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Thursday, March 21st, 2002 | 8:57 pm |
And last but not least tonight.... A quiz result! Now, this one is rather unique, in that I got a tie score. Due to this, I'm posting BOTH results, each of which held the high score of 20 in the results. take free enneagram testAnd for, now, that's all, folks. ^_^ | 8:53 pm |
*grins* A post excerpt, from the journal of shouryu, whom I hope doesn't bap me for sharing this with people who don't peruse my "Friends" page, which is probably most people: "How come Kunou has all these really cute cyber-chick-friends? *grin* Granted, I have Maria and Rachel and Anne...but geez, he's got like, thirty of them. Maybe it's because I make too many women jokes. *grin*" Now, Shou DOES have a point there...roughly 90% of my friends are female. Why this is, I'm not entirely sure, but it really is. I mean, yes, I have male friends, but the overwhelming amount of them are female. I'm some sort of "female friend magnet" or something like that. It's weeeeeird. WEEEEEIRD, I tells ya! ....mind you, I'm really not complaining. Yer all kewl. *group hugs* I just about died laughing seeing that comment of his, though. *grins* And now, it's off to...um...think of some computer game I can mess around with that I haven't done anything with recently! (Which is harder than it sounds! ^_^;; ) | 8:42 pm |
Just 'cause it sounds so dang freaky.... Excerpt from my letter to my credit card company, requesting that they get the recurring charge from Yahoo Personals taken the hell off of my credit card, and outlining the rigamarole I've gone through trying to acheive this through normal channels to begin with:
" So, essentially, I was being told that I couldn't remove the charge because I couldn't log in, I couldn't log in because I couldn't get through to the support number to get the account made accessable again, and in order to complain about not getting through to the phone number I would have to call the same phone number. Bit of a catch-22 situation."
I reeeeeeally don't like Yahoo right now. Bloody idiots have been charging me $20 a month for a personals service that I don't use, but can't manage to CANCEL because of their nifty little tactics. >_<
(And yes, I know I've waited far too long to get this done, but my memory is horrible. *sighs* One of the only few times my horrible memory has cost me money, though. >_< ) | Wednesday, March 20th, 2002 | 4:09 pm |
Quiz! You are Optimus Prime!Vast, red and ready to turn into a lorry at the slightest provocation, you are a robot to be reckoned with. Although sickeningly noble, you just can't resist a good interplanetary war, especially when Orson Welles is involved. You have friends who can shoot tapes from their chests. Tapes that turn into panthers. And other friends who are dinosaurs. Dinosaurs who jump out of planes. Will you have my children? Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?Heh. I, like, rock 'n' stuff. | 2:49 pm |
| 2:39 pm |
*sighs* I have disallowed comments from here on in on my LJ entry that sparked the whole religious argument. I didn't want to do it, really...I respect the whole free speech and free discussion thing, but seeing several of my friends fighting like that really hurts me...I'm sorry if I've offended any of you, but please, please, take it to private e-mails back and forth, so I don't see the people I care about fighting with each other...I know it's not realistic to expect everyone to get along all the time, but I can hope. If ye don't have hope, then what else is left? *curls up into a little ball and rocks back and forth* Current Mood: sad | 11:28 am |
Hmm. This could be bad. *looks down at leg, which is bouncing at a fairly rapid pace* ....three chocolate-covered espresso beans and about a third of my 24-ounce Code Red Mountain Dew gone now...I am gonna be bouncing off the WALLS tonight at lasertag. o_o;;; | 12:34 am |
I can see TOMORROW in your dance!!! o_o Had a small bit of gastric difficulty with digesting the chocolate-covered espresso beans, but now at least the PURPLE WEASELS ARE CRAWLING DOWN THE WALLS INTO MY PANTS--....achem. Sorry 'bout that. Little feedback from an overload again. Won't happen again as long as I don't FREE JOHN FLANSBURGH FROM THE GRIPS OF THE REVOLUTION NARBLE Floop....gleep....*bangs head with hand a few times* Urm. I do believe I've suffered a bit of an overload. *looks at watch* ....12:41 AM. Wonder how long it'll be before I can get to sleep?
...we can call it OUR HOPE... *giggles* (Ah, DDR refs are fuuuuuuuun! Time to let the weasels carry me to bed! Wheeee!) | Tuesday, March 19th, 2002 | 10:03 pm |
| 1:28 am |
Stupid, stupid, stupid. *sighs* I just posted a whole huge long reply to a post that shouryu made in my previous LJ post that touched on religion somewhat, and then upon hitting "post comment" on what I typed in, I read through the order the messages came in (instead of the order I read 'em in my Inbox), and it became clear that apparently Shouryu was responding to a DIFFERENT poster, and not to me as I had thought. So this is my equivalent of a public apology to Shouryu, whom I shouldn't've just auto-reacted to, even though it wasn't a flame or anything. Just a really long, drawn-out reply that wasn't even necessary. Dangit. >_< (And this caps off yet another day of screwups. G'night, everyone! *bangs head into desk*) | Monday, March 18th, 2002 | 11:00 am |
| Sunday, March 17th, 2002 | 11:53 pm |
Take THAT, Yuri! Finally beat the final mission. Although it's rather unfair still that he gets unlimited numbers of troops (not affected by his main base) to send against your Soviet-supplied mini-base, and that the Allied main base gets rushed like MAD constantly, I managed to make it through this time. How, you might ask?
Kirovs. Lots and lots of Kirovs. And the foresight to put all of my critical Allied stuff over on the Soviet base area, where there're just controllable streams of enemies rather than a gigantic rush against a base that you can't build any actual TROOPS at because they'll just be mind-controlled. Which will destroy a large portion of your base before they even get ACTUALLY controlled.
But I digress.
Kirovs drop large amounts of boom-ness, take out power plants, then take out genetic mutator. Nuclear missiles also take out large amounts of power plants plus command centers due to artistic missile-drop placement. Psychic dominator go boom. One SLIGHT problem then, though. I had to sacrifice my Allied base due to the fact that after I destroyed the Mutator they sold everything on that mini-base and did a bum rush on my Allied equipment....*sighs* They took EVERYTHING out. So I had no ground troops and no way to get any troops OVER to the main bases. So I had to use Kirovs....slow, annoying as hell Kirovs...to mop up with. Although I did use the assault helicopter thingies to mop up ground troops since they're a lot faster and more accurate for that sort of thing. Stupid mission, making me take out all the troops AFTER I already finished off the Dominator... ^_^;
Anyhoo, now I'm bored. But I don't want to go to sleep. And I haven't made this many LJ entries in some time, ne? ^_^; | 9:36 pm |
| 9:27 pm |
Holy flippin' hoo-hah! o_o;;; It's a Friends List explosion, it is! *flailflail* I went to check my listings since I needed to add mah friend hiroe, who has just gained an LJ, and who do I see there but cowkitty! And someone named crownedhorse, who on further inspection seems to be a certain team leader of a bunny persuasion. *grins* And to round things out is s person named system_of_adown, who I am desperately trying to remember if I've met before and who I just added anyway. ^_^;;; (Y'know, it doesn't help my memory any that I know several billion people named Jess/Jessica or Sarah. Seems like a large chunk of people I know have very similar names. o_o;;; ) Anyhoo, that's pretty much my update for today, except that my wrists are killing me and my AIM has suddenly decided to not let me log on. I think I'll go ram my head into the brick wall known as the last Allied mission in Yuri's Revenge. ^_^; | 3:24 am |
AAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHH! *bangs head into desk repeatedly* HOW? HOWHOWHOWHOWHOWHOWHOW?!?!?!?!?
How the [CENSORED] [CENSORED] HELL can the last Allied mission on Yuri's Revenge be SO DAMNED HARD?!?!?!?? For crying out loud, the Soviet missions are a piece of cake, and all of the Allied missions before this one were no problem at all! And yet, on this final mission, going up against his base in Antarctica, I get SLAMMED! EVERY DAMN [CENSORED] TIME!!!
It doesn't help that, for some reason, the computer manages to get infinite reinforcements coming off the edge of the map, plus the computer ALWAYS knows right where you are, even with Gap Generators up and running, PLUS the computer already has two superweapons deployed, with VERY short recharge times, and they make it impossible to have any sort of army together! And when I DO manage to get to the opposing base and do some damage, my army gets either decimated or mind-controlled, and then by the time I'm ready to assault again the damage has been fixed up already!!!
And yes, I know I could just stop playing. Which is what I've done right now, or I couldn't be writing this. But it just makes no SENSE!!! Why is this ONE MISSION so friggin' hard, out of the 14 missions total that are in the expansion?!?!? What, did the people over at Westwood decide that it should be harder for the Allies to win than it is for the Soviets? I mean, the Soviet final mission is a friggin' joke! When you take out TWO specific targets, you have a grand total of three armies at your disposal! And you don't even really need to take out those targets unless you want to, seeing as how there's a really easy way to get to the final destination!
It just seems stupid that the computer gets to have all of these advantages, and the human player gets NOTHING. And I've always been annoyed by the fact that, any time you play against the computer, the enemy always knows PRECISELY where you are. What's the point of including Gap Generators and similar things if they're completely useless against the computer opponent? Just to instill false hope? >_<
I'm going to continue banging my head into things in the hope that I'll knock myself unconscious. I haveta get up in 5.5 hours anyway. >_< | Friday, March 15th, 2002 | 1:03 pm |
*snickers* Well, everyone remember my little sighing rant about Square moving over to the GameCube? Looks like I was sliiiiightly off in my estimations. "The objective of the new company is to develop GBA titles, so GameCube titles are not a part of the plan," That's right, ladies and gentlemen, Square will be developing GBA titles only for right now, it seems. And Square will continue to produce all of its games on its own, so can port them to wherever they want. Whew. Final Fantasy goodness may yet still flow freely to my PS2, with any luck. Maybe they'll be sane and produce games for all the major platforms, making it much easier on those of us with dollar limitations. ^_^ http://gamespot.com/gamespot/stories/news/0,10870,2854594,00.html | Thursday, March 14th, 2002 | 3:03 pm |
You have entered...the Tech Support Zone. Presented for your approval, a call that I just received.
[Me] Electronic Village, Dan speaking, how can I help you? [Customer] What? [Me] Electronic Village...PapaDocs Internet and TechDoctors... [Customer] I can't hear you! [Me] *much louder* PapaDocs Internet, how can I help you? [Customer] No, I'm not interested in any of that...Doctors, did you say? [Me] No, this is PapaDocs Internet. [Customer] Oh...well, someone called me from this number and I couldn't understand what they were saying, so I thought I'd call back, but I guess I'll just give up. [Me] Um...okay... [Customer] *feedback whine as they hang up*
...I get a lot of surreal calls, but that was just the most downright WEIRD. ^_^;; | Wednesday, March 13th, 2002 | 2:02 pm |
This is majorly scary. Credit goes to hunterx for this link and story, which is quite scary... http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2002-03/12/09.00.film"Twentieth Century Fox has acquired the movie rights to the Japanese anime DragonBall, which the studio's Fox 2000 unit will develop as a live-action film franchise, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Japanese writer Akira Toriyama created DragonBall as a graphic novel, and it has been adapted as an animated television series, video games and straight-to-video releases, the trade paper reported." It's not a joke, people. They're wanting to make live-action DBZ. This is REALLY gonna suck. -_- | Monday, March 11th, 2002 | 11:06 am |
On a slightly more lucid note... ...here's some test data. Most are from kaichan , but I think one other one was from....um....someone else. ^_^;; ( Click here to see 'em! ) | 10:43 am |
*sighs* I give up. >_< *growls* Okay, Square, I followed your games to the Playstation, out of a need for more Final Fantasy goodness. I bought each as it came out, and worked diligently to finish them. When you made the upgrade to the Playstation 2, I was already there, ready and waiting, no worries. Final Fantasy XI is even coming out for the PS2, a fully-online FF that will probably still have all the things I absolutely HATE about MMORPGs, but I'll buy it anyway...because it's Final Fantasy. Even though I'll have to buy the PS2 modem.
But now you've just gone too far.
Square is turning itself BACK to Nintendo. Some people (like Kevin, for instance) are undoubtedly gloating their fool heads off, although I can't for the life of me figure why. If the PS2 gets something that the GameCube doesn't, like GTA3, do I cackle in glee? Nope, not really. But frankly, I'm opposed to buying one of the damn things. The controller is...well, weird, to say the least. I wasn't exactly happy with the stick placements on the one in Best Buy that I tried out, for one thing. And the game lineup so far is rather...lackluster. One game of note that looks any good. However, the lineup isn't really a sticking point...the PS2 had a horrendous start-up lineup as well, and so does every new system, really. The main sticking point for me is just the fact that it's pissing me off.
With Resident Evil, for instance....great series, wonderful gameplay, good replay value just to see how many different ways you can pop zombies, and always been on Sony schtuff. Started out on the Playstation, made a mini-jump to the Dreamcast for Code Veronica, but then CV was put out on the PS2 so it all balanced out. But now they're heading over to the GameCube, starting over from the beginning of the series with improved graphics and the like....and with NO intentions of ever releasing on any other console. So if I want to play the improved old games, or even the new ones that come after, I'm gonna have to buy a GameCube? Screw that. I have three consoles downstairs as it is...my PSX (No matter what, I will NEVER get rid of my Playstation. In my opinion, the best RPGs in the past several years have come out on the PSX, and my game library of them is gigantic. Any time I want to get some RPG goodness, it's there for me.) and my Dreamcast (Hey, stop laughing! I love my li'l Dreamcast!) reside on top of the TV, and the PS2 sits on the shelves next to the TV like an obsidian monolith of gaming. The VCR takes up the rest of the dresser my TV is on top of, and although I technically could get rid of that, where would I watch my Kids in the Hall episodes at then?
Anyhoo, I'm just rambling all OVER the place, aren't I. *sighs* Doubt if any of this is making any sense.
What it comes down to is that I'm not going to bother following Square and Capcom over to the GameCube by this point. As it is, I still have enough RPGs on the PSX that I haven't even STARTED, much less finished, to keep me occupied even after I finish off my DC and PS2 games that I've got right now. Will I be missing out on some good stuff? Probably, probably. But will I be paying $200 for a system I have nowhere to put, don't like the controller on, and think looks like a demented toaster? Nope. So I guess it balances out.
....and for those of you who are wondering, and noticing that I'm making NO SENSE whatsoever in this post: yes, I'm half-asleep. And in a bit of a bad mood for some reason.
*grumbles* |
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