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[04 Mar 2002|01:52pm]
Today is just more of the same.

I'm looking forward to my (our) trip. I need to figure out what to do, exactly, while there, or at least what I want to do while there. I might take a notebook on the trip, to write down all the wacky stuff that happens. Actually, more to remind myself of what the hell I did. I'll probably be tired a lot.
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[01 Mar 2002|09:18pm]
Went to Surdyk's tonight. Their wine sale is awesome. I one bottle of Australian Cabarnet/Merlot and one bottle of Californian Merlot for under $15! I also bought a case of Bass and a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream... all told it was just under $50. Pretty good deal. I don't usually buy that much liquor, so I figured I got to splurge tonight.

Lia is having a friend over tomorrow to have a craft day/evening, so I'm escaping, most likely over to their place to hang out with her husband and play some more Grand Theft Auto 3 and drink beer (hence the Bass purchase). I'm bringing over my rather large Pearl Jam collection (all amassed before 1995) since they're feeling somewhat nostalgic and both possess mp3 players.

Now it is time for drinking of some coffee/Bailey's and to watch Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
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[25 Feb 2002|12:15pm]
Hey, cool, I'm Fozzie!

You are Fozzie!
Wokka Wokka! You love to make lame jokes. Your sense of humor might be a bit off, but you're a great friend and can always be counted on.

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Jeg har valgt. [24 Feb 2002|09:36pm]
Jeg har avlyset søknaden min om OYP i høsten. Istedenfor skal jeg avslutte med grunnfaget mitt og arbeide i et kontor eller et annet sted. Så skal jeg har forresten mye penger for å reise utenfor universitetet. Kanskje jeg skal reise flere ganger i (få) år. Kanskje jeg skal studerer litt og skrive ned et etnografi om Norge fra mine egne reiseturene og lære mer om uttale og andre språklige ting i dette måte. Jeg vet ikke.

Men jeg vil avslutte; jeg ønsker det altfor mye. Jeg blir opphisset om å endelig har penger og andre ting (som PS2 jeg snakket om igår, og nye møbler, fjernsyn for PS2, en ny datamaskin, osv. osv. =) ). Jeg gleder meg med tanker om etteravslutningen. Jeg vil lese mer på norsk, som Ave Eva og noen Lars Saabye Christensens bøker. Jeg vil lage mat for Lia og spiller videospill og lese skjønnlitteratur istedenfor etnografi og akademisk/teorisk litteratur. Jeg vil sykle mer. Jeg vil slappe av litt. Jeg skal kose meg med livet mitt igjen.

Jeg er lei av grunnfag. Jeg vil ha mer.
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Friday night [23 Feb 2002|08:19pm]
Had a fan-fucking-tastic Friday night. Lia and I went out with "The Other Duo," who are married and that's funny. They keep enticing me with the legal/economic benefits of marriage, and I hate them for it. Anyway, we went to Old Chicago and Lia and I tagged three new beers on our Beer Tour, which was definitely good. One of them sucked, it was a raspberry flavoured one. Ick. I don't remember the name, but I would recognize it if I saw it. We also had the mighty "Meat Me" pizza and a "Big Cookie." Yum. We ate, chatted, and watched the U.S./Russia Olympic hockey game. Nathan agreed to take us to the airport and to pick us up. He's so nice.

Afterwards, we went to the liquor store and bought some beer, then went back to their place to see their photos from their honeymoon in DisneyWorld(tm), where they just returned from. It was funny- not even a week back and Michelle has already finished putting the photos in a special "Disney" photoalbum, complete with commentary. We then proceeded to "split" into male and female conversations, which was something that I never would have thought would happen. The females were talking about crafts and the males were talking about Norway, school, and video games. Nathan and I then began playing some Grand Theft Auto 3 on his PS2, which I am now completely obsessed with. Carjackings. High-speed chases with the cops. Prostitutes. Carnage. Uzis. Cool. I want one.

Vi fikk billetter for Norge-Islandturen vår. Jeg kan ikke vente, men jeg må gjøre noen oppgaver før jeg kan kose meg i et fly til Norden.
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[21 Feb 2002|02:43pm]
We're going to be in Iceland over St. Patrick's Day. I wonder if there'll be anyone there celebrating it, and if anyone who is celebrating it is Irish or of Irish decent. Besides Lia and I, of course!
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[18 Feb 2002|10:58am]
Feeling better today, although I decided that it was probably necessary that I skip work. I'll spend the day doing homeworky stuff, surf around on the net and perhaps have a bit of fun, something that I haven't really been doing much of lately.
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[14 Feb 2002|03:18pm]

Which Star-Crossed Marvel Lover Are You?

Fuck yeah! I'm Spidey!

Except, why are all of the characters X-Men characters (except Spidey)? I would love to be Dan Ketch (Ghostrider) or Frank Castle (Punisher). But Spidey does rock big time. He's a super-smart and witty scientist with Super-Powers.

I imagine I would lose my fear of spiders if I was Spidey. That would rock.

This May, True Believers!! 'Nuff said...
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Enraged at humanity, or why don't people vote for education [13 Feb 2002|09:12pm]
I cannot understand these people. These people who don't vote. The people who are so tight with their money and so fucking anal that they won't vote "yes" for funding for public schools, for higher education, and other such necessities. Do people understand what it is that they're doing? Do people realize that things like schools and universities cost money (gasp!) and that someone needs to pay for it? What the fuck is rammed up these people's asses that they won't pay for education?

I will be the first to admit that I hate children. But that doesn't mean that they don't deserve to learn things in an environment that is conducive to learning; that they actually have a good school to go to so that they can grow up and NOT suck.

Today I read in the Star Tribune about two school districts that are in major crises. The first is the North St. Paul- Maplewood- Oakdale school district, which just so happens to be the district that I went to school in. They're closing two elementary schools, charging fees for stuents who require transportation, and increasing extracurricular fees. The levy amount that District 622 schools received from the taxpayers on this last referendum? $0. That's right, nothing. Then there is the Minneapolis school board, who are $30 million in deficit in their budget, and that was already after a shitload of cuts. So they mailed everyone in the city with a survey to see what they thought they could do to make cuts (and where they wanted said cuts). They had to make $30 million otherwise their survey wouldn't count. Read about it on the STrib., it's fucked up.

Oh, and then last year, the U (of MN) didn't get like $30 or $50 million of its budget, so it had to raise tuition by like 13% over the next two years. Yeah, I noticed it on my tuition bill. Ouch. What the fuck do people think they're doing when they vote "no" on this stuff: "Gee, my kids are in school and they have 30/class, and I really want my kids to have a good education and all, and that is a lot of kids per class, but shit, I don't want to pay $20/month more, so fuck my kids. And those $25k/year salaries for teachers are wayyy too high"???? What?!

Then they bitch about how the school systems suck. It's no wonder why they suck- they're running on a fraction of the budget that they need to function in their full capacity, and thus don't have the staff, faculty, equipment, or resources to do it? Where does this mystical education come from? Are the teachers to write their own textbooks now, on restaurant napkins, and use kool-aid and toothpicks instead of pens to write with? Are college/university students supposed to work full-time, go to school full-time, and incur $20K in loan debt?

Where is the solution? Where is the communities' determination to end this nonsense? Appartently it's down the fucking toilet, because no one has been doing a thing about it for years. It won't be long before we're back to one-room schoolhouses, with a scaffold-seating arrangement and the teacher projecting the textbook on the front wall for the students to copy their homework exercises out of (and to fuck with the students who can't see that far!). Ok, maybe that's a bit "slippery slope." But it's still ludicrous that people won't vote "yes" to pay for young people's education.

It makes me furious to think about this, that people are so fucking tight with their money that they won't help the community out by educating its future populace. It's not like people are voting to pay for a luxury item, like a stadium, they're paying (or not paying) for people's futures. That sounds like some bullshit causie-rhetoric, but it's the truth. I bet there's a kid at my old elementary school who's using the math/english/science/whatever book that I had when I was there. And it was old then.

Fucking morons.

I voted "yes." Go me.
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Taking care of Me [11 Feb 2002|12:24pm]
Today I went to the doctor. Those of you who know me know that I sit in the waiting room with white knucles, clammy hands, a quickened pulse and a light head. Anxious, panic, big-time and for no reason. I knew that nothing was going to happen. I'm just nutbar. The visit was actually really good. I went in for allergies and asthma, something that I have dealt with since childhood, but that I hadn't been keeping up with as of late.

So I got new prescriptions. One is a rescue inhaler for when I find myself unable to breathe normally (albuterol), another is a preventative inhaler that, well, prevents constriction of the bronchial tubes (triamcinolone acetonide/azmacort) so that I don't have to use inhaler #1. The third prescription is Allegra, which I'm told is very good for allergic symptoms, so that I don't cover everyone and everything in sight with a thin layer of mucous during periods of bad allergies. This makes me happy. I have unlimited refills for the next year, I think. This is good. I don't have to go back to get them, which is a pain.

The "U" health insurance kicks unholy ass. The visit will cost me nothing, and all three prescriptions cost me $36 total. Of course, it will cost me $500 when my tuition bill arrives, but that's ok I guess.

Since I was there, I also went up to the Mental Health clinic and made an appointment to see a psychotherapist on Friday. I've been dealing with anxiety for too long, and I thought it was about time that I do something about it. There are copays of $10 for each visit, sans the first, when covered under Student Insurance. Awesome. After this first visit I can decide whether medication may be a good solution for me, otherwise I can continue with the psychotherapy. Actually, I can anyway so it doesn't really matter.

It feels good, to be taking care of Myself finally. I have waited for too long to do so.

I hope that everyone is doing well...

Oh, yeah. Check out the new picture!
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So-called "invented" languages, Tolkienic languages, LotR soundtrack [05 Feb 2002|06:10pm]
[ music | LotR soundtrack, Summoning ]

One interesting thing that I forgot to mention about Trekkies is that they spent a bit of time on the Klingon Language Institute and so-called "invented" languges (which I believe is a fallacy, since all languages are "invented"). Aside from the fact that there was an entire Klingon language that was created for the Star Trek show, I find the entire "invented" language thing to be extremely interesting... Having a casual interest in linguistics (although I don't really know very much- does anyone have an introductory linguistics book that they could recommend?), I think that creating a language oneself is an interesting hobby. I mean, it is one thing to make up words, but to create an entire grammar, etymology, syntax, morphology, and phonology for a language that no one actually speaks/writes/reads is cool. It just is.

Since reaffirming my obsession with Tolkien this winter (and we all know why don't we, folks?), I spent a lot of time poring over the appendicies to LotR, reading all of Tolkien's linguistic material. I found that it wasn't enough. So I began surfing the 'net. Unholy fucking shit... there is a wealth of information out there for people like me who are interested in learning the "behind the scenes" of Tolkien's Quenya and Sindarin languages. I began at TheOneRing.Net, which, aside from being a cool site about Tolkien, has one section in it that has to do with languages, here. From there I went on to Elvish.Org and the other pages that the guy/gal from TheOneRing.Net recommended.

Damn. There are a lot of people out there who have learned what elvish is possible from what J.R.R. Tolkien wrote and what Christopher Tolkien could reconstruct. It is insane, and I have become obsessed with it for some particular reason (oh yes, that's right, I'm obsessive!). Also, the addition of Tolkien's languages with Hedningarna and others has made me more interested in the Finnish language than I have been, although I doubt that my Finnish studies will ever progress very far, as I don't find Finland as interesting as, say, Norway or Iceland. Anyway, eventually when I get time I am going to learn all of this absolutely useless stuff, because I don't find it as arbitrarily stupid as, say, learning a musical instrument for pleasure (rather than to become a pro.) or memorizing sports stats (which is equally useless). Lia, if I end up in Norway, don't be surprised to open a letter and find it in Tengwar script and in Quenya language =)

Ah, yes, I am indeed a geek.

Am I the only person that is on my friends list that shares this obsession? If so, we should talk =)

I was listening to the LotR soundtrack, knowing that I would be writing this post. It is good, although I despise Enya. She is only featured on two tracks, and on one she is singing in elvish and it is subtle (which is in a scene in Rivendell), and the other is at the end, so it is easy to avoid her true annoyingness. The rest of the soundtrack is cool, especially the piece from the end of the film. I still think that they should have hired Summoning to do the soundtrack. They're more than capable, and if they took away the blackmetal vocals, they would be perfect for the job. It is obvious that they don't need to use guitars and such, either. That, and the band is dedicated to Tolkien's work. Heh. Fuck you, Led Zepplin.

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[03 Feb 2002|10:15pm]
Well, Lia and I didn't end up going to our friends' for the Super Bowl. Some team won, I don't know which because we watched Junk Mail instead, which is a Norwegain movie about a postal carrier who throws away mail that he doesn't want to deliver, and stalks a young woman instead. It isn't as malicious as it sounds; he is actually quite innocent and ends up helping her out, although she doesn't know it. It was funny, in that subtle way.

Today I was "Get stuff done" guy. I did my state income taxes and finished my federal. I'm getting about $1000 back, which should mostly pay for my trip. I read all of my readings for two of my three classes on Tuesday. I worked a lot on my application for the Oslo Year Program. In fact, I finished it. All I need to do is get my medical clearance and my letter from a certain professor who has promised it to me on Tuesday. I'll believe it when I have it. I also talked to my aunt, whom I haven't heard from in a long time. I researched some information about foreign students at Universitetet i Oslo, and a bit more about the program that I may find myself in. And I saw that movie to boot. Oh, and I LJed.

I hope everyone else's evening went well.
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[03 Feb 2002|12:05am]
Got a lot of "stuff" done today. Fixed Lia's car, Kari. Got some stuff for Kine at Barnes & Noble. Looked at overpriced Scandinavian furniture. Visited a very cool Co-Op in St. Paul, not five minutes from our apartment, where we can buy müsli and other bulk delights. Tried to rent the Bill Murray classic Groundhog Day, but since it was Groundhog Day today it was, of course, rented everywhere. I should have bought it awhile back, since I do love the film so. Bill Murray is a comedic deity.

The time of the year has once again come to be obsessed with all things academic. My free time grows shorter as the semester comes into full swing, and I find myself caring less as it does so. I enjoy the readings assigned to me and look at each paper as a challenge to my intellectual prowess. My social time has become even more scarce than it has been, and I have no problem with that at all. Sometimes I think that I am becoming a sociopath or something, but I think I know better than that. =)

Lia finished her knitting of Celie's blanket. I think that it is sort of funny that the cat has her own blanket, but as we have seen from the "trial run" tonight, she seems to prefer the blanket's company to our own... We have decided that she's "grounded" from the blanket except while we're sleeping.

Oh, yeah- instead of Groundhog Day we rented Trekkies, which neither of us had seen before. I found it incredibly disturbing/entertaining, since I have known people that very well could have replaced certain "characters" in the film. Scary. Fun. Geeky.

What else? May go to see the 'Bowl over at some friends' tomorrow. Don't really care, although it would be fun to sit around and drink beer. Although I did that tonight...

Shut up, me.
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[29 Jan 2002|04:04pm]
I hate it when people assume that you are irresponsible or that you don't know how to do your own job. There is one person who works where I work who completely talks down to me as if I am the student worker who doesn't know shit about what I am doing. I have been working here for two and a half years, doing a multitude of things from filing to answering students' questions and everything in between (low level computer maintenance, data entry, delivering stuff, supply order, shipping, all of the mailroom stuff, etc.). I think that I know how to do my fucking job.


I suppose I shouldn't be writing in here, since someone may actually know who that person is. Oh, well.
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Iceland. Norway. [28 Jan 2002|09:48pm]
So, we've pretty much decided to go to Iceland and Norway over my Spring Break, which as Lia has stated will save us a "shitload" of money. There will still be snow in Norway then, Kine tells us, but Reykjavík will be back to its (freezing) rainy ways (with lots of wind).

We will, I think, go to Iceland first. The hot baths there work wonderfully on the jetlag, and the three night/four day stop will be a good first leg of the trip. There is so much that I want to see that I didn't get to last time we were there (or didn't know about). I've become just about as obsessed about the little island as about the Northern Path (Noreg/Norge).

Of course, the Norway leg will be at least as wonderful; I'm very much excited about it. I'm sure my journal will reflect this more and more as the excursion grows nearer and nearer. I'm looking forward to museum visits and to see a bit of the countryside. And since we're saving so much money on airfare and hotel, we will hopefully be able to afford to do things that we otherwise wouldn't.

We're going to a travel agent later this week.
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[24 Jan 2002|11:34pm]
Long week. Looking forward to the weekend, when I can do homework and relax. I'm also working on my application this week for the Oslo Year Program. I should know in a few months if this is feasible, or if I really want to do it. It looks like my semester will be an extremely busy one, with my gigantic workload. I still have to see my major advisor, too... I think it will be fun, though.

I get to listen to Swedish and Danish in my Scandinavian Languages class, where they are throwing us all together in a room to see what happens. I don't think it's really that much of an experiment, but I like to amuse myself. It seems to be working out alright, even though we are all non-native, not-even-close-to-fluent students of our respective languages. But I seem to be understanding the instructor (a native Swede) pretty well. I'm proud of my training. =)

As you can see from my previous post, I went to the Old Norse Reading Group tonight. It has been a long time since I've really done much with ON, and I felt kind of stupid there, but everyone was very nice and warm in welcoming me. Maybe I'll try to brush up a bit and go to the next session. We're reading Bandamanna Saga. I miss working on that stuff, actually. Sagas are fun, and the language is so fucked up and interesting. I really want to study in Iceland for a while sometime; maybe if we're both in grad school, Lia and I can both study the language. I know she's obsessed with Iceland, too. We were lucky enough to have a native Icelander at the group tonight, too, from the Árni Magnússon Institute there. Rad. I'm a geek.

(batman theme)
Na-na na-na na-na na-na Ice-land!
(/batman theme)
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[24 Jan 2002|11:21pm]
Þat var góðr, at ek gekk til sögursinninu sém Tolkienni görði at Oxford. Ek tölu íslendzka ekki nu svá góðum.
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Taken from Lia and theburiedlife [21 Jan 2002|10:19pm]
(1) The singular most boring question: What is your name? Zahgurim (sorry, I like online anonymity)
(2) Are you happy with it?: I suppose, I chose it myself. I sometimes am bored with myself, though.
(3) Are you named after anyone?: Yes, my name is one of the fifty names of the Babylonian god Marduk. Zahgurim is the
name/power that is responisble for slaying the legions of the serpent-goddess Tiamat in battle.
(4) Your nickname: Zahg, Z-Dawg, Masta Z-Man... oh, wait a minute. Scratch those last two.
(5) Your screenname: z a h g u r i m, I suppose.
Read more... )
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[18 Jan 2002|11:25pm]
Lia and I are going to my mom's house in Baraboo this weekend. Three and a half hour drive from here in the Twin Cities. Ugh. When we get there, we are supposedly going skiing, which I am looking forward to very much, and then we're taking my mom and her husband out to see LotR: The Fellowship of the Ring, during which my Tolkien obsession will be rekindled again. It's too bad- the new semester begins on Tuesday and I won't have any time to be obsessed with LotR again until it is over and I am done with real school until I go for my Masters/Ph.D. I rule.

Just in case anyone's interested, here is my class list for Spring:

Scandinavian Languages and Cultures in Contact (reading/listening, some writing/speaking comprehension of Danish/Norwegian/Swedish, focusing on their cultural interaction)
The Immigrant Experience (following the reasons why the Scandinavians emigrated to the U.S. and what life was like for them)
The Expressionist Film in Scandinavia (elective- Bergman and Von Trier films, I believe).
Gender in Cross Cultural Perspectives (Writing Intensive Anthropology course that will give me more to talk with my favourite gender studies guru - hi, honey!)

Piece of cake. Oh, yeah. I have to complete my thesis, too. Shit. Wish me luck!
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[17 Jan 2002|07:32pm]
Birth Day was good. I sat around playing video games all day (I'm still slowly working on FFIV. I was trying to get the Gorgon sword for Cecil/Kain in the Underworld, but I stopped, and made my way through the first incarnation of the Tower of Bab-il). Then, Lia came home and we went and got some movies. We watched the Simpsons, then ate a venison roast that had been cooking all day in the crock pot (the apartment still smells like meat- it was soooo tender!! *drools*). We ate cheese cake. Then we watched Jeepers Creepers.

This movie had gotten good reviews from what I had seen. "They" were saying that it was actually scary, and that it brought new life to the horror genre or something. Those people were complete morons. The beginning was completely ripped off from Duel (Stephen Spielburg's first major film), "cleverly" playing on the "Jeepers/Jeep" theme (not!). The two "protagonists," if you could call them that, made stupid mistake upon stupid mistake; mistakes above and beyond that of the normal horror fare. Most of the time, they just sat there, staring at the villain, who instead of being simply a creepy mass killer was also an invincible demon on top of it. They showed the demon/villain's face and features, which killed any terror that might have inflicted the viewer by not letting the imagination wander (and what the fuck does a demon need a jeep for, anyway?!). They never explained anything interesting or scary about the demon (which usually helps in making a supernatural "Other" seem more impressive and frightening), other than "it eats things that it likes" (which is almost a direct quotation from the film). Anyway, the "protagonists" stare and stare and stare and stare (you get the idea) at the villain, whereas in normal horror style they should be running/driving their asses off trying to get away from it, or trying to pummel/incinerate/puree it. I wanted them to die so that the movie could be over. But they didn't, even though they broke the horror movie rule of "if you stand there, you're food." Oh, and the song from the fifties or whatever... I'm sure you've all heard it... that's right, the one with "Jeepers creepers/ where'd you get those peepers," is a recurring theme throughout, and the screenwriter assumes that you don't know or can't figure out what "peepers" are, or that you won't be able to figure out what happens at the end because of it. I hate movies that assume that you're stupid. The only good part of the movie was about 15 seconds long. The camera is inside the villain's jeep looking out of the rear door (the cargo area), while he throws a body on top of the pile (yes, he's busy), and shuts the door. The screen is blank for about four seconds before the door opens again, and he tosses in a head and shuts the door again. However, they never bring back any humour surrounding the demon-villain again, and the scene is soon forgotten amidst the ASS of the rest of the flick. I needed beer just to make it through without shutting it off.

After that trying episode, we watched "The Emperor and the Assassin," which takes place in 227(?) BCE before China became unified at all, and is about the conquering emperor who unifies China (and who has the gigantic tomb filled with terra cotta warriors that has been keeping the world's archaeologists busy for some years now). It is really good, I suggest that people who are interested in the area/period check it out. Much better than Jeepers Creepers =) I enjoy Asian cinema, I think partially because I appreciate the culture and philosophy so much (being in martial arts for nine years will do that to a person), but I'm not so know-it-all to assume that I understand all of the actions that the characters make. Oh, yeah. I'm a fledgling anthropologist. I forgot.

Anyway, in all it was a great birthday. I got to sit around, spend time with the partner-girlfriend, and watch one really shitty movie and one really good movie. Cheers to me.
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