Friday, March 22nd, 2002
10:26 pm - Wow, another weekly update
It's not that I only get to a computer once a week -- I'm here every night -- it's just that I never feel like I have much to say anymore. About my parents: Well, they're crazy. Both of them, not just Mom. I handed my father my ultrasound picture and he just looked at it. I pointed out the head, the arms, the legs, because I know it's hard to see if you've never seen one before. He just handed it back to me and said, "I don't care."
And, for now, he really doesn't. I know they'll come around, probably in about five years or so. But for now, they really don't want to be a part of my life, or the baby's. And the nerve -- there are only two chairs in their empty house, and guess who sat on the cold tile floor when she got tired of standing??? That was so freaking rude.
Anyway, they started to say utter nonsense like, the baby would always have a stigma where they were concerned, because it would remind them of how I lied to them and hurt them. Shit like that -- talking bad about my child -- was what finally made me leave, after over an hour of screaming and crying and sitting on the goddamn floor.
Oh yeah, and our computer guy on duty tonight sat down in front of a computer giving me trouble and said, "This is a Mac, right?" Also, he couldn't call our tech God to help him solve the problem, because he didn't realize you had to DIAL NINE to get an outside line.
Venting's done, I promise. Aren't you glad I only keep these to once a week? :-P
On a happy note: My editor for my pregnancy journal wrote to me and said she was so backlogged and promised the site would be up by month's end. I said to her, you know, I HAPPEN to be a professional copy editor, so if you need any help. . . She was thrilled, but suggested instead that I email the two ladies in charge of all of Myria (the trying to conceive, pregnancy, and mommy stuff all together) because they are launching a new magazine and always looking for more help. Wouldn't that be awesome, to edit a pregnancy magazine while I'm pregnant? Also, it's something I can do at home (yay, excuse to get my high-speed connection back!) even when I'm on maternity leave! :-)
Thinking happy thoughts of a new fun job. . .
current mood: excited current music: that silly "Happy Talk" song from South Pacific
(penny for your thoughts)
| Friday, March 15th, 2002
8:21 pm - Shit
Shit, shit shit.
My phone just rang. Will just dropped me back at work after dinner, and I thought he had forgotten to tell me something, or something.
It was my mom. They're in Florida, and leaving tomorrow, and they want to meet me tomorrow at 1 to "talk." Well, she does; she said my dad doesn't know. She insisted that I come alone, which I will anyway because Will is working.
I need to calm down. I really don't fucking need this.
Will was right. He said there's no way in hell my mother can stop talking to me, because if there's no contact, then she has no opportunity to fuck with me. So tomorrow she's going to continue to fuck with me. I need to have everything written down so I can be calm.
Have WHAT written down?? I don't know what on Earth I'm going to say to her. Do I have anything LEFT to say? And Christian and the puppy are coming over tonight, and Will has a bar test in the morning. Maybe I won't even tell him; he'll just be upset.
Not tell my husband, my best friend. Jesus, what a mess. Let me finish my work so I can calm down here and figure out what I'm going to do. More later.
current mood: anxious
(penny for your thoughts)
| Saturday, March 9th, 2002
10:26 pm - Yay, I'm special!!
The pregnancy Web site I'm always on, http://www.epregnancy.com , has these featured diarists that write a weekly journal about their pregnancy experiences. It's very selective -- out of tens of thousands of site users, they only have about 20 diarists, one for each due month and a few special cases ("I'm giving birth to surrogate twins," etc.).
Well, you guessed it: they picked me! :-D
So lucky you, you won't have to listen to me babble endlessly about my pregnancy here, because I'll be doing it there. My site (complete with pics) won't be up for another 2 weeks or so, but I'll be sure to post the link here.
current mood: happy current music: Staind -- For You
(3 pennies | penny for your thoughts)
| Friday, March 8th, 2002
9:58 pm - Crazy psycho crackwhore
That's what I am, a crackwhore.
No, wait. I'm not just ANY crackwhore.
According to my mother, when she tells me how much I ruined my parents' lives, I'm worse than ANYTHING (emphasis hers) my father has ever experienced.
My father volunteered for two tours of duty in Vietnam starting sometime around 1964.
At least, that's how I'm being treated, when all I did was get married and get pregnant. The worse thing I've ever done is underage drinking and "collaborating" on ONE CIS 120 quiz freshman year in college. I've never smoked pot -- not even a CIGARETTE -- and I chickened out on doing Ecstasy on New Year's Eve.
Never mind. You can't argue with the insane, so what's the point?
current mood: frustrated
(penny for your thoughts)
| Friday, March 1st, 2002
10:43 pm - OMG!
| Monday, February 25th, 2002
3:17 pm - Bye-bye normal life
All little girls have a dream of what their life will be when they grow up.
They dream of the big white dress, Daddy walking them down the aisle, wedding and baby showers, Christmas with the family and all the grandparents with the babies in their laps.
"Denise has ruined so many lives. . ."
My parents will never have that. They don't have another, more perfect daughter that they can walk down the aisle and go baby shopping with. I may never have all that, but at least my SAI sisters will throw me a shower, and my in-laws are tickled pink at the thought of another little baby on the way.
But my parents are condemned to a child- and grandchildless life. They are moving in two weeks, to somewhere in Lyndhurst, and when my father retires at the end of the year they are leaving Lyndhurst for parts unknown. And when I say unknown, I mean it. They aren't leaving anyone a forwarding address, and probably not even a phone number. My Aunt Judy will never see my father, her brother, again. Mom will never drive her out shopping (since she's afraid to drive out of Bayonne) again. No more Staten Island Mall followed by Saturday night Chinese.
Look at all the pain, look at all the hurt. All these people cut off from the ones they love, that they've spent most of their lives with. How could all of this happen?
"Denise has ruined so many lives. . ."
Yes, folks, I did it. I had the ultimate nerve and gall to get married and get pregnant, in that order if you must know. (See, even the Pope's happy.) In doing so, I have "forced" my parents to run away from a situation they can no longer endure: a situation in which I am in control of my own life. By "forcing" them to run away, I am destroying their lives, and the lives of everyone close to them that they can no longer associate with. Heaven forbid Aunt Judy should know where they live, because she would surely tell me.
On a side note, let's be reasonable here, folks. It may not specifically be my trade at the moment, but I was trained in college to be an investigative reporter, and I was a damn good one, too. Trust me. If I want to find them, there's no place on Earth they could hide from me.
Back to the insanity. Their apartment in Lyndhurst has three bedrooms. Mom was telling Aunt Judy about it on the phone, and she kept speaking of the third bedroom as "Denise's room," and of the guest bath as "Denise's bathroom." I guess she means that's where I'll live when I divorce that ogre I'm married to and flee back to the place of my birth and the welcoming arms of my parents, with my little fatherless baby in tow.
I used to think she was crazy. Now I'm just sad. . .sad to realize I was way more right than I thought I was.
Last Wednesday, I mailed them the picture of my ultrasound. I mailed it in a card with a baby making a kissy-face on the front. Inside were the words, "I was born to love you." I kept my writing in the card conversational: "Coming attraction: your new grandbaby! World premiere: September 14th! Mommy and baby love you and miss you. . .please call." Will and I both signed it, and I DID address it to Mr. and Mrs. K, even though my mother had the nerve to address my W2's to my maiden name.
She wrote "Return to Sender: Moved" on it and never opened it.
What about Dad? I asked. Aunt Judy, his older sister (and my godmother and favorite aunt) said, how long have you known your father? You see, I have two fathers: the one he really is, and one he is when he's with her. When she was in Florida and we spent a summer together, we got along great. I really am his little girl. We watch hockey and baseball together, talk in our own secret code of bastardized Polish. . .we love each other. But she is his wife, and if he has to choose, he chooses her over me. If she were dead, he'd be here, in Florida, with me this whole time. But he's 10 years older than she, and his heart's getting weaker, and there's no way he'd outlive her.
I don't remember if he's off today or not, so I'll call him tomorrow just to be sure. I'll tell him that we, too, are moving, in July. In the following spring, we'll probably be moving out of the state of Florida altogether. I'll tell him I love him, and that he and Mom will always be welcome in our lives. I won't beg or plead, and I'll try very hard not to cry. (It's my Daddy -- it will be very hard.) He doesn't need any more aggravation than I'm sure he already has. But I will tell him that wherever Will and I go, Aunt Judy will always know where we are, so if they ever decide they want to contact us, she will know how to reach us.
There's nothing else I can do. She is certifiably insane, and she's intent on taking everyone down with her. But I am happy -- I have a husband, a stepson and a baby on the way -- I have a family. The only person who's miserable here is my mother. I have to be adult about this, and think of my own health and well-being. I can't allow this to upset me or endanger my marriage or my baby. (Will, however, has been marvelously supportive, being adept at dealing with evil in-laws. I know he's not going anywhere, and this will not hurt Team Us in any way.) Ruining my life is what my mother wants, because in her twisted mind I've ruined her life. Well, I won't allow that to happen. They are my parents, and I love them, and they are always welcome in our lives, but I won't fight them if they feel they have to go.
Enough writing. Baby tells me it's hungry. (Sheesh, I'm always hungry nowadays!) Sorry Arie, I don't have a scanner, and I don't want the whole newsroom to know I'm pregnant, otherwise I'd have the graphics girl scan it. Plus, I have no web space on which to post it. Just look at your own picture and think "cute." :-P
current mood: hungry
(2 pennies | penny for your thoughts)
| Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
11:33 pm - LOL!! Just in time for Easter. . .
10:43 pm - September 15th. . .
*happy sigh*
I'm going to be a mommy!
I don't think Sept. 15 is actually the day; my doctors and I have varying ideas on when exactly conception took place, but it doesn't really matter. I'm just pushing not to have a Virgo baby (I'm neurotic enough for the both of us), but I just want a healthy baby. Even a boy would be fine. :-P
Morning sickness is all done, moodiness seems to have passed for now, so I can relax and concentrate on my SAI sister Jen's baby and my co-worker Jen's marriage coming up. I'll actually be performing in a recital for the first time in almost a year, and there's a chance I might move clear across the country.
Did I mention that there's a tiny inch-long life form inside me, that already has arms and legs and fingers and toes, and a heart I could see beating on the ultrasound? :-D
Getting to know my husband is also fun. Yes, you heard me right. I know him a lot better now than I did when I married him. But hold back your "I told you so's": Every day and night, I realize more and more how right our decision was, how happy we both are, and how good we are for each other.
And I'm cooking the mega baby!! :-D
Mom should be getting her mail Monday, if she didn't already get it today, with the ultrasound picture enclosed. Still waiting on that. But somehow I know, even if I don't have the support of my family, I have all the love and support I'll ever need from my new family: my husband and stepson, and little Emily Judith (or as-yet-unnamed boy) inside of me.
current mood: enthralled current music: P.O.D. - Alive
(1 penny | penny for your thoughts)
| Sunday, January 20th, 2002
10:56 pm - Back home again
Well, the cruise was really nice. The ship was SOO huge, when I left on Saturday I STILL didn't know my way around! (And I don't think I ever found all of the pools. . .) I didn't tell my mother I'm married, but she did give me lots of money and a really sweet digital camera. Will says I should stay quiet and she'll give me more stuff. My gut reflex is to feel guilty when she buys me things, because she wouldn't do that if she knew I had a husband. I also know that she might use them against me to make me feel guilty later on. But I never asked for these things, and she gave them of her own free will. *shrug*
It was really awful seeing all those cute couples in love on the boat, and not having Will there with me. It's like I went on a honeymoon withouth him, and that stunk a lot.
But now I'm so glad to be home, and it's like we can finally start our lives together. I'm off tomorrow, and so is his son Christian, so we're all going to hang out tomorrow and bond. It's really weird, I just realized that with this marriage I inherited 3 stepchildren, 2 of whom I've never met and probably won't for a while. Another fun thought we came up with today -- there's a fairly good chance that I'll be a grandmother by 30, at the rate girls chase after Christian, who's 14. Grandma by 30? "That's hot!" Will says. :-)
So Will is always on my screen name, at least until I get around to resurrecting his old one, and random people I know will IM him. He'll say, "Denise isn't here," and they'll ask "Who are you?" Since it would never occur to him to say anything else, he says, "her husband."
So now everyone in Miami knows. :-P I think Guilermo found out first, because he randomly called me to ask if I had any news. When I said no, he finally took the hint and hung up, but Special K rang my cellphone off the hook last night. I didn't answer, because now there are a lot of people who are going to be mad I didn't tell them.
Random funny email of the day -- Brittany, this girl I knew in high school, a silly but sweet freshman who is still holding my Rainbow Brite videos hostage -- wrote to congratulate me. Apparently news travels slowly in Holy Family land, and she just got the alumnae newsletter saying I got engaged. Um, that would be to Olan. LOL, in next quarter's issue, Denise Krakowski marries a DIFFERNT guy. Maybe everyone will assume they messed up the name the first time. ;-)
Speaking of Olan -- he's standing on the platform, holding a ticket, and all ready to put himself on the train to Canceltown. First of all, he's not allowed to use the word cancel, that's Christian's word and he stole it. Second of all, he does not IM my husband and tell him that he (Olan) is going to cancel MY HUSBAND. I think I'm more aggravated because it upset Will so much that it was all he could talk about when I called him on a pay phone from St. Thomas. I don't want to cancel him, but he looks like he wants to cancel himself. Things are different now. He can't just IM my husband, who's being polite and even friendly towards him, and then tell him the things that he did, harangue him and be rude to him. Will and I are a team, and whoever attacks him attacks me. I won't allow that to happen, and I hope Olan's realized that. I think I made it clear enough to him yesterday.
Final thought of the entry. Woke up this morning and turned over the inspiration perpetual calendar I keep in the bathroom. "Hmm," I said to myself, "it's the 20th. That's important -- that's someone's birthday I should remember. Dammit, who is it??" I racked my brain and finally it came to me. Jim. I haven't the foggiest clue where he is, or what he's doing, who he talks to or what he knows about my life now. And you know what? I honestly don't care. If I never found out, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. Funny how some people will tell you they'll always be a part of your life, and then they're not. How friendships change and evolve with time, grow stronger or flicker and die out.
I'm not melancholy, I'm actually really really happy. Just thinking. :-)
current mood: cheerful current music: P.O.D. -- Alive
(penny for your thoughts)
| Wednesday, January 9th, 2002
10:58 pm - Fragile beginnings
OK, so my mom called me back yesterday, so I guess she's stopped screening her calls and is actually speaking to me again. She was nice enough to change Jen's flight to the afternoon so we can actually all have dinner together in Orlando (me, Jen and Will of course, not my family) and she's been reasonably civil. It seems like a fragile new beginning, and I'm not going to drive her away by dropping a bomb on her -- well, not just yet anyway. I must tell her by the end of the cruise, or shortly thereafter. Not because I have a problem with keeping it from her for 6 months or more, but I DO have a problem with keeping it from Aunt Judy, Bart and Lorraine, Lil' Joey and other family members who ARE speaking to me.
But I do want to tell her, even if it means she'll cut me out of her life again. It's not like she hasnt' done that before, and I'm not afraid of it anymore -- like I told her, she already played all of those cards, and she has nothing left to threaten me with. After all, isn't that what marriage is about anyway? Leaving your family and starting a new one with your mate? Not that I wouldn't want her support, but if I have to wait for it until I give her a grandchild, then so be it. It's her decision, really.
Fear not, LOTR lovers. I WILL acquire the dolls you seek. (Nothing is beyond Wompa's reach.) In the meantime, anyone interested in meeting the munchkin coroner from Wizard of Oz? LOL, never mind. . .
You know, seeing as how I'm going on a Caribbean cruise Saturday morning, don't you think it would be a good idea to start packing? Oh yeah, and if I want to wear that red ballgown I pulled out on Halloween to be a dead prom queen, then I'd better get it dry-cleaned, and get the black one altered. . .ARGH!! Not enough hours in the day!! :-)
current mood: excited current music: Lady Marmalade -- Moulin Rouge (NO!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!)
(2 pennies | penny for your thoughts)
| Friday, January 4th, 2002
10:11 pm - Ser-PRISE, ser-PRISE, ser-PRISE!
Um. . .hi guys. *looks around sheepishly and gives a small wave*
Um. . .well. . . Hey!! You'll never guess what I did today!!
Um. . .hee hee. . .
I got married!
I know, I know. Weird, crazy, psycho. But don't forget ecstatically happy. And content. And jubilant. And loved.
Real short, real easy, right at the courthouse. I don't even have my rings yet, but I should by the end of the weekend.
I did make my own bouquet though, and it was way prettier than the stupid Publix floral people could have done. Bought a bunch of hydrangeas -- 3 huge cabbage-heads of creamy white blossoms. I stuck a single red rose (no thorns, of course) in the center and tied them all together with this big gold bow my mother had made for me for Christmas (so I could pretend she was there). I kinda "borrowed" it off the Christmas garland that's still hanging up. And the flowers were new, bought this afternoon. I wore Will's mom's ruby ring that she gave to me, which is very old. And my dress was blue. :-)
My new name is Denise Covert. I wonder if the DMV is open tomorrow? I want to get my license changed. God, there's SO MANY things I need to get changed. . .my bank just sent me a gold ATM card, and I need to change that. . .there's just so much!
But it will keep for this weekend. . .we're going to Islands of Adventure on Sunday, and though Will starts school Monday, I'm off then too and we'll make our time special.
Technically we've been on our honeymoon for 3 weeks. . .and we're not in a rush, we have the rest of our lives to be together.
I know it doesn't stay this fresh and wonderful forever -- though I know some couples where it does -- but I'll enjoy this as long as I can. :-)
current mood: hopeful current music: Creed - When You Are With Me
(1 penny | penny for your thoughts)
| Monday, December 31st, 2001
9:20 pm - The wheat from the chaff. . .
Today I started delivering some news to some people.
Will considers it "the test." If they take it well, they're our true friends. If not, then they had their own motives and they're "cancelled."
Well, he always took a very black-and-white approach to friendships. But he has a lot more insight than I give him credit for.
But big news is hard to take, when it comes from out of the blue. So I'll wait and let some people adjust.
I'm still here, still the same girl, though a few things have changed. And I always will be here, in some form or another.
But my priorities have reordered. After a period of adjustment, which I will give in respect to our friendship, some respect will be expected in return. Respect for my choice, which I think I've earned after the length of our friendship.
I sound angry. I'm not. I wish all the ones I love a Happy New Year, even though I can't be with you all. But I am very happy, really happy and secure, for the first time. I know it sounds crazy, I know it doesn't make sense, but what in this life really does?
current mood: um. . .it's an m word. . . current music: Stained w/ Fred Durst - Outside
(2 pennies | penny for your thoughts)
| Monday, December 24th, 2001
8:16 pm - Although it's been said, many times, many ways. . .
My favorite holiday, spent for the first time away from home, away from family, away from midnight Mass at St. Andrew's.
I won't get the watch The Yule Log or Jessye Norman on TV, unless they put it on here in the newsroom, but we keep the sound off on the TVs.
But strangely. . .I'm not sad, or lonely, or even the slightest bit depressed. My house looks beautiful. Not just because of the white and gold decorations, and the gorgeous tree I trimmed myself, but because William's there (not Kit's William, whomever that might be, but my William), and my house is no longer that cursed place where I keep my computer and watch cartoons on the couch in my robe all day.
My house has become a home, a home filled with love. (And Tiffany lamps and Persian rugs and guitars and silly cow magnets and a Gone With the Wind ornament and a huge stereo and TV. . .) But most of all, I can come home to someone who loves me, who wants to spend the rest of his life with me, and I with him.
And that's the best Christmas gift of all. :-)
current mood: content current music: Nat King Cole - The Christmas Song
(penny for your thoughts)
| Monday, December 17th, 2001
12:01 am
| Saturday, December 15th, 2001
7:13 pm - ^_____________^
I'm getting my mega Christmas present early!!!
I'm SUCH a spoiled brat!!
current mood: enthralled
(penny for your thoughts)
| Thursday, December 13th, 2001
10:13 pm - Ticked-off tirade
I'm still here, ya know.
Yes, I'm caught up in the excitement of a new boyfriend. But I learned the Anthony lesson long ago, to never neglect my friends no matter how great my guy is.
Or maybe I just feel like no one wants to talk to ME now that I have a new guy, etc. Probably just my famous insecurity. You know how that gets.
Mom was being really nasty to me today, and I finally made her see that I did nothing wrong and she didn't have a right to be so rude. In the meantime, we had fun watching Dad trying to climb into Optimus Prime, Will's monster truck. (Good thing Dad didn't spot the rebel flag stickers on the back. . .) Dad seemed to really like Will, though, so Mom consented to us all going out to dinner Saturday night. Not like I need my parents' approval anymore. I'm sick of pandering to whatever they decide my life should be. But I learned from Alex that having my parents like my boyfriend makes my life a HELL of a lot easier.
My friend has this silly Boar's Head Christmas carol stuck in my head. . . I wish my supervisor would go home so I can leave. I'm done and have nothing else to do. . .
I'm hungry. . .time for my nightly ritual of cheese-eggs-on-a-bagel, courtesy of Chef Covert. . .
Well, anyway. I'm here, just like I've always been. Nothing's changed, except I'm a lot happier living in Melbourne than I was.
current mood: irritated
(penny for your thoughts)
| Wednesday, December 12th, 2001
11:30 pm
There you are, journal!
Quick update, because papers will be out soon and I don't have a lot of time.
Will is my new boyfriend, and we are moving way too fast and being way too happy. The only semi-dark spot is that he has type 1 diabetes, which he just discovered in April, and he's really bad about controlling it. After only the short time we've been together, I can tell when he gets moody and it's entirely glucose-related. Last night we had our first big fight, and it was a bad one, and I was so upset because I knew it was just his brain getting all weird from the fact that he hadn't eaten anything all day, and he wouldn't listen to me when I begged him to just come to Denny's with me. (Tears did it, finally. They always work. I need to learn how to do that on command, and not just when I'm scared to death of losing him.)
But in the end he did come with me to Denny's, and he thanked me and said, "See, I need you to take care of me." And he takes care of me too, and loves that I need to be taken care of.
We're planning on moving in together. I know, it's really too soon. And if I wanted to piss my parents off, that would be the ideal way. Not that I need any more ways. But we feel that close. We have that much connection. Every level. Physically, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, musically. . .and Elise (remember her? my soul muse, that always sits alone humming to herself) got back from her vacation to Tahiti and said, "yup, ok, he's a good'un."
Who can argue with that?
The parents and I are getting along better today. It's push-and-pull, fight and make up, scream and cry. . .but at least we're getting ups and downs, and not just downs, so that's what's important to me now.
Time to go, that's all folks!
current mood: loved current music: Weird Al Yankovic - The Night Santa Went Crazy
(2 pennies | penny for your thoughts)
| Monday, December 3rd, 2001
9:37 am - Fuck Taco Bell. Fuck it right in the ear.
I'm just never eating Taco Bell again. That's how it has to be. No matter how much I like those chicken quesadillas. No matter when I eat it, I ALWAYS have nightmares the following night. And I'm not the only one -- the last time Joe ate Taco Bell, he had a nightmare too that night, so this might be a hidden phenomenon.
I dreamed I was being executed by electric chair. I don't recall what my crime was, but it was something that didn't seem to merit capital punishment. (I was in Canada, by the way. I remember telling my mom in my dream that when I got to hell I would send lots of demons up to Canada to punish those bastards.) I knew I was going to die that night, so I was going around saying my goodbyes, etc. It was me, my mom and my grandma, whom I haven't seen in a long time because she and my mom aren't speaking. (They were getting along OK in the dream though.) I remember I went to go see Erika, to finally have that talk with her that I've been putting off since September 12.
Ugh, whatever. I don't want to get into the whole dream, it was weird and unpleasant. But I ate Taco Bell at 11am, after I went back to get my car, and 15 hours later I still had a nightmare. NO MORE TACO BELL!!
current mood: uncomfortable current music: Song of the Mira (thanks Kit)
(penny for your thoughts)
| Saturday, December 1st, 2001
8:33 pm - GOOOOOO CANES!!!!!!
| Friday, November 30th, 2001
12:25 pm - T'ain't so bad. . .
Gonna do my dishes finally, so I can wash my coffeepot and have Starbucks Gazebo blend, the only kind of coffee in which their beans aren't burnt. (Thanks Guillermo!!) Should go perfectly with my NEW YORK BAGELS!! Hee hee. . .
Gave a moment of silence for George Harrison when I opened my CNN email. The odd hush of those stark white emails always seems to inspire awe. ..and that weird 9-11 feeling. . .but I remembered how much I got a kick out of that "(I Got My Mind) Set On You" video, and I was OK.
Well, the sun is shining, it's a beautiful winter day in Florida. . .meaning I might stop by the pool later. . .No work today, just cleaning and running errands, and dinner tonight with Joe. . .my LAST dinner (well, first and last), as such craziness must come to an end before innocent people get hurt (or they put a carpet down in my shower). Experience is learning to recognize a mistake when you make it again. . .
Cheers to all. I'm off to consume mass quantities of apple cider. . .
current mood: calm current music: George Harrison - Set On You
(penny for your thoughts)