LiveJournal for Chelsea.

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Thursday, October 4th, 2001

Time:5:08 pm.
Mood: depressed.
Music:Slipknot - Skin Ticket.
Today was...suck.
It started off kinda boring cause I was tired as hell. When we got to school, Kelly was all sorts of upset. I went to class while Lisa consoled her. The rest of the day was ok. I tried to face rape this kid who I kinda like, but he's a stealth little fucker. In band, I was told I have penis envy. By 3 kids. Then I was told by one of them that I have a penis. So naturally, I'm pissed at all of them. Fuck em all.
After school, me, Lisa, Kelly, Matt and my brother went to Utopia, this place that sells "tobacco pipes." I'm not 18, so I couldn't look at the "tobacco pipes," but ended up buying a neato lighter and some nag. Yay!
Lisa is going to Georgia tonight and won't be back until Wednesday I think. It sucks cause I hang out with Lisa and Kelly everyday and Lisa usually totes us around, but she's not here anymore. Nuts to that.
Comments: Read 1 or Add Your Own.

Subject:Another survey!
Time:1:26 am.
Mood: awake.
Music:Slipknot - Gently.
Your name: Chelsea
What it means: Port of ships...really.
Nickname(s): Chels, Can't Climb Girl, Chelso
Location: New Jersey
School you attend: WMCHS
Astrological sign: Capricorn
Parents' names: Lisa and Bill
Piercings and location: ears and tongue, retired ears 6x, retired eyebrow and retired septum
What do you look like? retarded, brown hair, blue eyes and freckles
Your first crush: My first kiss and first husband, Mikey
Your last crush: I still have a crush on him
The last person you hung out with: Jake and my brother
The last person you talked to?: My brother
The first concert you went to: Spice Girls haha
The first car you drove: T'would be my mom's minivan!
Your favorite thing when you were 5, do you still have it? Nope, I no longer like to crawl around in cardboard boxes
The last place you went (outside your home): Chester Diner
What are you most nervous about? Nothing really
What are you happiest about? My crush
What are you most looking forward to? Halloween - Pledge of Alligiance tour
What are you least happy about? School tomorrow and being sick
What are you least looking forward to? School
Who are you "with" right now? Someone
Who do you dislike the most? Hmm...the Beav or someone like that
How old would you like to be when you get married? In my 20's, I suppose
Where do you want to go to school? VT or JMU
What do you want your profession to be? I used to want to be an astrophysicist, but now I dunno
How many kids do you want to have? 3 at the least, I love kids
Names of those children: Thor Calix (to be called Cal), Jesse Apollo, Emily Bethan, Elisabeth Evangeline
Where do you want to live? Somewhere neato

Finish the Sentence.

My a nice lady.
My a nice man.
I am....a big, stupid retard.
The Backstreet boys...are a bunch of flaming homosexuals.
N'sync needs to....lick my ass? I dunno, I like Nsync. Haha.
I can't wait till....I get to do your mom.
I to go to the kitchen, get a spoon and eat my ass.
I want to eat....haha.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what would you bring (aside from food, clothing, and shelter)? Probably some tunes of sorts
Job (if any): bum
Would you shave your head for a $ 1,000? I'd do it for a carton of cigarettes, hell.
Would you ever kill someone? Probably not
What is the worst movie you have ever seen? Something dumb like I don't know
What is the worst TV show you have ever seen? Bozo the Clown
Do you wear socks to your knees? Nope, ankle socks
Do you like school? Haha. No.
If you could get to one place for a free vacation, where would you go? Amsterdam
Do you like to fly? I love flying.
Do you like roller coasters? Hell yeah!
Do you like to paint? Not especially.
How many times have you been kicked out of class? Once or twice
Have you ever water-skied? Nope, water tubed though
Would you get into a shark tank? Maybe
Do you wear a watch? Yup
Do you have a car? If so what kind? 1989 Volkswagen Golf aka the Shitbox
Do you like applesauce? Ooh!
Do you like cats? I love cats =]
Do you like pizza? Plain cheese, olives or mushroom pizza is the shit
How many times do you wash your hair a day? Uh, once?
Righty or Lefty? Right-ee
Do you have a good sense of humor? I suppose so
What is one thing you can't do? Climb shit
Are you afraid of dying? Yep
Do you like where you live? Nope
Do you like to write e-mails? Nope
If you could go out with any guy/girl who would it be? Someone.
Your phone number? 32974234729347
How are you? Alright, thanks
Your age? 16
Your birthdate: 12Jan85
Your birthplace: Connecticut
Your dream home: Somewhere nice in the US
Shoe Size: 10
Your hair/eye color: Brown, blue
Who's in your family? My mommy, dad, brothers
Your Pets: Dog, rat and fish
Do you like your looks? Nope
What's your best talent? Licking my nose?
Are you healthy? Nope
What emotion do you hide the most? Sadness
Do you think you are smart? Kind of
What is your best subject? English
What is your religion? Nothing
Are you religious? Yeah
Are you fun? I guess so
Are you a good person? Nope
Your biggest Fear: Death
How many CDs do you own? Not many
What is your dream car? A big ass Chevy
What color is your room? White
What size is your bed? Twin
Do you prefer flannel sheets or plain? Plain
Do you have a TV in your room? Yup
Who is your favorite person to hang with? Emily
What is your favorite brand of jeans? Wal-mart!
Do you use an alarm clock to wake yourself up? Nope, my mom is my alarm clock
Obsessive-compulsive? Yup
What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day? Listen to the rain
What is your favorite "look" that guys or girls have? Tall, not fat but not built, just limber looking I guess
What is your worst habit? Picking my nose!
What is your favorite Disney movie? The Emperor's New Groove
What's your favorite thing to do on the weekend? Drink
What do you not consider to be an actual "sport?" Hmm...cheerleading
What is your favorite Olympic event? Gymnastics
What's your favorite word in French/Spanish? No me gusta!
What's the first thing that you think about when you wake up in the morning? "Ahh, I need to pee/poop/have a cigarette"
What color of clothes do you like to wear the most? Something boring
Do you have dreams or nightmares more often? Dreams
Do you like cheese on your sandwiches? Yup
What is your favorite restaurant? Olive Garden
What is your favorite memory? Playing in my yard in California
Who do you see yourself with in twenty years? Married with kids, working, smoking and growing lots of pot
What grades do you get? As and Bs
What is the most common saying you say? "Shutyourhead!", "What goes on??" or "Fuck yourself!"
What age do you think is too young to get married? Below 18
Have you ever seen a UFO? Nope
What do you think about spandex? NASTY.
What kind of pizza do you like? No.
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Half Baked by Ben and Jerry's
What is your favorite fruit? Bananas
What brand of deodorant do you use? Hmm something nice
What is your favorite mealtime during the day? Sometime after school
What is your personal motto? "Shutyourhead!"
What do you want to do within the next week? I dunno.
How much money do you have ON YOU right now? $15
What do you long to do? See someone
What are you looking for in life? Someone
Do you like to party, or are you more low key? Definately a party chick
Do you prefer bacon bits or croutons? Bacon bits
How do you eat your Reeses? Normally
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why? Amsterdam, good weed
What is your favorite animal? Cats
Do you have a lucky number? 4
Are you superstitious? As all hell
Have you ever been on TV, if so what channel? A local news station when I was a kid
What came first the chicken or the egg? Egg
Do you snore when you sleep? Lightly
Do you talk in your sleep? All the time
Who are your friends? Lots of dumb, stinky potheads
Who are your enemies? Lots of people
Who is your best friend? Rachael
How did you meet? School
Are you a good friend? I guess so
Do you have good friends? Yup
Who do you go to for advice? No one
Do any of your friends go to you for advice? Sometimes
Who knows you the best? Rachael
Who makes you laugh? Emily
Do you have dark secrets? One
Who knows all your dark secrets? Mm no one
Has a friend ever betrayed you? Yep
How important is friendship to you? Important
Who makes you feel the most secure about yourself? No idea
What makes someone more attractive, looks or character? They both work together, for example, I have a friend who's cute as hell but he's such a fucking moron, it kills his looks
Thing you love most about 'em? Funny kids
Thing you hate most about 'em? Stupid jerks
Have you ever been in love? Twice
Do you have a boy/girlfriend? Nope
Do you like having a boy/girlfriend? I don't know
Do you wish you always had one? Nope
Have you ever had a crush on someone that liked you as a friend? Pretty much every guy
Has there ever been someone that liked you, but you only liked as a friend? Nope
What is the nicest thing someone of the opposite sex has done for you? idea
What is the meanest thing they've done to you? Broken my heart
What is the meanest thing you've done to them? Ball tapping
Have you ever thought you would never fall in love again? Nah
Have you ever loved someone, and pretended you were just friends? Yep
Do you ever wonder if a 'friend' of yours is in love with you? Nope
What's the best thing about not being in a relationship? You can think about hot guys without feeling guilty
Pre-marital sex? Definately
Do you ever want to get married? Yeah
When was the last time you kissed someone? A long time ago
Most romantic thing they can do? I dunno
What do you notice FIRST? Body
Emotional (not too emotional) or strong guy/girl? Eh, kinda in between
For Girls: Gilligian or the professor? Gilligan
Hair~curly or straight? On a guy, straight
Hair~long or short? Short
What is your dream date? Someone
Favorite color: Green
Favorite song: "8:16 AM" - 311
Favorite bands: 311
Favorite movie: American Beauty
Favorite TV show(s): Survivor
Favorite teacher: Lenny
Favorite word: "Nuts"
Favorite Phrase: "Shutyourhead!" "Nuts to that!" "Fuck yourself" or "What goes on?"
Favorite book: To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
Favorite thing to do: Smoke pot
Favorite people/person to be with: Lisa, Kelly or Emily
Favorite place to hang out: Emily's porch, the gorge, the overlook, that cool circle stone place
Favorite actor: Kevin Spacey!#@!#
Favorite actress: Your mom
Favorite day of the week: Saturday
Favorite web-site: Uh
Favorite section of this survey: None of it
Favorite Food: Pasta
Favorite place to eat: Diner
Food you hate: Pickles, never tried em, never will
Weirdest food you like: Olives?
Favorite soda: Sprite
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite gum: Wrigley's Doublemint
Favorite Toothpaste: Listerine
Favorite Magazine: Something retarded
Favorite vacation spot: Bahamas/Florida
Last movie you saw: Don't remember
Favorite Candy: Reese's
Favorite Store: Hot Topic
Favorite Holiday: Halloween or Christmas
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Quote: "I never wanna be burried" "Why?" "AhhhIdunno, just cause it's gross to think about people walkin all over you and shit and..." "Cause you never want Katie and Greg to fuck on top of you?" - Me and Chunks
Favorite Author: No idea
Favorite Poet: Same as above
Comments: Add Your Own.

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2001

Subject:Hacking up a lung sucks
Time:2:06 am.
Mood: crappy.
Music:Nick Drake - Pink Moon.
Well, I feel like poop. Real poop.
My day was actually really wonderful, except I almost peed in my pants in the car. You see, when I'm stoned, I have no idea if I have to pee or not until I'm about to piss in my pants. It's always a bother since I'm usually being toted around in someone's car. Fortunatly, we stopped at my friend's house and I ducked into the can before it was too late for me.
If there's one thing I love about Kevin Spacey, it's his smile. DSIOHODIFHSOIHD
Comments: Read 3 or Add Your Own.

Sunday, September 30th, 2001

Time:10:43 pm.
Mood: exhausted.
Music:As I Watch the Sun Fuck the Ocean - Boy Hits Car.
Things you love about your body:
1. my hands
2. my feet or legs

Things you hate about your body:
1. my teeth
2. my freckles

Things you like about your personality:
1. I'm shy when I want to be
2. open-minded
3. uhhhhh

Things you wish you could change about your personality:
1. be more thoughtful
2. speak my mind more often

Things you would do with a million dollars:
1. right now, donate a lot to Red Cross
2. buy a Chevy truck
3. invest the rest

Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
1. sky dive
2. get married
3. have babies

Number of times you have been in love: twice
Number of times you have had your heart broken: once
Number of hearts you have broken: probably none
Number of boyfriends/girlfriends you have had: 4
Number of real boyfriends/girlfriends you have had: a real one opposed to what?
Number of men you have kissed in your life: 6
Number of women you have kissed in your life: 0
Number of people you would classify as true friends: uh maybe 1, 2 or 3
Number of piercings: only 3 right now
Number of tattoos: 0
Number of things in my past that I regret: two

THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD: hearing that someone is ok
THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE UP: school sucks or I have to poop or I need a cigarette
WHATS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD: leopard fuzzyness
YOUR FUTURE SON'S NAME: Nicholas Ryan, to be called Niko, or Jesse Apollo
YOUR FUTURE DAUGHTER'S NAME: Emily Kathryn, Elisabeth Lauren or Aimee Adeline
YOUR WORST FEAR: never telling him how I feel
UNDER YOUR BED: my computer desk

*birthday: 12Jan85
*zodiac sign: Capricorn - already been asked
*school: WMCHS
*color of hair: brown right now
*color of eyes: blue
*height: 5'6"

*been in love: yep
*been so drunk you blacked out: no, but puked
*gone out in public in your pajamas: last year I went to school in my jams a couple days
*missed school because it was raining: nope
*cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend: nope
*kept a secret from everyone: from everyone? no, but from most
*actually thrown shoes onto a phone wire: nope
*set a body part on fire: I held a lighter under my index, but it didn't catch on fire
*had an imaginary friend: nope
*called or seen a psychic: a tarot card reader
*ever cried at a chick flick: I cry in movies a lot
*had a crush on a teacher: for like 5 minutes
*done something stupid to impress your crush: oh yeah
*found a cartoon character attractive: Beavis is sexy
*ever at anytime owned a new kids on the block tape: yep
*watched punky brewster: nope, probably not
*just stayed home: huh? uh, yeah?
*prank called someone: not in recent memory
*eaten a whole box of cookies and thought you were fat after: nah
*been on stage: yup
*gotten in a car accident: when I was little, my dad got rearended
*made homemade fudge: nope
*seen the eiffel tower: nope

*gel or mousse: neither
*toothpaste: Listerine
*colors: green and red
*bands: 311
*sandwich: pb&j; or cheese
*coffee or hot chocolate: coffee with 2 creamers and 3 sugars
*milk or chocolate milk: chocolate milk
*cold or hot: hot
*day or night: night
*here or there: there
*red or blue: red
*jeans or cords: jeans
*wool or cotton: cotton
*stripes or solid: solids
*new or old: old
*cartoon: Beavis and Butthead
*villain: your mom
*wear eye shadow: yup
*have a goldfish: used to
*have a dog: yup
*want a tattoo, and where: Capricorn symbol between my shoulder blades
*have a computer in your room: yup
*have any regrets: 1
*have a boyfriend/girlfriend: nope
*have a crush: yup
*have a best friend: yup
*do you rank your speed dial in order of your favorites: I don't have speed dial
*who's your funniest friend: Emily
*who do you e-mail the most: no one
*who do you go to the mall with the most: Rachael
*who have you known the longest: Laura
*whose parents do you know the best: Jackie's or Rachael's
*who do you go to for advice: no one
*who do you get the most surveys from: no one
*who knows all your secrets?: probably Rachie
*who do you cry with: Rachael

*cried: I don't think so
*cut your hair: nope
*worn a bathing suit: nope, it's fall
*bought something: other than cigarettes, coffee and food, nope
*been sarcastic: of course
*gone for a walk: nope
*said "I love you": yeah, to a friend
*felt stupid: yep
*met someone new: yep
*written in a journal: this is a journal, right?
*watched your favorite movie: the end of it

*god/devil: yep
*yourself: hardly
*your friends: yep
*aliens: yep
*love: kind of
*destiny: it's more like fate
*signs: yep
*the closet monster: haha yes
Comments: Read 3 or Add Your Own.

Subject:Chelsea survey!
Time:9:07 pm.
Mood: cold.
Music:Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American.
Go take it!
Comments: Add Your Own.

Time:6:08 pm.
Mood: sore.
Music:Skrape - Sunshine.
Yea, so the Yankees and Orioles are tied 1-1 in the 15th inning. This promises to be an interesting game for Cal Ripken Jr., who's last game at Yankee Stadium is the one right now. In the rain. Although I love my Yanks, I hope the Orioles win just so Ripken can remember his last game here as a victory.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Subject:Ain't that some shit
Time:1:36 am.
Mood: aggravated.
Where the fuck is my brother?
Comments: Add Your Own.

Saturday, September 29th, 2001

Subject:Beer for killings
Time:6:15 pm.
Music:Bjork - Amphibian.
Last night was...interesting. I hung out with Jake, Chunks, Josh, my brother and Kelly for most of the night. We got drunk and watched The Best of Backyard Wrestling. And then we watched Josh play Dukes of Hazard and Jake and my brother play GT3. It seems like it was boring, but you know, it wasn't.
I'm babysitting tonight. MONEY!
Tomorrow morning, I might be going to the Air and Space Museum with Chunks, Jake, my brother, Billy, Matt and Brandi. I'm not sure if I want to go, because I'd go if Emily were going, but she's probably not. Oh well.
Tuesday will be VERY interesting. I'm going to try something for the first time that day; I probably won't advertise what it is, but if you really want to know, email me.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Friday, September 28th, 2001

Subject:Survey from Kassi
Time:12:35 am.
Mood: sleepy.
Music:Blue Man Group - PVC IV.
I took this from Kassi's page, so shove it, y0.

1. If there were 3 wells (love, beauty and creativity) and you could only drink from one, which would it be? beauty - I'm shallow and ugly as is.

2. With problems, who do you run to? uh no one, I guess.

3. Which finger is your favorite? right thumb

4. What's the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten? probably like animal food or something not so nasty like that

5. Would you kill someone? possibly. if I had that much anger in me.

6. If yes, why? cause people piss me off.

7. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play the lead? me

8. Do you like your handwriting? if I write with a pencil, yes. a pen, no. but I always write with pens.

9. Who are you jealous of? happy people.

10. What kind of person do you want to marry? a guy who smokes. cause I think smoking is sexy. actually, I wanna marry Kevin Spacey.

11. Unluckiness? I'm unlucky, if that's what you're asking.

12. What do you put on your sandwiches? cheese or peanut butter and grape jelly

13. Do you think people on the Gap commercials are cool? if I said yes, it would be a lie.

14. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? doubtful

15. Are you a daredevil? most definately

16. How big was the biggest mango you ever ate? I've never had a mango...

17. Have you ever told a secret you swore you'd never repeat? [sigh] GO AWAY, YOU STUPID QUESTION.

18. What do you think is the most attractive animated character? Beavis

19. Do looks matter? I already said I was shallow

20. Color? green

21. Do you pray? never outloud, but pretty much nightly

22. Are you trendy? hopefully not

23. What do you do to prevent anger? nope

24. Who is your idol? Kevin Spacey

25. Who is your second family? Jackie's [with the exception of Melissa] or Rachael's

26. Do you trust others easily? too much sometimes

27. What was your favorite toy as a child? a playhouse person I named Michael J. Fox. my mom had to carry it around in my diaper bag because if I wanted it, I had to have it or I'd cry.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Subject:I want my car.
Time:12:31 am.
Mood: mellow.
Music:Bjork - Amphibian.
I want my license. I want my car to be registered and insured. I WANT TO GO SOMEWHERE.
Tomorrow (or today, rather) will be rad. Blazing before school, for a reason, mind you, getting drunk after school and hanging out with Emily. Yay! Emily is the shizzle.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Monday, September 24th, 2001

Subject:Nuts to that
Time:5:47 pm.
Mood: frustrated.
Music:Kenna - Hell Bent.
My brother, who is cool as shit, is probably moving in with my other brother within the next month or so.
DUDE. I LOVE my brother. He is the shiznit. Do you realize how sad I am? It's not like my other brother lives 10 minutes away, or even an hour away. He lives about 6 hours away. SIX HOURS.
I don't want my brother to leave. Ryan is so badical. He's one of my favorite people, even though we fight a lot. But like, I've lived with him for 16 years. If he moves, I'll be happy cause I always said he'd be living with my folks until he's 40. I want him to prove me wrong but I'm still gonna miss him.
Comments: Read 2 or Add Your Own.

Sunday, September 23rd, 2001

Subject:Survey time!
Time:10:00 pm.
Mood: sick.
Music:Pearl Jam - Nothing as it Seems.
+ what kind of chair are you sitting on? a burgundy leather one
+ do you have a fireplace? not in my bedroom, but in the family room and my dad's office
+ do you think they should make purple m&m;'s instead of those ugly brown ones? nah, the brown ones are cool
+ do you share your m&m;'s in a false sense of generosity, but really keep all the blue /green /orange ones for yourself? nope, I'm open about not wanting people to have the good colors
+ what is the Pythagorean Theorem? a2+b2=c2
+ what do you think about toe socks? it feels like your toes are asleep
+ what about guys who wear toe socks? alright
+ do you floss daily? no, I hate flossing
+ does your mother still pack your lunch? no, instead she gives me $5 a day which I spend on coffee and cigarettes
+ and HOW old are you? 16
+ do you have all your fingers? yes. thank god.
+ do you think it's right someone's mother should pack their lunch? nice English, suckahead, but Chunky's mom makes his lunch before work everyday. that's cool.
+ what is in your mouth RIGHT NOW? teeth, spit, tongue ring and a tongue
+ if you are /were a guy, would you ever wear nail polish? maybe
+ do you take any medication? nope, I used to
+ is it LEGAL medication? as opposed to illegal medication? which would be drugs, yes?
+ have you ever cut your own hair? I haven't had my hair cut by anyone but myself in like, 2 years
+ has your home ever burnt down? not that I'm aware of...
+ do you ask people things you shouldn't? when I was like 12, I asked my brother's friend if he was gay. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it at the time, but now I feel like a stupid retard
+ do you tell people things you shouldn't? I hardly trust myself
+ ever run up the down escalator or down the up escalator? if I wasn't going to look like a bigger moron than I already do, I would
+ how often do you brush your teeth? morning and night
+ when was the last time you went to the doctor? last month, my dad, my cousins and I made a "quick" run to the ER at 1am
+ do you write reminders to yourself on your body with ink? all the time, but only on my hands or arms
+ do you hate spiders? some of them
+ do you celebrate Christmas? yes
+ If so, do you have a REAL tree? nope, plastic craptastic
+ what color are your toenails? peachy and white, I guess. they're normal.
+ do you IM people or wait for them to IM you? depends.

++ What's Your Favorite ++

+ soup? uhhh spaghettios
+ bread? wheat bread is the shiznit
+ cereal? lucky charms
+ font? for typing, arial, for graphics, something neato
+ breed of dog? siberian husky
+ cheese? cheddar or gouda

++ Have You Ever ++

+ used 16 point font or triple spaced a term paper to make it seem longer? nope
+ did the teacher fall for it? n/a
+ ran away from home? to either the bathroom or the truck.
+ brought an animal home and questioned, "Mom, can we keep it?"? a half dead bird I named Petree
+ considered becoming a nun? nope
+ kissed a member of the same sex? nope
+ are you a transvestite? of course.
+ do you know any? nope.
+ gone trick-or-treating and been given something OTHER than candy? an apple and a tooth brush. my friend chucked the apple at the door when we walked away.
+ drooled in your sleep? I drool rivers, y0
+ kicked someone in the nuts? my brothers
+ blown something up? lost of shit
+ Was it in the microwave? some of the things, sure.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Saturday, September 22nd, 2001

Time:3:49 am.
Mood: drained.
Music:Pete Yorn - For Nancy.
Don't you love being betrayed by someone because they want someone else to like them? How cool is that? Yeah, you're neat, dude. Way to be, pal.
Well, we're on the precipice of war and I'm shitting in my undies, but in a way, I still feel like this is all so surreal and that next time I venture into New York City, the Twin Towers will still be standing as if they were the gateway to the smog.
I believe that last sentence, or paragraph, is one of the longest run-on sentences I've ever written.
I know I haven't written in awhile, but I don't think anyone really cares. I've been spending my days at the diner or smoking herb. It's been good. I have really bad allergies right now. I went to school late because I could hardly talk and I coughed up 4 loogies in the shower. That's enough of a reason for me to go in late.
My hero is back. Sort of. I haven't seen him yet.
That's about it, I suppose. Except I don't plan on talking to that certain someone who decided it was ok to laugh about me behind my back. Whatever. I'm better than that, right? Don't answer that.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Sunday, September 9th, 2001

Time:3:39 pm.
Mood: dirty.
Music:Stone Temple Pilots - Creep.
1) starting time: 3:04p
2) state your name: Chelsea
3) location: my bedroom in my house in Long Valley, aka Lost Valley or Happy Valley, New Jersey
4) email:,
5) nicknames: Chelso, Cheese, Chels, Junior bitch
6) school: West Morris Central High School
7) eyes: blue
8) pets: dog, rat, fishies
9) siblings: 2 brothers, 18 and 21


10) been so drunk you blacked out: no, but I've puked
11) taken any illegal substances: fuck yeah!
12) set any body part on fire: on accident
13) won any awards: for team sports and stuff. the kind they give you that say "you suck, but you're young and we don't want you getting a complex"
14) killed anybody: yes...I mean...yes.
15) kept a secret from someone: uhh.
16) had an imaginary friend: can't say that I have
17) been in love: le sigh. yes.
18) cried during a flick: I think everyone has
19) had a crush on a teacher: for like, 2 seconds. then I realized he looked like a Smurf.
21) planned your week based on the tv guide: no, I hate tv guide
20) ever owned a new kids on the block tape: yep
22) prank called someone: yeah but when I was younger


23) shampoo: got2b, it smells like good stuff
24) soap: lever 2000
25) color: green
26) song: all-time is either "Change" by Good Charlotte oooor "8:16am" by 311
27) summer/winter: winter, but personally, I like fall the best, then spring, then winter and finally summer. I hate the summer time.
28) day/night: night
29) lace/satin: satin
30) character: your mom!
31) saying: "your mom!" or "your mom says I kiss better than you do!"...actually, anything that has to do with "your mom" stuff makes me laugh.


33) Who is your most shy friend?: your mom!


36) cried: yes
37) cut your hair: yes
38) worn a skirt: ah damn, I can actually say yes to this
39) been mean: hah
40) been sarcastic: trick question!
41) been overjoyed to see someone: Laura and Jackie!
42) talked to someone you have a crush on: le sigh again. I haven't seen my big crush in 4 months almost. but I talked to my "kind of" crush on Thursday.
43) missed someone: yup
44) hugged someone: yup
45) kissed someone: yup
46) fought with your parents: of course
47) wished upon a star: nah
48) laughed until you cried: probably
49) played truth or dare: with my cousins.
50) watched a sunrise/sunset: yup
51) gone to the beach at night: nope
52) spent quality time alone: sure
53) eaten dinner: that's a stupid question
54) gone out lately: yeah
55) are you lonely: generally speaking, yes
56) are you happy: not really
57) are you talking to someone online: nope, I'm a loser


58) god/devil: yup
59) love: does anyone not believe in love? that'll be a sad person
60) the closet monster: nope
61) love at first sight: kind of sort of not really, it's more of lust when you first "see" a person
62) heaven/hell: of course
63) superstitions: yes haha


64) what is your full name: Chelsea Ann
65) who named you: your mom
66) bsb and n'sync: I like Nsync. w00dle
67) last time you showered: yesterday afternoon
68) color pants you are wearing: white...with Winnie the Pooh on them...
69) song you are listening to right now: "everything" - Limp Bizkit and shut y0 mouth suckahead. it's a good song. honest.
70) what was the last thing you said online: probably something last night to Daniel
71) what is right next to you: my drum throne and my dog
72) what is your computer desk made of: wood
73) last 4 digits of your phone number: 3906 or 3908
74) last thing you ate: ice cream - HALF BAKED! IT'S THE SHIT!
75) do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: I like your mom
76) if so, what is their name: mom.
77) where do you want to go on your honeymoon: somewhere nice and not humid
78) how's the weather right now: humid yet windy and nice
79) where are you in ten years: I'll be 26, supposedly I'll be dating my soulmate and I'll be in grad school getting my astrophysics degree
80) what did you do last night: slept
82) how are you today?: tired and bored
83) how do you eat an oreo: throw away the cookie parts and just eat the filling
84) what makes you happy: Boy maDe me happy
85) what makes you sad: Boy
86) dream car: Civic
88) what do you want to be when you grow up: an astrophysicist or a space physicist...same thing
89) favorite disney movie: Emperor's New Groove
90) favorite kind of music: shitty stuff
91) favorite kind of food: OLIVE PIZZA!
92) favorite movie: American Beauty
93) favorite day of 2000/2001: hell if I know, I'll say 4.20 though
94) favorite girls perfume: stuff I got from Bath and Body
95) do you like to dance: I dance like I have herpes and 'roids
96) fast or slow: uhhh
97) are you too shy to ask someone out: yep
98) favorite name brand: your mom
99) worst feeling in the world: when my herpes act up
100) best feeling in the world: seeing Boy
101) do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Teddy
102) what will your first son's name be: Jesse
103) what will your first daughter's name be: Elisabeth
104) loved someone so much it made you cry: yep
105) favorite drink: water
106) does size really matter: sure.
107) scary movies or happy movies: either, I don't care
108) on the phone/in person: sometimes people annoying in real life don't annoy me on the phone or vice versa
109) lust or love: love
110) if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be: buncha things
111) lucky all time number: 4
112) favorite band/group/singer: 311
114) much music or bet: MM
115) soccer or basketball: soccer
116) guys or gals: guys
117) shaving or waxing: nads is this shit!
119) dogs or cats: cats
120) nelly or nelly furtado: Nelly
121) fred durst or dmx: DMX
122) you smoke: yessir
123) you shower: no. haha.
124) ginos or rockers: rockers
125) metal freaks or ginos: metal geeks
126) thugs or ginos: thugs
127) ginos or bikers: I love bikers haha
128) chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
129) what nationality are you: your mom
130) are you proud of that: sure
132) how many children do you want: 4 or 5, I wanna be a ho
133) longest you went out with someone: 6 days! Chip!
134) shortest you ever went out with someone: less than 12 hours
135) best subject: English, band
136) worst subject: History
137) do you have a scanner: yeah somewhere
138) do you have a printer: not plugged in
139) do you have a soulmate: like my scanner, he's somewhere
140) are you getting sick of this: yes, I have to pee
141) what are your thoughts right now: I HAVE TO PEE
142) want friends to write back: no, die.
143) last comment: I HAVE TO PEE
144) ending time: 3:11p - hey look at that!
Comments: Add Your Own.

Subject:Eating speed like candy is bad.
Time:2:58 am.
Mood: amused.
Music:Jay-Z - IZZO.
ChelsasaurusRex: y0 bitch
EveningStarFaery: hey slut
ChelsasaurusRex: I fucked your mom last night, h0
ChelsasaurusRex: haha
EveningStarFaery: tell your dad i said hi
EveningStarFaery: he was good when i made him see god about an hour ago
ChelsasaurusRex: he says fucking you is like throwing hotdogs down a hallway
ChelsasaurusRex: bitch
EveningStarFaery: thats not what he said eariler
EveningStarFaery: whore
ChelsasaurusRex: your mom said I kiss better than you, slut
EveningStarFaery: and your dad said i give better blowjobs
EveningStarFaery: tart
Comments: Add Your Own.

Saturday, September 8th, 2001

Time:3:38 pm.
Mood: thirsty.
Music:Slipknot - Only One.
I'm waiting for Danielle to call, which I don't think is going to happen. Damn the luck.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Time:3:33 pm.
Mood: sleepy.
Music:Slipknot - Heretic Song.
Well, here's my livejournal. And I'm sleepy.
I made a kid cry at school yesterday. I felt horrible about it cause I really didn't mean to make him cry. But I'm glad it's Saturday cause I'm already ready to drop out of school.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Sunday, September 23rd, 1990

Subject:Survey time!
Time:10:02 pm.
Mood: sick.
Music:Pearl Jam - Nothing as it Seems.
+ what kind of chair are you sitting on? a burgundy leather one
+ do you have a fireplace? not in my bedroom, but in the family room and my dad's office
+ do you think they should make purple m&m;'s instead of those ugly brown ones? nah, the brown ones are cool
+ do you share your m&m;'s in a false sense of generosity, but really keep all the blue /green /orange ones for yourself? nope, I'm open about not wanting people to have the good colors
+ what is the Pythagorean Theorem? a2+b2=c2
+ what do you think about toe socks? it feels like your toes are asleep
+ what about guys who wear toe socks? alright
+ do you floss daily? no, I hate flossing
+ does your mother still pack your lunch? no, instead she gives me $5 a day which I spend on coffee and cigarettes
+ and HOW old are you? 16
+ do you have all your fingers? yes. thank god.
+ do you think it's right someone's mother should pack their lunch? nice English, suckahead, but Chunky's mom makes his lunch before work everyday. that's cool.
+ what is in your mouth RIGHT NOW? teeth, spit, tongue ring and a tongue
+ if you are /were a guy, would you ever wear nail polish? maybe
+ do you take any medication? nope, I used to
+ is it LEGAL medication? as opposed to illegal medication? which would be drugs, yes?
+ have you ever cut your own hair? I haven't had my hair cut by anyone but myself in like, 2 years
+ has your home ever burnt down? not that I'm aware of...
+ do you ask people things you shouldn't? when I was like 12, I asked my brother's friend if he was gay. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it at the time, but now I feel like a stupid retard
+ do you tell people things you shouldn't? I hardly trust myself
+ ever run up the down escalator or down the up escalator? if I wasn't going to look like a bigger moron than I already do, I would
+ how often do you brush your teeth? morning and night
+ when was the last time you went to the doctor? last month, my dad, my cousins and I made a "quick" run to the ER at 1am
+ do you write reminders to yourself on your body with ink? all the time, but only on my hands or arms
+ do you hate spiders? some of them
+ do you celebrate Christmas? yes
+ If so, do you have a REAL tree? nope, plastic craptastic
+ what color are your toenails? peachy and white, I guess. they're normal.
+ do you IM people or wait for them to IM you? depends.

++ What's Your Favorite ++

+ soup? uhhh spaghettios
+ bread? wheat bread is the shiznit
+ cereal? lucky charms
+ font? for typing, arial, for graphics, something neato
+ breed of dog? siberian husky
+ cheese? cheddar or gouda

++ Have You Ever ++

+ used 16 point font or triple spaced a term paper to make it seem longer? nope
+ did the teacher fall for it? n/a
+ ran away from home? to either the bathroom or the truck.
+ brought an animal home and questioned, "Mom, can we keep it?"? a half dead bird I named Petree
+ considered becoming a nun? nope
+ kissed a member of the same sex? nope
+ are you a transvestite? of course.
+ do you know any? nope.
+ gone trick-or-treating and been given something OTHER than candy? an apple and a tooth brush. my friend chucked the apple at the door when we walked away.
+ drooled in your sleep? I drool rivers, y0
+ kicked someone in the nuts? my brothers
+ blown something up? lost of shit
+ Was it in the microwave? some of the things, sure.
Comments: Add Your Own.

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