Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
10:52 am
Paula is awake. And this was our initial conversaion:
L: Paula, it's 10:15. P: Ok dude, it takes me a minute to get ready. L: should I let the dogs out? P: yea Leah takes dogs outside L: Paula, where is the celexa? P: ohhhhh. That is a really big question, with an equally big answer. L: *laughs* P: Ya know the cabinet? L: ya, personally. *laugh hysterically for 5 minutes. L: Paula, moraxian is going to kill us. P: Post and tell him we're late and it's all Paula's fault. P: so ya know the cabinet? *laughs hysterically for 5 minutes* L: yeah. P: it's in the top, in a skinny box. Leah goes and looks in kitchen cabinet. P: no not that cabinet, teh one downstaris.
Later..... L: do you have clothes packed for the photoshoot? P: we're going on a photoshoot? P: ok, he said bring a dress, so I am going to bring this swearshirt.... leah dies laughing P: what is so funny? L: He tells you to bring a dress, and you are going to totally defy his request by bringing a sweatshirt. *laughs* L: *yells at Paula* GET READY!!!!!!!!!!! P; I shoulda just drank the whole carton. P: I always buy milk and forget it's there. L: *yells* GO GET READY!!!!!!!!1 P: OK, get your scuzzy sox of the floor.
current mood: bouncy
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9:42 am
I am so insanely jealous of Paula cuz she has the ability to sleep thru racket.
I feel bad having to wake her up, but we were supposed to leave, ummmmm 30 minutes ago.
I am ready. Paula is sleeping soundly on the couch.
She may kill me the next time I try to wake her up.
current mood: thirsty
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8:34 am
to recap the nites events:
Came to Paula's. Took a shot fo banana rumm We needed to keep up with hornymale, who by the way has a better tolerance than lil ol me. Can't tell ya how many shots I had. Chatted with EVERYONE on aim. Watched MIke on webcam kill snoopy. Came downstairs and chatted somemore. Um.... this is where everything gets really fuzzy. Then I wake up with my head resting right next to the keyboard at 5:40 am. ya- so maybe you shouldn't believe me about the nite's events. Apparently, *i* was drunk, but that's impossible right?????????? I never get drunk.
current mood: amused
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2:51 am
Friday, February 22nd, 2002
10:21 pm
Here I am again at Paula's.. We are in for a long nite. Tommorrow's the big day. YIPPEE!!!!
so my computer froze today. 3 times.
Ummmmm.. is it time to play volleyball with it yet. Then Mike calls Best Buy and they say bring it in.... yeah and leave it there for a month??
current mood: ditzy current music: IM blings
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5:37 pm
5:16 pm - Last nite at Paula's
2:52 am - OMG at 3 am IM's
Ok ummmmm.... so...... Could you suck the chome off a bumper? Could you suck the ink out of a pen? Could you suck the lead out of a pencil? Could you suck the paint off a radiator pipe? COuld you suck the dots off a cow? could you suck the peel off a banana? How many towels do you watch in a month? How many cows do you wash in a month? Would you disobey cow abuse laws and go cow tipping? If so, would you call out sick from work and tell them a cow fell on you? If you don't live by the beach, and your bathroom started making seagull sounds and ocean sounds, would you get scared? If your coffee pot told you to chill out, would you get rid of it? Would you tatoo I'm an idiot on your head? If so, would you let a total stranger do it? Would you go to the diner at 3am or the grocery store? Does levitation really work over the internet? would you go shopping for food when you were hungry? if not, would you eat your dog instead?
current mood: hyper
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1:27 am
I hate it when I am up, and Mike is asleep and I have noone to talk to.
current mood: lonely current music: linkin park
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1:04 am - good for ya.
12:36 am
so much stuff to do to fix this damn computer.
current mood: busy current music: nirvana
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Thursday, February 21st, 2002
11:54 pm
I learned how to change my pics all on my own. I took a oatmeal bath today. Need to do that more often. It was so relaxing. Jax was watching me in awe that I would sit in a lot of water. She was up on the edge or the tub staring at me, and crying. Why does she need to be on top of me everysecond. Tommorrow I am going to get my pics put on CD so I can post pics of her.
current mood: refreshed
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9:58 pm
twentysix gave me the nicest compliment yesterday. She said I was like a sponge. That I soak up all the knowledge I can. That made me feel really good.
current mood: loved current music: some 80's shit
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9:29 pm
3:12 pm - My perfect job
I have been thinking of this alot lately since things are going badly at my job. If money grew on trees, this would be the perfect job.
I would open a center for inner city kids to go after school. Better than the boys and girls club (although that's a great organization). I would open a huge center in the middle of a crime ridden city. I would hire 1 staff member for every 4 kids, and pay the staff $40,000 a year with full benefits, including disability, and a prescription plan. They would get 4 weeks vacation each year to prevent burnout. They would have monthly trainings on subjects of their choice. I would offer tuition reimbursement for further education. The center would have 4 floors. The top floor would have 30 beds for runaway or throwaway youth. The third floor would have numerous rooms. A art room with all different kinds of art supplies, a game room with 3 pool tables, 3 air hockey tables, a few videogames, 3 ping pong tables, and 5 tables where card games or board games could be played. I would buy every type of game there is to buy. There would also be music room with all different kinds of instuments. There would be a writing room where the kids could write in journals, and would be encouraged to get a pen pal from another country to write to. There would be a computer room with 40 computers, all with access to the internet (monitored of course) and with word. There would be a TV room with a big screen TV and the kids could request movie rentals for certain days. On the second floor there would be a basketball court, 4 batting machines, a indoor soccer court, a skating court, a stage, and a weight room. On the first floor would be a swimming pool and a cafeteria, with a kitchen in which the kids could learn how to cook. There would also be a learning center and a library. Throughout the buildings there would be rooms in which to conduct individual therapy. THere would also be private rooms with videotapes in case a kid is too scared to disclose something in person and is more comfortable with saying it on tape. There would be family night each Wens. The kids would be encouraged to bring family members. The staff would do home visits to encourage family's to attend. Staff would also be available for parent counseling and family counseling. There would be guest speakers from time to time, upon child's or staff's requests. There would be field trips every month. The kids would be put in groups and be requested to do a educational presentation once a month, on a topic of their choice. There would be newspapers available everyday in the library. The kids could earn money by doing the cleaning and the maintenance (if it isn't at risk for injury). A full time psychiatrist would be hired. If needed, kids would be evaluated. The dr would not do this evaluation in an hour (like usual), but would observe these kids over a period of days, in this environment and at home. If needed, more drs could be hired. In the summer, kids would be grouped in small groups and go on vacation for 1 week; the beach, the Rockies, Niagra Falls, any where on the continent. Each kid would get clothes if needed, and there would be a food bank in the basement. When computers get old and outdated, and new ones would be bought, the families would be able to but the old computers for 20 bucks. There would be free transportation home and back. Driving safety would be taught to kids 16 and above who are interested. There would be tutoring if needed. There would be 2 full time police officers to monitor the area around the center for drug trafficking and anything else harmful to kids.
I wish money grew on trees.
current mood: thoughtful
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10:11 am
TO DO: get cat litter and a sympathy card do school project go get my laundry at Paula's clean the cat box clean the bathroom exercise get our taxes from my brother write out bills find summer clothes for photoshoot
current mood: complacent
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9:01 am
why am I awake now? why do I act like an idiot when I'm drunk? I waited for hours to post those pics, and I fell asleep and when I wok up they were posted. I'm not drinking anymore. All I do is blab on aimlessly to people I don't know and who probably don't care. AUGHHH. So disappointed with myself. ANd I missed my frickin dr.s appointment. dumbass leah.
current mood: awake
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5:19 am - Took PIX!!!
4:10 am
Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
11:50 pm
I'm drunk/ Paula's in the shower. She wants sex. So do I. Timmy just broke the bed. Not from sex./ Andy is on the phone, but won't bring us alcohol cuz he's in Philly. 2 more days until the photoshoot.
current mood: ditzy
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