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Tuesday, March 12th, 2002
11:10 pm
firedancerliz: if you have to go then i wish you sweet dreams of hot guys who play guitars and totally dig you. Plus whipcream
slinky95130: kinky...
slinky95130: ;-)
firedancerliz: yeah well
firedancerliz: if we can't get it in real life we gotta fantasize about something right?
slinky95130: *sigh*
slinky95130: I suppose we must

sleep time.
cell phones are damn useful creatures.

current mood: tired

(become a naughty llama)

11:06 pm - *steals Andie format*
pre hell week bubble bath :-)
blissful alone-ness in the house :-)
random loneliness :-(
hell week starting tomorrow :-)
cast still being friendly and cool and wonderful :-D
mom just came home :-(
feeling bad for being bitchy at Rob all day :-(
smelling good :-)
finishing some (but not all) spanish homework with relative ease :-/
rehersals moving to night so I can't walk home if need be quite as comfortably :-(
rehersals being longer and cooler and more techie :-)
talking to Liz on-line and on the phone (that's three convos in two days!) :-D
Jewel :-)
mom turning off stereo >:-O!
braiding my hair so it's all crimpy in the morning :-)

current mood: +9 -7
current music: Adrian - Jewel

(become a naughty llama)

4:26 pm
my foot hurts... and my shoulders... and my hands... *whine*
hell week starts tomorrow... *hides*
my sore shoulders are not ready for this!
haha, Sharon hella raked in on all the stuff we both wanted! she's got a boyfriend, a license, a car(I think it's hers, anyway...) and a horse!
*is a jealous bitch*
Tara's cell phone, take note.

current mood: envious
current music: Write This Down

(1 bad llama | become a naughty llama)

12:24 am - there are perks to being up this late!
slinky95130 (11:01:23 PM): LIZ!!!
firedancerliz (11:02:12 PM): Wow you're still alive!!!!! I mean I haven't seen you forever I thought you might have gotten powerful sick or something
slinky95130 (11:02:22 PM): hehe, same with you!
firedancerliz (11:02:38 PM): ...or just been consumed with drama
slinky95130 (11:03:31 PM): yeah, that
slinky95130 (11:03:48 PM): and you, I assume, are suffering from the same?
firedancerliz (11:04:48 PM): yeah a little
slinky95130 (11:14:27 PM): and mom's boyfriend *shrug*
slinky95130 (11:14:35 PM): the one with the imaginary monkey friend...
firedancerliz (11:15:52 PM): ok
firedancerliz (11:15:56 PM): little freaky
slinky95130 (11:16:45 PM): a little?
slinky95130 (11:16:49 PM): try majorly freaky
firedancerliz (11:17:28 PM): sorry didn't mean to underestimate the freakyness of the situation:-P
slinky95130 (11:18:00 PM): yeah, well, gotta watch out for that :-P
slinky95130 (11:18:10 PM): our dryer died, dude
slinky95130 (11:18:30 PM): we have to take our wet clothes to the laundromat, it blows
firedancerliz (11:19:38 PM): that majorly sux
slinky95130 (11:20:00 PM): indeed it does suck
slinky95130 (11:20:24 PM): unlike the vaccuum cleaner, which is also broken :-P
slinky95130 (11:20:33 PM): all my appliances are betraying me!
slinky95130 (11:20:45 PM): next thing you know the blender will come after me in my sleep
firedancerliz (11:21:39 PM): no keep away all evil blenders!!!!!!!!!!!
firedancerliz (11:21:47 PM): god I miss you
slinky95130 (11:21:52 PM): I miss you too!
slinky95130 (11:22:01 PM): we should go somewhere
slinky95130 (11:22:03 PM): like the beach
slinky95130 (11:22:06 PM): right now, man!
slinky95130 (11:22:21 PM): ;-)
slinky95130 (11:23:24 PM): we need to do something soon...
slinky95130 (11:23:31 PM): *looks at calendar* damn play...
firedancerliz (11:26:11 PM): hey I have car power I can drive us places
slinky95130 (11:26:18 PM): hell yeah
slinky95130 (11:26:30 PM): and I've got... um...
slinky95130 (11:26:38 PM): nothing!
slinky95130 (11:26:41 PM): we make a great team!
firedancerliz (11:27:00 PM): xactly
firedancerliz (11:27:29 PM): your nothing really does contribute I don't know if I could do without the nothing you contribute;-)
slinky95130 (11:27:48 PM): exactly...
slinky95130 (11:27:54 PM): everybody needs some nothing sometime
slinky95130 (11:31:02 PM): how's stuff?
firedancerliz (11:32:02 PM): Lonely but surviving
slinky95130 (11:32:09 PM): *nods* same here
slinky95130 (11:45:01 PM): I miss youuuuuuu!
firedancerliz (11:45:25 PM): I miss you tttttttttoooooooooo
slinky95130 (12:03:23 AM): how did you guys do the phone ringing for Noises Off?
slinky95130 (12:03:40 AM): /Do you have a phone ringer among your many and vast Westmont props?
firedancerliz (12:03:45 AM): there was a phone ringing
firedancerliz (12:03:50 AM): yes there was
slinky95130 (12:04:09 AM): was it ringing from onstage, or a recorded sound?
firedancerliz (12:04:28 AM): no it was a sound effect on one of our sound effect cds that we burned onto a master cd
slinky95130 (12:04:43 AM): ochay
firedancerliz (12:05:40 AM): Do you need a telephone ring
slinky95130 (12:05:48 AM): yeah
slinky95130 (12:05:56 AM): I think he wants it to come from onstage, tho
firedancerliz (12:06:04 AM): cause i could ask b for a copy
slinky95130 (12:06:08 AM): he's gonna call bengford tomorrow or so...
firedancerliz (12:06:10 AM): ohhhhh
firedancerliz (12:06:17 AM): that is trickier
slinky95130 (12:06:25 AM): *kicks Tidwell* tech rehersal is on Wednesday, dammit!
firedancerliz (12:06:44 AM): wow thats really close
slinky95130 (12:06:48 AM): yeah
slinky95130 (12:07:07 AM): and it's the only tech rehersal we have
slinky95130 (12:07:16 AM): Tidwell stresses me out
firedancerliz (12:08:04 AM): we only have one tech rehersal i belive maybe two but one is hanging lights and the other is a cue to cue run through then we have a couple of dress rehersals
slinky95130 (12:08:33 AM): we have three or so dress rehersals, and one tech
slinky95130 (12:08:41 AM): and we're hanging lights during class
firedancerliz (12:08:55 AM): fun
slinky95130 (12:09:00 AM): oh yeah...
slinky95130 (12:09:07 AM): my shoulders hurt soooo bad
firedancerliz (12:09:25 AM): why would you shoulders hurt?
slinky95130 (12:09:28 AM): you have no idea how much I would pay for someone in the drama department to massage my shoulders
slinky95130 (12:09:59 AM): partially from lifting something funny, and partially from getting smacked with a hockey stick, but that's more middle-of-the-back
firedancerliz (12:09:59 AM): random people come up to me and massage my shoulders occasionally
firedancerliz (12:10:07 AM): especially if I look stressed
slinky95130 (12:10:31 AM): hehe, they just walk past me... :-(
slinky95130 (12:11:11 AM): if I asked nicely they might, but I feel weird saying "hey, you! rub my shoulders!"
firedancerliz (12:12:11 AM): or here is an idea to get free back massages. Well its kind of late for you cause you are near performing. But at westmont if someone leaves there script laying around after rehersal the sm charges a one dollar fee for the returnal of script but if you are sm you could make it a back massage payment depending on who leaves their script behind.
slinky95130 (12:13:45 AM): well... most of 'em love me, and they'd prolly give me one if I asked
slinky95130 (12:13:57 AM): *thinks* maybe tomorrow
firedancerliz (12:13:57 AM): well you don't say hey you rub my shoulders. You say kind of loudly ohhh my back hurts soo much.
slinky95130 (12:14:10 AM): hehe, I'll keep that one in mind

then the damn net died...

(become a naughty llama)

Monday, March 11th, 2002
10:30 pm - omg... *passes out because Fiona Apple is so damn perfect*
So be it, I’m your crowbar
If that’s what I am so far
Until you get out of this mess
And I will pretend
That I don’t know of your sins
Until you are ready to confess

But all the time, all the time
I’ll know, I’ll know
And you can use my skin
To bury secrets in
And I will settle you down

And at my own suggestion,
I will ask no questions
While I do my thing in the background
But all the time, all the time
I’ll know, I’ll know
Baby-I can’t help you out, while she’s still around
So for the time being, I’m trying to be patient
And amidst this bitterness
If you’ll just consider this-even if it don’t make sense
All the time-give it time
And when the crowd becomes your burden
And you’ve early closed your curtains,
I’ll wait by the backstage door
While you try to find the lines to speak your mind
And pry it open, hoping for an encore
And if it gets too late, for me to wait
For you to find you love me, and tell me so
It’s ok, don’t need to say it.

current mood: content
current music: I'll Know - Fiona Apple

(become a naughty llama)

10:16 pm - the two pieces of notebook paper in my back pocket
Vocab Story (much funnier if you have Mateas)
One day, while praying to the heater vent to bestow upon him the filthiest, smelliest, most disgusting couches readily available to join the mighty scooter army, also known as the Force de Scoot, the dark and omnipotent lord was struck by an idea. He decided to use his military prowess to capture and overtake all the filthy couches of France, thereby creating the first universal army of filthy furniture. In his exuberance at his own hipatitis, the most terrifying force ever to use only two wheels failed to consider the possibility of mutiny amongst his antipathetic army. With his precogniscient powers so duller by the duress of creating and infallible scheme, he failed to realize that a sedative had been planted in his herbal filth tea. Unknowingly having imbibed that which could prove to be of serious detriment to his coolness, Scooter found himself faced with a personal ultimatum: to proceed with the planned foray in his weakened state, or to return innocuously to the Scooter Cave and plan new ways to satiate his implacable desires after having slept off the day's adventures. Decing that the effects of the drug would have infinitesimal detriment to his mightiness, he followed through with his plan and returned victorious with many a filthy francophiliac couch ready to learn the ways of the dark side, beginning with an attempt at read the Filth Training Manual: Cry, The Beloved Country. - Robert Schaul, Tara Thomas, 2/1/02

Random Rambling from P.E. on Friday
Long day, long story. I haven't the time, ink, or energy for explicating either. Something inside of me has broken loose, some blown glass sculpture has slipped off a shelf within me and shattered.
"Illusion never changed into something real, I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn."
I feel like something is missing, something to help me put the pieces back together. For so long I thought all I needed was love, that I'd never made peace with my last relationship and needed new love to put me together, but now I have love. Not perfect love, and nothing like what I had imagined, but I love and am certainly loved in return; but still I am unsatisfied. I'm cared for and accepted by so many groups, and yet I feel like an outcast in my own mind. I could probably find a dozen people willing to talk to me and cheer me up if I said I needed it, yet I feel rejected. I'm one of the main forces in the groups I'm involved in, yet I feel useless and unmotivated. I write daily on varied subject, yet I am senselessly uninspired. Life promises great things, yet I am pessimistic and apathetic. What the hell is wrong with me?

current mood: cold
current music: there are little country musicians in my head... *cries*

(become a naughty llama)

9:18 pm
"Far fewer people would confuse modern Wicca with Satanism if Wicca didn't use so many witchhunt-derived words and other trappings popularly associated with diabolical witchcraft.

My point here is not that Wiccans shouldn't use the words "witch", "coven", and "sabbat". My point is that if they do use these and other diabolical-witchcraft trappings, they should accept responsibility for the consequences. "
umm... okay... let's abandon traditional language because people are too ignorant to see the difference between satanism and wicca! yea! sounds like fun!


ppl so dumb!

current mood: annoyed

(become a naughty llama)

5:07 pm
1) Bitching
2) Mood Swings.
3) Not being confident in myself
4) Being too quiet

1) My Family
2) Cody
3) Mr. Petrianos
4) *shrug*

1) Clean nice guy
2) my salt scrub stuff/just about anything from Bath and Body

1) fur from endangered animals
2) a giant meat suit in a shark tank
3) paper dresses
4) a quasimodo costume

1) Sheba!
2) foxes
3) Chinchilias
4) Wolves

1) Friends
2) E.R
3) *shrug*
4) Simpsons

1) Sprite
2) Rootbeer
3) smoooooothies/shakes
4) TEA!

1) tin roof sundae
2) cookie dough
3) Mint and Choclate chip
4) chocolate chip

1) I, as a general rule, am afraid of guys
2) I'm a pagan
3) I write too much poemtry
4) I'm a girl scout

1) My grandmother divorced my grandfather to marry his brother and then married my grandfather again
2) Every single person on my mother's side of the family has had drug/alcohol abuse problems in the last three years
3) My dad is clinically depressed and medication avoidant
4) My brother has the same birthday and name as his uncle

current mood: blah

(become a naughty llama)

Sunday, March 10th, 2002
6:06 pm
Set construction was fun, I got to spend a looooong time holding a platform while Jeremy wandered around and measured and cut things, and he kept apologizing *shrug* it was cool tho, I needed time to think to myself, and yeah, it was good to be able to think quietly and whatnot. I've been blaming my unhappiness on not knowing what others want from me, and it's really not knowing what I want in life. Like I've been relying on fate to get me through life and take me to wherever I'm supposed to go, like that thing with the feather in Forrest Gump, sorta. I'm just wandering through life without a real idea of where I'm going. I think I should figure that out.
I have the first stirrings of self-confidence I've had in several weeks, but I'm also overwhelmingly confused, and the complete unsureness makes me restless and sad. I guess I looked kinda blah at construction today, since Lauren and Jeremy and Tidwell all asked if I was okay or whatever.
"sometimes I wish we had a short term memory
just enough to recognize each other's face"
okay... gonna go do my lab write-up at Rob's now...
hasta luego, ustedes!

current mood: contemplative
current music: The Verve Pipe

(become a naughty llama)

5:16 pm
You've got all my loving in a tangle
That I could never undo
You will never hear me singing la la
Guess la la means I love you...

(become a naughty llama)

1:22 am
hehe... pagan bumperstickers...

-Back off, I'm a goddess
-Life's a bitch, and then you fly
-Something Wiccan this way comes
-Witches do it in circles
-God is coming, and is She ever pissed
-Here dragon, dragon!
-Witches parking only, all others will be toad
-Witches are crafty people

okay... those are all the funny ones, the other ones are either not funny or you'd really have to understand more about the Craft to understand them...

(become a naughty llama)

12:31 am
if energy can be neither created nor destroyed, how does one explain coffee?

(5 bad llamas | become a naughty llama)

Saturday, March 9th, 2002
6:32 pm

current mood: worried

(2 bad llamas | become a naughty llama)

5:58 pm
Dad (*sneaks up behind Tara frying sausage*): whatcha doooooin?
Tara: makin' sausage-ish food
Dad: whyyyyyy?
Tara: Cuz I made spaghetti type food with Rob last night and there were no meatballs
Dad: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand?
Tara: There was a little hole in my soul where a meatball should be, so now I'm making italian sausage and I'm gonna drip spaghetty sauce over it and eat it
Dad: That's gross, Tara.
Tara: It's a perfectly acceptable meal for a college student, I'm just practicing.
Dad: Maybe you should practice studying so you can get in to a college
Tara: I gotta have brain food, Dad!

Dad = almost human today...

current mood: cheerful
current music: I'm not totally sure what it's called... could be "headline" could be "hand job"... - The Verve Pipe

(become a naughty llama)

4:04 pm
omg... momma should not date men who have imaginary friends that they actually believe in...

Matt: Now I want you to talk to a very special friend of mine
Tara: uh... who would that be?
Matt: Her name is Amelda, she's a monkey and I need you to be nice to her because she doesn't like you very much right now
Tara: what the...
Matt (in little girl voice): I don't like you, you should eat twinkies!
Tara: uh... Matt...?
Matt (still little girl voice): Matt's not here, just me and my friend Melvin, and he doesn't like you either, and he's the twinkie police, so he may just come to get you!
Tara: Matt.... you can call my mom on her cell phone
Monkey Matt: He can't hear yooouuuu...
Tara: alrighty then... I'll talk to you never again, Amelda... bye now...
Matt (regular voice): wait... er *switches to monkey voice* wait! I'm not through talking to you!
Tara: *hangs up*

omg... *hides*

current mood: scared

(3 bad llamas | become a naughty llama)

3:33 pm
burned like a cancer when the answer did occur to me
creep from the cradle but a hero's what I wanna be
erase this disaster even faster than you came to see
a creep from the cradle and a hero driven wanna be
keep it movin' people 'cuz there's nothin left for you to see
I'm just a jerk but a hero's what I wanna be

current mood: bored
current music: Hero - The Verve Pipe

(become a naughty llama)

3:02 pm
Rob = Dead shrub fucker :-)
pasta experimentation = yummy
tea + sunshine + poetry/philosophy books + actual conversation = cool
yesterday = muy bueno-ist day I had all week

current mood: content
current music: She Has Faces - The Verve Pipe

(become a naughty llama)

Friday, March 8th, 2002
6:17 pm
wtf? LJ client doesn't love me anymore!

current mood: unloved
current music: Starring...Your Hero - The Verve Pipe

(1 bad llama | become a naughty llama)

Thursday, March 7th, 2002
7:30 am
okay... weirdasfuck dream... ended with this prophet guy (in sun god type robes standing on the top of a pyramid) making this declaration:

"This is obviously the sign we have been waiting for. In 1597 BCE, the great prophet Barphaphat spoke of this incident in his quatrains:
'aba porleufet fonticeen,
kor pele juvi compopo.
hont kuki wupi
tan tan van. junkawitz!'

Which roughly translates to english as:
'Beware the tonka truck,
esecially the yellow ones.
It will bring
the cabbages of war. Beware!'

I'll go hide in my bunker now...
what the hell is wrong with my mind...?

current mood: crazy
current music: Fast As You Can - Fiona Apple

(become a naughty llama)

Wednesday, March 6th, 2002
10:01 pm
graduate = so gross...
I'm sheilding puppy's eyes from the bad parts ;-)
it's easier to watch the second time around, not as much jumping and "ew ew ew" involved.
But it's weird to watch with mom sitting on the couch behind me... *bleh*

current mood: dirty
current music: April Come She Will - Simon and Garfunkel

(become a naughty llama)

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