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kate mcmanus

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[11 May 2002|12:23am]
so i went to cedar point today. about freaking time. adrienne convinced me to go yesterday. and thank god she did. i had such a great time today. (despite the sunburned face. lol!) the millenium force was closed, but we were able to go on everything else. so much fun. right a bunch of stuff that i need to comment on. adrienne and i made a list, but i forgot one of the things, so i'll probably end up writing about it later.
the wicked twister
while we were waiting in line for this ride (which fucking rules, by the way.), adam started talking about how sick he is of freud's theories that everything is sexual. so tom started talking about why we were going on the ride in the first place. apparently we all have alot of sexual frustration. that's his analysis, at least. but then they decided that the ride is a double phallic symbol. very nice. so yes, the wicked twister is a phallic symbol.
"that's my boyfriend."
we all went on the magnum, but the boys ended up going like three rides ahead of us because one of the cars had a seat broken in the seat that lined up with where we were standing. so adrienne and i were on the ride by ourselves (not that that's a big deal though, because it's not.) and the boys were already off and waiting for us. so we ride it and it's cool. then we come to the end where you wait until the next car is done loading before you can unload or whatever. so we're sitting there and the dumbass kids behind us look down at whoever and say, "that guy looks like a fag," or something. grrrr. but anyway, adrienne says, "that's my boyfriend." and it was just so hilarious. yeah...maybe you had to be there...
the boy with the pizza box.
so after the park closed, we went to east of chicago pizza and had dinner. so there's this statue of a guy holding a pizza box, but he's actually holding a pizza box. we're sitting at our table talking or something and a random kid walks up to the statue and opens the pizza box and looks in. tom, adrienne, and i were the only ones to see him do this and we all started laughing so hard. aaron and adam were kinda clueless. lol! they just didn't understand what we were laughing at. it was amusing though. but then aaron got curious about what was in the box, so when we were leaving, he looked in there too.
sandusky smells bad.
when we were driving to get to the turnpike, it smelled sooooo bad. yuck. it was like rotten eggs or something. adrienne and i thought we were going to die. okay, maybe not, but it was really gross.
the kid in the bus when we got our ticket for the turnpike.
when we finally got to the entrance to the turnpike, we pulled up behind a schoolbus to get our ticket so they'd know how much to charge us for the toll when we got off. so some random kid in the back of the bus is like talking to us and motioning. i don't know. and a girl started mouthing words at us too. but then another kid pulls down his pants and moons us. lovely. high school boys are so mature. i miss that whole environment so much. sheesh.
okay...i'm still not sure what else i had to say. i'm sure i'll write more soon, but i'm really tired and i need to sleep. i might be going to lexington tomorrow. hopefully i am. too bad i have to drive all the way there by myself because pyles is already there. grrr. and i need to talk to jon too so i know what the hell is going on. jon, if you read this, um, e-mail me or something. i don't know. if i'm coming, i will have to leave early because it's going to take like 6 hours probably to get to your house. lovely.
2 hey, you guys!| goonies never say die.

[09 May 2002|12:54am]
the bad thing about movie channels is the fact that they show the same movies every day. how sad is it that i am complaining about this? somebody just put me out of my misery. for real. okay, maybe not. my week of sloth is almost over. yeah.

i had a very entertaining conversation with kelly tonight. this is just the best part...

Theatregirl14: i know, i want to have sex with all priests
Theatregirl14: never mind
Theatregirl14: no, all future priests
BttrflyK8: in love with me?
BttrflyK8: hahah
Theatregirl14: riiiiight
BttrflyK8: the truth comes out. you want all priests
BttrflyK8: it's ment of the cloth. it just does something for you.
BttrflyK8: or men, that is.
BttrflyK8: ment, what the hell is that?
Theatregirl14: ment is a kidn of men-eucalyptus spray that entices me to jump priests upon consumption
BttrflyK8: okay, i think lol is appropriate now.
BttrflyK8: so you love ment and men of the cloth.
BttrflyK8: i know what's really going on.
Theatregirl14: well, i love men of the cloth because of the ment
Theatregirl14: it's a vicious circle, really
BttrflyK8: exactly. i bet you're addicted to ment as well. you can't live without it, but it makes you want priests.
Theatregirl14: exactly.
Theatregirl14: you understand
BttrflyK8: oh, but i do.
Theatregirl14: would you like to try this "ment"?
BttrflyK8: i think i should stay away from ment. should i be worried about peer pressure? i don't want to fall into a cycle of using ment and abusing priests.
Theatregirl14: oh, abuse is not a factor. they want it. they have a product called wo-ment
BttrflyK8: does that attract you?
Theatregirl14: yes. the ment-products also irradicate any feelings of guilt
Theatregirl14: wonderful
Theatregirl14: you should try it
BttrflyK8: haha. that's always an upside.
Theatregirl14: :-)
BttrflyK8: hmm. jumping priests...
BttrflyK8: maybe i should leave that area to you...it is your expertise, after all.
Theatregirl14: hey, provides for a great chase, you know
BttrflyK8: lol! a very good point.
Theatregirl14: :-D
Theatregirl14: i'm insane
BttrflyK8: as am i, which has been shown by my part of this lovely conversation.
BttrflyK8: lol!
Theatregirl14: well yes, it takes two to be insane :-)
BttrflyK8: very good point.
2 hey, you guys!| goonies never say die.

no work + me = a bad thing. [08 May 2002|07:53pm]
yeah, so i just took a shower. yes, it really is 7:50 when i'm writing this. and yes, i was in my pajamas all day. i still am. that is so sick. this whole no work, nothing to do thing has made me really lazy. i swear that if i am ever unemployed in the future, things are going to be pretty bad. i seriously sleep until 12:30 at the earliest, watch a makeover story, make ramen or spaghettios, and then watch movies all afternoon. it's so sick. i have now watched part of a knight's tale every day since monday. i am disgusted with myself, no need for you all to join in.
no jury duty tomorrow...hopefully i will get up at a decent hour and go out and do something. i think i might go buy my uniform for work. we'll see though. i'll definitely be showered, dressed, and out of my house by like 1, hopefully.
now it's time to continue with my lazy day and watch dawson's creek and felicity. tomorrow i will be better. i hope...
goonies never say die.

wasting time. yay. right... [08 May 2002|12:16am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | the calling. adrienne. (hahahahaha. i love it!) ]

yeah, so i was bored tonight so i scanned some of the pictures i had hanging up in my room this year. i'll scan other ones when i get some developed or when i find the pictures i have from this year. right. i just realized that my scanner is not working very well lately, so the pictures look pretty shitty. oh, well...

hmm. this picture is of three of my roommates, me, and a girl named rachel from when we all went swing dancing. how fun. lol! right, it's rachel, jess, kelly, me, and adrienne.

these are the boys that went with us swing dancing. lol! this picture just really amuses me. it's josh, aaron, jeff, tom, and pete. pete is going to hawaii with colleen, kt, and yano. but yeah, this picture is amusing for so many different reasons. lol!

this is me and colleen. nothing to interesting to say about this picture. i just love it because we are both smiling so much that our eyes are squinty. haha. i'm a dork. oh, well.

this is laura and ben from the same night as the picture before this. i think it's obvious why this picture amuses me. lol! i think laura pushed ben into the bathroom. that's pretty likely...

this final picture is from flyer news. this is my friend tim and some llamas. lol! it's from udsap's llama plop. :o) it's just amusing. all these pictures were. except maybe the first one. that was a pretty normal picture. oh, well.

right. i think i'm done entertaining myself for now. i don't have jury duty tomorrow. my fingers are still crossed about friday. we'll see though. i'm going to call six flags tomorrow and see if i can go in and work. i'm getting very bored just sitting around my house. i don't know if i'll be able to work though. it'll be fine if i can't though. i'll be working plenty later in the summer. sheesh.

3 hey, you guys!| goonies never say die.

these are the entries i write when nothing is going on at home. sheesh [07 May 2002|02:18pm]
[ mood | lackadaisical. ]
[ music | thunder outside. yuck. ]

well, nothing exciting has happened that i can write about. i didn't have jury duty yesterday and i don't have it today. i'll find out in two hours if i have it tomorrow. i'm just keeping my fingers crossed that i don't have it on friday because i really want to go to cedar point. i think 20 years of living in northeastern ohio and never going to cedar point is long enough. oh, wait, i'm not supposed to call it cedar point. it's "the park up north." right. stupid six flags brainwashing. grrr. okay, i think i'm going to go do something. whether that something is productive is yet to be seen.

goonies never say die.

hey, preppy, why do you look so preppy tonight?? [05 May 2002|11:50pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | lisa loeb. do you sleep? ]

so yesterday was my birthday. it was a really great day. i received phone calls from adrienne, colleen, and kelly. :o) how fun. right. i just sorta hung out most of yesterday. it didn't seem like anything but a normal saturday, but that was fine. i really needed the feeling of doing nothing. i went to lunch at cooker with my parents. it was fun. sometimes i really like just going out with my parents. they can be pretty amusing sometimes, even if they do want my stuff to all be put away from the instant i walk through the door. oh, well. anyway...
laura came and visited yesterday. she got lost. supposedly, my directions were bad. i find that hard to believe. oh, well. she got here around 7:15. my friend katie came over too at like 7. to go along with my subject line, i'm going to say that everything i wore last night was from the gap. except for my flip flops, which were from j.crew. so yeah, i was totally preppy last night. anyway. then the three of us went to the mongolian barbecue in coventry. that place is fun, but i wasn't as hungry as you should be when you go. one bowl of stir-fry and a plate of salad does not make up for the $13 spent on dinner. oh, well. i'll just remember for next time. lol! right. we came back to my house afterwards and had icecream cake. :o) yum. then i opened my presents. laura gave me a glass head filled with candy. it's fucka sweet. seriously. i think i'm going to put a string of christmas lights in it next year. that will look really cool. we'll see though. katie gave me a bunch of cherry stuff. i think laura was ready to kill me. lol! oh, well. um, what else?? laura and i slept until like 2 today. maybe it was even later. i don't really remember. my dog liked laura alot. i don't really understand it. i mean, why would anyone like that weird girl? haha. just kidding. but seriously, my dog is scared of everyone and doesn't usually like anyone, but she definitely liked laura. weird. um, i called about jury duty and i don't have to go in tomorrow. unfortunately, the means that my parents are expecting me to use my time wisely and get everything put away. yuck. oh, well. i'm hoping that i won't be called on friday. i really want to go to cedar point. but maybe it will be better if i don't go to cedar point on friday because then it will be easier to get up at the crack of dawn to drive down to dayton on saturday morning. hmm. i don't know. i can do both though. lol!
yeah, so after laura left this evening, i went to the grocery store with my mom and as we were leaving, there was a guy packing grocerys that seriously looked exactly like andy allen. no joke. it was really weird. i definitely thought it was him except for the fact that andy's from rochester and not hudson, so it definitely wasn't him. oh, well.
i watched a hallmark hall of fame with my mom tonight. we used to do that when i was high school. we would stay up and watch them. i seriously cried at every commercial. sheesh. i'm such a girl. oh, well. it was a lovely evening. and knowing that i wouldn't have to get up tomorrow for jury duty just made it that much more enjoyable. lol!

goonies never say die.

[04 May 2002|04:39pm]
i went to six flags this morning for that really important training that i had to have before i could start working. um, yeah. it was like 20 minutes long and i didn't learn anything that i don't already know. lovely. but i definitely told them i couldn't start until next week. yay for jury duty. hmm. or not. yeah, i don't know. adrienne and colleen both called me today to wish me happy birthday. :o) i have such great friends. laura is currently on her way up here to visit me for my birthday. yay. this entry really sucks. oh, well.
apparently everyone hung out in the stuart staff lounge on thursday night until really late. this includes adrienne. okay, how many times was i up there and my roommate waits until the day i leave to even go up there. sheesh.
2 hey, you guys!| goonies never say die.

last lj entry from vwk 114. [02 May 2002|03:14pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | john mayer. love song to no one. ]

wow. i'm done with school and everything i have at here, except for like my winter coat, my ehs outfit, the quote boards, and my ale8 bottle (lol! i finally tried it. i kept the bottle as a souvenir. i'm such a dork.), is in my car or at home. :o( it's so bare in my room. i'm definitely not looking forward to the drive home today by myself. i should just leave, but i can't bring myself to do it. besides, i have to wait 'til i can say bye to adrienne. lol! yeah, that's it. that's why i can't leave. i also have to find laura, judy, pyles and everyone. everyone in stuart. yeah, because they're the most important people in my life. even jon, although he's at the bottom of my "who do i visit today while i'm in stuart" list. right. i didn't follow that list today. lol! oh, well. i don't know. i was just thinking about everything that has happened this year (yes, again.) and it still shocks me that everything outstanding that i can think of (with the exception of the whole "room rearranging/adrienne hates my guts" thing) happened this semester. i mean, seriously, i didn't know most of my most awesome friends here last semester. that kinda makes me sad because just think how much more fun we could've had if we'd all been friends earlier in the year. i don't know. i guess it's okay. there's always next year. lol! except kt, colleen, and yano will be in hawaii. grrr. i am so going out there for thanksgiving. :o) speaking of yano, i bought him a case of orange juice at ku today with the rest of my declining. (i am ending the year with $.66 on it. go me.) lol! that's so random that i'm putting that. i don't know what else to put. writing this is distracting me from thinking about leaving.
oh, i know what i can write about! lol! last night, laura, jon, and pyles made me a birthday cake. judy, ben, and those kids sang to me and we ate cake. i seriously have the best friends ever. i wish we were going to be here for my birthday, but c'est la vie. we also watched the worst episode ever of saturday night live. it was not funny at all. yeah, it sucked. oh, well. i went on rounds with jon and pyles last night. (if anyone asks, i'm an ra. okay? lol!) those kids (not jon and pyles, the residents) are assholes. 3 sheehy was a shithole. i cannot believe people would do that to their own floor. whatever. i got some fun stuff from the campus ministry clothes drive thing in stuart. it was entertaining. judy, pyles, two of judy's residents and i sat in the piles of clothes for a while. jon sat on the radiator under the window (he's too good for sitting in clothes. you know.)
okay. i think this is done. adrienne just got home. that doesn't mean i'm leaving though. i'm going to hang out for a while. we'll see when i leave. i hope you all have awesome summers. i know i will see you all. and you guys need to remember to update your livejournals so when i get online at 3 in the morning after getting off work, i can still know what's going on in your lives since i won't be able to talk to you most likely.

goonies never say die.

end of the year blues. [01 May 2002|08:48pm]
dawn just left. so sad. i made us take pictures. i'm such a dork. at least i didn't start to cry. i'm usually such a girl about these kinds of things. i don't know. i'm going to visit everyone this summer, so it's not like i won't see anyone. you know. my dad came today and took virtually all my stuff. i have like clothes for tomorrow, shower stuff, and bedding. it's nuts. lol! our room looks so crazy because my bed is down off the cinderblocks. craziness. it's also turned so our room looks tiny. oh, well. i'm on adrienne's computer now. i'm going through instant messenger withdrawal like whoa. but not really. lol! i thought it would be worse. i'm going up to stuart now. i think i'm going to have to say bye to all those kids now. but i will see them either this weekend or next weekend, so it's okay. yeah, i'm going to go now.
5 hey, you guys!| goonies never say die.

shitty countdown. now jeff will hate me. eh... [30 Apr 2002|02:53am]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | if i'm really quiet, i can hear the music from adrienne's headphones. ]

4 days left of being a teenager.
2 days left of my sophomore year of college.
3 days until i take laura and pyles home with me.
6 days until my first day of jury duty. blech.
?? days until i visit dayton and lexington. (i just didn't feel like counting.)
?? days until i start working at stupid-ass six flags. double blech.

yeah, when i started typing, that looked like a much better way to do an entry. whatever. i made dinner in campus south tonight with kt and colleen. it was such a good time. i'm going to miss those girls so much next semester. (they will both be in hawaii. i will be there for thanksgiving. i think i need to tell my parents about that trip...) the whole "friend appreciation" dinner was a great success, even though we made the most random assortment of food. i had a really good time. i hope everyone else did. i was called a heartless bitch several times, but i guess it's okay. i suppose i am one. whatever. i'm evil too. we've been over this before though. so i don't need to go into it.
i finally finished my weber homework earlier today. such a weight off my shoulders. now i just have to take that final tomorrow and i'll pretty much be home free for the semester. we'll see how it goes. it doesn't really matter though because dandaneau has theoretical grades that he keeps in his head, so it's really arbitrary. hopefully i'll get an a, but if not, that's totally cool. if i didn't get an a in social inequality (which i really think i did), then it definitely doesn't matter because then there's no way i can have a 4.0 in my major. oh, well.
i hung out in laura's room tonight with her and pyles. they are both really great kids. i answered laura's phone and ben got so confused. he almost started to cry. haha. (i told you i was a heartless bitch.) laura and pyles are going to come home with me for my birthday. (this is not finalized, but i am telling myself it is true because it makes me so happy. maybe that's not the best idea because if it doesn't happen, then i'll be really sad...)
i've decided that it totally doesn't matter that i can't start at six flags until who knows when because now i have time to stay at school later, bring people home for my birthday, have jury duty and not care, maybe go to cedar point, go to red river gorge (i think) with pyles, jon, and whoever else goes, and do whatever else i feel like doing. money sucks, so it's okay that i won't work as much.
it's definitely time for bed...11 hours until theory. :o)

1 hey, you guys!| goonies never say die.

i am currently extremely busy converting oxygen into carbon dioxide. [29 Apr 2002|02:53am]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | green day. minority. <~~i want to see them again this summer. saves the day is playing with them too. ]

i should so be in bed right now. this entry probably isn't even going to be coherent. oh, well. i have a headache, so i won't be able to fall asleep anyway. this beats laying in my bed not sleeping. right. i think i have a headache from staring at a computer screen too much today. so this probably isn't helping. eh, c'est la vie.
so last night was laura's floor party. it was pretty fun, i guess. then i went on rounds with pyles and shawn (we wrote up some kids i went to high school with) and ended up back in laura's room. then we watched tough enough and a lifetime original movie called road rage. it was pretty dumb, but i guess that's okay. i don't know. i can't really think of anything that happened yesterday.
today, i worked on sociology a bunch. i'm almost done. i should've kept working, but i gave up. i worked on my abnormal psych paper in the lounge tonight while sarah made us dinner. it was lasagna. so good. :o) i hung out down there for quite a while then i had to go to work. talk about good times. lol! but i was actually allowed to use the computer tonight, so it was actually pretty cool. my abnormal psych paper is virtually done now. i'm excited about that. and i talked to a bunch of people online. lol! kt and i are making dinner for everyone tomorrow in 4a. come if you want. dinner's at 6:42. :o) lol! right. so i took the myers-briggs test while i was at work today because like everyone and their mom has taken it and i felt like joining the club. whatever. but i found out i am an infp. the same as jess, which is crazy considering we only make up 1% of the population. i think it's pretty cool though. it definitely explains why jess and i have the same thoughts on some things. but yeah, some famous infps: mary (mother of jesus), shakespeare, a.a. milne, laura ingalls wilder, helen keller, donna reed, jackie kennedy, jfk jr., james taylor, fred savage, anne of green gables, calvin (from calvin and hobbes), doug funnie. it's interesting. yeah, so i got off of work at midnight. pyles said he was bored and hungry, so i told him to come down and visit. and he did. i made him ramen and we sat in the lounge and he talked alot and i listened alot. it was okay though. it was a nice break from everything. :o) yeah. i don't know what else to say. i have my abnormal psych exam tomorrow at 10. i don't think it will be bad at all. we'll see though. i have to finish sociology and do some kind of studying for that exam on tuesday. that's all though. i think it's time for bed now.

2 hey, you guys!| goonies never say die.

i'm at work and this entertains me. :o) [28 Apr 2002|10:41pm]
ilovemysketchers: alex, this is kate. your away message does not amuse me in the slightest. dashboard is very good. just because he's emotional does not mean he is a pussy. and just because i listen to and enjoy his music does not mean that i am a pussy. so there. and i will see you later, you fuck. lol! just kidding.
Auto response from eldiablonino: Yo! I'm sending this song out to anyone who likes The Dashboard Confessional.. it's called "I Wanna Choke Your Stuffed Animals"! There's the door pussies! See ya later, you fucks!
This applies to all you emo wankers, 'cept kate.
goonies never say die.

office space is the best movie ever. seriously. [28 Apr 2002|03:44pm]
i should be working on sociology right now. my motivation is virtually zero. how fun. i'm writing an entry now because i was looking through my notebook and i came across a note i made in it awhile ago about something i wanted to write about in an entry. and since i forgot about it then, i'm going to do it now. lol! it's an excellent way to put off working. :o)
so yeah. last summer, because of an asshole that we worked with, melissa and i almost got fired. i'm not going to put up the whole story, because i'm not that desperate for something to do other than my homework on max weber. ask me about it if you really care. but anyway. melissa and i had probably 6 bosses. and the other day in class, i realized that our situation was exactly like peter's in office space. when he messed up the tps reports, all 8 of his bosses came and talked to him about it. when melissa and i almost got fired, all 6 of our bosses decided to talk to us about it. and they all knew that we'd been talked to by everyone else. grrrr. so yeah. it just hit me in the middle of theory the other day that it was the same situation. oh, well. back to work. yuck.
goonies never say die.

does anyone know why you are supposed to leave cell phones in your car while you're pumping gas? i just don't understand it... [27 Apr 2002|01:45am]
[ mood | a headache, but really happy. ]
[ music | lisa loeb. underdog. ]

what an amusing evening. we sat on the hill outside vwk for quite a while and then adrienne and i got dinner at marycrest. how exciting! lol! i still have $88 on my declining. i need to spend it. lol! right. so i was supposed to work tonight. i definitely skipped. i'm a horrible person. yet another reason why i am the epitome of evil. oh, well. c'est la vie. so after dodging the phone call that came at 8 asking where i was, i talked to kt online and she came over to get food at marycrest because she wanted pizza and i said i would buy her some because of my surplus of money. so she came over and we ended up not going to marycrest, but instead, we (including like 8 other people) decided to go miniature golfing. we had to pick up andy from firwood apartments, but we thought he was in irving. it was very confusing and we got all mixed up and separated, but it finally worked out. then i had to get gas, so we went to udf, but they were all out of gas. explain that to me. i just don't get it. but luckily, speedway was right next door, so we went there. and pyles called my cell phone (which, apparently, you are not supposed to use near gas pumps. go figure.) and i invited him along. he said he would come, but that meant we had to wait at speedway for him to come meet us. and he came and we went miniature golfing. it was alot of fun. kt got three holes in one. lol! it was so entertaining. we also found three golf balls (all pink) at random places on the course in grass around the holes. we kept ours and pyles' ball. lol! and i got a mini frisbee out of the creek. lol! how entertaining. then there was the mix-up going to graeter's. oh, well. we weren't really in the mood for ice cream anyway. i think it's about time for bed because i have a headache that came out of nowhere.

goonies never say die.

egoism? altruism? anomie? fatalism? hmm... [26 Apr 2002|12:50am]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | dashboard confessional. age six racer. ]

i finally figured out how to have both a background image and a font on my livejournal. yay! it took me fucking long enough. for real. sheesh. (and laura, i did not steal your font. although i think you're seeing the appropriate font because you actually have it on your computer. everyone else is seeing century gothic because they don't have americana. you should all find americana online and download it. it fucka rules. okay.)
anyway. today was our last day of classes. yay! lol! dandaneau bought our theory class lunch. it was pretty good. too bad our class is full of dorks. not only did we stay that one day when dandaneau left, we spent all of "inappropriate question day" talking about what is going to happen in the next 50 years. yeah. dorks all around. lol! it was a very depressing class. kt and i think we should all just kill ourselves. lol! right. and to prove even more that we are dorks (in case there was any doubt about it.): kt, kelly, and i discussed what type of suicide that would be as we walked to ku after class. yeah. oh, well.
the swing was taken today. damn you, pyles for not saving it for us. where were you anyway? sheesh. so we sat on picnic tables for quite some time. i don't know. we were all there for a while. then colleen, pete, and i went to two thrift stores. colleen got three new outfits. i got some shirts and scarves. very amusing. i love thrifting. :o) yeah. and i've been around the rest of the night. i worked on weber for quite some time tonight. i'm half done. blech. oh, well. it's better than having nothing done. lol! but not nearly as sweet as being completely done. i have no exams tomorrow. that makes me happy. hopefully we are doing something fun tomorrow night. i'm sure we will. it will be entertaining. lol! hanging out with my friends always is. okay. i'm going to find something to do.

goonies never say die.

countdown to one. quite the time-waster. [25 Apr 2002|04:52pm]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | zebrahead. playmate of the year. ]

nine things you wear daily:
- my watch
- underwear
- jeans
- t-shirt
- hoodie or sweater
- flip flops
- my claddagh ring
- mascara
- clinique happy

eight movies you'd watch over and over:
- the breakfast club
- the cutting edge
- empire records
- 10 things i hate about you
- am?lie
- my girl
- any kevin smith movie
- reality bites

seven albums that matter:
- dashboard confessional - the places you have come to fear the most
- the juliana theory - emotion is dead
- the anniversary - designing a nervous breakdown
- no doubt - tragic kingdom
- john mayer - room for squares
- the rent soundtrack
- sarah mclachlan - surfacing

six objects you touch every day:
- my toothbrush
- keyboard
- mouse
- my palm pilot
- my bed
- my nalgene bottle

five things you do every day:
- convert oxygen into carbon dioxide
- be involved in overanalysis in some way
- blink
- talk online
- check away messages and livejournals

four bands that you couldn't live without:
- dashboard confessional
- the juliana theory
- jimmy eat world
- *nsync (i'm so ashamed.)

three of your favorite songs at this moment:
- if i told you this was killing me, would you stop? ~ the juliana theory
- say yes ~ elliot smith
- shove me in the shallow water ~ i'm not really sure. my computer says it's lisa loeb, but that's not right.

two people that have influenced your life the most:
- my parents (they're counting as one. so there.)
- katie.

one thing you could spend the rest of your life with:
- my books or my cds and a cd player.

goonies never say die.

like sands through the hourglass. so are the days of our lives. [25 Apr 2002|02:48am]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | nothing. ]

okay, so what's the deal with me lately? i stay up super-late every night and then i'm completely chipper when i wake up the next morning. the snooze button has been getting quite the break lately. i just don't get it. not that i'm complaining. i like not being completely out of it and tired when i wake up.
i don't have much to say about today. i'm done with school in a week. it's kinda weird, but i think i'm ready to be done. i'll miss everyone down here. it's going to be weird not seeing anyone. oh, well. i spent some time in the lounge tonight with various people. we learned that our lives are aaron's soap opera. he knows everything that goes on on our floor. but he's not willing to divulge anything that he knows. grrr.
i honestly have nothing entertaining to write tonight. what a let-down...
mickey and jess both have livejournals now. how exciting. if jon would give me his stupid code, i could get one for melissa too. right.

3 hey, you guys!| goonies never say die.

jon double dared me with slime from the show. i had to do it. so there. this starts where the last entry ended. enjoy. it sets the record straight about alot of things. yeah. [24 Apr 2002|01:34am]
BttrflyK8: i've been instructed to find out about your livejournal entry that asks adrienne on a date.
TheGreatPopsicle: from whom?
TheGreatPopsicle: or by whom?
BttrflyK8: lol! kelly
TheGreatPopsicle: well i'm about to hit update in couple minutes, and then the whole world can see
BttrflyK8: haha. i see.
TheGreatPopsicle: there you go
BttrflyK8: okay. hopefully it will load. okay it did. i'm reading.
BttrflyK8: lol! exactly what i thought it all meant.
BttrflyK8: none of my roommates believed me.
TheGreatPopsicle: well at least someone's not entirely insane then
TheGreatPopsicle: you being the not insane person
BttrflyK8: lol! adrienne wants me to ask who you are referring to as jumping to conclusions.
BttrflyK8: haha. that's what i kinda figured...
TheGreatPopsicle: pyles talked to me about it
BttrflyK8: meaning?
TheGreatPopsicle: he didn't give me many specifics... things like "everyone thinks you're asking her on a date..." etc
BttrflyK8: lol! yeah, that's pretty much what i told him about what my roommates were saying
TheGreatPopsicle: well then he relayed things accuretly
TheGreatPopsicle: sp?
BttrflyK8: lol! yes he did relay things accurately.
TheGreatPopsicle: accurately
BttrflyK8: yeah
BttrflyK8: adrienne says to tell you that you don't owe her a dinner, but she appreciates the offer.
TheGreatPopsicle: i never said i owe her one
TheGreatPopsicle: i explicitly stated that i didn't
BttrflyK8: she says "i know i know i know i know i know" (that's an exact quote)
TheGreatPopsicle: i'm laughing... i think this whole situation is just great
BttrflyK8: it is completely entertaining to me.
TheGreatPopsicle: me too
BttrflyK8: :-D
TheGreatPopsicle: i'm assuming that adrienne was the anonymous response to my offer
BttrflyK8: lol! yeah, i'm pretty sure that no one else would respond in that manner.
TheGreatPopsicle: well, it could be someone fucking with me...
TheGreatPopsicle: you never know... some people...
BttrflyK8: you know, that's a very good point. i didn't even consider that, but yeah, it was adrienne.
TheGreatPopsicle: oh, i forgot to put this in my lj... so i'll tell you (guys) now, i guess
BttrflyK8: lol! okay
TheGreatPopsicle: apparently everyone thinks it's weird that i did such a thing in my lj and a few people said "if you wanted to take her on a date, why didn't you just call her?"... but none of those people said that to my face, this is all hearsay again... anyway, wouldn't me just calling up adrienne be weirder and lead to more conclusions than a lj post?... that's what i thought
BttrflyK8: hmm. i think that would be pretty weird. but i'm sorta confused, you really want to take adrienne on a date for real?
TheGreatPopsicle: *sigh*
TheGreatPopsicle: *bangs head*
BttrflyK8: lol! i'm sorry. i'm not you so i don't know what you're thinking.
TheGreatPopsicle: don't be sorry... scotus was often misunderstood too
TheGreatPopsicle: anyway...
BttrflyK8: yeah, anyway...
TheGreatPopsicle: here's the real deal, if only so that there are no misunderstandings about anything with anyone:
TheGreatPopsicle: 1) would i be willing to go to dinner with adrienne niess, the ud student who resides in 114 vwk, roommate to jess, dawn, and kate... yes.
TheGreatPopsicle: 2) would i be willing to pay for said dinner with funds provided by myself, being jon dittert... yes
TheGreatPopsicle: 3) would i be willing to talk to adrienne at said dinner, and thus through talking come to know her better... yes
TheGreatPopsicle: 4) would said dinner cause jon to renounce all of his emmotional ties to other females and ride off with adrienne into the sunset... no
BttrflyK8: i see.
TheGreatPopsicle: i could go on
TheGreatPopsicle: but i think you get the point
BttrflyK8: yeah, you made yourself extremely clear.
TheGreatPopsicle: mission accomplished
BttrflyK8: :-D
BttrflyK8: just one thing though. is a date a necessary part of getting to know adrienne? i mean, you've gotten to know katie and me pretty well lately and you haven't taken us on dates.
BttrflyK8: but i guess that's okay since we're not in your top five people to marry....
BttrflyK8: lol!
TheGreatPopsicle: well, i didn't think we had necessarily defined this as a date... but if you mean do i think that taking more formal and contrived measures to get to know adrienne at this current point in time, then yes... technically that is the case, since i rarely see adrienne in everyday life
TheGreatPopsicle: i think i left out a couple words up there
TheGreatPopsicle: you'll be able to decipher it though
BttrflyK8: lol! yeah. i think i've gotten the gist of it. and it makes sense.
BttrflyK8: so you going on a "date" with adrienne is kind of the equivalent of me coming to visit you and hanging out in your room.
TheGreatPopsicle: i mean hell, i said "i would buy you dinner sometime adrienne" not "i would take you for a romantic getaway into the wonderful world of dining"... let's just round up a big group of people and all go to mcdonalds
TheGreatPopsicle: exactly
TheGreatPopsicle: whew
BttrflyK8: okay, i seriously just laughed out loud for a long time.
TheGreatPopsicle: well that's a good thing
BttrflyK8: okay. i think the reason everyone was up in arms about this whole thing was the fact that you didn't make it seem like you wanted to round up a big group of people and go to mcdonalds. i think the people that overreacted were looking at it as pretty much the romantic getaway into the wonderful world of dining.
TheGreatPopsicle: silly people...
BttrflyK8: you're telling me.
TheGreatPopsicle: although i was shooting a little higher than mcdonalds
BttrflyK8: maybe if you visited more often and weren't so anti-social, you wouldn't have to resort to asking people out on dates in your livejournal.
BttrflyK8: lol! i should hope so...burger king?
TheGreatPopsicle: damn, now you're talking
TheGreatPopsicle: we're all going to buger king
TheGreatPopsicle: i'm so serious
BttrflyK8: i definitely just laughed out loud again.
TheGreatPopsicle: i'd go now, but it's closed
BttrflyK8: sounds fine to me. i'm sure we could even secure a seat next to adrienne for you. and josh could sit on the other side. that would prove to be an entertaining evening.
TheGreatPopsicle: i don't know about this josh thing... but if it'll makes things more confusing and complicated, then i'm all for it!
TheGreatPopsicle: woohoo!
BttrflyK8: oh, it would definitely be more confusing and complicated...i would find it extremely entertaining. although the fact that it has now been cleared up that it's not a date (in the most serious sense) would definitely make it not nearly as confusing and complicated.
TheGreatPopsicle: damn
TheGreatPopsicle: there goes my fun
TheGreatPopsicle: okay, my lj is fixed
BttrflyK8: well, i could just not tell anyone about the clarification and then things would just be crazy.
TheGreatPopsicle: is adrienne in love with josh, or the other way around, or both...
TheGreatPopsicle: i just want to know what i'm up against
BttrflyK8: lol! good fucking question.
BttrflyK8: well, the first part is definitely a yes.
TheGreatPopsicle: aww... there goes my chances
BttrflyK8: the second and third parts are both question marks...although josh did say yes to a date with adrienne to the black box awards.
TheGreatPopsicle: i'm gonna go jump out of my lounge window now
BttrflyK8: wow, i'm glad you only care about adrienne jon.
TheGreatPopsicle: i'm just joking with you...
BttrflyK8: yeah, right. i know that you are secretly in love with adrienne and care only to accquire her undying love for you. i think i have to go jump out of our lounge window now. although, i don't think i will die because it's on the first floor.
TheGreatPopsicle: if you jumped out of your lounge window, i would laugh my ass off
BttrflyK8: see what i'm saying? no compassion for anyone but adrienne.
TheGreatPopsicle: so right, man... i wish everyone on earth except for adrienne would go jump out of a window right now... then we could be together forever
BttrflyK8: finally...the truth comes out.
BttrflyK8: maybe i should post this in my livejournal so angie will know how you really feel.
TheGreatPopsicle: go for it
TheGreatPopsicle: i fucking dare you
TheGreatPopsicle: double dare you with that green shit from the show even
BttrflyK8: hmm. i don't think you know me well enough to know that i won't do it.
TheGreatPopsicle: too bad... things could've gotten even more confusing
BttrflyK8: oh, i think you're reading that incorrectly.
TheGreatPopsicle: either way
BttrflyK8: lol! it's not too bad if i actually do it though.
TheGreatPopsicle: go for it, he repeats
TheGreatPopsicle: i can no longer be phased
BttrflyK8: hmm
BttrflyK8: wow. that definitely killed the conversation. lovely.
TheGreatPopsicle: oh, i thought you were off doing bad things in your lf
TheGreatPopsicle: lj
BttrflyK8: well, i want to wait until the conversation is completely finished to post it just to make sure that everything necessary is included.
TheGreatPopsicle: oh, how thorough of you
BttrflyK8: exactly.
BttrflyK8: the thing is, if i do post this, it will definitely clear everything up and then i won't be forced to recount the whole thing to every one of my roommates. and i think angie probably knows you well enough to get your sarcasm. and i don't think angie really gives a shit what i say because she hates me or something.
TheGreatPopsicle: good points all around
TheGreatPopsicle: she's coming up on thursday... i'm thinking of brining her down to 114... thoughts?
BttrflyK8: lol! so it's totally fine if i post it. because it doesn't really matter.
BttrflyK8: hmm.
TheGreatPopsicle: post away
TheGreatPopsicle: i alreday dared you... i meant it
BttrflyK8: oh, i'm going to.
BttrflyK8: don't you worry.
TheGreatPopsicle: i'm not
BttrflyK8: right. so angie in 114.
TheGreatPopsicle: yeah, what do you think?
BttrflyK8: yeah. you didn't really deny that she hates me, so i don't know how great that would be.
BttrflyK8: adrienne and dawn say, "bring it on," though.
TheGreatPopsicle: i want everyone to have faces to go with names
TheGreatPopsicle: the insults will be so much more potent then
BttrflyK8: hmm. oh, lovely.
TheGreatPopsicle: because i know i'm gonna get shit for this adrienne thing... but i'm welcoming it
BttrflyK8: i see.
BttrflyK8: well, i promise that there won't be any open animosity between us...at least none from my side.
TheGreatPopsicle: k8: ...cuz none of us will be home on thursday... funny about that...
BttrflyK8: what? i'm confused...
TheGreatPopsicle: no animosity from you, because you won't be there
TheGreatPopsicle: conveniently absent
TheGreatPopsicle: no matter how long i knock...
TheGreatPopsicle: something like that
BttrflyK8: lol! i don't know about that. haha. no that's your room jon.
TheGreatPopsicle: true
BttrflyK8: i think i'd actually like to meet her face to face because i've never even been introduced to her. there will probably be alot of tension, but i honestly don't give a shit. you're my friend, she's your girlfriend...i think we should meet. it just seems appropriate, despite our sordid history.
TheGreatPopsicle: i agree
BttrflyK8: lol!
BttrflyK8: so, yeah, i'll be here. come by after 8, nsync is on the wb all night. you guys can stay and watch.
TheGreatPopsicle: mmm... sounds like a party
BttrflyK8: haha. yeah, she'll love me then. everything that's happened AND i force her to watch nsync.
TheGreatPopsicle: a double whammy
BttrflyK8: that will really solidify her opinion of me. just drive it home that i am the epitome of evil.
TheGreatPopsicle: that's my goal
BttrflyK8: lovely. should i wear all black or something?
TheGreatPopsicle: okay, i must work now... because i must sleep... bc judy's pulling an all nighter and we both can't fall asleep tomorrow
TheGreatPopsicle: you could... dress like a goth
BttrflyK8: lol! good plan. you can read this forevermore on my livejournal.
BttrflyK8: hmm. goth. perhaps.
BttrflyK8: maybe i'll just wear my nsync t-shirt.
TheGreatPopsicle: why punish yourself like that?
BttrflyK8: that's equally evil. haha.
BttrflyK8: good point.
TheGreatPopsicle: okay, work then sleepies... you can say goodnight to all your roommates for me
TheGreatPopsicle: since i don't want to type that 3 times
BttrflyK8: i will be sure to do that. have fun with your homework. and have fun with dave tomorrow.
TheGreatPopsicle: i will
BttrflyK8: even though he's no *nsync.
TheGreatPopsicle: give adrienne a big kiss for me
BttrflyK8: um. i don't want to kiss adrienne. sorry.
TheGreatPopsicle: damn... and i was hoping for a home moive
TheGreatPopsicle: movie
BttrflyK8: sorry.
4 hey, you guys!| goonies never say die.

dave vs. *nsync. [24 Apr 2002|12:37am]
BttrflyK8: i guess i can understand why you chose dave over us.
BttrflyK8: even if he is the least talented member of his band
TheGreatPopsicle: which is a true statement
BttrflyK8: i know.
TheGreatPopsicle: at least he has four other talented members... unlike nsync
BttrflyK8: grrrr.
BttrflyK8: they are all talented.
BttrflyK8: dave doesn't dance, does he?
TheGreatPopsicle: yeah, he does
TheGreatPopsicle: and it's better than any of that shit those pretty boys do
BttrflyK8: but do all of the members of his band dance in sync with him???
BttrflyK8: is it choreographed?
TheGreatPopsicle: gosh no, that would be silly
BttrflyK8: grrrr.
BttrflyK8: that's all i have to say.
TheGreatPopsicle: i'm actually laughing out loud
BttrflyK8: :-D
BttrflyK8: mission accomplished.
goonies never say die.

sentimental...what? [23 Apr 2002|02:28am]
[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | "damn, i was going for thoughtful." ]

so. judy's last entry. lol! it definitely got me thinking earlier. too bad i read it in the midst of working on my paper. it was definitely a hinderance. but i got the paper done with tons of time to spare tonight. :o) and now i'm back to thinking about everything...
my year was pretty big, just like judy's. the most amazing thing to me, though, is the fact that it almost wasn't the year that was big, it was just this semester. nothing really happened last semester until maybe exam week. i was so anti-social last semester. so i guess that's something. i seriously didn't even know my roommates. i talked to adrienne and that was about it. jess and dawn were still pretty much complete strangers to me. and kelly? yeah, i didn't know her from anyone else on our floor. the boys in 101? yeah, didn't even know their names. right, last semester, i don't think i could've cared less about everyone and everything at this school. my parents thought i should transfer to kent because i seemed like i hated it here so much. in all honesty, i think i did, but i didn't want to admit it, even to myself. i'm glad i gave it a chance here though.
right. and then exam week, no one had anything to do for the most part, so we hung out and i got to know a bunch of people. including my roommates and kelly. and this semester? let's see...i virtually moved into the stuart staff lounge for a while. i made some truly amazing friends. i lost touch with some amazing friends. i had some entertaining all-nighters. i went to the nugget and slid down railings for the first time. i skipped alot of classes, but all for the sake of sitting on the swing. (i don't care what weber says, it's not wasted time.) i got a sweet house for next year. i won a euchre tournament 3 weeks after learning how to play (jon helped. lol!). i ate a teaspoon of salt for a dollar. i had skyline for the first time. overanalysis occurred all too frequently. i laughed alot. i decided not to be an ra. i decided to declare french as a second major and go to france next summer. i had so many fun experiences. i learned alot about myself and i actually started to think that maybe i'm a pretty decent person.
it's weird to think that college is half over. it seems like i just moved in to vwk and now all of a sudden, i'm moving out. good thing i have a fake major and have to go to grad school. that puts off the real world for at least five more years. (yikes! that doesn't sound that great either though.) i don't know.
on felicity a couple weeks ago, one of the characters said something about not being friends once college is over. jon and i talked about it around that time too. i hope that i'm able to stay friends with everyone even though we all live in different places. you are all amazing people and the thought of not knowing any of you is unimaginable. i don't think i say it enough, but i appreciate and love all of you.
wow. what an entry this has been...

4 hey, you guys!| goonies never say die.

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