Something to think about... thu 3.7.2002 | 22:15

[ mood | amused ]

I told you guys last night about the evils of masturbation:

Oh.. and this is for those days when you just feel the need to be inspired...


22 bum lookers | expose the truth

Hmm... sun 3.3.2002 | 22:31

1 : having no shame : insensible to disgrace
2 : showing lack of shame : DISGRACEFUL

: the practice of seeking to impress others by studied but apparently casual mention of prominent persons as associates

A very famous actress said it best in a commercial: "I'm just an ordinary person with an extraordinary job."

Let's try to remember that.

source: merriam-webster online dictionary

Realization... wed 2.20.2002 | 15:14

For Sals, Jan, and Sherylin...

"The Beatles saved the world from boredom." -G.H. fri 11.30.2001 | 16:43

You're home, George

FINALLY! tue 11.27.2001 | 19:32



16 bum lookers | expose the truth

10.08.2000 - Jeff & Mary in NYC wed 9.12.2001 | 20:38


Late night photo session tue 9.11.2001 | 03:46

[ mood | recumbent ]

The Orange Glow From Below
09.11.2001 - 00:22

Simple Measures of Happiness:
- I get to intern, probably for the last time before I take my boards, at the pharmacy where my preceptor is and where my closest friends in my profession are.
- Jeff's going to give my car an oil change probably also for the last time before he moves to start a new life in New York City with his girlfriend, Mary.
- In all but 3 days, I'll be sitting in a car with Rick & Jackie heading up to one of my favourite places on Earth: Ottawa - so we can help take care of our brother, Nathaniel, post-shoulder-surgery.
- In less than one week, I'll see my best friend, Sarah - one of the only people who makes me laugh the hardest, doesn't judge me for crying about the stupidest things, and can always sense when there's something wrong and says the right thing to make me feel better.
- That despite the fact that I'm suffering from a small stint of insomnia, I just realized that I'm surrounded by many people who truly care about me and are in my thoughts and prayers no matter what their situation is.

Road Trip Lesson #7 sun 9.9.2001 | 10:17

Link O'The Day
Their Skinny Dip shower gel is divine!

So I must say that vacations are indeed fun. But I have to had yet another lesson as per Road Trip Lessons 1 Through 6 because I just discovered this new lesson this morning.

Road Trip Lesson #7
As soon as you arrive home, evaluate
what bills need to be paid.

Like my friend therealsugshady, I am probably up there on the Procastinators Extraordinaire List... an unfortunate aspect of my motivation, but I've learned to accept it and deal with it. So as I was looking through my bills earlier this morning, I noticed that my lovely car bill was due, oh, um, yes... YESTERDAY.

$224.61 equals purse pain

But out of all the bills I had this month, the one that amused me most was my Sprint Foncard bill. I sometimes have the tendency to lose track my usage of this particular card. I guess in the month of August, I used it only once very briefly...

THAT'S RIGHT! Ladies and germs: Sprint wants me to pay sixty-one pennies for using their services in the last pay period! Let's see here...

Ink on my cheque = $0.01
My cheque = $0.60
Stamp = $0.34
Total = $0.95

I should send them a blank cheque for zero dollars and write in the memo: GET OUT OF MY VILLAGE!

Side Note: Geocities has been a butthead all morning...

2 bum lookers | expose the truth

ROAD TRIP LESSONS 1 THROUGH 6: wed 9.5.2001 | 20:26

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Travis - Sing ]

How heavy do I journey on the way,
When what I seek, my weary TRAVEL's end,
Doth teach that ease and that repose to say
'Thus far the miles are measured from thy friend!'

William Shakespeare "Sonnet L"

Road Trip Lesson #1
When going across the border, always rehearse
what you have to say.

The Beginning. Adventurous was my road trip back to Columbus yesterday... adventurous indeed. Went to Ikea first before ditching town and spent about $250 CDN worth of accessories which included a couple of Chinese latern lamps for Jeff and Mary, a wine glass rack, spot lighting, prints, and Lack wall shelves, etc. I was very proud of my buy!

$150 Worth of Merchandise. Around 1:30 or so, I finally left the city and headed to the border. I was trying to figure out what to say to the border patrol people and determined that $150 worth of merchandise was suffice in spending for one person and superfluous enough for a 10-day vacation.

Road Trip Lesson #2
If you act casual and get yelled at,
it's STILL OKAY...

Casablanca Boulevard. Along the QEW, post-Burlington Bridge, there is only ONE Tim Hortons which, I feel, has the best French vanilla cappucino. SERIOUSLY! This Tim Hortons is located in Grimsby, Ontario on the Casablanca Boulevard exit about an hour out of the city.

Here's that Tim Hortons just off of the
North Service Road from Casablanca in Grimsby

But also located on this exit is a magnificent view of Lake Ontario... it's DIVINE. To get an even sweeter view, there's a hotel with an observation deck above... so before getting my favourite, tasty hot beverage, I proceeded into the hotel...

Kittling Ridge Winery Inn and Suites, Grimsby, Ontario. This hotel is GORGEOUS... however, the very first thing I see is a sign made from probably Power Point or WordPerfect:


So with that in mind, I proceeded in and casually headed up the stairs looking for an elevator... my casualness turned into slight panic as I realized that it was almost a dead end. I finally found the elevators and went up to the top floor... the deck was closed because it was connected to the restaurant which was also closed. So I wandered down to the 7th floor and sauntered from one end to the other... NO GOOD SHOTS.

Having a strange feeling that the jig was up, I proceeded down to the lobby. I head out of the elevator and the lady at the desk yells at me: "WE'VE BEEN WATCHING YOU ON THE VIDEO MONITOR... GET OUT OF OUR HOTEL!!"

Road Trip Lesson #3
Quick footed people always end up in a
perfect place.

Lightening is Slower. So I ran... like I've never ran before in my life.

The PERFECT Spot. I zipped on out in my silver Honda and discovered a little road that turned into a pot-hole riddened wonderland... it was just north of the Place Polonaise on the North Service Road. Despite almost getting stuck in the mud, I came to find out that it was the most perfect spot to get the picture I wanted.

The sky dreamed a cloud's death...
Rheostatics "The Sky Dreamed"

I went to the Tim Hortons across the street and got my favourite, tasty hot beverage... yum...

Road Trip Lesson #4
See Road Trip Lesson #1

Run for the Border. So I bought some cute souvenirs at the Duty Free in Fort Erie and proceeded to the Peace Bridge. Along the way, I was rehearsing what I was going to say. God forbid they not let me into America... my car is their database's best friend.

"Oh, y'know, lampshades."

At the border, I pull up to the booth:
Customs Guy:


Customs Guy:
Why were you in Canada?

Oh, vacationing, visiting friends and family.

Customs Guy:
Did you purchase anything while in Canada?

Me: (proudly saying what I've been rehearsing for the past 3 hours)
Yes. $150 worth of merchandise.
At this point, I was dreading it... I knew what was coming next...

Customs Guy:
What kind of merchandise?

Hook, line, and sinker...

Me: (Slightly hesitating, but looking for a quick answer, I casually said the first thing that came to my mind...)
Oh, y'know, lampshades.

Customs Guy: (A little surprised and confuzzled...)
Um... no alcohol or tobacco?


Customs Guy: (Practically saying under his breath You are the weakest link! and then smugly motioning me to move along)
Alright then... good bye!
So I said LAMPSHADES. Can you imagine what it must have been like to be that customs guy hearing this freak girl with batty hair, no make up, wearing an off-white shirt after Labour Day in car full of Ikea merchandise up the wazoo say that she bought at least $150 worth of frickin' lampshades??? Freak!!

On that note: As I entered Buffalo Sabres territory, picture me laughing maniacally to myself at the situation... yeeeahh... ooooh kay then!

Road Trip Lesson #5
What goes in must come out... be prepared when
drinking a superflous amount of water.

My Hips Almost Fell Out. I had to use the bathroom. Nature was sending her come hither messages. I was almost in Columbus... probably about 20-30 minutes away from my final destination. Despite what practicing pharmacy has taught me, nature was stronger and about to win the battle. But I was in between rest areas... it wasn't going to work out. So I decided to get off an exit with some service stations. I proceeded into TCBY and discovered that they had single-serving bathrooms. I was ready to hop into the men's bathroom, but fortune's misfortune, it was also occupied and a man (he looked like a trucker-guy) was already waiting in its wings. He probably had just gotten there. At this point, I swear to you, my hips almost fell out.

So, there... we waited.

3 (three) Minutes Pass. We stood there blankly looking at our respected universal bathroom symbols. One minute passes... We tried not to look desperate in front of each other so we stood casually, not doing some weirdo leg crossing or jiggling. I don't think Trucker-Guy and I could even think about anything but looking cool in front of one another. Two minutes... Appropriately, in the background on the overhead speakers, Loser by Beck was playing. We both became shifty and impatient. Three minutes pass... I turn to my Trucker-Guy and say to him with a smile: "I'm starting to think no one's in there..." and he hesitantly replies back: "I'm feeling like an idiot!"

a flush of [no] guilt

I *Hope* You Didn't Fall In. I reached out for the bathroom doorknob to see if it was really locked. And lo it was. I knocked and fainlty, a woman's voice said: "Someone's in here..." **feel the decrease in idiot-levels reach back to baseline** And said through the highest of my impatience, I replied back: "Okay, good to know... just seeing if you're alright. I hope you didn't fall in or anything like that!" Trucker-Guy chuckled. He knew what I said was funny... I was ready to bust out laughing myself, but due to the anatomy of our physical being, guffawing would not be advisable at that moment. Around the same time, both parties left their respected water closets. Trucker-Guy and I sighed in relief.

I'm going to miss Trucker-Guy... I hope he's still able to have kids after all that torture.

Road Trip Lesson #6
Look back and just laugh.

I seriously don't know what I had gotten myself into. All I know was that I made it home safe and sound. I was exhausted, burnt, and broken still, but alive and happy. I'm so glad, I can look back and laugh at this.

It's hilarious how sometimes, idiocy can get you in trouble, make you giggle your bum off, or jeopardize your health all in less than 5 hours.

- Neil Diamond's Greatest Hits Double CD (1967-1972, I believe)
- Pop Vultures
- Jaymz Bee & his Royal Jelly Orchestra

3 bum lookers | expose the truth

GLIVEC THE WONDERDRUG wed 6.6.2001 | 01:06

So bare with me. I did my presentation today in front of my preceptor, the director of pharmacy for the hospital, a tech, another intern, and 4 other pharmacists and holy cow - I KICKED ASS! I basically explained chronic myelogenous leukemia and this new drug, Glivec in a one-page summary and two diagrams. Something that complicated usually takes several pages, but I managed to keep the darn thing brief and to the point. Mr. Mike Boyd, the pharmacist specializing in oncology at the hospital missed most of it. I appreciate how he does everything in his power to get me involved. He told me he was looking for me yesterday b/c he did a consult on a Coumadin patient. Aw man! [I'm honestly bummed out about it!] Ladies and gentlemen, that's how much a nerd I am!

Glivec & Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
click here

Last day at Doctors North tomorrow. I can't believe it!

2 bum lookers | expose the truth

Search to find my definition ... thu 4.19.2001 | 19:47

My very first entry. This is a big event that certainly calls for celebration. Okay maybe not. I think Scott and I were suppose to go to the driving range. And it's Thursday - why didn't I pick up my pay cheque? Gah!

expose the truth



i never held an ocean in the palm of my hands
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