discerned that 2.6-million-year-old stone tools and present-day stone chopping implements fashioned by experienced tool makers required similar skills.
Toth also notes that two captive bonobos, or pygmy chimpanzees, have learned to make chopping tools out of rocks with considerable proficiency, though not up to human skills. Chimps' tool-making disadvantage largely derives from having large hands that can't manipulate objects as well or generate as much striking force as human hands can, Toth says.
References and Sources
Mercader, J., M. Panger, and C. Boesch. 2002. Chimpanzee-produced stone assemblages from the tropical forests of Ta?, C?te d'Ivoire. Paleoanthropology Society Meetings. March 19. Denver. Abstract available at http://www.paleoanthro.org/abst2002.htm#mercader.
Toth, N., K. Schick, and S. Semaw. 2002. A technological comparison of the stone tool-making capabilities of Australopithecus/early Homo, Pan paniscus, and Homo sapiens, and possible evolutionary implications. Paleoanthropology Society Meetings. March 19. Denver. Abstract available at http://www.paleoanthro.org/abst2002.htm#toth.
Further Readings:
Bower, B. 2002. Almond Joy, Stone Age Style: Our ancestors had a bash eating wild nuts. Science News 161(Feb. 23):117. Available to subscribers at http://www.sciencenews.org/20020223/fob5.asp.
______. 1999. Chimps employ culture to branch out. Science News 155(June 19):388.
Julio Mercader Department of Anthropology George Washington University Washington, DC 20052
Nicholas Toth Center for Research into the Anthropological Foundations of Technology (CRAFT) Anthropology Department Indiana University 419 North Indiana Bloomington, IN 47408
From Science News, Vol. 161, No. 13, March 30, 2002, p. 195.
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| Wednesday, April 10th, 2002
11:57 pm
YES!!! computer is back!
current mood: relieved current music: billie holiday - good morning heartache
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| Monday, April 1st, 2002
5:33 am
i fell asleep while writing my paper and part of my paper is on this thing called a hypnopompic state where you're half asleep and start babbling incoherently about noting relevent, and that part of my paper has a sentance about fish in business suits.
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| Sunday, March 31st, 2002
10:42 pm - phantom planet like jump, little children?
"Wishing Well" ... There's a definite latter Beatle/McCartney feel to this poetic song and the vocals also call to mind Jay Clifford of Jump, Little Children (to cite a more modern reference point).
this critic is soo on crack.
i think i'll start my psych paper now. me, procrastinate? never... hehee.
current mood: skeptical
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8:35 pm
i think i'm quite possibly the most obsessive person ever. not really, but sometimes i scare myself with how consumed i become by other people. i need to become a secret agent or learn to keep my head out of other people's business. i can be so very very very weird.
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| Friday, March 29th, 2002
1:21 pm
what a shitty good friday. let's keep killing each other. what everyone needs is another world war.
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| Wednesday, March 27th, 2002
9:36 pm - UPDATE!
we're going to have fun and games and merryment at the show. there will be interactive exhibits! whoohoo!
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7:57 pm - ART SHOW!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, March 28th 5-7 pm. come see all of our great paintings (debbie and i) there will be food, music, friends (awww), and me making a complete ass of myself (like usual but in a prom dress!!!) so please come, it's gonna be awesome and you only have to come for, like, 5 minutes and then you can go home. it's definately worth it, espically since there's no school on friday! whee!
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| Monday, March 25th, 2002
7:37 pm
| Thursday, March 21st, 2002
4:53 pm - ho-hum
break has been incredibly weird so far, i don't know how to respond to it.
i went up to my grandma's house for the weekend. she seems so very lonely and there's a tortise or something burrowing under her house. i want to help her more than i have the capicity to and it makes me ill that my dad refuses to.
i cleaned my room in its entirety. it's so very neat. i even organised my crafty closet (i can find all of my brushes! whoohoo!)
i volunteered and bought a typewriter and three yards of yellow lace. why? i dunno...
the mural at bethesda is coming along swimmingly but we need teeny brushes. mrs stecker gave me and sue a ride home yesterday. she took us to a thrift store. how odd. today susan wanted to draw a doctor that looked like zimbardo (babies are delicious) but drew eric barkin. it's funny because they're madly in love, unconciously.
liz sue and i went vintage shopping and i got oodles of clothes i really don't need, including another prom dress.
i feel like this is the first time i've been productive over a break. i still need more cas hours though.
on a side note. i hate my dad. i hope he dies.
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| Friday, March 15th, 2002
2:06 am - whoohoo
| Tuesday, March 12th, 2002
10:47 pm - what the hell?
"Phantom Planet is on tour now in support of The Guest, and will head out on dates with labelmates, Incubus, May 24 through July 3!"
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| Sunday, March 10th, 2002
5:57 pm - on yo knees!!!!
| Saturday, March 9th, 2002
11:10 pm - i'm on a roll, with poppy seeds or something
DexLVR61: see im doing much better at being a functional human being lately GltrSQUEE: speaking for the monkeys (much like charles de gaulle did for france in wwII), we'll miss you. DexLVR61: lol, what does that have to do with anything? GltrSQUEE: well, you're evolving GltrSQUEE: kinda
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10:59 pm - liz's funeral will be cool
Littlesad: im so desperate to leave my house that i was contemplating iming him if he was in town GltrSQUEE: you should do it. it'd be fun Littlesad: nah. im just gonna hang myself instead Littlesad: with a silk bathrobe belt GltrSQUEE: right. just tug on it, you'll kill yourself in no time Littlesad: i thought sylvia had the right idea....people will call me poor little rich girl GltrSQUEE: i doubt it. Littlesad: poor little poor girl maybe. and everyone will be complaining at my funeral GltrSQUEE: psht. everyone will be saying, well she was crrraaazzzzyyyyy liz. it was bound to happen sooner or later. Littlesad: yea and they'll be like "better late than never" GltrSQUEE: i'll bake a happy liz's deat-day cake GltrSQUEE: *death-day Littlesad: what kind of cake? GltrSQUEE: black forest, like your tortured soul Littlesad: heh like my street Littlesad: i live on black forest circle Littlesad: cos im goth GltrSQUEE: well, the funeral will have to bwe in your house then GltrSQUEE: to match the cake Littlesad: my house is small enough to house the 5 people that will attend GltrSQUEE: what about the cake? Littlesad: small GltrSQUEE: we could keep it outside Littlesad: with blood red icing Littlesad: nah. you could fit them all in my bathroom GltrSQUEE: wow. you have a big bathroom Littlesad: its rather tiny Littlesad: could fit 5 Littlesad: you'll come, since you're the baker Littlesad: and my mom and william and julien and colby GltrSQUEE: what about sue? Littlesad: her too Littlesad: you should bring jason schwartzman Littlesad: so my funeral will be starstudded Littlesad: and the media will cover it GltrSQUEE: oh, sure, i'll just call his cell. lemme go do it now... Littlesad: hehe Littlesad: you guys are bff i know Littlesad: do you know any celebrities to invite to my funeral? GltrSQUEE: my brother knows john waters Littlesad: whoa like personally? Littlesad: invite him! have him bring a posse of outcasts and misfits! GltrSQUEE: and my dad's friend alan's daughter works for a record company and let my dad stay in michael stipe's apartement. he has his toothpaste. i can bring that. GltrSQUEE: ok, but they won't fit in the bathroom Littlesad: whoa!!! Littlesad: ok im gonna go to sleep GltrSQUEE: night. don't nie Littlesad: i wont nie
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