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Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
12:17 am - so tired
no rest for the wicked. tomorrow will be even longer. maybe one of the contests in tomorrow's werewolf will be napping.

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Monday, February 18th, 2002
2:13 am
a long, hard day for the blood angels. a whole lot of being shot into obliteration, and not enough charging into things and crushing them like bugs. when i made my army, i didn't have to try very hard; i just focused on building it on the cheap. now, the other players are much better, and their armies are much tougher. it's time to make a much more competetive army.

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Thursday, February 14th, 2002
9:27 am
valentine's day. a hallmark tradition. an excellent day to work, play warhammer with a bunch of smelly guys, and maybe even drop in on the inevitable bitch-fest that will be the super-secret meeting for a club of which i've never been a member.

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Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
1:56 am - mardi gras
lousy night at work. spent half an hour on a refusal, including fifteen minutes beyond leaving time, on some ditz nurse who thought she knew everything but wouldn't listen to anything i said. at least i'm done with that project for the moment. i'm training for something else tomorrow. hopefully it will mean much better hours. in theory, the side benefit will be that i'm a more valuable employee, but more likely, i'll be that much more disposable, being better trained.

spanky's birthday. i'm glad he and sarah made it to haven. i don't see them nearly enough.

lots and lots of people at haven. including some of the guys, which made me happy. it's nice to have friends to talk to. not that i think the goffs are boring stuck-ups, or anything.

i once again screwed up the vcr. i'm going to have a heck of a time getting this season all in order. hurrah for newsgroups.

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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
3:39 am
i've been reading berardinelli and ebert forever, but i just found for a good laugh, read the review of cat women on the moon.

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2:56 am - rollerball
a classic. a movie older than myself, rollerball was well ahead of the curve. cyberpunk didn't really catch on until the eighties. it's not hard to see today's society in films like this.

on the other hand, the mess by the same name is now in theatres. most critics have given it a pass, but ebert pans the remake in terms that, for him, are quite inflammatory.

speaking of figure eights, i was hoping the new car wars rules would be out in time for friday night at the races.

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Monday, February 11th, 2002
3:03 am
just about took my skin off trying to twist open a paint jar. ow. and the jar is still firmly closed. where's a strap wrench when you need one.

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Sunday, February 10th, 2002
7:20 pm
no d&d; today because barak is sick, and for reasons i don't entirely understand, we can't do anything without him. i suppose i should have gone to work, but i stayed home and painted my tanks that have been in need for a couple years. they are now quite scary. sometime, i should work on the rest of my army, but at least they are painted. besides, i think i'm going to change my forces around at some point.

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Friday, February 8th, 2002
2:58 am - blood for the blood god
brought out the blood angels for the first time in quite a while. i won, but mostly through luck. i didn't even get to assault anything. my tanks did all the damage.

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Thursday, February 7th, 2002
1:02 am
i got up way too early today and got absolutely nothing done. i only get work done when i'm well rested, which is a counter-productive way to go through life.

work sucked. i've finally gotten whatever is going around. not that i would notice, except i have to talk for a living. there's no telling what people thought was wrong with me, but i got through the night.

i have way too much buffy stuff. almost every episode on tape, and quite a few on my computer. amazon finally shipped this year's calander that began last september and was ordered a couple months ago. and charged me extra for shipping, even though they screwed up. is it any wonder they have a bad reputation?

i have so much work to do, and all i want to do is sleep. which would be fine, except my job is in the middle of my day, so i can't get up, work for a couple hours, go back to bed, then head off to make money. once i'm up, that's it. and i drink too much coffee to get to bed early. it's a vicious cycle.

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Saturday, February 2nd, 2002
3:11 pm - well duh

I'm a Fire Spirit

it's good to see an online personality test that unabashedly states the obvious and gives a pretty picture, rather than try to be clever and sound overwhelmingly stupid.

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12:16 am - shadowrun this saturday
if you haven't heard already. of course, i only found out at warhammer. and i'm nominally in charge of the run. nevermind that i never asked to be in charge, but the run takes care of itself, so it's cool. there's something really fun about setting the players against each other and standing back as the blood flies.

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Thursday, January 31st, 2002
2:20 am
how is it that even when i play a lg character, things always end up in destruction and chaos?

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Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
11:36 pm
missed buffy on upn, so i'm watching the wild feed now. unfortunately, the encoder doesn't really know what she's doing. maybe i can pick up something better tomorrow.

for some insane reason, my computer at work was attacking me with magenta. it's bad enough the study was written by a four-year old, but garish colors really don't make the job any easier.

for those who don't know, i'm working on a d&d; book, right now. not that i expect to get it published, but it's good practice. i've only been reading lately. has been worse than mindless, lately.

i'm starting to miss food. and it would be great if i could wash my clothes. buying books to read is right out. my printer ran out of toner, so i have to find money for that, somehow. it's funny how many things we take for granted until we have them no longer.

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Sunday, January 27th, 2002
8:48 pm
i love my goth and ebm, but these past couple months i've been listening to a much broader selection of music, and it's helped me to remember my roots in music. good music is only good in comparison to other music. and that's why i will never care about the opinions of joe bob. pop music can be good, but how would most people ever know?

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Monday, January 21st, 2002
12:25 am - 3e
we started the dragonstar campaign today. i was going to play a psywar/fighter based on movement feats, ala the matrix, but someone else also decided to play a similar character, and the party was getting pretty lopsided, so i opted for the jedi consular/mind rapist telepath psion. the group is very experienced, so we'll see just how 3e psionics fare in an extended play situation. psi combat is just plain stupid. if you've read the rules, you know what i mean. everything a psion does announces his presence very loudly, so stealth is right out, making subtle interrogation a little difficult. nevermind that there is no jedi mind trick power, anyway. psions get a painfully small selection of powers, but sorcerers have the same problem, only moreso. except psion powers don't scale, so you have to take essentially the same powers over and over. the powers are divided amongst the six stats, so a character has to be superhuman to have any variety, far moreso than a paladin. and most of the 'fixes' from official sources are implemented as feats. we all know that's retarded. feats are special abilities that make characters cool, not duct tape for a broken system. the worst part, though, is that bruce cordell, the man responsible for 3e psionics, refuses to acknowledge that there is a problem. his responses, when given, are invariably smug and ill-considered. unfortunately, most of the solutions that i've seen are only marginally better and rely on much duct-tape. i guess i'll have to write my own proposal and submit it to the boards for approval.

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Thursday, January 17th, 2002
9:34 pm - long night
and we only worked half of it. the weather has really messed up my sinuses, so i have a headache and my voice is all messed up. of course, i had a crappy phone tonight, so people were just hanging up on me half the time, anyway. naturally, i said, sure, i'll be in tomorrow. not that i really had a choice; i'm bailing on sunday to play dragonstar.

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3:31 pm - my computer is quiet
it's a little unnerving. that's enervating, for you wordy types.

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Wednesday, January 16th, 2002
10:39 am
i have my first season buffy, how about you?

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3:05 am - hvn
okay, so it felt like homecoming. not everyone was there, but still a lot of old faces. and some new. i met someone who seems really cool. i hope we can talk again, maybe in a somewhat less chaotic environment than a club. the music failed to suck, which makes me very happy. the club itself is really sharp looking. i was pretty nervous about what it might look like. surprisingly, there didn't seem to be any drama. p was rather quiet tonight, but i guess other people appreciate that fact. not everyone has my sense of humor about life.

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