Date: | 2002-10-26 00:07 |
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Anyone speak Romanian?
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Date: | 2002-10-22 23:54 |
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Hell yes I want a Fanta.
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Date: | 2002-10-20 15:27 |
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![cuddle%20and%20a%20kiss]( What Sign of Affection Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
So I'm at lunch now, my manager is a dick, and I don't want to go to school tomorrow.
I miss the people I never met and wish I didn't wait so much.
Buy "Cowboy Bebop" or at least watch it on Cartoon Network... it's damn cool.
With a "whoop" and a sigh, I'm off to go stand in the business machine section for money.
Hasta luego...
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Date: | 2002-10-20 02:05 |
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"Leave it to tomorrow..."
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Date: | 2002-10-14 15:24 |
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Wish I had better friends sometimes.
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Date: | 2002-10-01 11:36 |
Subject: | trying... |
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I'm gonna try and come back to this thing, I was gone for a while, but I had just thought everyone lost interest (assuming there was any)... haha...
So I've really just been going to school and working a lot lately, usually in that order. My DVD collection has grown a lot though, ever since someone mentioned Blade Runner I've been on a mission.
But yeah, I'll try. =)
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Date: | 2002-09-10 18:23 |
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Which Animaniacs Character are You?
Talkative, huh? Perhaps sing-ative would be more appropriate, actually. When people don't understand something, it usually drives you to cutting, sarcastic remarks. Your other extreme is bursting into song with almost no prompting, often to explain complex ideas. No one knows quite what you are, exactly. You have made many "special" friends, and there's baloney in your slacks.
Click here to see my Livejournal.
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Date: | 2002-09-03 22:38 |
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I'm Weekend Update Jimmy!
Take the Jimmy Fallon recurring SNL character quiz here.
created by stomps.
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Date: | 2002-09-03 19:04 |
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I feel worse than I have in a long time.
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Date: | 2002-09-03 12:19 |
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Greetings, confusoid. You scored a... 49%
Is it a bird? A plane? Is it a boy? A girl? Is it love, or is it lust? Ah, you. You are that rare mix of sensitive and sensual, romantic and randy, pride and prejudice, etc. When you see your crush, you waffle like a Belgian, unsure of whether you'd rather paint their toes or suck on their toes. Poets have long been puzzled by your kind. You'll never fall for robots or nymphos, but you will suffer longs bouts of marriage.
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Date: | 2002-08-28 22:29 |
Subject: | Long time, no see... |
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Mood: | accomplished | Music: | Midtown - Let go |
Yeah, it's been kind of a long time since I've written. I don't know why, I always meant to, but you know how it is. I don't want to feel like I have to write in this thing, even though I want to... Not gonna try to explain that.
Last week was a lot of fun. I'm gonna go ahead and call it Ash Fest 2002, because I saw her every day before she went off to Pepperdine...
Not sure if I mentioned it before, but we went to the Zoo, it was a lot of fun. I had forgotten how much I liked animals until I started seeing them everywhere again. I'm glad I brought a camera though, because it made me feel like I had something to do. Ash and I got to go see the panda that's leaving too, I've never seen one of those, so that was cool. I also got the perfect shot of a rhino that wasn't cooperating at first, but I coerced it out from behind his wall thing... muahaha...
Anyway, we the next day we went to San Diego, which I already wrote about, so yeah.
Over the week we also watched a lot of movies, (Bandits is the shiz by the way).
But then she left on Friday, she came by around 5AM to say goodbye, but I was barely coherent so I just hugged her for a while and muttered "I'll miss you." It was still nice.
Also last week though, I did all my registration and stuff for school. I hadn't even walked onto the campus and I registered for all my classes and ordered my books. I left the first day about 2 hours early so I could figure out where my classes were and see a counselor about transferring to UCLA. So I did that and ended up recognizing more people around the campus then in High School.
Monday was my first day, I only had math, but it was enough time to realize that college is just a bunch of random people and programs that loosely forms some sort of higher education. There's no set path, but everyone talks about it. All I have to help me is this IGETC sheet that tells me which classes I might need, and some classes that I really want to be done with, but really need to understand.
On the plus side, I've decided what I want my major to be, communication arts. It's film/television/radio, and something I'm very interested in. Mostly editing, I'd like to edit videos and things for TV and stuff like that. I just need to get some GE credits and then hopefully I'll be off to go get that. The electives I have now are way fun though, stuff like Film Production, History of Film, and Mass Media & Society.
So that's me lately.
Miss you.
Lateo ;)
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Date: | 2002-08-21 22:04 |
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Music: | Zebrahead - Whats Goin On |
Today was a lot of fun, tiring, but a lot of fun =)
Woke up at 8 to take a shower, Ash had a big plan today and she told me I needed to be ready at 9. She came and got me, and we went down to San Juan Capistrano to take a train down to San Diego. It was a lot of fun, I was beyond rational thought for a while though, cause waking up 8AM isn't normal operating hours for me.
We didn't have any transportation once we got there, but the weather was nice and we just sort of picked a direction and walked. We walking through some TV camera's that were filming right outside the courthouse, I guess the verdict for a really big case was given today, if you flipped the channels right you would see she and I walking through all of them.
Eventually we got to this really cool mall and picked up a map at the information center. We took a look at it, and went down to the Seacoast Village, once we got there we realized we were only a block away from the train station, after having walked at least 10. So yeah, we went there, got lunch, went to some of the shops (they had this music-box place she really liked) and decided to go to the Gaslamp District, which is this cool place where they're supposed to have really old buildings. Of course, once we got there it looked like they were ripping out everything and renovating. Kind of defeats the purpose of a Gaslamp District, I think.
Anyhow, after going there we went back to get a better look at that mall, went in a lot of the shops, then headed back for the train.
We kind of ended up sleeping in shifts, didn't mean to, but every time I fell asleep she woke up and vice versa. It was cool though, we sat on the ocean-side both times, it was very cool.
So then we got back home, I was/am still beat tired and just talked for a bit with parents and such. I decided to come home to eat, because I haven't had any of my moms food in god knows how long.
So that's what I did. It was a lot of fun, now I'm trying to figure out what to do next.
Good day... (so far)...
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Date: | 2002-08-20 03:44 |
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I can't sleep... yeah, I'm not sure why either. I really wish I could, I'm sure I'm very tired, but yeah...
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Date: | 2002-08-19 17:24 |
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G Gundam just ended... it's got a lot of morals, but they're all about the warriors and pilots of Gundams... so I don't get much out of it, considering I don't own or control a huge metal machine that I battle others with for the fate of my colony.
But the Fanta commercials are awesome.
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Date: | 2002-08-19 17:01 |
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Gundam G is so pro-japan it's kind of disconcerting... Wish I could enjoy it more. Buah.
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Date: | 2002-08-19 16:15 |
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Music: | Zebrahead - Subtract You |
"Mmph, beavers n' ducks..."
Ahhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...
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Date: | 2002-08-16 00:54 |
Subject: | Haven't heard this song in a while. |
Security: | Public |
Music: | Reel Big Fish - Sell Out |
Twinkies are probably the best damn artificial cream-filled pastry ever made. You can quote me on that too.
Today was all right, got better toward the end. I woke up around 1, played some video games for a while, took a shower, then wafers called and wanted to see if I was up to go to dinner, I was about to call back when my grandma came over and I got side-tracked, sorry priscilla =(
After that though, called her and she was off to go hang out at Colton's with Lauren, one of her best friends that's leaving tomorrow to go back to college, I always feel left out though, cause whenever friends of mine go to Colton's I never do... but yeah...
Anyhow, I caught up with grandma a bit then went off to go see Ash. I picked her up, and she showed me this video she had been editing with her sister in it (very talented gal... Ash, her sister too, but Ash right now) yeah, sooooo we were gonna go see a movie or something, but nothing is playing that she or I haven't seen, so that was a bust.
Instead we went off to go get some tea, which was nice because I ran out of Earl Grey at home, I took extra packets, because basically all they give you there is hot water and you go grab a tea bag. Instead of paying 2.50 for one though, I evened out the price... booyah ;)
I felt all popular cause I knew a ton of people and was slappin hands as I walked, always a good feelin', especially cause I like this shirt.
Anyhow, dunno if I'm just gonna go to bed or... yeah... I'll figure somethin' out.
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Date: | 2002-08-15 19:49 |
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Security: | Public |
Music: | Reel Big Fish - Snoop Dog Baby |
1) Name: Jonathan Henry Franks 2) Name Backwards: Nathanoj Yrneh Sknarf 3) Nick Name(s): Jon, Johnny Jon Jons, Franky, Frankys, Jonno, Pancakeys, Joncito, Jonny Man, and a couple others… 4) Screen Name(s): Rhandom2002, Rhandom, Slacko... 5) Date Of Birth: Dec 8, 1983 6) Nationality: English/American 7) Current Location: Home 8) Sign: Sagittarius 9) Height: 5'9" 10) Weight: 150 lbs 11) Shoe Size: 11.5 (booyah) 12) Hair color: Brown, but whenever I grow facial hair it's got some reddish/blondish stuff in there. 13) Eye color: Blue/Green, depending on what color I wear. 14) What do you look like? A bored kid with a goofy smile. 15) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous? I was ambidextrous for a while when I broke my arm, but I'm mostly righty. 16) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other? Straight
Who Is Your...
17) Best friend(s): Chris, Raech, Ash, Nilla Wafer 18) Best friend you trust more than anyone: Ash, Chris, Wafers, Raech 19) Boyfriend / Girlfriend: Ash (hopefully) 20) Crush(s): Ah who knows? 21) Parent(s): Mimi and Terry 22) Worst Enemy: Sam, the Bane of my Existence 23) Funniest friend: Chris 24) Craziest friend: Priscilla (nilla wafer) 25) Advice Friend: Kristen (haha) 26) Loudest Friend: Chris 27) Person you cry with: Ash 28) Any sisters: Nope, none. 29) Any brothers: Yup, one. 30) Any pets: Dog, cat, bird and my brother has a fish that won't die. 31) A Disease: Boredom. 32) A Personal phone line: My cell phone number... 33) A Cell phone: The thing I talk with when I'm walking around (or sitting). 34) A Lava lamp: Used to, broke it to get the stuff out. 35) A Pool or hot tub: Just the neighborhood one. 36) A Car: 2001 Honda Civic Coupe
Describe Your...
37) Personality: Sarcastic and funny, you wouldn't know if I didn't like you or not. Try to take the good with the bad (don't even know what that means) and I always look on the bright side. 38) Driving: About as normal as I can, I follow the rules nowadays... gotten a speeding ticket and into a 5 car accident, so that happens. 39) Room: Looks like me. 40) School: Don't know yet, starting college soon. Used to be nucking futs though, I graduated early so I wouldn't be around it anymore. 41) Bed: Almost always unmade, but way comfortable. 42) Relationship with your parent(s): Very good, I try take the best parts of both of them.
Do You
43) Believe in yourself: Most of the time, just don't know what I'm capable of. 44) Do you believe in love at first sight? Yeah. 45) Consider yourself a good listener: Very. 46) Consider yourself a good friend: I try. 47) Get Along with your parents: Yeah, most of the time. 48) Save your e-mail conversations: Don't save so much as just don't delete. 49) Pray: Every now and then. 50) Believe in reincarnation: Yes and no, mostly no. 51) Like to make fun of people: Loads. 52) Like to talk on the phone: Not as much as in person.
Do You...
53) Like to drive: Yeah, getting rides sucks. 54) Get motion sickness: Nope. 55) Eat the stems of broccoli: Not all the time. 56) Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: I have, but don't usually. 57) Dream in color: Yeah... 58) Type with your fingers on home row: Sometimes. 59) Sleep with a stuffed animal: Not with it, but for graduation I got like 5 bears so they're on my bedpost. 60) Right next to you: Nope.
What is...
61) On the walls of your room: Pictures, an Indiana Jones Movie poster, shelves, an x-ray of my arm, wisdom teeth, my letter, some old show tickets... 62) On your mouse pad: Don't have one. 63) Your dream car: An M3 BMW Coupe with black leather and M Cloth inserts 64) Your dream date: One that ends well, haha... 65) Your dream honeymoon spot: Someplace warm with waterfalls. 66) Your dream husband/wife: Natassia Malthe (from Maxim) 67) Your bedtime: Whenever... 68) Under your bed: Really not sure. 69) The single most important question: What do you want to do? 70) Your bad time of the day: 12:30PM, but it's all downhill from there. 71) Your worst fear(s): Sleeping too much, or losing people I care about. 72) The weather is like: The sky is gray, and there's no wind. 73) The time: 7:40PM 74) The date: August 15, 2002 75) The best trick you ever played on someone: Too long and detailed... involved work and a folding machine. 76) The weirdest food or drink that you like: Spanish olives. 77) Theme Song: Reel Big Fish - I'll Never Be 78) The hardest thing about growing up: Learning what you don't want to hear about someone is true. 79) Your funniest experience: Being followed home by a helicopter. 80) Your scariest moment: Almost dieing. 81) The silliest thing you've said: "I'm gonna run for president under the 2 moons ticket." 82) The scariest Thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s): Getting stuck in Norco and having some thugs role up. 83) The worst feeling in the world: Not knowing. 84) The best feeling in the world: Contentment and finding someone you were looking for (even if you didn't know you were).
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Date: | 2002-08-15 03:17 |
Subject: | nothing sucks |
Security: | Public |
going to bed very happy.
got to see ash, got complimented a bunch, and (don't understand it, but) mel put me on her journal and everyone had some nice things to say, way happy.
so nanight ;)
thanks priscilla, too =)
nanight (again)
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Date: | 2002-08-11 01:01 |
Subject: | just because dawn had one =) |
Security: | Public |
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