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Announcements, announcements, annnouuuuncccccements. [27 Feb 2002|02:05pm]
What a terrible way to die, a terrible way to die. A terrible death to be talked to death, a terrible way to die....welllllllllll?


Anyway...for those of you whom I made coasters for to go with the CD, I hope you enjoyed them. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, I make coasters out of bum CDs that my burner makes or extraneous AOL/Office Max EarthLink CDs. I put felt on the bottom, I print a coolio photo for the label, and I cover it in contact paper. If I promised you one, please let me know...I'll make you one cos now I have enough CDs. If you'd like one, let me know. And Sandi, since yours has been done since before Remedy Weekend, , I'll send it out as well once I finish the rest.

Let me know, my friends!
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desktop nightmares [27 Feb 2002|01:20pm]
After all that hullabaloo...if you can call it that...about Sheryl's bad ass computer, with the taskbar at the top, the sweet ass 1024x768 display...I can't stop putting my display at 1024x768. What sucks is that I can't keep it like that because my mom complains about it being too small. MEH. So whenever I turn it back to 800x600, it's all HUGE and stuff. Blarg-a-rific, I tell you. ME NO WIN!

I still can't handle the taskbar at the top...though, I've had it at the side sometimes. Maybe I just have to inch my way up there?

I have to...I need to be just like Sheryl. I need to do everything she does in order to feel better about myself. SNICKER. Ha.

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Happy 50th Birthday!!! [27 Feb 2002|01:10pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Get the Party Started--Pink ]

Mr. Potato Head! WOOT!

I love this guy, he's the man. One of my favorite toys, still to this day.His fave appearance of mine is in Toy Story 2 when Mrs. Potato Head is stuffing all those things in his butt at the the banana and the monkey chow...

"And I'm packing your angry eyes just in case.."

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Adventures in Oreos [26 Feb 2002|01:29pm]
SpiderArm73: don't you think someone should make a special tool
SpiderArm73: to dip oreos in milk
gordonific: omg, so you don't get milk all over your fingers?
SpiderArm73: without getting your fingers all yucky
SpiderArm73: ?
gordonific: YESSSSSSS and so the cookie doesn't break off and sit at the bottom of the friggin' glass!
SpiderArm73: YES!
gordonific: omg, you have to invent it.
SpiderArm73: I will
SpiderArm73: like a little contraption
SpiderArm73: that you put the oreo inside
SpiderArm73: and then dunk
SpiderArm73: then remove
SpiderArm73: then open and eat
gordonific: *snicker* that would rock my ass.
SpiderArm73: :-D
SpiderArm73: I want to invent one
SpiderArm73: maybe even
SpiderArm73: like a specially bent spoon
gordonific: omg i'm peeing
SpiderArm73: I tried using a regular spoon but it's not fitting properly
SpiderArm73: omg
gordonific: omggg you're silly
SpiderArm73: or a special eletronic cup, that you put milk in and it has a little Oreo "elevator" on the top. You insert oreo, push button, oreo goes down to the basement level to get soggy. Push button, oreo comes back up to roof level where he comes out and you can eat him.
SpiderArm73: you know what's sad
SpiderArm73: I REALLY want one of those
gordonific: dude, it's not sad, it's GENIUS
SpiderArm73: LOL
SpiderArm73: I also think
SpiderArm73: that there should be a filter, to make the milk not have all that oreo feces in it
SpiderArm73: so you can drink it
SpiderArm73: as well
gordonific: *dead*
SpiderArm73: hehe
SpiderArm73: OR
gordonific: I drink the milk with oreo feces!
SpiderArm73: connected to the oreo elevator, is another cup, with regular milk
SpiderArm73: and then it can be named
SpiderArm73: Oreo Elevator and FRIENDS!
SpiderArm73: after a while, my thumb and first finger tip get a strange texture to them
SpiderArm73: "oreo finger"
SpiderArm73: now who wants that?!
SpiderArm73: :-P
gordonific: omg, i have to go back and edit.....
gordonific: I totally know what you're talking about.
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Woot. Proof right HERE. Canada beckons me with its love! [25 Feb 2002|05:52pm]


I am 72% CANADIAN!!!

(Take the Canadian-ness test)
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[25 Feb 2002|02:27pm]
What the hell is with Buffalo's weather this week? Gah.

And no comments from Daria on whether or not I live closer to Buffalo or Rochester, Rochester's weather is just as asinine.
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*heh* spankies, aerdna [25 Feb 2002|11:44am]

Pants! Pantspantspantspantspants!

Find out what YOUR inner non-sequitur is!

quiz by A.V. Phibes

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Warhol Jim [24 Feb 2002|06:15pm]

Inspired by Sheryl's version ;)


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With glowing hearts, we see thee rise! [24 Feb 2002|05:39pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | I Love My Boss--Moxy Fruvous ]


You so honestly deserved it. As I told Sheryl, I wanted USA to win (and they did phenomenally, they beat some great teams), but I wished for Canada to win. Make sense? Hope so. What a great thing, 50 years in the making. They outplayed the USA, and they took home the gold medal.

I bow to you, bringing home the spirit of the Olympic games home to your rockin' country.

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nuttin' special [24 Feb 2002|12:26am]
Apparently I don't pass gas! SNORT. Thanks to whoever sent me that "tip" via Just A Tip. I was tempted to send back to you that "these charges are unfounded. I am extremely flatulent." Cos I am, usually. Not in public places and what not, but in true friendly company, absolutely :)

Oh, and thanks to Lambchop...

You're the 80's Man!
No, you're not a cross-dresser. You're just the odd-shaped 80's lego man! You love the classic legos, and you're not into all these new-fangled expensive kits. Why settle for the new when the old is just as good, and far less expensive!

Take the "What Lego character are you?" test! by ctbx
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How in the hell [22 Feb 2002|12:10pm]
Did this happen? Prolly based on the hair question, eh?

Which Winona Are You?

I love this movie, FYI. It's like crack. When people sign off of AIM, my computer says "I don't like my friends" "Um, I don't really like your friends either."
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Heh. [22 Feb 2002|12:57am]
Woot! Success!

My newest creation ;)
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A few things... [20 Feb 2002|12:40pm]
#1...ARGH. There's a water main leak on our road and we have no water, therefore I have no clean pants to wear to school. So I have to sit here and wait.

#2...Everyone's favorite Bahamian hermit crab, Creeggan, died. He crawled out of his shell and just, well, died, I guess. I've had him for about 3 years, so I guess that's not bad in captivity. And it's not like you become attached to a hermit crab like you do to a dog or a guinea pig or a hamster...I mean, I talked to him every day and gave him good stuff to eat like lettuce, crackers, and hermit crab food. I originally had mom brought them straight from Andros Island in the Bahamas. She "smuggled" them in a cup in her carry on bag. She brought a bunch for me and my nephews and niece. Theirs died long ago. My other two like a month after being in the house, the 2nd (Elwyn) died about 6 months ago I guess, and Creeggan--the big bad boy with claws big enough to reallllllly hurt me (he did a couple of times!) died yesterday. Well now he's back in the sand in the warm Atlantic breezes. I'm such a sap.

I WANT WATER!!!!!!! idiots. fix the damn line.
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thanks, cece bebeh! [20 Feb 2002|01:35am]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | In Your Eyes--Peter Gabriel (had to put it on) ]

I lova da John Cusack!

Which John Cusack Are You?
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no, I'm not you know who. Jan and Sheryl are just FUNNY. [20 Feb 2002|12:16am]
IM fun )
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"Rocketh"--Sheryl [19 Feb 2002|10:42pm]
sheRYL rocks my ass

Thanks bebeh!!!
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ooooohhhhhhh [19 Feb 2002|10:27pm]
It's "Enigma Jim."

That's one of my new icons ;) Thanks my sweet friend cherubchick!!!!
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[19 Feb 2002|04:22pm]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | clickety click click click clickety of keyboards ]

So I'm at school, gonna be late for class but I totally had to make a quick entry before I go upstairs...on my way here today I was behind a car, in the middle of nowhere...with a BNL sticker on the back. Now granted, I had just left my old high school's district and BNL was quite popular (well, alternatively, I mean. "Popularly" it was Mariah Carey and Metallica when I graduated) there even when I was in high school, but I guess I didn't expect to see it in farm country like that on a random Tuesday. I wonder who it was. She turned off into a McDonald's in Lockport. Wow, random. It was kool though. Just thought I'd journal that for no apparent reason. See y'all latah.

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Fear me. [19 Feb 2002|01:57am]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | that Pink song ]

okay, #1...check out that spankin' new icon. That computer drawing is courtesy of cherubchick who completely rocks my ass. I am Salsuh. Fear me. And fear Enigma Jim in the background. Also, my Salsuh bowl will own you.

#2...thanks to cherubchick and annimal who stayed up and chatted with me this evening! Perversion at its best, I tell you. "Jim and his Sequoia. Kevin and his Spider Arm." You both rocketh! So do you, muffins4all, who I am chatting with right now. Yay.

I had a pretty awesome night tonight, it was filled with silliness and whatnot, but I dig that. Jenn and Jeff pulled into Western New York around 7pm, fresh in from NYC. Jenn had a wedding to attend on L.I. and Igor didn't want to go, so Jeff went with her. Jeff's kool like that. Anyway, I picked up Igor at around 7:15, and then went to the Anchor Bar so he could have true to life Buffalo wings in their "birthplace." Granted, Duff's is better but that's another story. Both Jenn and I noticed that the Anchor's wings aren't as good as they once were. We had some beer, some onion rings, and wings and chatted about Jenn's trip. She saw Ground Zero, and they signed the platform that they went up on. Jenn said that it's really an emotional scene, and that both she and Jeff were trying to keep their mind off of it by doing things like worrying about the camera and laughing randomly. What an experience, to see that. Igor didn't get proofed though (he turned 21), which was weird. We then went to my sister's so I could drop off her chicken fingers and move her chair into the Explorer so she could bring it out to the cottage this weekend. Igor and Jenn finally met Amy's cat, and saw her apartment which Jenn promptly fell in love with. Then we went to Kahunaville, Igor got his L.I. Iced Tea free and me and Jenn had strawberry daiquiris. We played air hockey and all of those silly games they have there...Jenn and Igor kicked ass on the virtual boxing game! We came home with sock monkey keychains, woot!

So here I sit, it's almost 2 a.m., and I'm tired. But not enough to sleep, oddly.

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Couldn't care less.... [18 Feb 2002|12:39pm]
You're Caramilk!
You're Caramilk!
Just stuffed full of surprises. No one ever knows what you're going to do next. The greatest mystery to you is, naturally, "how do they get the caramel in the Caramilk bars?"

thanks, therealsugshady. my keeper of rockin' tests.
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