friday was a bad day actually friday was pretty good it just is im not in a good mood so I didn't enjoy it. first i have to say we went to Funcoland in Hanover. We were their for like a half hour and in that span i beat the orignal Contra "you have no life." no not really its just that im really good at video games and i beat it in like ten minutes. Harvest got into this game called Maximo. dialoge time:
me: hey is that PS2.
harvest: yea.
me: but that game just looks like a mix of Zelda and gauntlet legends.
harvest: yea and your point is? hey look at those fairies.
me: well look all it has is a bunch of sword moves from zelda like try useing your sheild.
harvest: ok hey look he can through it
me: ok so i left something else out it ripes off captain propaganda. now look at how he goes behind the sheild and look at those sword swings and look at the way he ducks.
harvest: i still dont get were your geting at. but id have to say he needs more than just 4 attacks.
me: here we go try the swerling sword attack that link does in zelda 64. its a full rotation of the joy stick followed by the sword botton.
harvest: ok
(the guy does a 360 degee sword swing)
me: what did i tell you.
havrest: i still dont get what your saying hey look i just took so mutch damage the guy lost his close and all he has left is his sword, sheild and boxers.
me: ok so i left out a nother game ghost and goblins in fact they should have just called it ghost and goblins.
havrest: i still dont get what you mean so they took 3 good games and made one good game.
me: ok youve got me their but if he loses any more clothing im out of here.
havrest: cool he just lost his shield.
me: pervert.
(i walked away)
we were thinking of buying super scopes and killing everone. also ever noticed the prices their yea mega man X 3 realsed at 40 bucks when it first came out and that was a lot then now it cost like 110 dollars used and how many people do you think who would have a super nintedo still without that game.
well then we decided to go to the hanover mall were of course we went to visit the arcade and all that was their was a bunch of crappy games like wack a moron and shout the fucker. so we moved on. we also went to software exetra were nothing big happened but intresting stuff happened at EB but thats for latter. we also went to ames no good came of that. well after the short visit at the hanover mall we all realized why we never go their. but one good thing could have happened but Dan decided for once he wouldn't do what hes good for. we had walked by a bunch of girl scouts who asked us if we wanted to buy girl scout cookies. well because i was in such the bad mood i got to save the day i gave them an evil stir with a quick horizontal chop makeing a "hmmm" nosie that sounded mutch like a pissed off Kazuya that quickly got the expection across as a "shut the fuck up girl be for i stuff you into that cookie box." at that point they all backed away from us.
well now ill talk about EB. walked in their and saw the new manager.
me: who the fuck is this moron behind the counter of my fucking EB who decided to were an amercia suck's eagle's shirt.
harvest: thats the new maneger.
me: what do you mean thats the new maneger hes a fucking prepy he looks to be like 30 years old and hes shoping at old nazy i didn't even know they carred shit like that.
(i pointed to some random kid in the store who looked to be about 14 or so)
me: this kid would make a better manager then that guy just based on the fact he's in the store and he doesn't have to be.
the kid: my names mike(or something like that).
me: did i ask you for your name? let me answer that for you no i didn't no go the fuck away.
Jedi: you don't have to be a video gamer to be a maneger here you just have to be able to sell.
me: yea well they just lost all of my sale's because of him.
(we then all walked out becasue ben went on brake. and yes all my dialogues are with harvest.)
then last night i slept over Jason's house as usual and watched movies as usual. so when i woke up.
jake: hey wayne its like 11:30 aren't you sapost to go to work today at 11:00.
me: yea.
(so then i called work well first i had to call for the number 411)
me: i just had an accedent like my leg was ripped off....ow this is 411 i ment to call 911 my bad.
me: yea i just woke up its like almost 12:00 now i dont think ill be able to go to work to day.
(hang up)
harvest: i want ot do that. yea i just woke up its like 6:00 clock i dont think ill be able to make it. well it worked for wayne so i thought id give it a shot.
jake: yea id call to. yea i just dont like you guys i dont think ill be able to make it.
also last night me and jake made fun of asuka while harvest sat their trying to defend her.
so friday night sucked.
im still feeling pathetic a friday night pasted and i was hopeing to get soemthing....anything acomplished.
well i am getting better at experesing my self and telling the truth to my freinds.
Current Mood: depressedCurrent Music: Aria Di Mezzo Carattere (arranged & Remixed Version) - FFVI