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Sunday, March 3rd, 2002
9:46 pm - LameOrNnot
Why do I even bother going to ?

It is facinating to see who actually has the courage to put his or her picture up there for the whole world to rate, but it's pretty sick too. Even if she is very unattractive, I can rarely give her less than a 7. Why shatter her? They don't have an option of skipping to the next picture either in order to avoid those situations of either being insulting to someone or lying. What if someone put up that picture of her to embarrass her? 7 is faring pretty well; it is merciful.

On the other hand, girls who included their boyfriend in the hotornot picture get a 1. Who wants to see you with some guy? Don't they know about the suspension of reality that goes on? Guys are lost in an imaginary world where they can rate women without also being rated. It is just a bad stratagy to rip a guy out of that world by showing a picture of your boyfriend. Do these women expect a high score? Come on, Guys sitting at home rating women's appearances on the internet have some dignity... Well, some of us.

I, personally, give low scores if their boobs look fake or they are showing too much skin. Not that it matters much; those girls get grazy high scores with 10,000 people looking at them. A 1 thrown in for prudishness does nothing to the average.

current music: Red Elvises- Istanbul Bellydance (in russian)

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12:33 am - oh yeah, THAT's why I don't go out.
In 10th grade I dated a girl named Brianna. (GASP, that was 7 years ago, I can feel my old bones deteriorating). She still holds the record for my longest relationship; it was 9 months. I have a short attention span.

Anyway, I was in the Schine Underground tonight at some sort of function with breakdancing at it. Being the adviser to breakdance club a school, it would be good to learn more about the sport or art form or whatever. There were rappers onstage and a few people milling about including the guy who taught me to break 3 years ago. He remembered so there was no embarrassment there.

The embarrassment came here instead. One of the guys freestyling on stage was Brianna's brother, Corey. The kid had a very distinctive look about him. He was adopted and nobody could tell from where. Everyone used to guess. It wasn't hard to pick this kid out a a crowd.

After his show, I went oveR to him and said hello; he had a stoned look about him and didn't seem to remember me. But he was playing like he did so I went with it.

::over loud music::

Me: Hi Corey.
Him: Hey
::shake hands::
Me: How have you been?
Him: Good, you?
Me: Pretty good.
Some Girl I Kinda Know: Oh you know each other?
Me: yeah, from way back.
Him: ::stoned look::
Some Girl I Kinda Know: How do you know each other?
Me: I dated his sister in high school.
Him: ::uneasy nod::
Her (to him): Oh you have another sister?
Him: No, just the one.
Me AND Him: ::Simultaneously say different names::
Me: you aren't Corey are you?
Him: I thought you said that was your name.
Her: HaHa!, your sister is still in High School!
Me: nice meeting you
Me: ::Walk away::

Apparently, Corey has a biological family out there somewhere. Either that, or they must have been adopted from the same country.

current mood: self-conscious distress

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Thursday, February 28th, 2002
10:40 pm

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Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
10:30 pm - Smokin' on a night train chewin' on a jelly roll
Today was the day to try on the other side of the reversable belt. That isn't a metaphor. Usually it's on the black side but today, for the first time, people got to see the reddish/brown side.

current music: Mississippi Gary-Smokin on a nighttrain chewin on a jellyrol

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Monday, February 25th, 2002
8:48 pm - No Bard for you, greenhorn.
I was all but promised a scholarship to Oxford this summer to study Shakespeare for graduate credit. It would have been perfect. Just imagine, a month in England studying the Bard. Not only that, I could claim I was going to grad school. I kinda need to get started on that one... Tenure is in 2 more years and I don't get it without a master's degree.

Anyway, the English Speaking Union (those offering the scholarship) decided to tell me last minute that applicants have to have at least two years experience teaching. I don't. Bummer.

Oh well, looks like state school and a shit load of applications for district vouchers. I'm considering a Master's in library science so that I can retire as a librarian. I can drink tea and be nice to people in my old age(and you know I will bust the old cardigans from collegeout of the mothballs). Won't that be nice? Other possibillities include: Special Education, Theater Education, Geology?, Shakespearian literature, Regualar English Literature, and Writing.

Now I have to write a test for my advanced class. Ack.

current mood: Procrastinatory

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Sunday, February 24th, 2002
9:06 pm - NYC, the Teef and me. (way better than Boston)
Ok, NYC was great. I rode up to Queens with Keith, listened to tunes and caught up. Then it was off to the subway (by myself, like a big boy) to take a train to Bess in Manhattan.

Suni could not go out with us because she had to hop a train to Boston at 1AM. I wish she had stayed but this way I got to sleep in her bed.

SO Thursday night Bess, Leigh Ann, Dodongo and myself went out on the town. actually, Mike met us later. We went in to some place and the door guy was checking out IDs. We put in fake redneck (or British) teeth*** and stared at him. He pretended not to notice but we were craving the attention and started speaking in crazy and awful southern accents. He then made some comment about how his teeth really looked like that and we laughed. But then we saw he did. Lamely, we fumbled with crosses between apologies and denial of the state of his teeth. "But yours are really clean looking...yeah, really clean". His response was to say: "have a good time inside" in a disgusted manner. We felt bad, but got over it.

The girls got hit on by old guys who were undeterred by bad teeth (ignoring them of course) and I was ignored by women who are deterred by bad teeth and guys who look 15 years old, including Every woman in the establishment other than the ones I was with. Other than the plasticy taste and the tendency for "S" sounds to seem more like "SH" sounds, it was similar to any other time we went out before.

The next day Mike and I went out to get breakfast, and then zipped over to the Guggenheim to see the Norman Rockwell display. He was amazing. I bought 3 prints. He is awesome and I want to be him. While looking at a few of his paintings I got all choked up and had to start coughing so I wouldn't blubber in the middle of 500 strangers. Very emotional stuff. I kept popping the redneck (or British) teeth in and making faces at obnoxious kids in the museum. They ran away in fear. Bwahahahahaha

After that we hit up the Dube' Juggling store on Broadway (I got plate spinning material on a discount). Later we met Knoah and Bess for dinner at some chinese place with whole ducks and geese and chickens hanging in the window all candies and with the heads still on. YUMMY.

The next evening was spent in Bernardsville NJ with Mr. Dodongo and the Dodongo clan. Mike and I went out to see Super Troopers. This one is a must-see if you are into first-rate idiocy. I, for one, am. The guy who gave out the tickets kept making crazy robot noises and acting like a rabid puppy on Zoloft. Really. Mike acted like there was nothing unusual about this.

The flick was so funny that I didn't want to leave to go pee. This caused a problem upon leaving the theater and seeing no restrooms. The ones on the other end of the mall were locked. "Damn!". So I was walking back to the theater, hoping I could make it all the way back there without a bladder burst or spontaneous combustion or something. At this point I was walikng with purpose, HEEL, TOE, HEEL, TOE. My hamstrings were burning as I breached the boundary between walking and power walking. Mike, in the meantime, ambled behind slowly, probably smirking.

NEWS TO ME: in NJ, anyone doing a job that you would not want to do is either a speaker of Spanish or Portugeese. I learned this fact as I (power) walked up to a custodian and asked him if there were any unlocked restrooms around. His response of "Bafa-rume?" was not encouraging. Then a the unfoucused light of vauge comprehension slowly ignited his face and he pointed to the ones I had just tried to get into and said "Are locked". Thanks guy.

At this point Panic was setting in so I used body language to let him know it was a pee pee emergency. He laughed and pointed behind me to a huge wall that was cruelly disguised as a waterfall. At this point , despite the possible biological preprocussions, I had to laugh While asking "the FOUNTAIN?!?!?!" He shook his head and pointed somewhere beyond that. "Probably Portugal", I thought. But walked with slightly less purpose over toward the wall of Niagra. He then pointed to a small, hidden door in the middle of the wall leading to Portugal. Just kidding, it was a hotel or reception hall or something.

So the guy at the front desk points me around a corner where there are elevtors and no restrooms. At this point I am seriously considering peeing in the fountain and suffering the consequenses later. After a desperate search of the general vivinity we find the rest room, blocked by 3 old ladies and a middle aged woman with a cart of food. I Squeezed past and almost lost it but finally knew the sweet bilss of restroom heaven.

As I was relieving myself next to a tall and hefty man in a nice suit, Mike swaggers in, having been polite to the ladies seeing as he is a polite guy and was in no danger of peeing on anybody. So he starts peeing in the sit down toilet, amikng that bloodle-bloodle noise that is just so funny. This always cracks me up in public places. So I start stifling my giggles and remember that it would be a terrible waste to travel so far and still get pee on myself. Then Mike farted. Loud. I lost it and just strated shaking and laughing. The guy next to me seemd amused, although I was not looking at him. There is a code it the restroom: no looking at or speaking to anyone or you are a "homo", and a rude one at that.

Next thing I know the guy lets out the Lowest, Wettest-sounding, ugliest fart I have ever heard in my entire life. It was like the Barry White of Farts, it was that low. At this point there was no such thing as bathroom ediquitte so I looked him straight in the eyes and let out a guffaw that should have left saliva on his face but, luckiliy, didn't. We were all laughing up a storm at this point as I lamented "I am the only one without any ammo".
The guy: We had some harmony going on there.
Me: you must be a bass
Him: a baritone at least
Me: beieve me, you, sir, are a BASS.

We all washed our hands with pink, antibacterial soap, dried the hands on our pants and left single file, chuckling and feeling as though we had a new family. In hindsight, I should have bought the guy a drink but I was too dumb with laughing and disbelief to say anything else.

**If you have seen me at all in the past week or so, you have seen the teeth. They were purchased at the P&C; in one of those machines that gives you little pods for 50 cents. I have bought about $10 wortha nd distributed them to friends all over. It is recommened that one washes them before using them. Aparently it isn't that clean in the fake-teeth-that-come-in-a-pod factory. Who would have guessed, but it burns to use them the first time.

current music: gET uP kIDS- eUDORA

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Thursday, February 21st, 2002
12:22 pm - mopey and depresed for no reason. (it could be the music)
I am praying for more snow so the springtime feelings can go dormant again.

the NYC trip is this weekend. Uncle Darwin will never survive the arduous journey so I am hitching a ride there with Keith and taking the train home. This means no snowboarding but the last time it hurt like hell and really wasn't worth the effort.

current music: Sunny day real estate- how it feels to be something on

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Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
3:23 pm - why are the powers of speech taken as evidence of intellegent life?
Stranz: your tongue ok?
foofy mumu: getting bettter
Stranz: i fuckin bit mine like that a week or so ago, but it's like way in the back on the side of my tongue, and it wont fucking heal!!
Stranz: it hurts like a bitch when i swallow
foofy mumu: try rinsing with peroxide
Stranz: hm
Stranz: really?
foofy mumu: you will foam at the mouth like a mad dog, but it works
Stranz: really?
Stranz: if you are lying i will kill you eventually
foofy mumu: i am not lying
foofy mumu: i didi that right after i cut mine and it wasn't as bad as other times
foofy mumu: just brush your teeth afterwards
Stranz: hope mine isn't infected
foofy mumu: coz otherwize, although it is completely healthy, you wil smell like something is rotting in your mouth
Stranz: haha
foofy mumu: if you can get a product called KANKA it will numb the fuck out of your tounge
Stranz: yeah i have that in my bedroom in pa
Stranz: i should get it sent here
foofy mumu: and if you put it onto your tounge when the tounge is dry, it will form a small bandage thing over it
Stranz: yeah
Stranz: this beats my idea, I was gonna do an old voodoo spell where you throw rice in the air while you have a broomstick up your ass


mondo758: hey should I shave my chest?
mondo758: haha
foofy mumu: be careful around the nippies
foofy mumu: you might just want to tweeze them
mondo758: yep
mondo758: I'm not gonna do it
foofy mumu: wouldn't want to lop off the little bumpy part
foofy mumu: that is the scientific name for that?
foofy mumu: the outside is the areola or something
foofy mumu: not sure on the spelling
mondo758: how about the milk duct?
foofy mumu: no, it must sound cooler
foofy mumu: and more latinesque
foofy mumu: is latinesque a word?
foofy mumu: merriam-webster says no
mondo758: arabesque
mondo758: that's a good one
foofy mumu: the bump?
mondo758: no just a good word
foofy mumu: do arabs have really big bumpy-part-in-the-middle-of-the-nipples?
foofy mumu: is that why they call it that
mondo758: NO!!!
foofy mumu: fine
foofy mumu: eat shit you racist
mondo758: chomp chomp
foofy mumu: i am going out to buy a new fish
foofy mumu: he will be named Ronald Regan
foofy mumu: talk to you later

current music: Ben Folds- Rockin' the Suburbs

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10:55 am - Also, you are prone to suffer from weaknesses centering in the head.
This name analysis thing is funny.

It kinda fits but sounds like a Ms. Cleo scam.

The name of Mark gives you a very individual, reserved, serious nature. You stick stubbornly to your ideas or decisions, in spite of any appeals or advice; you are not willing to accept a compromise. You prefer to be alone with your own thoughts, rather than in the company of others. This name restricts spontaneity in association and the fluency of your verbal expression. When you are required to express yourself in personal matters requiring finesse and diplomacy, you feel awkward and embarrassed. Although you realize perfectly well what is expected of you, you are unable to find the right words, and hence you end up saying something inappropriate in a candid way. You can express your deeper thoughts and feelings best through writing. Your friendships and personal associations are rather restricted, being limited to those of a similar nature who can understand and accept your rather straightforward yet reserved manner. You are steadfast and loyal, and do not allow gossip or anything belittling to be said against those whom you accept in friendship. You find satisfaction in being outdoors or in getting out into nature, or in dealing with the products of the earth. There is originality and depth of thought contained in this name, particularly along practical and mathematical lines. This name can adversely affect the health of your respiratory organs, the heart and lungs. Also, you are prone to suffer from weaknesses centering in the head.

Mike made a page just for me!!!

today consists of luch with Scooter and looking into traveling plans for tomorrow

eek, I don't like to leave home.

current music: willie nelson- on the road again

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Sunday, February 17th, 2002
10:05 pm - one step forward, two steps back
The Occipital bun is the knob of bone located directly above the nape of one's neck, at the base of the skull. It is thought to be evolutionary residue left over from Primate all-stars such as Cro-Magnon man, Zinganthripus and our favorite, Neanderthal. It was, supposedly, at one point, like a shelf of bone going across the back of the head and a place where ligaments connected the extremely muscular neck to the extremely large and thick head.

Feel for it. You have one.

Mine happens to be somewhat... pronounced. It's almost gross. During any haircut, the barber, whether reminded of not, will hit it with the clippers, leaving what appears to be a bald spot in the back of my noggin. Then the kids make fun of my "busted, ghetto-ass" haircut and adults ask me what the hell happened to me. The response is usually some variation on the explanation you have just been privy to.

When "Mr. Bun", as he is lovingly referred to by yours truly gets bumped, the inflamed area swells and makes it appear more like a goose egg than a bump and more like a horn than a goose egg.

THE POINT: What is the scientific name of that dinosaur with the large protrusion on the back of his dome?

The door or evolution swings both ways.

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Saturday, February 16th, 2002
9:35 am - ahh canp harbly thpeep coth ov mah bluuby tuhnm
I bit my tounge today and it made the noise that scissors make. That is going to be one hell of a canker sore. It realy sounded just like scissors only louder because it happened inside my head.

My intent was to make a witty entry last night about all the funny things that happened this week but my plan was foiled by a late diner with my parents. I had one and a half beers while out and when I got home at 9:30 it was lights out. Or maybe they weren't. I wouldn't know much about the light situation because at 9:31 I was unconscious.

This scenerio is fast becoming a Friday night pattern. After a week of sometimes 14 and never less than 10 hour days followed by trying not to look old at Breakdance Club it's hard to have all the fun I am free to have. Add alcohol to the situation and I'm in a coma before you can say "ready for a second one?" This is not to say that I was any sort of champ before but geez, I could finish two.

Well, It's officially vacation. I don't have to go to sork for more than a week. Well, monday I am going in for musical rehersal but that isn't really work because those kids like me. Sometimes it feels like I get paid to be hated or abused. I guess if the students don't learn anything then I am.

3 kids in my advanced class passed the quiz I gave thursday. 3!!!!!!!!! What the hell? It was a tough quiz but it wasn't that hard. (basicaly, did you read? carefully?) The kids who passed got a 100 a 90 and an 85. I asked for an honest show of hands on who didn't finish the reading. 16 hands went up and about 5 kids were absent. They must take me as a joke. Now I have to give a unit test on the book so they can pass. I mean, the most common grade was a 10. Runner ups were 0 and 20. Then I asked a girl who was absent to make the quiz up and she just said to give her a zero. grrrrrrrrr, so angry. must use sentence fragments. hate.

Oh well, forget them, I am going to NYC mid next week to visit Bess, Suni ,Leigh Ann, and Knoah.

current music: Mono Puff- Unsupervised, I hit my head

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Thursday, February 14th, 2002
9:20 pm - And Pizza rhymes with deaaaaaaaaaaaath

I know you all want to take the Joey fantastic online test.

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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
10:35 pm - I am a theological con artist mastermind
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and I haven't though of anything to give up for Lent yet. Swearing is unrealistic, Besides, I shoudlen't swear anyway. I am too weak to give up snacks, although I will try. Nail Biting? It always seems bad to corrupt Lent by giving up something that you have been meaning to give up anyway. Picking my nose? You all know I don't do that.

Coffee? hahaha, no way in Hell. That would lead me to slothfulness, which is even worse than caffiene addiction in my mind.

OK OK, Idea. I will quit smoking. "But wait Mark" you say, " with that minty-fresh breath (aside from the Coffee reek) and those white teeth (aside from the Coffee stains) it is hard to believe that you (by the way, a paragon of physical fitness (aside from the love handles)) smokes".

Well I don't. But I have about an hour and fifteen minutes to start. If I go to Mobil now, pick up a pack of smokes and get through as many as possible before midnight I will be a reformed smoker. Not only will I be giving up something Bad, it won't be something I have been intending to give up. In addition I will have bitching rights. I JUST QUIT SMOKING, DAMMIT!!! Everyone will have to leave me the hell alone and offer me gum.

Tirade over.

Today my former English teacher actually sat in on my class. This was the woman who made me want to be an English teacher. No pressure there huh? So anyway, she came to our school as part of a cultural exchange thingey between city and squshey suburb schools. We scared the pants off of those kids. We had all the most Ghettoest stops pulled out. The school police officer was decked out in full regailia with his gun showing prominently. A normally well behaved girl in my advanced class became disrespectful and belegerent and had to leave the room. She refused to remove her dew rag to boot. I was proud of us.
Ok, so , My former teacher witnessed my most "challanging" class. (by this I mean they are low achieving future springer show guests. I bet a few of them have been to the Jenny Jones boot camp) She said I was handling everything perfectly. She was blowing smoke up my ass and I called her on it but thanked her for being nurturing and motherly.

ok, the vacation next week is already here in my mind. Pray for a snow day tomorrow kiddies.

current music: Sunny Day real Estate- How it feels to be something on

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Monday, February 11th, 2002
6:38 am - I just know I will forget to comb my hair today. Good thing there is gel in my desk at work

I can't find a suitable tie for today. Or my black shoes. Anybody seen my black shoes? They must be at Casey's or something. I will have to pass my boots off as dress shoes.

They are not in the car. It's colder than grim death out there right now. The car locks are frozen. that little un-freezer device didn't work cause I used up all the batteries showing people how cool it was.

General Burnsides kicked the bucket overnight. The at-sea naval style burial will be done this evening among freinds and relatives. Those wishing to send condolences may do so at 727-9707

current music: Zelda music (overworld theme)

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Sunday, February 10th, 2002
8:30 pm - While I was out partying my babies were dying
Somebody was about to read this journal today and I realized just how lazy I have gotten with it. Tsk tsk tsk.

Wow, what a wonderfully, weird, wacky and wild weekend. Alliteration always alters anybody's authentic articulation of an anecdote. But whatever, It sounds better. No, wait, it sounds lame. Disregard...

The Red House party was about as dirty and scary as ever. How did I ever live there? I wonder what people thought of me when they found out I lived there? One of the new people living there is doing a documentary on the room I used to live in and all the people who used to live there. It was fun giving her stories about the former residents of the room.

This weekend was not good because of The Red House. It was good because I was finally able to see some people who I have been wanting to get to know better since the summer.


Shithead seems to be dying. He isn't eating or anything in about a week. I just hope he goes fast.

General Burnsides is all but gone; he only moves when poked with a pencil. His body has shriveled significantly and his head has a grayish film over the top.

It appears that the Still Alive/ R.I.P. roster may have some changes soon.

current music: Presidents of the United States of America

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Tuesday, February 5th, 2002
11:08 pm - oooooh hoo hoo

Which Kids In The Hall recurring character are YOU?

current mood: better now
current music: Jud Jud- (the a cappella hardcore band)

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10:43 pm - Maybe I should pack the bags under my eyes and leave town for a while
These 14 hour work days have to stop. I am becoming what students believe all their teachers to be... sad beings with no lives outside of school, existing soley to be tortured by snot nosed urchins.

today was 4 70 min blocks followed by a musicl rehearsal, a meeting for a school trip next year and then Mock Trial till about 9:00. At least I can blame my lack of a social life on a full schedule instead of having to admit that I'm awkward and unhip. Plus, it's harder for women to reject you when you don't know any.

::insert a clever segue'when you think of one::

Suck.Com is great

"Are you looking for justification for a sudden change of location? Fill in the blanks in the chart below and read it back to yourself until you're ready to call the movers."

current music: Mono Puff- what bothers the spaceman

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Saturday, February 2nd, 2002
7:24 pm - band names
New Age Crap
Beowulf Blitzer
Granny Knot
Soon Parted
Awkward Silence
Open Face
Sad Clown
Clown Whores
Shake, Rattle and Die
Pickup Styx
Two Steps Back
Guilt Guild
Funk Defied
Vulgar Wagners
Init 4 Thab J
Karma Nuts
Backwater Swill
Dr. Fizzlebottom and the Golden Guns
Anti Hystemine
Emo as Fuck
Person # Error
Lasereye and the Myops

* I bought the Rats of Nhim DVD for $7 last night!!!!!!

current mood: incredibly bored
current music: Mono Puff - Unsupervised, I hit my head

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Thursday, January 31st, 2002
9:44 am - SNOW DAY

hot damn

This is my first snow day as a teacher. Today should be spent tying to get back in touch with pop culture by watching television but after not watching it for so long one realizes that it's absolute, trite garbage.

oh well


Anotherteacher: Snow day up there too?
foofy mumu: amen
foofy mumu: now there is a chance that my grades will be on time
Anotherteacher: I was at school for 14 hours yesterday so I"m just glad I have a day not there.
foofy mumu: wow, I can go all day without wearing a shirt now
Anotherteacher: Unless you want to go outside!
foofy mumu: ooh, my nipples explode with delight
Anotherteacher: You better cover them up with bandaids then.
foofy mumu: hahah
Anotherteacher: I don't know what I would think of a chest sans nipples.
foofy mumu: one day on NPR they were discussing why men had nipples
foofy mumu: not your usual NPR topic.
Anotherteacher: That is why I love NPR!


yesterday, during my coach's gymnastics class, he asked me out loud if I had asked some girl out yet (while she was tumbling). The whole class heard and I had to remind him that his hearing aid wasn't in and that he wasn't whispering. Then I reminded him that he is an asshole. She graciously pretended not to hear and I went through the rest of practice without talking to her or looking at her much. All conversation we did have entailed me looking at her feet as we spoke. She probably thinks I was looking at her boobs or something.

current mood: dorky

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Thursday, January 24th, 2002
8:48 pm - not what is intended by the teacher/student relationship
Teachers have no idea what to do when their students talk like this...

pHrEaKy182: hey babe want to fuck
foofy mumu: what?
pHrEaKy182: ummm you heard me
foofy mumu: how's school?
pHrEaKy182: wanna fuck?
foofy mumu: oh geez, my ears are all red
foofy mumu: i'm telling my mom
pHrEaKy182: I have that effect on people
foofy mumu: are you drunk or something?
pHrEaKy182: no are you and then I'll get drunk and then we can fuck?
foofy mumu: i don't think that word means what you think it means
pHrEaKy182: I'm her roomy I was just messing with ya I'm really bored
foofy mumu: ahhhh
pHrEaKy182: I have to go don't be mad
foofy mumu: ok
foofy mumu: take care

The sad part is this: That was the closest to a romantic encounter I have come across for 7 or 8 months. (Aside from the 50 something spanish teacher who said she wanted to pinch my ass)


In other news, 3 people have bailed on the Canada trip this weekend. time to start inviting people I don't like. Hey Longo...

It looks like another trip of just Walt, Jeff and me. Seriously, if anyone wants to go drop a line ASAFP.

current mood: Doofy

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