Inefficacious Contradiction's journal

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Monday, February 19th, 2001
11:30 pm - Tired..
I'm tired of all the cynics, of all the hypocrits, of all the ignorant fools that constantly meddle with me. Perhaps I'm being a bit too harsh..perhaps not. My perplexities are far too overwhelming at the moment. It's left me unstable.
Life has barely even touched me, and here I am, complaining about it. I suppose I too am a hypocrit, but at least I can admit to it.
Every single one of us is a hypocrit, a liar, a fool, a lover, a theif, a cruel child. It just depends on how you let those attributes manifest themselves.
Just as you are, I am a walking contradiction. A being who is part of a species that tries to conquer the sky. A species that shall destroy what nature creates. A species that annihilates it's own kind for no purpose or reason.
I can melt you with my fire, i can thrust you apon the stake, I can hold the world within my hands..
And let it fall to dust.
I am you, and you are me.
Together we are the sick contradictions of the first worlds.
Indulge the sickness.

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