jon double dared me with slime from the show. i had to do it. so there. this starts where the last entry ended. enjoy. it sets the record straight about alot of things. yeah. |
[24 Apr 2002|01:34am] |
BttrflyK8: i've been instructed to find out about your livejournal entry that asks adrienne on a date. TheGreatPopsicle: from whom? TheGreatPopsicle: or by whom? BttrflyK8: lol! kelly TheGreatPopsicle: well i'm about to hit update in couple minutes, and then the whole world can see BttrflyK8: haha. i see. TheGreatPopsicle: there you go BttrflyK8: okay. hopefully it will load. okay it did. i'm reading. BttrflyK8: lol! exactly what i thought it all meant. BttrflyK8: none of my roommates believed me. TheGreatPopsicle: well at least someone's not entirely insane then TheGreatPopsicle: you being the not insane person BttrflyK8: lol! adrienne wants me to ask who you are referring to as jumping to conclusions. BttrflyK8: haha. that's what i kinda figured... TheGreatPopsicle: pyles talked to me about it BttrflyK8: meaning? TheGreatPopsicle: he didn't give me many specifics... things like "everyone thinks you're asking her on a date..." etc BttrflyK8: lol! yeah, that's pretty much what i told him about what my roommates were saying TheGreatPopsicle: well then he relayed things accuretly TheGreatPopsicle: sp? BttrflyK8: lol! yes he did relay things accurately. TheGreatPopsicle: accurately BttrflyK8: yeah BttrflyK8: adrienne says to tell you that you don't owe her a dinner, but she appreciates the offer. TheGreatPopsicle: i never said i owe her one TheGreatPopsicle: i explicitly stated that i didn't BttrflyK8: she says "i know i know i know i know i know" (that's an exact quote) TheGreatPopsicle: i'm laughing... i think this whole situation is just great BttrflyK8: it is completely entertaining to me. TheGreatPopsicle: me too BttrflyK8: :-D TheGreatPopsicle: i'm assuming that adrienne was the anonymous response to my offer BttrflyK8: lol! yeah, i'm pretty sure that no one else would respond in that manner. TheGreatPopsicle: well, it could be someone fucking with me... TheGreatPopsicle: you never know... some people... BttrflyK8: you know, that's a very good point. i didn't even consider that, but yeah, it was adrienne. TheGreatPopsicle: oh, i forgot to put this in my lj... so i'll tell you (guys) now, i guess BttrflyK8: lol! okay TheGreatPopsicle: apparently everyone thinks it's weird that i did such a thing in my lj and a few people said "if you wanted to take her on a date, why didn't you just call her?"... but none of those people said that to my face, this is all hearsay again... anyway, wouldn't me just calling up adrienne be weirder and lead to more conclusions than a lj post?... that's what i thought BttrflyK8: hmm. i think that would be pretty weird. but i'm sorta confused, you really want to take adrienne on a date for real? TheGreatPopsicle: *sigh* TheGreatPopsicle: *bangs head* BttrflyK8: lol! i'm sorry. i'm not you so i don't know what you're thinking. TheGreatPopsicle: don't be sorry... scotus was often misunderstood too TheGreatPopsicle: anyway... BttrflyK8: yeah, anyway... TheGreatPopsicle: here's the real deal, if only so that there are no misunderstandings about anything with anyone: TheGreatPopsicle: 1) would i be willing to go to dinner with adrienne niess, the ud student who resides in 114 vwk, roommate to jess, dawn, and kate... yes. TheGreatPopsicle: 2) would i be willing to pay for said dinner with funds provided by myself, being jon dittert... yes TheGreatPopsicle: 3) would i be willing to talk to adrienne at said dinner, and thus through talking come to know her better... yes TheGreatPopsicle: 4) would said dinner cause jon to renounce all of his emmotional ties to other females and ride off with adrienne into the sunset... no BttrflyK8: i see. TheGreatPopsicle: i could go on TheGreatPopsicle: but i think you get the point BttrflyK8: yeah, you made yourself extremely clear. TheGreatPopsicle: mission accomplished BttrflyK8: :-D BttrflyK8: just one thing though. is a date a necessary part of getting to know adrienne? i mean, you've gotten to know katie and me pretty well lately and you haven't taken us on dates. BttrflyK8: but i guess that's okay since we're not in your top five people to marry.... BttrflyK8: lol! TheGreatPopsicle: well, i didn't think we had necessarily defined this as a date... but if you mean do i think that taking more formal and contrived measures to get to know adrienne at this current point in time, then yes... technically that is the case, since i rarely see adrienne in everyday life TheGreatPopsicle: i think i left out a couple words up there TheGreatPopsicle: you'll be able to decipher it though BttrflyK8: lol! yeah. i think i've gotten the gist of it. and it makes sense. BttrflyK8: so you going on a "date" with adrienne is kind of the equivalent of me coming to visit you and hanging out in your room. TheGreatPopsicle: i mean hell, i said "i would buy you dinner sometime adrienne" not "i would take you for a romantic getaway into the wonderful world of dining"... let's just round up a big group of people and all go to mcdonalds TheGreatPopsicle: exactly TheGreatPopsicle: whew BttrflyK8: okay, i seriously just laughed out loud for a long time. TheGreatPopsicle: well that's a good thing BttrflyK8: okay. i think the reason everyone was up in arms about this whole thing was the fact that you didn't make it seem like you wanted to round up a big group of people and go to mcdonalds. i think the people that overreacted were looking at it as pretty much the romantic getaway into the wonderful world of dining. TheGreatPopsicle: silly people... BttrflyK8: you're telling me. TheGreatPopsicle: although i was shooting a little higher than mcdonalds BttrflyK8: maybe if you visited more often and weren't so anti-social, you wouldn't have to resort to asking people out on dates in your livejournal. BttrflyK8: lol! i should hope so...burger king? TheGreatPopsicle: damn, now you're talking TheGreatPopsicle: we're all going to buger king TheGreatPopsicle: i'm so serious BttrflyK8: i definitely just laughed out loud again. TheGreatPopsicle: i'd go now, but it's closed BttrflyK8: sounds fine to me. i'm sure we could even secure a seat next to adrienne for you. and josh could sit on the other side. that would prove to be an entertaining evening. TheGreatPopsicle: i don't know about this josh thing... but if it'll makes things more confusing and complicated, then i'm all for it! TheGreatPopsicle: woohoo! BttrflyK8: oh, it would definitely be more confusing and complicated...i would find it extremely entertaining. although the fact that it has now been cleared up that it's not a date (in the most serious sense) would definitely make it not nearly as confusing and complicated. TheGreatPopsicle: damn TheGreatPopsicle: there goes my fun TheGreatPopsicle: okay, my lj is fixed BttrflyK8: well, i could just not tell anyone about the clarification and then things would just be crazy. TheGreatPopsicle: is adrienne in love with josh, or the other way around, or both... TheGreatPopsicle: i just want to know what i'm up against BttrflyK8: lol! good fucking question. BttrflyK8: well, the first part is definitely a yes. TheGreatPopsicle: aww... there goes my chances BttrflyK8: the second and third parts are both question marks...although josh did say yes to a date with adrienne to the black box awards. TheGreatPopsicle: i'm gonna go jump out of my lounge window now BttrflyK8: wow, i'm glad you only care about adrienne jon. TheGreatPopsicle: i'm just joking with you... BttrflyK8: yeah, right. i know that you are secretly in love with adrienne and care only to accquire her undying love for you. i think i have to go jump out of our lounge window now. although, i don't think i will die because it's on the first floor. TheGreatPopsicle: if you jumped out of your lounge window, i would laugh my ass off BttrflyK8: see what i'm saying? no compassion for anyone but adrienne. TheGreatPopsicle: so right, man... i wish everyone on earth except for adrienne would go jump out of a window right now... then we could be together forever BttrflyK8: finally...the truth comes out. BttrflyK8: maybe i should post this in my livejournal so angie will know how you really feel. TheGreatPopsicle: go for it TheGreatPopsicle: i fucking dare you TheGreatPopsicle: double dare you with that green shit from the show even BttrflyK8: hmm. i don't think you know me well enough to know that i won't do it. TheGreatPopsicle: too bad... things could've gotten even more confusing BttrflyK8: oh, i think you're reading that incorrectly. TheGreatPopsicle: either way BttrflyK8: lol! it's not too bad if i actually do it though. TheGreatPopsicle: go for it, he repeats TheGreatPopsicle: i can no longer be phased BttrflyK8: hmm BttrflyK8: wow. that definitely killed the conversation. lovely. TheGreatPopsicle: oh, i thought you were off doing bad things in your lf TheGreatPopsicle: lj BttrflyK8: well, i want to wait until the conversation is completely finished to post it just to make sure that everything necessary is included. TheGreatPopsicle: oh, how thorough of you BttrflyK8: exactly. BttrflyK8: the thing is, if i do post this, it will definitely clear everything up and then i won't be forced to recount the whole thing to every one of my roommates. and i think angie probably knows you well enough to get your sarcasm. and i don't think angie really gives a shit what i say because she hates me or something. TheGreatPopsicle: good points all around TheGreatPopsicle: she's coming up on thursday... i'm thinking of brining her down to 114... thoughts? BttrflyK8: lol! so it's totally fine if i post it. because it doesn't really matter. BttrflyK8: hmm. TheGreatPopsicle: post away TheGreatPopsicle: i alreday dared you... i meant it BttrflyK8: oh, i'm going to. BttrflyK8: don't you worry. TheGreatPopsicle: i'm not BttrflyK8: right. so angie in 114. TheGreatPopsicle: yeah, what do you think? BttrflyK8: yeah. you didn't really deny that she hates me, so i don't know how great that would be. BttrflyK8: adrienne and dawn say, "bring it on," though. TheGreatPopsicle: i want everyone to have faces to go with names TheGreatPopsicle: the insults will be so much more potent then BttrflyK8: hmm. oh, lovely. TheGreatPopsicle: because i know i'm gonna get shit for this adrienne thing... but i'm welcoming it BttrflyK8: i see. BttrflyK8: well, i promise that there won't be any open animosity between least none from my side. TheGreatPopsicle: k8: ...cuz none of us will be home on thursday... funny about that... BttrflyK8: what? i'm confused... TheGreatPopsicle: no animosity from you, because you won't be there TheGreatPopsicle: conveniently absent TheGreatPopsicle: no matter how long i knock... TheGreatPopsicle: something like that BttrflyK8: lol! i don't know about that. haha. no that's your room jon. TheGreatPopsicle: true BttrflyK8: i think i'd actually like to meet her face to face because i've never even been introduced to her. there will probably be alot of tension, but i honestly don't give a shit. you're my friend, she's your girlfriend...i think we should meet. it just seems appropriate, despite our sordid history. TheGreatPopsicle: i agree BttrflyK8: lol! BttrflyK8: so, yeah, i'll be here. come by after 8, nsync is on the wb all night. you guys can stay and watch. TheGreatPopsicle: mmm... sounds like a party BttrflyK8: haha. yeah, she'll love me then. everything that's happened AND i force her to watch nsync. TheGreatPopsicle: a double whammy BttrflyK8: that will really solidify her opinion of me. just drive it home that i am the epitome of evil. TheGreatPopsicle: that's my goal BttrflyK8: lovely. should i wear all black or something? TheGreatPopsicle: okay, i must work now... because i must sleep... bc judy's pulling an all nighter and we both can't fall asleep tomorrow TheGreatPopsicle: you could... dress like a goth BttrflyK8: lol! good plan. you can read this forevermore on my livejournal. BttrflyK8: hmm. goth. perhaps. BttrflyK8: maybe i'll just wear my nsync t-shirt. TheGreatPopsicle: why punish yourself like that? BttrflyK8: that's equally evil. haha. BttrflyK8: good point. TheGreatPopsicle: okay, work then sleepies... you can say goodnight to all your roommates for me TheGreatPopsicle: since i don't want to type that 3 times BttrflyK8: i will be sure to do that. have fun with your homework. and have fun with dave tomorrow. TheGreatPopsicle: i will BttrflyK8: even though he's no *nsync. TheGreatPopsicle: give adrienne a big kiss for me BttrflyK8: um. i don't want to kiss adrienne. sorry. TheGreatPopsicle: damn... and i was hoping for a home moive TheGreatPopsicle: movie BttrflyK8: sorry.