Morty's LiveJournal
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Below are the 10 most recent journal entries recorded in Morty's LiveJournal:

    Thursday, September 13th, 2001
    10:24 am
    sick and tired
    I AM SICK AND TIRED OF EVERYONE BEING CONSUMED BY HATE! I was just in my normal AOL Keno room, and everyone in there is full of ignorance and hate. If we are going to resolve this, we need to not send hate mail and call in death threats to the islamic community, all that does is make people feel alienated, and if anything, its going to make them want to become terrorists themself. The islamic people that are living in america are feeling a great deal of stress becuase everybody immediatly points the finger at them, at the people that had nothing to do with anything. When we catch every single islamic person standing over dead bodies, then we can alienate an entire race, but until then, SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH YOUR HATE.
    Wednesday, September 5th, 2001
    5:59 am
    whats up
    today I can finally say that I am a cast member of the disney store (woo hoo). guess what I get to do? STOCK TRUCK!! go figure huh. well wish me luck, and damn it amy, you'd better write on this damn thing more often, I didn't join for nothin' ya know
    Saturday, September 1st, 2001
    1:00 pm
    sex is good
    sex is good, I just wanted to say that again. Liz and I watched chasing amy last night, and all I can say is DAMN! I was not expecting that movie to get so heavy. I still think it was a great movie, but it wasn't what I expected, which, in a way is almost better, but for now my favorite is still dogma. But I haven't seen Mallrats, or Jay and Silent Bob strike back yet, so that is to be determined. I was also amused by the reoccuring humor (who's house) and the gay black dude. that was some shit.
    I also saw Virtigo right before I saw chasing amy, and all I can say is WOW, alfred hitchcock is way over rated! The movie was dead until the end with the splat. I have never experianced so much dead time in a movie before. If I want to see Jimmy stewart in a crappy movie, I'll go watch Its a wonderful life, or Harvey, or some stupid shit like that.
    And that brings me to another movie I saw the day before. An old (I believe it was the first) Stephen Spielberg movie by the name of "Duel", and the whole movie is about some crazy truck driver trying to kill a guy (who remineded me of bud, not in looks but in personality, you'd get it powder or amy) while he is driving through the Desert in Southern California. And when I say the whole movie, I mean the whole fucking movie.
    I've taken Interest in Siamese Dream, by the Smashing Pumpkins again. It is a good fucking album and everyone should own it (livid should redo today, or rocket).
    Thats all for today, thanks for reading my ramblings. I love you guys (and girls)


    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: anything from siamese dream
    Thursday, August 30th, 2001
    5:14 pm
    I miss you guys
    whud up homeskillits,
    its been a little while since I updated last and I'm sorry, been doing other shit. I just thought I'd say hi to everyone that I've abandoned in the little shit town we like to call benicia. I'd just like everyone to know that I just had some mexican food and I've got some really bad fucking gas, sorry (powder and matt) that I couldn't be around to share it with you.
    I hope you're enjoying the deftones cd amy.
    I'm starting to miss it though, it was a good album.
    I found out a couple days ago that we've got a channel called MtvX, all rock videos, all day, kinda like M2, but no crap, the only problem is the shitty 80's metal crap.
    well, thats about all for now, I didn't have anything in particular to say, just thought I'd let everyone know that I miss them
    Wednesday, August 22nd, 2001
    10:23 am
    The Price is right is great
    This show has gotten really kick ass over the years. BOB IS A PIMP. Don't worry powder and matt, you're tied for a close 2nd.
    It would be nice to have a blowjob.
    Sunday, August 19th, 2001
    1:17 pm
    cheap livin'
    well, as it turns out, I don't have to be at work today to watch a bunch of vidoes, which is a plus. But now I don't know its going to fit into Liz's scedual cuz I don't drive and she works. This is going to be really tough to work out until I finally get a car. I don't want to hear anybody bitch about how bad Benicia sucks until you live in Springfield. At least everything is in walking distance there. by the time you get to the other side of town here, you guys could already be in San Francisco. Sure, there is more stuff here, but its better there. The only thing that is good here is that it is so godamm cheap to live. Try $200 a month in most appartments. But the weather is enough to stay away from this god forsaken place. I still say Powder and Matt should move thier lazy asses and move to Colorado when Liz and I get there. Thats got to be one of the best cities there is. And the mall is about 5 times bigger than sun valley, and that means 5 times more "nuts", so get your kesters down here.
    thats it for now, somebody better reply or else I'm coming after yo asses

    Current Mood: groggy
    Current Music: "down" by STP
    1:07 am
    not so bad
    3 kings is turning out to be pretty good. Liz is home and in bed, and not pissed off or stressed out so thats a good thing.

    the night she came to me,
    she told me everything,
    she cried in my arms,
    we slept under the stars,
    her mother ran far away,
    she stole her fathers pay,
    she tried to kill herself,
    i told her how i felt

    i said,
    we never run,
    i don't need it,
    i've come undone,
    don't be so fucking dumb,
    mabey we could,
    only if you would,
    just let me inside,
    i'll just be a while

    another reject dies,
    a familiar face cries,
    just don't come to me,
    unless your shoes are tied,
    her brother killed a man,
    her sister lost a hand,
    they told her nothings left,
    another secret left unkept


    Current Mood: melancholy
    Current Music: "one armed scissor" by At the Drive In
    Saturday, August 18th, 2001
    10:51 pm
    unlucky me
    I just finished watching Gladiator for the 2nd Time, and I got it recorded so that kicks ass. And Chuck just found me some porn by accident, and thats always good. Chuck by the way is Liz's Mom's Husband. He's more of a jackass than I am.
    As soon as he gets out of here I'm flippin that shit back on.
    But for right now I'm on the couch with a laptop and 3 Kings about to come on at 11:30, so thats good. I really would like to see some fucking porn though so Chuck needs to get the fuck out of here. And there he goes! woo hoo!!
    So Matt. Whatever happened to Jenna Jameason? What the fuck is up with this Trump chick? Who the fuck cares about her? Jenna is queen of the porn world! And don't you forget that!
    Shit! now Liz's Mom might come out into the living room and wait for Liz, and that'll be a fucking Drag. But I think shes in for good. I get to watch some gay disney training videos tomorrow, so if you see me in the news, something about a mall massacre, just say that you never would have expected me, I was always a nice boy:)
    Thats about all from me at this moment. And god damn it! the porn just ended as I turned to it! Thats my luck for ya.
    Friday, August 17th, 2001
    11:35 pm
    I'm just sitting here, waiting for my girl to get home from work, can't sleep without her. She has to work a 9+ hour day tomorrow and she just started at the fucking place, But she's making money (more than I'm bringing in) so I can't complain. I am so happy that I got out of the Fast food trap, but every time I think about it, I miss it, because of what came along with it. I almost hate myself for going back for the year that I did. The friendships that I made for that one year alone were stronger than the ones I made for the 17 years before. I almost didn't leave. thats how much you all mean to me.
    The stock room at the Disney store is Fucking Freaky! All the dwarves lined up on shelves and the winnie the pooh shit. It makes me quiver to think what that place is like in the dark.
    You know what I just realized? I'm working in the fucking mall! I can't tell if thats a good or bad thing. And there is so many "nuts" that it drives me crazy. Many would think that Misourri is nothing but a bunch of hicks. Well, you are sadly mistaken!

    for the longest time,
    I've tried to decide,
    whats more important,
    my torn insides,
    I can't wait around,
    for you to answer me,
    cause you deliberatly,
    toy with my mind,

    we sit under the sun,
    and catch the rain on our tounge,
    for a while we look at each other,
    there can never be another,

    you've just crossed the line,
    and I feel stupid,
    and I feel useless,
    so I just close my eyes,
    and when I open them,
    I see you in my life,
    I see the time is right,
    so I can open my eyes


    I haven't wrote anything in a while, mabey this thing will start me back upon that for a while.
    Well, good night.
    5:34 pm
    Hey there, I just had a good day. I got back from filling out tax paperwork and other crap for The Disney Store, who is my new employer. My Manager looks like one of my old managers, Bruce. And The assistant manager is a major flamer. but thats alright, he seems nice enough.
    I just got my haircut today, normal style, for those who know what that is.
    I stood up the manager at Best Buy, who was supposed to be interviewing me today at 2, But I went to the Disney Store instead. I'd Rather Take a definate, than a mabey.
    I would like to thank Amy, who told me about Live Journal. This will be a good outlet to all the shit in my life.
    I learned how to play Israels son on bass recently, so I'm happy about that too. thats about it.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: "Israels son" by Silverchair