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God I Love This Movie/Cult Phenomenon [05 Mar 2002|10:34pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | In The Air Tonight - Lil Kim ]

Which Rocky character are you?


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Smack Me Stoopid [05 Mar 2002|10:19pm]
[ mood | horny ]
[ music | Flawless - The Ones ]

Its really hot, Im overloaded with homework Im not doing, and I am also flooded with ideas over my music video shoot.

By the way, this is what some site told me about me...

Take the "How immature are you?" Test

created by sami

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FINGS [27 Feb 2002|09:50am]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | Were Going To Ibiza - Vengaboys (How awesome) ]

I get to go into school late today, thought I'd do this thang. Thanks to Cinds, who apparently took it from some other kid

have you ever...
01. fallen for your best friend?: no
02. made out w/ JUST a friend?: yes
03. been rejected?: yes
04. been in love?: no
05. been in lust?: yes
06. used someone?: yes
07. been used?: yes
08. cheated on someone?: no
09. been cheated on?: not that i know of!
10. been kissed?: yes
11. done something you regret?: sure

who was the last person..
12. you touched? my dog, Buddy
13. you talked to? mother
14. you hugged? umm...vanessa
15. you instant messaged? jo
16. you kissed? sharni
17. you had sex with? _ _ _ _ _
18. you yelled at? bec
19. you laughed with? jo
20. you had a crush on? no one
21. who broke your heart? no one

do you...
22. colour your hair? no
23. have tattoos? no
24. piercings? no
25. have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? none :(
26. floss daily? no
27. own a webcam? no
28. ever get off the damn computer? i cant stand it anymore
29. sprechen sie deutsche? i dont think so, mi parlare Italiano
30. habla espanol? si! si! Oh Pilar, you rock my world

have you / do you...
32. stolen anything? i steal stuff from peoples pencil cases
33. smoke? yes, before
34. smoke pot? yes, before
35. crack? no
36. drink? ya
37. been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? never had to tell someone it whilst being
38. been so drunk you didn't care that you couldn't remember your name? uh no
39. posed for nude pics? only as a baby
40. considered a life of crime? yes!
41. considered being a hooker? yes
42. considered being a pimp? YES!

are you psycho?
43. split personalities? Stuart
44. schizophrenic? no
45. obsessive? not usually
46. compulsive? no
47. obsessive compulsive? mmmm no
48. panic? no
49. anxiety? yeah
50. depressed? sometimes
51. suicidal? no
52. obsessed with hate? not really
53. dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? nothing too over the top!
54. dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? no
55. if you could be anywhere, where would you be? in Hollywood, riding Jurassic Park
56. who would you be with? my friends
57. what would you be doing? riding the ride!
58. what are you listening to? mp3s
59. can you do anything freakish with your body? legs behind mah head
60. chicken or fish? chicken
61. do you have a favourite animal, no matter how lame it may be? sloths, goslings, meekrats
62. is ice cream the best thing in the world? its good

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Laaaaaaa [24 Feb 2002|12:06pm]
[ mood | rejuvenated ]
[ music | Seven Days and One Week - BBE ]


-All the guests arrive, its a clash of schools, nobody can be themselves.. yet
-Walk to the pizza shop up the road, get dinner and hang around up there
-Everyone pretty much knows eachother
-Get back home, people begin to consume alcohol, things get weird
-Play basketball, table tennis, dance in the garage to horrible techno music
-Ben smashes Leonie in the face with his elbow during a game of bball
-People begin to leave
-Sit in the bedroom, talk about life
-Ben stays the night, falls asleep as I go to get more drinks
-I pretend to talk on the phone to someone in order to wake him up
-Watch south park for a while, crashed at 4am
-Pancakes the next day
-Me feel sick now, that maple syrup didnt go down well at all

[The ice skating at the winter Olympics is fantastic- so many spills]


What Sex Toy Are You?
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Cyber Sex [19 Feb 2002|09:03pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | Cold Fusion - Another Point ]

AOL chat is full of duds. Take this case for example...

ONE LEB 4 U: hello
Bitchmonkey: hi
ONE LEB 4 U: asl plz
Bitchmonkey: 17 m melbourne
ONE LEB 4 U: wanna cyber?
Bitchmonkey: nope
ONE LEB 4 U: frigate
Bitchmonkey: umm, whatever you say- goodbye
ONE LEB 4 U: cant handle it?
Bitchmonkey: i dont WANT to handle it.. jerk off now
ONE LEB 4 U: its called cyber -DOPE!
Bitchmonkey: its called 'not being able to get any in real life' actually you punk
ONE LEB 4 U: shut ur mouth
Bitchmonkey: why?... im typing here, moron

And so ends another day in the life of someone being asked to type out a sexual encounter over the internet. Whats more disturbing is that it was a male- d'you think he even took notice of the 'm' in 17 m Melbourne, or just looked at 17 and started unzipping his pants?
I feel dirty after being in chat rooms, theyre not healthy at all.
Gotta run... there is chlorine in my eyes from swimming beforehand.

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hehe- she stole this survey from someone and then i stole it [09 Feb 2002|01:49pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | My Friend - Groove Armada ]

1 Name: James
2 Nick Names: too many
3 Middle Name: William
4 Hair: dark brown
5 Eyes: green
6 Height: 6'6
7 Location: Australia
8 Birthday: november 3, 1984
9 Zodiac: Scorpio
10 Status: single
11 Animals: a dog, some fish
12 Sport: basketball
13 Colour: green
14 Song: Learn to Fly- Foo Fighters
15 Bands/Singers: Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Offspring, Garbage, Lil Kim & No Doubt
16 Quote: "I dont like you like that" in reference to giving CPR on someone
17 Flower: rose
18 Scent: Italian food
19 Movies: Beetlejuice, The Goonies
20 Holiday: Halloween
21 Season: Autumn
22 Element: water
23 Book(s): Feral Tracks

Girly Questions
24 Do you wear makeup?:
25 Do you pluck your eyebrows?:
26 Do you look for personality or looks:
27 Perfect boy:
28 How many rings before you answer the phone: i just let the answering machine take it
29 Future Career plans: journalism, media studies or something awesome in the entertainment world
30 Do you sleep with stuffies?: no
31 Do you want kids? maybe some day, MAYBE
32 Are you popular: yes
33 Are you pretty: pretty? im a stud
34 Do you have your own phone line?: no
35 Do you get along with your family?: not really
36 Do you have any piercings or tattoos?: no

Do you like
37 Giving hugs?: if the person doesnt smell
38 Taking walks in the rain: yes
39 Going to the mall?: mmm if i have money, and if im not there too long
40 Go on stage?: used to

41 Drink: yes
42 Smoke: occasionally
43 Drugs: no comment!
44 Eat meat: yes
45 Date: no
46 Sex: yes
47 Eat sushi: yes
48 Bake: yes

49 Hot or Cold: hot
50 Lace or Satin: satin
51 Blue or Red: red
52 New or Old: new
53 Rain or Snow: rain
54 Give or recieve: give
55 Wool or Cotton: wool
56 Rose or Daisy: rose
57 Private school or public school: private
58 Plain milk or choclate milk: plain
59 Celcius or faerenheit: celcius
60 Spring or Fall: Fall
61 Math or Art: art
62 One pillow or two: one
63 Dogs or Cats: dogs
64 Adidas or Nike: nike
65 Coke or Pepsi: coke
66 Oranges or Apples: apples
67 Deaf or Blind: deaf
68 Pool or hottub: pool
69 Blonde or Brunette: brunette
70 Guys or Girls: girls
71 Tall or short: tall
72 TV or Radio: tv

Personal Stance on...
73 Homosexuality: awesome
74 Brand names: gotta have em
75 Abortion: go for it
76 Religion: every religion CAN be classified as a cult, if you think abou tit
77 Animal Rights: leave em alone
78 Love at first sight: no
79 God: not decided
80 Aliens: they're out there!
81 Satan: no
82 Heaven: no
83 Hell: no
84 Reincarnation: yes
85 Transvestites: Frank N. Furter rocks
86 Pop music: some songs are great
87 Rap: like it
88 80's music: love it

Quick Additions
90 what's the prettiest instrument?: hehe the glockenspiel!
91 what's the prettiest part of your body?: my head
92 your biggest fault: my face
93 your biggest fears: plane wreck
94 do you live in the moment?: all the time
95 Do you care about looks?: not really
96 Do you like your handwriting?: ive learned to love it
97 Obsession: Pizza
98.Peanut butter and jam sandwiches anyone? YES
99.favourite weather: warm autumn day with leaves falling everywhere, as the sun's setting
100 Do you ever wish you were somebody else?: not anymore

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Being Grown Up [09 Feb 2002|01:36pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Kelly's Dead - Wild Things Soundtrack ]

Well basically Im writing because I feel bad aboot not doing an entry for a while...
Ive now done 8 days of grade 12, and so far its no different from last year. Well the teachers seem to give you more respect/credit but other than that the work load hasnt changed all that much. Tonight Im heading over to Vanessas house for a big cook up. Not sure what we're preparing yet, we're meant to go grocery shopping first. [May have to cook the Bavarian Love Cake we created from scratch last year] I have basketball today, but my throat is sore and I've been tired all week. Diagnosis: Possible Glandular Fever developing. But hopefully me will feel better soon. I wonder who I could have caught it from, if that IS whats happening. There was Vanessa who wrote me a letter when she had it, maybe she coughed on the paper several times. Then Darren ate a bite of my hot dog last week. But Im not sure he had glandular. And the last suspect is Jo, who had-and still does- the disease, and she came into school one day this week to pick up her work. Though I dont remember her spitting into my mouth and me swallowing it. I watched Freddy Got Fingered last night, and I have to say that even I thought it was lame. HOWEVER, there were many many funny moments (See- kid getting hit with objects frequently) so I will give it some credit.


A young mother had just given birth to a newborn baby and the nurse was congratulating her when the doctor came in, bouncing the baby from hand to hand like a basketball. "Here's your baby, maam" says the doctor. The doctor then throws the baby on the floor, hurls it up against the wall, picks it up and twirls it around several times, and then drop kicks it straight out of the 10th floor window. Totally bewildered, the woman gives out a loud shriek and hollers, "My God!!! What have you done to my baby?!?!!!" The doctor chuckles a little to himself and says, "April Fools!!! He was already dead!"

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MORE MORE MORE [04 Feb 2002|05:38am]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Bette Davis Eyes - Blondie ]

Take The Scooby-Doo Test!

IM BORED BORED BORED. So eat these things now....

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Eat This [04 Feb 2002|05:34am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | No More Drama - Mary J Blige ]

Im gonna be smashed by the end of Monday- wait, its Monday right now.


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Im holding a chicken and smoking [03 Feb 2002|08:59pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | The Shame Of Life - Butthole Surfers ]

*Take This Test!*

My dog is laying next to me.
He smells funny.

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The homecoming queen's got a gun [29 Jan 2002|11:42pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | What About Us - Brandy ]

Falcon902772288: u really fuck donkeys?
Bitchmonkey: now what do you think...

Some people just dont know how to interperet a quote I used on my AOL profile...

In other news, school starts Thursday and Im having severe headaches.
Im gonna buy a new black pen. I've decided I'll be using black as my writing color this year, Im sick of seeing blue. Last year at highschool, and not a moment too soon.

*Thinking about the split-second part in the Toxic Avenger when a girl is pushed into a pool and the poorly post-production voice the editors give her as she 'shrieks' falling into the water-- It almost sounds like a gasp a drag queen makes upon discovering his fishnets have a run in them*

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Berekfast Bereksy...mahahaha [20 Jan 2002|06:39pm]

Take the Which Breakfast Food Are You? Quiz.

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Burned [20 Jan 2002|06:28pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | Who Do You Love Now? - Riva ]

I was in my pool yesterday for about 6 hours during the heat wave, and talked on the portable phone during the most part of it- it was great. Though a few hours after getting out, the redness starting showing itself on my shoulders and then back, and right now Im as red as can be. It burns, it kills... If you saw my redness you would just cry for me. I am now reduced to wearing singlets and dripping ice cubes on myself every few minutes. Im waiting for my parents and sister to arrive home from interstate, they've been gone 3 days and theyre meant to be bringing me back a Subway meal. (Thats right, Im not looking forward to seeing them as much as the food) My new desk is meant to be delivered to the house on Tuesday, along with another computer desk. My room is going to be so professional and organised, yay. I still havnt watched the footage I took at my 'party' the other night, but Im sure it'll be hilarious.

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The Gathering [19 Jan 2002|12:10pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | The people in voice chat are playing lots of bad music ]

Had friends over last night, it was very eventful. We watched American Pie 2, sat around outside as it got dark, had a swim (Well, some of us) and just having conversations to pass the time. I filmed some of it on the video camera, that should be interesting to watch today. (The camera left the house for an hour in someones car when they went to 'film something funny'... cant wait to find out what) I woke up in the hammock outside, very hot. Had to chill in the pool before attending to the mass amount of clean up that needed to be done. On the romantic side, nothing happened between anyone... but there's always tonight. Going to a friends BBQ and then hosting a small party at my place afterwards, I just love it when my parents leave me here alone. Time to order a pizza :D

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MORE MORE MORE! [17 Jan 2002|07:07am]
[ mood | enthralled ]
[ music | Its In Your Eyes - Kylie Minogue ]

001. Favorite band(s)? Foo Fighters, The Offspring, Red Hot Chili Peppers, No Doubt, Garbage and of course Prudence & The Bitchmonkeys
002. Do you enjoy concerts? Yes
003. What was the last concert you attended? Redfest 2000
004. Music you couldn't live without? Music altogether
005. Kind of music that would fall off the face of the earth and you wouldn't care nor miss it? Probably country
007. How many CDs can your stereo hold at a time? Only 1 :(
008. Do you have a discman? Yes, listen to it on the bus to and from school, cherrish it
009. What CD could you listen to for hours? All the Garbage albums
010. Can you sing well? Yes

How many CDs do you own by...

011. Britney? 0
013. O-Town? 0
014. Eminem? 0
015. Incubus? 0
016. Blink 182? 1
017. Everclear? 0
018. Mandy Moore? 0
019. Backstreet Boys? 0
020. N'Sync? 0
021. Dr. Dre? 0
022. Fuel? 0
023. Linkin Park? 0
024. Destiny's Child? 1
025. Dream? 0
026. Korn? 1
027. Limp Bizkit? 0
028. Missy Elliot? 1
029. Nelly Furtado? 0
030. Jessica Simpson? 0
031. Christina Aguliera? 1
032. Eve 6? 0
033. Sum 41? 1
034. No Doubt? 4
035. Mariah Carey? 0

What comes to your mind when you hear...

036. Goo Goo Dolls? The 90s
037. Lifehouse? Just another flavor of the month band
038. Vertical Horizon? I thought they died
039. Vitamin C? Overplayed
040. LFO? New kids on the block
041. Savage Garden? Go Aussies!
042. Papa Roach? I first thought the name was of a rap artist
043. The Bloodhound Gang? Fun
044. Toni Braxton? Unbreak my heart, good song
045. 98 Degrees? Boy bands...ahhhhh
046. Our Lady Peace? Who?
047. The Verve Pipe? Soothing
048. Craig David? Try hard
049. Willa Ford? Give her a chance! She was on the charts for about 2 minutes
050. Aqua? Underrated! Bahahaha
051. 311? Not familiar with 'em
052. Mikalia? As above
053. The Fugees? GO LAURYN

Either or...

054. Britney or Christina? Britney
055. Punk or rock? Rock
056. Edited or un-edited? un-edited
057. Backstreet Boys or N'Sync? KILL
058. Nick or Justin? See above
059. Live or on TV? live
060. Amphitheater or arena? ampitheater
061. Live band or recorded tape? umm, live stoopid

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[17 Jan 2002|06:46am]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | In The End - Linkin Park ]

01. name? James
02. d.o.b? 3/11/1984
03. location? Melbourne, Australia
04. religion? Catholic
05. occupation? Student, sales

01. hair? Brownish brown
02. eyes? Green
03. height? 6'6"
04. figure? Big

01. clothing? jag, nike, converse...
02. music? r&b;, alternative, pop, rap, rock, hip hop
03. makeup? erm, no
04. body art? none yet

01. wearing? adidas pants, yellow nike shirt and some sorta hooded sweatshirt
02. listening to? the Milk album by Garbage
03. thinking of? eating breakfast
04. feeling? vamished

01. bought? a phone card
02. did? watched Earth Girls are Easy on DVD
03. ate & drank? a can of coke...and i guess it was Mexican food last night
04. read? this really boring book for school
05. watched on tv? the news

01. club or houseparty? houseparty
02. tea or coffee? coffee
03. high achiever or easy-going? easy-going (I think that means SLACK)
04. beer or cider? beer
05. drinks or shots? whatever is stronger at the time of consumption!
06. cats or dogs? dogs
07. single or taken? single
08. pen or pencil? pen
09. gloves or mittens? gloves
10. food or candy? candy
11. cassette or cd? cd
12. snuff or cigarettes? cigarettes
13. coke or pepsi? coke
14. hard or mild alcohol? hard
15. matches or a lighter? lighter
16. sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful? bold and the beautiful
17. rickie lake or oprah winfrey? go rikki, go rikki

01. kill? Rhys
02. shag? Bec
03. slap? Bec
04. hear from? Vanessa
05. get really wasted with? Bec
06. tickle? Buddy, my dog
07. look like? Jerri from Strangers With Candy
08. be like? Myself
09. avoid? Rhys

01. food? pizza pizza pizza
02. drink? thickshake
03. color? green
04. album? too many to choose from! I'd have to say all of my soundtrack albums
05. shoes? who has favorite shoes?
06. site? http://tonylagarto.tripod.com/swc.html#mytop
07. dance? the Love Shack dance me and Bec made up
08. song? learn to fly, foo fighters
09. vegetable? potato
10. fruit? watermelon
11. berry? hmmm.....

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I've Always Wanted A Parrot Would Say That To Me... [17 Jan 2002|06:25am]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Diddy - P. Diddy & Neptunes ]

Today I got up at 5am to watch Saved By The Bell, followed by USA High. Why? Because I couldnt sleep. I went to bed at the early time of 8pm, therefore waking up much more in the morning hours as opposed to the usual afternoon time. Today Im going to be re-arranging my bedroom, yay! Time to change all the pictures/posters/stuff on the walls, move the bed and desk, I need to get a new computer desk because there isnt enough room on the one at the moment. So today is turning out to be rather productive, maybe I will even do some homework. My parents are going away tomorrow for 2 nights, I have the house to myself. JOYFUL TIMES! Have a few friends around, it'll be fun... Staying up late during these past few holiday weeks has meant Im able to watch Today (American version) and other fantastic late night stuff like Happy Hour, Rude Awakening (which is actually funnier than once thought) The Cindy Margolis Show, David Letterman (WHY hasnt this show been cancelled yet? Someone please tell me who is actually laughing at this man...) and not to mention all the Telemall shopping commercials. I almost rang up to order my very own Abtronic last Monday, but luckily the phone had hidden from me. THIS WEEKEND IS GOING TO BE HOT- Nice change. I cant wait to get into my pool. Maybe I'll get a McDonalds breakfast this morning...havnt had one for a long time... Mmmmmm sausage McMuffin

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Bah [15 Jan 2002|02:17am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Bedtime Story - Madonna ]

I dont like being reduced to one kind of thing or another. But these tests are just so damn appealing! Here are my latest findings...

I took the McDonalds test, and guess what I got?

You can take the
McDonalds Product Test
by Matio64
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Yay! [08 Jan 2002|08:36pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | What If - Aaliyah ]

Im going to go play The Sims now, there is a new family (Gregory, Suki, Leslie, Clawson and Tammala Cotswolds) and the house is gonna be totally awesome. Other than this game, I have to dump a lot of trash off of my desk in preparation for school when it finally comes back.
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What The..? [06 Jan 2002|10:38am]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Rapture - iio ]

I'm Chandler, Marshall and Ryan!

Wow, you're three people! You're odd, but you're also the masters of the universe.

Take the "What weird
obsession are you?" quiz
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