*jonny*'s LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]

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[04 Mar 2002|08:31pm]
here are some pictures of my figurine thingy


[04 Mar 2002|05:27am]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]

hey everyone
my stomache hurts. but thats nothing new.
this weekend was alright even though it was only 1 day long
i gotta see mikee and stuff. i also bought some more minitures and some new paints. i painted for about 2 hours last night. it keeps me sane, it also keeps me from being bored and stuff so its fun, ill even take pictures when im done painting them and post them here.
my vaction is sort of planned, kinda not. i dont think mikee understands the importancy in this for me, hes thinking a day trip, so i dont know. we are goin up to seattle and olympia.
but thats about all for me, i think ems doesnt want anything to do with me anymore, ohh well i guess she doesnt like me anymore, =(.
someone sign on and IM me: ihatepunkrawk13
love you all

2 stronger souls * bleed

[02 Mar 2002|07:39am]
[ mood | crappy ]

im having a bad morning
my alarm for the second day didnt go off when it was supposed to
i think im gonna run away for my birthday, im not sure. i dont even know whered i go, cause i doubt mikee could come with me, hes the only one i would want to go with. the idea's that are being thrown around in my head are seattle or san fran. i cant really think of anywhere else i want to go. i just need to get out of this town for a little bit. any suggestions?
i want to go home but i have to be here on a fucking saturday which makes me very very angry. god i just want a break, from the monotony and the boredum.
sorry for rambling on and on about my life, i know none of you care.
later all

20 stronger souls * bleed

[28 Feb 2002|07:14am]
im bored
someone sign on and talk to me
10 stronger souls * bleed

[25 Feb 2002|04:52pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]

well i just got back from santosh's funrael. it was a good ceremony. there were ALOT of people there. erin read this letter she wrote to him after he died, it made me cry so much. im so sad that she had to lose him. she is a wonderful person who doesnt deserve to be hurt like she did. it hurt me so much to see her so sad. but at least she is getting better.
nothin much more is goin on in my life. im bored alot.
i got to see amanda yesterday. i think im falling for her again. i couldnt stop thinkning about her all night and today before the funrael. shes wonderful but she has a bf so no chance of anything coming to fruition. ooh well
laters all

4 stronger souls * bleed

[22 Feb 2002|11:02am]
[ mood | depressed ]

i just found out this morning that a good friend of mine, santosh, killed himself last night. he was my friend erin's boyfriend. shes really depressed and crying and stuff and so am i.
i loved that kid
later all...

8 stronger souls * bleed

[18 Feb 2002|12:46pm]
jonny has red hair now
ooo hims a freak
wish i had some friends to hang out with right now, im lonely =(
3 stronger souls * bleed

[13 Feb 2002|03:22pm]
[ mood | blank ]

i wish i was still the kid i was in 7th grade, quiet, shy, too afriad to talk to gurls. then maybe i wont be as hurt as i am now. gurls arent anything but hell and trouble. im so bitter right now

5 stronger souls * bleed

[13 Feb 2002|05:17am]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | the eerie silence of stream at 5am ]

Gsteren mein Herz hat gebrecht. Es lebt nicht mehr.


[10 Feb 2002|11:36pm]
[ mood | loved ]

hey everyone,
i think im not dieing anymore
just wanted to let u all know

4 stronger souls * bleed

[05 Feb 2002|11:32am]
[ mood | sick ]

jonny has pneumonia
it took the doctors 3 hours to figure out what was wrong with me
they took blood, i had to peepee in a cup, i had to get chest x ray and i had to have a bunch of over tests run too.
ontop of the pneumonia im severly dehydrated.
so yeah
at least my feverr has gone down =)
and i get off work for 2 days.
i think im gonna go back to bed or something
later all

8 stronger souls * bleed

[04 Feb 2002|07:34am]
[ mood | sick ]

jonny is getting sick =(
at least my gurlfriend isnt in town or shed be sick too
i miss mikee
i havent talked to him really or seen him since like a week and a half ago
mikee should hang out with jon this weekend
and he should call me when he can
later all

1 stronger soul * bleed

[31 Jan 2002|06:37am]
[ mood | loved, happy, bouncy ]

hey everyone
i know you could care less if i posted or not, but i am posting anyways =)
im happy, really happy
for the first time in a long time i feel complete, and no longer hopeless
im usually a candid person but i dont feel like explaining the exact reasons im happy, if u want to know u should ask me =)
well im gonna get back to work
p.s. i gonna miss my emz =(

4 stronger souls * bleed

[28 Jan 2002|12:47pm]
[ mood | excited ]

so yeah i had my first practice with mark yesterday, and needless to say it was aweomse. we played really well. we even came up with a name. Rivers Underneath.
we should be able to play shows in a few months and stuff
later all

4 stronger souls * bleed

yay for hardcore! [24 Jan 2002|05:17am]
[ mood | zombified ]
[ music | blindside - king of the closet (in my head) ]

last night me and mikee went to clakamas town center and just ended up in the christian supply, the lady followed us cause we looked the way that we do. but i ended up buying a solid state comp. that was one of the best 6 bucks ive ever spent on a cd. embodyment is amazing so are all the other bands. yay for hardcore!!
later all


[23 Jan 2002|05:32am]
[ mood | lethargic ]

you know im really starting to get sick of being depressed and mopey, or emo as u hip kids say. im gettting tired of emo in general. it really isnt my type of music. emocore maybe, but emo no. im more of a ska person and a hardcore person thats what ive always liked. i dont know. emo is just so blah. there is just too much of the same goin on right now. where did originality go? i guess im just bitching and stuff. i just want to live a day with out hearing about weezer or saves the day or alkaline trio. im sorry if i have aleinated anyone but i just had to speak my mind
laters all

11 stronger souls * bleed

[21 Jan 2002|11:11pm]
im sick =(
my tonsels are touching each other
no workie tho =)
so yeah
wish me well
4 stronger souls * bleed

[20 Jan 2002|07:00pm]
MY CAR IS WORKING AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 stronger souls * bleed

[16 Jan 2002|01:19pm]
hey all im sorry bout the negative and anti-social attitude ive had as of late but ive been goin thru alot of shit the past few weeks and im working it out still but i just wanted to let u all know that i care about u all very much and i hope u all dont hate me.
gotta get back to work now
::hugs for all my homies::
9 stronger souls * bleed

[13 Jan 2002|03:12am]
[ mood | whatever ]

hey all sorry for not updating (like u give a crap anyway), but i havent really had the want to type in this infernal thing. ive been depressed happy depressed happy depressed blah depressed blah... so on so forth.
this up and down shit gets on my nerves alot of the time, whatever i dont give a fuck about much of anything anymore.
mark hunter joined my band im happy about that
we are gonna kick some major ass now
rock and roll

2 stronger souls * bleed

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