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this is what friends are for! [13 Mar 2002|21:54]
bosco1233: what time do you have to go to that place?
demagogue42: 2:30 to ELEVEN THE HELL OCLOCK
bosco1233: *gasps*
bosco1233: marj! that's inhuman!

[12 Mar 2002|23:08]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | depeche mode- blasphemous rumors ]

I have taken three ibuprofen, two benadryl, and two teaspoons of cough syrup.

I had the absolute shittiest day at work I've ever had.

And I have a feeling that soon I'm going to be incredibly sleepy.

I'm wearing my hat and have blanket over me, so I have stopped shaking and crying.

I do not think I will work tomorrow.


[12 Mar 2002|15:30]
There's a huge bug bite on my face. I don't know how it got there. It's big. It's ugly. And I have to go to work. Argh.
2 paper|wings

The stars are projectors... [12 Mar 2002|0:41]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Azure Ray- Sleep ]

Had lunch with Father at about three o'clock.
Then Matt was kind enough to drive my mother to the hospital in Salem and we ate at Kwan's after that. Yummy Mongolian mock beef. Haven't been there in a while.

I just took some cough medicine about forty-five minutes ago.
I do not think it will make me sleepy. But I'm already sleepy. So it can do no worse.

If I were going to make a porn movie starring the cast of Dawson's Creek I would call it Puddle Fuck. Just in case anyone was interested...


[12 Mar 2002|0:34]

I'm a Twinkie!

What Snack Food are YOU? Click here to find out!
1 paper|wings

It can be done... [11 Mar 2002|13:18]

x Federal Tax Return
x State Tax Return
x FAFSA signature page
x Letter to Christii


x A cough
x Cramps
x Sense of impending doom
x Guilt from overdue books

Overall a productive first half of the day.

[09 Mar 2002|12:22]
u N d rfuN: whats the one place you have never gone to before?

Auto response from demagogue42: shower

u N d rfuN: OHHHHHHH
2 paper|wings

[09 Mar 2002|2:01]
Five hours of work.
A movie and 3/4. (Rock Star and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas)
Home again. Home again.


It's essential this is taken to heart... [08 Mar 2002|3:42]
[ mood | discontent ]
[ music | The Bonaduces- I Nominate My Kitten For King of the Dead ]

Yeah. I call that updating.

Beback shaved my head again.
I have work tomorrow then three days off.
My room is still a mess despite my good intentions.
There's a little scream in my throat that's just not coming out.
And highlighting my hair would be highlighting my skull.
Drive me around so I won't get lost? I have days off.

Killing cuteness one hair at a time

Downloading IE6 is taking an hour. Yes, an entire hour.
This heart is running low.
And my car needs oil again.

"I pray that one last time I'll see... you hair as red as oranges, and eyes as black as blueberries..."


[08 Mar 2002|3:33]

Who's Your Inner Music Industry Diva? Find out @ She's Crafty

[08 Mar 2002|3:28]

Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

[08 Mar 2002|3:25]

Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

[08 Mar 2002|3:22]

Which My So-Called Life Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

My sister gets excited about this quote. [04 Mar 2002|14:41]
The poet is like the prince of the clouds
Who haunts the storm and laughs at lightning.
He's exiled to the ground and its hooting crowds;
His giant wings prevent him from walking.

- from "The Albatross" by Charles Baudelaire

[04 Mar 2002|2:35]
kryztö adugrodiêl says:
i know how that is. hey, if you were to move down here id let you stay up late and borrow my glitter and glue
kryztö adugrodiêl says:
and we can listen to modest mouse and go shopping at dirty head shops

Isn't that tempting...

Thank you, India. [03 Mar 2002|23:28]
M= Me (of course) C= Customer

Woman in front of customer rips her check on accident and asks if that's still okay.

M: Yeah, It'll still work.
C: Of course. Why kill another tree for a check.
M: You wouldn't believe it... but... I've SEEN people do it. All it takes is a big VOID.
C: People like that... they ... they just don't giiiiiiive.
M: That's right.

Drunk woman leans and paws at customer.

Customer leans his hand towards my head

C: Can I touch it?
M: Sure. Why not.
C: (while rubbing my head) raaaaawr raaaaaawr
M: Yeah. Not quite a kitty.
C: You take greenbacks here right?
M: Yep.
C: Good. You take 50's?
M: If they're real. (Gets out counterfeit pen and scribbles all over 50)
M: Yep. It's real.
C: So are you.
M: Yes, I am...
C: (while rubbing my hair again) Real. That's so rare nowadays.
M: Yeah.
3 paper|wings

whoa... well, i dunno... [03 Mar 2002|2:34]
click to take it!

You sometimes doubt yourself - who you are and what you can do. You're a curious person, with questions and concerns about the world. You go along with the crowd and aim to please others to your best ability. But when you finally discover what you're really capable of, you can do some serious ass kickin'! You're fast and furious, and you will always stick up for what you believe, and those who you care for. Not only that, but you're charming and charismatic, so you get along with people well, and others often look up to you.

errm [03 Mar 2002|2:01]

Which Angelina Are You?

The L&N; don't stop here anymore... [03 Mar 2002|0:48]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Michelle Shocked ]

I know why people settle down in one place.
Why they have
shitty jobs they hate
families they resent
401k's that they fret over
Why they stay.

They're just so fucking tired of starting over...


[02 Mar 2002|22:37]
Today a bunch of Winco employees were all around customer service at one time.
And I looked over and said, "Oh look. A penguin colony."
And I think we should be on the Discovery Channel.

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