wayne wily's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in wayne wily's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, March 21st, 2002
    7:00 pm
    what are we going to do with a manicly depressed robot
    if you think thats bad well think of how it would feel to be the manicly depressed robot.

    my car blew up. a lot of other stuff happened but im not going to talk about most of them but i will say they took my dance dance machine and have attempted to fill the empty void with the pathetic excuse that we now call punch punch have fun. i got a job at the arcade even though they only have a few satisfactory games listed below:
    capcom vs. marvel 2
    tekken 4/tag
    you cant forget the air hockey
    we all love the ski ball

    mega tokyo is getting really good.
    i know i haven't posted latly only because i haven't cared to post anything that has happened.

    its another one of those self satisfied door,
    welcome to open for you and pleased to close behind you.
    i live at point D.

    Current Mood: depressed
    Sunday, March 10th, 2002
    7:37 pm


    Friday, March 8th, 2002
    12:00 am
    don't give me shit, cause I don't wanna listen
    so I was sitting in brighams today and I got the stupidest comment from mike cowen but what do you expect from that kid.
    so me, Jason, and harvest were sitting their going their the ocward words of shouting. so then I said "you have to fight, for your right, to PARTY!" then mike cowen gives me the comment "you are so less punk now that you quoted the besty boys". witch was stupid enough but I thought he said something more like your less popular know but I he was only in partially stupid mode today. so I just told him with a nice voice "ok, whatever, fuck off" it wasn't anything special but with the hand motions it was quite the comedy act.
    theirs other stuff i was going to talk about but i dont feel like it.

    no offence mike but you have to admit what you said was stupid.
    don't you wanna win.
    deep down in side we all need help...mentally.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated
    Monday, March 4th, 2002
    12:58 am
    LOVE HINA!!!
    not much longer till the first lonve hina DVD is brought over. spent last night at jons house for a little party. lots of loseing in tekken but it was a fun night. i t was diffrent than the usual night at jasons house. i bought G-Saviour the movie and Robotech vol. 1 box set, which reminds me i have to go look for those robotech action figures. ow yea i stoped working at brighams.

    when you think youve got it you dont when you think you don thave it you still dont.
    he he he shaveing cream.(harvest will get that one)
    i still cant beleive its not butter.

    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: the pillows - Advice
    Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
    11:41 pm
    man those poor construction works on the secound death star
    good damn it Morpheus is fucking up and it isn't just me but everyone it seems im begining to think their going to have us pay for theft damn capitalist bastards. so im in the process of downloading KaZaA i was going to download it earlier but its praticly the same program as morpheus they run off the same network so theirs no diffrence in wich one you have but do to this insedent i think i might download audio galaxy for my underground crap.

    we all have our time machines the ones that bring us to our past are our memories and the ones that bring us to the futur are our dreams.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: The Get Up Kids - Don't Hate Me
    Sunday, February 24th, 2002
    10:10 pm
    No anime for you
    so i wasted today up at the mall with dustin even though i was going to go head up to boston for an anime convention. i dont care i already went up to boston earlier this week and went to tokyo-kid and bought a ZERO key chain and some wall-scrolls. id put up a pic of ZERO but i dont feel like it. i also dont fell like adding any more to this post, i need to get onto my drawing any way.

    phisics is the leading cause of death.
    when he kicks they call him master when he kicks they all cheer for him.
    tis the end and i give you light.

    Current Mood: depressed
    Current Music: NOFX - You're Bleeding
    9:58 pm
    No anime for you
    so i wasted today up at the mall with dustin even though i was going to go head up to boston for an anime convention. i dont care i already went up to boston earlier this week and went to tokyo-kid and bought a ZERO key chain and some wall-scrolls. id put up a pic of ZERO but i dont feel like it. i also dont fell like adding any more to this post, i need to get onto my drawing any way so till the next time.

    phisics is the leading cause of death.
    when he kicks they call him master when he kicks they all cheer for him.
    tis the end and i give you light.

    Current Mood: depressed
    Current Music: NOFX - You're Bleeding
    Friday, February 22nd, 2002
    4:11 pm
    By the time you have reached my age you should have found something. A purpose, a reason, or something that will wake you up in the morning yet I have not found this and I continue to search. I seem to fill this void with friendship and love but it truly will never be filled (I shouldn't use people like that). though I look around me at the people that fill this planet mostly looking at those of the same age and I see that they have not found it ether instead they have latched on to nothing and accept it. it seems people are incapable of accumulating the knowledge of what their life really is and what it means.

    I pity lost fouls, though I pity my self.
    stating their is a beginning also says their is or will be an end.

    Current Mood: confused
    Current Music: the Showcase Showdown - Year Zero
    Monday, February 11th, 2002
    9:57 pm
    lets have some fun!
    so this girl who sits next to me in TV production class is well hot as hell. Im going to ask her out but i dont know.
    lately ive been watching classic 80 cartoons that i have on tape like thundercats, the origanal zelda show (all 13 episodes it seemed like their was more), caiptain N and so on. i think im going to expand my colection and start shoping for more episodes on ebay and what not.
    i got my files down to 1300 to download and still working.

    rainbow brite see the shineing light
    this time im going to take you to rainbow brite
    star line flash right before your eyes
    and rainbow colors will cheer you up
    magic light
    come on take you for a ride
    rainbow brite see the shineing light
    this time im going to take you to rainbow brite


    Current Mood: depressed
    Thursday, February 7th, 2002
    9:20 pm
    they talk about a sweater (bitch bitch)
    if only i was taller
    or had a million dollars maybe then youd be with me
    if only i was 18
    courage of the ages then maybe youd be with me

    but for now i have to dream about ya
    smile when your not here and all
    i want to say i really miss you

    if i could surf a little better
    if i had a longer sweater than maybe youd be with me
    if only i had more time
    if i had my bestest hair line than yourd wanna be with me

    but for now i have to dream about ya
    smile when your not here and all
    i want to say i really miss you

    if only you weren't so fine
    if only i weren't so blind
    then i would find a way to make you stay

    i wanna say that i really miss you
    6:05 pm
    It didn't take as long as I thought it would but I'm back and I've got everything in order.

    Well in the time I was gone I got a bunch of stuff done. I got back into programing its about time. I started to learn php and assembly it took me a year but I started. I got started on my site living to die witch has been up for a while but it was just a name and a bunch of pictures, I built it off a template what do you expect. I scanned one of my pictures for the first time it didn't come out as good as I hoped but its good enough. the original was so sharp and the blur of the scan and because I had to blow it up made it look really bad but I can live with it. I'm going to keep working on it scanning drawings that is. hopefully ill have my first strip up somewhere in about a week or two. I'm still wondering what server I'm going to use I have a freeserver right now but its sucks I run into problems every five seconds. if anyone has any suggestions to some good and free service than please comment.

    What do you think Harvest?

    Well I skipped Monday and Tuesday I was one of about hundred students that actually went to school in fact one of my classes it was just me. walked in about ten or so minutes late looked around at the empty class and said "and I thought I was late.".

    Ok so I lied about sitting around and listening to Nirvana but that's what I thought id be listening to the hole week turns out all I listened to was Goldfinger.

    I got to think of what I've been doing and I realized a lot of things witch I will deal with later this week.

    I didn't find a new job yet so I'm still looking and it seems like I'm going to have to work this Friday.

    I also finally found a see what evangelion character you are and it was a good one but theirs one big problem witch you can find out for your self eva characters. of course I got Gendo as my top and second was Kouzou Fuyutsuki who is the greatest right hand man ever.

    Thank you Jason for the wonderful icon, your time and effort will not go unnoticed, though ill be sticking to the digital clock.

    well I also rewired one of my nitendo controllers nnow all I need to do is fix my nintendo to know if it works.

    Time is an essence it is neither here nor their.
    CATION - It's razor sharp!

    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: Goldfinger - My Head
    Monday, February 4th, 2002
    12:52 am
    sunday night
    i tried i really did but it just didn't work. after all that effort its only made things worse.

    it doesn't look like the ahead week is going to be a good one. i dont plan on updateing for a while. maybe things aren't as bad as they seem but its going to take some time for me too realize this so i plan on takieng time to my self. a lot of the time i feel that im not wanted. im skiping school tomorrow and im probly going to end up quiting work and takeing up some kind of new job what ever mey be.

    i began to think of the futur and realized why i never realisticly think of the futur so i stoped thinking about that one.

    so the rest of the week for me is probly going to be just me listening to nirvana looking for a new job that pays good and does weekdays and probly catching up on things long forgoten.

    i dont think anyone is really going to care if idont update just to the meir fact that is seems no one even reads these any more.

    Current Mood: depressed
    Sunday, February 3rd, 2002
    10:35 pm
    am i wrong
    am i wrong most poeple tell me i am but it doesn't seem that way. i see things and it looks bad but a diffrent person sees the same thing and he says it looks good witch is wrong am i really that depressed that it looks that much worse than it is or am i right and life does suck that mutch.

    an answer the world will never know.
    it really seems like i failed today.

    Current Mood: depressed
    Saturday, February 2nd, 2002
    3:38 pm
    yea so
    ok so i updated no more than an hour ago but im feeling worse. ok all week ive been feeling really bad and as the week went on i felt worse and worse than friday came around and i was feeling bad but at least i was with my freinds and the suroundings were good so at times i could forget about my problems i still felt bad but it was better than what i was feeling during the week. so on saterday morning i didn't want to go home because being home just makes me feel worse. well even though no one is home right now i feel even worse than i did on thursday and friday morning. like haveing a short period of feeling content did nothing but make me feel worse in the end. so forgeting about my problems just made me rerealize them all at the sametime when i stoped.

    well its like 3:30 now so im just going to wait like another hour or 2 and go back to the mall.

    Current Mood: depressed
    2:37 pm
    friday was a bad day
    actually friday was pretty good it just is im not in a good mood so I didn't enjoy it. first i have to say we went to Funcoland in Hanover. We were their for like a half hour and in that span i beat the orignal Contra "you have no life." no not really its just that im really good at video games and i beat it in like ten minutes. Harvest got into this game called Maximo. dialoge time:

    me: hey is that PS2.
    harvest: yea.
    me: but that game just looks like a mix of Zelda and gauntlet legends.
    harvest: yea and your point is? hey look at those fairies.
    me: well look all it has is a bunch of sword moves from zelda like try useing your sheild.
    harvest: ok hey look he can through it
    me: ok so i left something else out it ripes off captain propaganda. now look at how he goes behind the sheild and look at those sword swings and look at the way he ducks.
    harvest: i still dont get were your geting at. but id have to say he needs more than just 4 attacks.
    me: here we go try the swerling sword attack that link does in zelda 64. its a full rotation of the joy stick followed by the sword botton.
    harvest: ok
    (the guy does a 360 degee sword swing)
    me: what did i tell you.
    havrest: i still dont get what your saying hey look i just took so mutch damage the guy lost his close and all he has left is his sword, sheild and boxers.
    me: ok so i left out a nother game ghost and goblins in fact they should have just called it ghost and goblins.
    havrest: i still dont get what you mean so they took 3 good games and made one good game.
    me: ok youve got me their but if he loses any more clothing im out of here.
    havrest: cool he just lost his shield.
    me: pervert.
    (i walked away)

    we were thinking of buying super scopes and killing everone. also ever noticed the prices their yea mega man X 3 realsed at 40 bucks when it first came out and that was a lot then now it cost like 110 dollars used and how many people do you think who would have a super nintedo still without that game.

    well then we decided to go to the hanover mall were of course we went to visit the arcade and all that was their was a bunch of crappy games like wack a moron and shout the fucker. so we moved on. we also went to software exetra were nothing big happened but intresting stuff happened at EB but thats for latter. we also went to ames no good came of that. well after the short visit at the hanover mall we all realized why we never go their. but one good thing could have happened but Dan decided for once he wouldn't do what hes good for. we had walked by a bunch of girl scouts who asked us if we wanted to buy girl scout cookies. well because i was in such the bad mood i got to save the day i gave them an evil stir with a quick horizontal chop makeing a "hmmm" nosie that sounded mutch like a pissed off Kazuya that quickly got the expection across as a "shut the fuck up girl be for i stuff you into that cookie box." at that point they all backed away from us.
    well now ill talk about EB. walked in their and saw the new manager.

    me: who the fuck is this moron behind the counter of my fucking EB who decided to were an amercia suck's eagle's shirt.
    harvest: thats the new maneger.
    me: what do you mean thats the new maneger hes a fucking prepy he looks to be like 30 years old and hes shoping at old nazy i didn't even know they carred shit like that.
    (i pointed to some random kid in the store who looked to be about 14 or so)
    me: this kid would make a better manager then that guy just based on the fact he's in the store and he doesn't have to be.
    the kid: my names mike(or something like that).
    me: did i ask you for your name? let me answer that for you no i didn't no go the fuck away.
    Jedi: you don't have to be a video gamer to be a maneger here you just have to be able to sell.
    me: yea well they just lost all of my sale's because of him.
    (we then all walked out becasue ben went on brake. and yes all my dialogues are with harvest.)

    then last night i slept over Jason's house as usual and watched movies as usual. so when i woke up.

    jake: hey wayne its like 11:30 aren't you sapost to go to work today at 11:00.
    me: yea.
    (so then i called work well first i had to call for the number 411)
    me: i just had an accedent like my leg was ripped off....ow this is 411 i ment to call 911 my bad.
    me: yea i just woke up its like almost 12:00 now i dont think ill be able to go to work to day.
    (hang up)
    harvest: i want ot do that. yea i just woke up its like 6:00 clock i dont think ill be able to make it. well it worked for wayne so i thought id give it a shot.
    jake: yea id call to. yea i just dont like you guys i dont think ill be able to make it.

    also last night me and jake made fun of asuka while harvest sat their trying to defend her.

    so friday night sucked.
    im still feeling pathetic a friday night pasted and i was hopeing to get soemthing....anything acomplished.
    well i am getting better at experesing my self and telling the truth to my freinds.

    Current Mood: depressed
    Current Music: Aria Di Mezzo Carattere (arranged & Remixed Version) - FFVI
    Thursday, January 31st, 2002
    8:29 pm
    well today was the usual day i sat around watching over time. nothing important happened in time you know just some time riffs that possible might lead to the distruction of the universe. well any way to get to the reason im talking about this. im sitting thier at the end of time that is and some kid, with red spiky hair the most unuaul thing i have ever seen, apeease. he came threw one of those rifs because of course every time travel eventually ends up here. but i was amased to find out it was some human who looked to be about 20 or so who was causeing all this. well any the guy just walked around like he owned the place then he went threw the door yes the door the one the god of war sits on the other side. well some how this kid and the strange group that was with him was able to beat the god of war in a battle so im thinking this kid might be diffrent like he might be some kind of legend or something. the crew he was with was some robot and this frog yea a frog not any frog no this was a big frog that like walked around and used a sword. so finally this group of intruders talk to me i got their names out of them and found out exactly who was screwing up time now doing this of course looks bad on me. so i told them "do you fucking vandels know what you've been doing. of course not else you wouldn't have fucked time up. and you know what you goindg to do know your going to fix it. of course youll need my help so you can come back here any time you like. and do you morons see that sparkly thing over their yea if you step on it you can do this thing im not going to explain to you what exactly it does because your all to stupid to understand. and that book that can reguvinate you so dont go acting all big and tuff and think you wont need it because your not. ok those beems of light yea like the one you came from well those can take you any were threw tiem and dont fuck it up more than you already have. well thats all you really need to know right now so get the fuck out and fix time. and dont worry i believe you can do it." so they left threw one of the rifts "i cant believe all of time is resting on those morons shoulders were all doomed. time to go back to sleep."

    yea in the end they screwed up and the arashi 12 (its a flying battle station the stringest ever made it was created in the year 2040 before the end of the world. what happened to the first 11 well lets say i never called humans smart.) screwed up also. and well im not sure whats going to happen next but i decided to play go fish with lavos for the nest few thousand yeasrs man am i kicking his ass.
    7:58 pm
    damn thursday's
    well started drawing anime agen now that my stupid drawing class is over. that drawing class made me worse than i was i thought id get to improve on my drawing faces specificly the shape of it but no not a single face. that class made me hate drawing for a while.
    well i have to work friday 5 to 10 and saterday 11 to 3. what shitty hours. why cant work schedule me during the weekdays. and i just remebered their are report cards tomorrow not that it matters. im agreeing with mark i hope by some wisp of luck theirs no school tomorrow.
    so the week has been shitty and i have nothing to look forward to during the weekend.
    the only thing im likeing about the future is that i have TV production now and i know i can really twist that one.
    so most likly i wont see joe at all this weekend i wounder when the next time i will see him is.

    i know its thursday becuase i wake not knowing what day it is then i think todya might be a good day then i go threw the with a good start but by the end i am left with a feeling of emptyness.
    ive had the same winamp list for the last few weeks all it is is greenday vandels and nirvana. i haven't been able to do mutch more than lay in bed and steer at the ceiling do you really think im going to change the music.

    Current Mood: depressed
    Wednesday, January 30th, 2002
    5:11 pm
    well now a girl i once liked is acting like a complete bitch. I didn't want to talk to jackie but she said we are sapost to be freinds and all or something like that. after the incident ive tried to call a few times but each time i got some stupid excuse from someone. so i finily talked to her today on the phone and she just gave me a i hate you and dont call me screamed in my ear followed by a hang up. yea thats a great freind let me tell you. so yea i was kind of mean to her for a while but i wasn't like i was actually mean i didn't even say anything. I just avoided her in the hall ways and what not. yea and what am i going to do about this absolutely nothing yea thats right. well what the hell could i do.

    yea thanks for nothing.
    so the weeks sucked thus far and im not exactly expecting it to get any better.
    and a lot of other stuff happened earlier this week that is well not something i want to talk about.

    Current Mood: angry
    Current Music: Nirvana - In Bloom
    Monday, January 28th, 2002
    3:19 pm
    this is a crappy quiz but at least i got punk
    I'm so punkish!
    Take the The "What Teen Label Do You Fit Into Most?" Quiz!
    by antiperfect

    ill go with it.

    Current Mood: depressed
    Current Music: Nintendo - Zelda (Techno Remix)
    6:07 am
    no not really

    well i do listen to them they are a great band and all but id say this test didn't turn out to good.
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