[shiny lights|stargazers|visible scars]

Scarred but still shining...


[shining source|stars with scars]


Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Star Log: Yeah, well, this is some of it.
Logged at: 10:03 PM
I came home and attempted to sleep. Silly me attempted to sleep downstairs - that didn't get too far. Oops. I'll remember to go upstairs when I nap next time. It's not too much of a hassle as long as I haven't moved the stuff off my chair and onto my bed yet.

Anyway, classes today went okay. CAD was easy as ever, precalc was precalc, and Spanish she wasn't there for, so I have a nice big assignment that I have to do before Friday but aside from that I'm doing okay. I've got most of a schedule worked out for spring break, so I know where I'll be in which state when, so that's good. Especially since I have to call admissions offices soon to arrange to meet with faculty and have interviews and all that jazz.

I talked with my dad about all that over dinner, and I talked with the psych about it today too, so that was good. I've got a pretty good outline of where I'm going. I then talked with 'Rin-san about it when I went over her house after dinner with Dad and we had fun. Haru and Elie are so cute. They just make me go 'Awww...'

I talked with the principal today about the possible independent study on Cervantes next year with Leigh Ann and Maria. She's got no major objections to it, so it sounds like we might actually get this to work. I'm hoping we do. An independent study, while being a lot of work, would also be a lot of fun. Oh, and yes, I got strange looks when I admitted that I took a college class online in 8th grade. It was relevent to the example at hand though.

I digress though. 'Rin-san is being a darling and giving me a ride to work tomorrow. My relatives are coming in and staying for a week. There is going to be a two year old in my house. I haven't had to deal with that since the youngest was 2. God save me.

I will go do my 10 trig identities now. At least they should all be semi-easy.

Oh, yes, got my second icon request in a week. Did someone highlight my website for site of the month or something?
Mood: busy
Music:the AIM chime

(wish upon a star?)

Monday, March 11, 2002

Star Log: Whhheeeeeeeeeeeeee
Logged at: 9:30 PM
My attention span, which is normally pretty good, is shot to heck right now. In addition, my mind is at the point where I cannot accurately process multiple thoughts at once and as such, if any random words appear in this entry that really don't seem to fit, disregard them as extraneous and try to figure out what should have gone in there instead. I guarentee you, something was meant to.

Gym was first period this morning. I proved that, once again, badminton is not a sport I excel at. It's better than most though. English we read more play stuff. My character died. This is a good thing - it means I no longer have to follow the script to see if I have a line coming up. Chemistry involved playing with straws.

I tutored at lunch and discovered in the last minute that 'Rin-san had apparently been there the entire lunch. Oh well. Ginn was not there. I took the time to update my to-do book. Spanish involved reading and talking college with Ana, as well as discovering that my grades have been improving.

I worked 30 minutes extra at work in order to get the stuff done that the partner needed for the presentation tomorrow. I came home and cooked and did Spanish homework at the same time. I have also proceeded with the chemistry homework even though some of it is not due until next Tuesday. I will leave the lab for tomorrow morning. I have to fit a shower in somewhere tonight.

College stuff, got to look at college stuff, got to fill out forms and such. Sleep is so much more tempting than college stuff. Since I have to go to the doctor's tomorrow (bah) and therefore can't get together with 'Rin-san until after dinner. I can still go though. I hope.

I will nap before the appointment. That might make me something resembling civil. Maybe. Just maybe.

Time to go back to chemistry. I love chemistry, I hate the workload. (Actually, I don't, it's just fun to complain.)
Mood: groggy
Music:the AIM chime

(1 wish came true | wish upon a star?)

Sunday, March 10, 2002

Star Log: I did promise I'd be back.
Logged at: 9:05 PM
I did the homework I could because I am an idiot and left my Spanish binder at school. So sometime tomorrow I need to read through a packet (in English, thank God) and do two grammar sections. Chemistry maybe? English and chemistry? I can get away with not paying attention in those classes.

I am something approaching content for the moment. This doesn't happen very often. A moment of silence in recognition, please.

::crickets chirp::

Back to cross stitching. Fun!
Mood: content
Music:the AIM chime

(wish upon a star?)

Star Log: Anime!
Logged at: 5:17 PM
I went to 'Rin-san's. Hehe. We had fun. Anime and anime and anime, oh my! We watched parts of I My Me! Strawberry Eggs! and Groovy Adventure Rave. On the list of things to hopefully get through at some point (in addition to the rest of what she has of those) are more Inu Yasha, Hunter x Hunter, Read or Die, and Shaman King. I might be forgetting one or two though.

If I don't work Tuesday we'll be hanging out then. I'm tempted not to go to work for that reason but I'd need a ride to work on Weds. then, not that that isn't doable. I will get in touch with Sen today about that and about my Gold Award proposal - if she's running into Council on Monday then she could drop it off for me.

I found the cross stitch place-company that I like a lot on the web. Ooo, they're pretty. I want more. I must finish some first. Grr. They have such a cool samurai though, and all other cool things. I will go back and drool now and do that homework stuff in a bit. After dinner, yep, that's when I'll do it.

Anime fun. Cross stitch fun. I am confusing as heck, I know.

More later. I promise.
Mood: happy
Music:the AIM chime

(1 wish came true | wish upon a star?)

Saturday, March 9, 2002

Star Log: Rundown of a day where I slept.
Logged at: 9:31 PM
I am a very bad girl.

'Rin-san and I stayed up until 4 in the morning and had an interesting conversation about fanfic as my brain was shutting down. We watched various movies and such until then and talked before then too. It was fun. I have plans to go back over tomorrow and hang some more.

She woke me up about 8:40 because she had karate at 9 and I was supposed to go home before then. So I just grabbed all my stuff (except for the Rayearth tape that isn't mine but needs to be grabbed anyway) and we ran out the door. I got home, Mom and the sibling left, I watched a bit of the Princess Bride and then fell asleep on my mother's bed because mine is a mess. I slept until 4 something.

I started Khal's graduation present today. No, I'm not telling what it is. I helped Mom get stuff together for dinner and then we took dinner over to church and fed the people there. I came home, called about Girl Scout cookies, went and picked up Girl Scout cookies, and talked Mom into taking me to Michael's where I picked up another 4 mini-kits. I have presents for a bunch of people now.

I then did the icons requested and now am working on more stuff. I have church, homework, and 'Rin-san tomorrow, not necessarily in that order. I have to shower tonight. Other than that, I'm good.


I'll post again if I think of something interesting to say.
Mood: tired
Music:none yet...

(wish upon a star?)

Friday, March 8, 2002

Star Log: Quick! Quick! ::squish::
Logged at: 8:53 PM
Typical single day's worth of entries condensed into a single entry with about 15 minutes in which to write it.

'Rin-san should be here in 45 minutes, perhaps a little sooner. I'm very excited. As in bouncing out of my seat excited. I have a bunch of stuff I need to do to get ready though, so I'm trying to manage all that without crashing.

I got the copies that I need for my thesis made. I picked up presents at Michael's because the mini-cross stitch kits were half off - there went all my free time. On the other hand, they're all cute.

I passed the chemistry test today and know it, contrary to the rest of my class. Please stop whining. It was possible to derive the necessary equation from the information given within the problem. I know that requires that you think, but do you think that might be what we're there for?

Progress report was good. History class was hilarious. We heard one of Ginn's college search stories. I respect that man more with every class I take. I also got my course selection sheet for next year and am in the process of filling it out. I've got teacher permission to take AP Calc AB, so that's good. Things are moving along in Spanish in the general direction of the independent study for next year - the three of us have to meet with the principal on Tuesday to make sure she knows that there's interest in the course.

Gym was gym (ick) and I can't remember English so I suppose that means it went well. Oh, yes, we read a part of a play. I'm reading the part of an old Jewish anarchist. It's actually rather interesting.

I've finished my Gold Award paperwork, so I just need to make the two or three corrections to my proposal (which apparently wasn't as horrible as I thought), print it, and stick it with everything else. It's either going to be mailed or handed in to Coucil on Monday. Then the ball's in their court and I get to sit and wait.

I haven't heard back from Olin yet. I have two colleges that I need to check but no time to do that tonight, so I need to remember to do that for tomorrow.

Crazy crazy head spin. Maybe I should ask for a day in that time-space-room-thing so I could catch up on all the sleep I've missed in the last three years. Great stress reliever...

Nothing to see here, move along. I gotta go pack for 'Rin-san anyway. Yay!
Mood: excited

(3 wishes came true | wish upon a star?)

Thursday, March 7, 2002

Star Log: Didn't get the precalc done. I'll do it at lunch tomorrow, I think.
Logged at: 10:44 PM
I sat down with Mom and Dad and talked college stuff for 45 minutes, letting them see where I'm at, what's up with stuff, things such as that. I scared Mom. She said I've gone from being completely disorganized about the whole thing to anal.

I really don't like that. I don't.

Yes, I'm now extremely organized and being a perfectionist when it comes to my notebook thing but that doesn't mean I'm anal. That's the way I am, dangit, and it's complusive and I can't stop it. It's like when I was four and I traced stencils until they overlapped with little tiny slits in between and then I had to color each slit a different color and no two colors could touch. That's perfectionism. I'm a bloody perfectionist. I can't help it.

It's stupid to get upset over something like this but it does upset me, more than I think Mom and Dad realize.

I need to talk to guidance about college stuff tomorrow and all that jazz. I've got a couple of questions to ask them before I sign up for the May and June SATs.

I've got a load of questions for 'Rin-san too, but we're hanging tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to that.

Hey, darqstar? I've at least broached the topic of getting to visit you sometime this summer with my mom. She didn't say no outright...

Change, read, read, bed. G'night all.
Mood: drained

(1 wish came true | wish upon a star?)

Star Log: Boring boring blah blah blah no life here to speak of
Logged at: 9:03 PM
I did some college stuff (as soon as Berkeley's website will load so I can request information I'll be done) and I worked on the college journal thing a bit too. 'Rin-san's been listening to me vent on and off about college. I also got in touch with Khal's mom and set stuff up for tomorrow so I will be going over there which means I definitely have to go redo the proposal. Dang.

At least all the other paperwork is done, with the exception of like two or three questions which I was holding until I'd met with her anyway. Now I just have to find that stuff (I think it's in my backpack somewhere) and stick the proposal with that after I've played with it and I'm ready to go.

'Rin-san comes home tomorrow! Yay!!

Why can't today be Friday?

Friday'll end up coming too dang soon again though. darqstar, you're on the list of people to do stuff for on Saturday - I will get Chap. 11 beta'd, since I've got time this weekend. I sent mail up to Olin too asking about visiting over break, so I just really need to hear back from them and then I can start trip planning and get you more information.

Trip planning. At least I'm getting off my butt and getting somewhere on that. Mom's at Junior College Night right now (ack! Just remembered that progress reports are sent home tomorrow!) so I'm going to milk her brains when she gets home for information. Not that there'll be too much that I probably don't already know but it's worth a shot. I need to get up to date with her anyway, so she knows what's happening in the college search arena.

I think she's bringing home my course selection sheet for next year too and I need to get that filled out and in ASAP. AP Chem, please, oh please, oh please.

Work. I need to do work, dangit, not read fanfic.

'Rin-san, you did it again. Twenty lashes with a piece of pineapple and you have to share your anime collection with me. That is all.
Mood: blah

(wish upon a star?)

Star Log: Is that an ache in my ear?
Logged at: 7:44 PM
It is indicative of my day that I didn't have time to post until now.

Dad and I are skipping choir tonight. I don't think we're singing Sunday, and anyway, my commitment to not skipping was directed at Sunday services, not Thursday rehersals. The littlest sister isn't feeling well anyway and stress is getting to me the way it normally does. Right in the stomach.

Only have one thing of homework tonight, because I did the other stuff beforehand. This is due Tuesday, technically, but I'll do it tonight anyway to get it out of the way. I also get to play with college stuff and Gold Award paperwork, seeing how I'm hopefully going home with Khal tomorrow to talk to her mom about Gold Award stuff. Mom picked up the Newsweek 'How to get into college' issue and if that isn't a depressing read I don't know what is.

Testing today is finished. The persuasive essay was on a rather dumb topic. The readings were easy. There was an unplanned fire drill during the middle of the third testing section. That was about it. Precalc was precalc, history was amusing, work I did just about everything today.

We got the last measurements we needed from RBL and I've got the drawing to fit (just need to consult Jen on how to do the stairs). I learned how to make blueprints, fixed Shaun's mistake that was repeated on the cover sheet of 15 sets, helped him rubber-band those and carry them downstairs, made binders, and listened to interesting energy related conversation.

Did you know they make blueprints with ammonia? It smells horrible too and it made my hands smell.

I need to call Khal about tomorrow, find a binder for my ASL notes, do more college stuff, rewrite my Gold Award proposal, and do my math homework. I don't have to shower tonight though, so that makes things a little easier.

Different, that's me.
Mood: mellow
Music:I will reinstall WinAmp, I swear it.

(wish upon a star?)

Wednesday, March 6, 2002

Star Log: My really long desiccated Gambusia
Logged at: 8:53 PM
Today. There was a today, wasn't there? I wasn't living in a strange world where yesterday was tomorrow and tomorrow was today and today had just flown out a window and dried up like a desiccated Gambusia, had it?

If you know what a Gambusia is, you're a geek. There were desiccated Gambusia watching me take my exam. I actually think the desiccated Gambusia are easier to deal with than the rotting ones. They smell nicer at any rate. There's only one biosystem with anything left alive, aside from plants, and two of them have lost all their water. What a pathetic record - the worst biosystems we've ever seen.

You can explain all the fish dying off with some of them being sick or something but you can't explain over half of them leaking.

Anyway, back to today which is really a desiccated Gambusia. I took part two of the stupid 'you must take this test to graduate, never mind that your school is the top one in the state and no one has ever failed' exam this morning. I hate writing by hand and that's all that we did today. It's all that we get to do tomorrow too. Evil, evil, evil exam. Then the evil principal lady made us go back to evil class. I ended up talking college stuff with Kathy for most of that. I also found out that my chem average is a 99. I've just got to raise it that one more point so that I've got the 100 again and then I'll be happy.

Lunch was an unmitigated disaster. I ended up not doing tutoring with Kate, because there was nothing new to go over since the test yesterday, but as I was trying to open my soup before I knew that I wasn't going to be doing tutoring, I opened it a bit too fast and because Campbell's puts too much soup in the little cup thing, some of it had gotten on the flick-lid, it flicked up.

Right into my nice open eyes.

Do you know what it's like to get Campbell's soup all over your face and in your eyes? Let me enlighten you. It hurts. Campbell's soup stings. I don't even like soup in the first place (don't ask why I was having it for lunch) and I like it even less now. Though I did eat the rest of it in revenge. Anyway though, after that I was about ready to cry but Paul was nice and gave me a paper towel (those serve as napkins) and I wiped down my face and got myself under control and let my eye clear out.

The precalc teacher said Kate did better on this test than she has on the past couple but I won't really be happy until I know how much better. She's only got two-three more problems to grade but we might not get them back until Tuesday. I'm hoping for tomorrow, but things are notorious for not going how I hope.

I had a free period today in English, because she gave everyone time to finish their essays and since mine was already done from last class, I didn't have anything to do. I read the New York Times and worked on Gold Award paperwork and chatted with Em and worked on the college journal instead. I need to work on that more, but I finally figured out the format for the resume section. Inherent perfectionism, nothing to see here, move along.

I got to work today and was immediately told by Jen not to put my coat away because I needed to go ask Mr. Gaunt if we were going over to survey the RBL (my current CAD project). She mentioned something about a fourth floor and I looked at her for a minute, because I'd been working on the plans for over a week now and hadn't seen any floor plan for a fourth floor (basement and two floors made three). So I counted on my fingers and looked at her and she was like, yep. So I did what I was told (low man on the totem pole here) and went and talked to Mr. Gaunt. He called and confirmed it, Jen and I picked up our stuff, and we went off to the RBL.

Now, the RBL is in this really old house (at least the original building is - they expanded on to it, but the fourth floor (third floor, but I call it the fourth) is in the original building) and as we're going up the stairs, you can tell that nobody's been up this way in a long time. I mean, there's dust on the floor that you can see your footprints in. Before I go any further, I want to just specify that I'm not the kind who really believes in ghost stories, though my mind loves to freak me out with them.

Anyway, so we go into the first room, the one right across the hallway from the stairs (all 3 feet and 8 and a half inches of hallway). It's a pretty nice room, kind of airy and light and facing the river. Two little doors, the kind that lead to crawl spaces, one on each side, a couple of chairs, and a radiator. Three windows. Typical unused turn of the century type house with their love of hidden spaces and all that jazz. It wasn't too bad when we were first in it. The custodian guy came up with us at first and made sure we were okay and then left us so he could go do something he needed. Jen sketched the basic not-to-scale outline and we went to work measuring.

We're going around the room taking measurements - we get all the basic outer ones first. Then we do the sills and stuff for elevations. Finally, we're getting the measurements for the little rooms off to the sides. Well, one of them won't open. No doorknob and there's a lock. We can't get it to budge. So we open up the other little one and I get the creepiest feeling I have ever had in my life. Looking inside, I can see that it's painted pink. There's another little door - maybe three foot high - down at the end of the room. Crawlspace. Whatever. I didn't want to step foot in that crawlspace and I sure as heck didn't want to be anywhere near that door.

So I measure the width first, because I'm measuring and Jen's recording. Then I measure the length, so I send the end of the tape down that way and keep the reader by the door where I am, so that I'm not fully in the room. Read the measurement, try and bring the tape back. It's stuck. I had to go into the room, walk over towards the little door with every nerve screaming at me not to do it, and get it. I finally got it to pull up within a foot of the door and then I got the hell out of the room.

There was one other room that elicited the same reaction, though not as strongly. It had a smaller door, like the crawlspace ones, but it opened into a square room. With how the roof was overhead, it came down like quarter of an upside-down pyramid going from the corner above the door to the opposite corner. There was another little door in this room. Jen opened this one, because I wouldn't go near it - neither of us opened the other one. There wasn't a floor in the room beyond, so I didn't have to measure it. The front two rooms overlooking the street weren't so bad.

I wasn't the only one disturbed. Jen said she felt 'a presence.' I don't know if it was that but I know there was something that made me definitely feel very uncomfortable up there. We have to go back tomorrow, to double check on a few dimensions on the lower floors, and unfortunately we have to go back upstairs to get a few more dimensions on the fourth floor, but they're in the front rooms and not the back rooms so I should be okay with it.

I then worked on drawing the plans and went to dinner with Mom, where we ran into someone from the retreat I was on last March, I think it was. Then we went to Bible study and talked with the pastor about what happened at work and then other things and then came home and now have to do trig identities. I get the feeling I'm going to need flash cards for these, seeing how they're important for calculus or something. I'll do them up and share them with Kate and it'll all be good. I have to do the homework for that though. That and shower.

I need to get the bloody soup out of my hair.

So yes, that was my desiccated Gambusia of a day.
Mood: discontent

(wish upon a star?)

Tuesday, March 5, 2002

Star Log: Loss for words?
Logged at: 10:20 PM
I wish I had something to ramble about. I don't have an awful lot to talk about though.

My picture was in the paper today. Third time they've run this photo in three years. It appears I am now in a stock photo for whenever they do an article on my school. I'm happy to note too that the teacher in the photo left that year and that out of the two other kids in it, one's already graduated and the other leaves this year.

Yeah, my claim to fame is that my picture was in the paper. Without any identification, but hey, I'll take what I can get.

I think I've almost got the section of the college journal that's on me done, so now I can start working on the other sections for the colleges themselves. The only one I have a viewbook for is Stevens though, so I won't be getting very far with that. I think I'm going to dig out a book and read a bit tonight. I haven't done that in a long while. Not just plain old pleasure reading.

darqstar, don't worry about the DBZ stuff. I will make it up there sometime with enough time that you can overload me on DBZ, I promise. I read more fic today and decided that I want to see it even more, which is a sign that it's time to hold back on the fics a bit. Given that tomorrow is the longest day of my week, I think I'll be able to manage.

I remembered to print out my essay so that's good to go. I just need to remember to pick it up tomorrow morning, though it's still on the server in case I do forget. I have tutoring tomorrow at lunch and then class and class and then work and then dinner and then Bible study and then I get to come home and work on homework.

'Rin-san and I are already planning for Friday. That's a good day, yes, because she comes home and then we can hang in person instead of online. I talked to her last night on the phone for 30 minutes because Mom came in with the cell phone and said I had 30 minutes that expired at midnight. That was a nice conversation to have, even though my fingers were an interesting shade of red when I came inside. (Y'all know of my habit of going outside to talk on the cell phone, no matter what the time or temperature? Well, it was 10:30 last night and about 25 degrees out without factoring in the wind. I forgot my gloves again.)

I hopped in the shower and warmed up afterwards though, so that was good.

I miss last year. It wasn't quite as busy or anything but I still had my friends around. I keep wondering what next year's going to be like.

Sometimes my age is my least favorite thing about me. I could use being a little older, every now and then.

I still need to do up the timeline for my dad. I need to talk to Mom too. I can do the latter tonight and the former Thursday, probably. Maybe Saturday. I must bore the heck out of y'all, with all my talk about my work. Sheesh, I'd bore me if I had the time to.

I'll stop babbling and say g'night here.
Mood: tired

(wish upon a star?)

Star Log: Change of plans*
Logged at: 9:37 PM
Ah, well, I'd meant to go over to gokou's today but by the time I got home from school related activities there was a message saying they were already gone.

It wasn't worth the bother of going and getting lost to try and find them. I did have homework to do today, just not as much as normal. Not little enough that I could ditch everything though.

I hung around the house and did more work on school stuff instead.

I'll have to drop by some other time, I guess.

Maybe when there are cookies in the house again or something. ^_~
Mood: mischievous
Music:the AIM chime

(1 wish came true | wish upon a star?)

Star Log: Work now, play next year
Logged at: 7:57 PM
My little sister (the baby, not the middle one) is half lying in my room working on homework. She had a rather large fight with Mom today that left everyone a little short tempered. Fifteen to twenty minutes of screaming and crying does not make anyone's day.

HSPA things started today. I remember now how much I hated the math sections of those stupid things. This is the last time I have to take any state mandated standardized testing though, so I can't complain too much. I still hate standardized testing though. Tomorrow should be even more fun. We get to do the writing portions of the exams. Not fun.

I've already started decorating the front of my test booklet. I like to imagine that if anybody ever sat and looked through mine, they'd get a good laugh out of it. Nice little you are here signs and hand-done calligraphy.

Boredom is a very common thing on this test.

Girl Scout cookies come in soon. Checked and found out who I need to pick up mine from, near as we can tell. I will do my Gold Award paperwork tomorrow after testing with the exception of the typed proposal which I'll do tomorrow night and the stuff I have questions on, which I'll talk about with the troop leader next time I see her. I need to get this stuff in.

I also had a precalc test today. I'm not so worried about how I did - I'm reasonably sure it's in the high 90s. Nah, I'm more worried about how the person I'm tutoring did. I'd really like to see her grades go up for her. It really stinks when you can't get that higher grade and I know she's capable of it. She said after the test that she was pretty confident that she did well, but we'll wait and see how that stands after we've gotten the tests back.

I just have Spanish homework to take care of. I got 7 college letter things today, including one from the Navy. I think that means that at this point, the only branch of the military that hasn't sent me something is the Marines. The Coast Guard came to school, so I can't count them.

Tonight I need to do the college stuff I neglected last night (did you know the University of South Carolina didn't change their mail from last year to this year?) and that Spanish homework. Oh, yeah, I need to print that essay too, in case it's due tomorrow.

Playtime's over and I don't want it to be.
Mood: busy
Music:none still

(wish upon a star?)

Monday, March 4, 2002

Star Log: Hey, gokou!*
Logged at: 11:27 PM
If you aren't busy tomorrow, let me know?

I'd like to be able to just crash and visit. I didn't get to do much of the visiting at the BBQ because of all that crazy homework stuff.

I'm off to bed now though. So leave me a message?
Mood: curious
Music:none still

(3 wishes came true | wish upon a star?)

Star Log: Nightly news that really isn't that newsworthy
Logged at: 10:11 PM
Good thing I could kill this evening because I just mutilated it to all heck.

darqstar, I've got a burning desire to see DBZ again and the cable shuts off on Friday! Not fair!

I'm thinking shower, then college stuff, then crash. 'Rin-san's on though, and we're getting to talk, so I might do college stuff, shower, college stuff, and then crash.

Fanfic good.
Mood: cheerful
Music:the AIM chime

(1 wish came true | wish upon a star?)

Star Log: I love my school
Logged at: 9:28 PM
Quote from a current disccusion on mp3 trading which is of course illegal and therefore none of us own thousands of them:

Does KaZaa still work?

Yeah, but after you install it your computer doesn't.
Mood: giggly

(1 wish came true | wish upon a star?)

Star Log: Bla-ah. Sis got her tooth glued back on.
Logged at: 8:22 PM
It's been a long day and this is one of the short days of my week. At least my thesis is done. I should keep reminding myself of that.

I'm getting work started on the college journal thing that I'm doing. Tonight I should hopefully finish up the section on me and what I want in a college and move on to the sections on individual colleges that I've requested more information from. Tomorrow should be oh-not-fun, as I have testing in the morning and then at least one test in the afternoon.

Spanish would have made a lot more sense today if I could have understood the video. I need to find an article about the social and political situation in Colombia now, in the native language.

Stomach no baka. Stop acting up already.

I sent out 14 or so information request cards to colleges today, in addition to the 6 or 7 I asked for online. I think I've finally finished going through all the college stuff I got last year, but I have the sinking feeling that there's still more somewhere in my room, stalking me, so that may be subject to change. I got 8 pieces of college mail today, more than the rest of my family combined, so yeah.

I'm still plowing through it. I keep getting distracted. I read this really good fanfic though, that literally had me glued to my seat. Yes, my life involves fanfic. Yes, I like fanfic. Hey, maybe I could do a thesis on fanfic...

So anyway, chem involved me getting annoyed by people who whine about things but then don't do anything to try and change it and instead whine about it. I whined about my 9th grade algebra teacher, yes, but I also organized a petition to get this guy looked into. (When half your class fails the midterm and nobody gets above an 88, that's a sign that something is wrong in my opinion.) Admittedly, that got nowhere because the principal at my school isn't very receptive to finding out that teachers she hired sometimes have problems teaching, but the point is I did something about it.

Don't whine to me unless you're going to do something about it, because otherwise I will eventually tell you to just shut up.

Anyway, history was interesting - we're starting the study of the Holocaust and so we were talking about stereotypes today, as sort of an introduction. The one that caught my attention most when we talked about them today (aside from the all Asians are smart one, which is the subject of another rant that really has nothing to do with the stereotype) is that all Mexicans (guys) are perverts.

Within my class alone, there are five to seven girls who agree with this. I only have 22 kids in my history class. Ginn also said his girlfriend has had issues with them. And yes, I understand that it's not just Mexicans, it's a lot of guys, but it really disturbs me. I've had it happen once to me, with some Mexican guys who were landscaping a neighbor's lawn while I was walking home, and it really makes you feel uncomfortable. I know that other guys do it too, but at least they aren't so blatant about it, you know?

Anyway, that was just a bit of a rant.

I need to go be productive now. Get my homework done and all that high school jazz. I think I need to shower tonight too. It would be easier to remember what you need to do if you could remember what day it was.
Mood: lethargic
Music:none, because WinAmp is still wonky

(wish upon a star?)

Sunday, March 3, 2002

Star Log: In my own little corner*
Logged at: 9:39 PM
Yep, that was me at the BBQ yesterday. I sat with all my notecards at the little table out of everybody's table and worked and tried some of the great food (boy, was there a lot of it!) and just worked and got a lot of stuff done.

I enjoyed getting the chance to meet people too, even if it didn't seem like I did much besides work. I promise I do have more of a life than just schoolwork. Honest. I won't have so much to do at the next BBQ (I hope) so then I'll have time to actually meet people and talk with them and stuff like that.

But I liked just being able to sit there and watch everything happening around me and being with you people and yeah. You're all interesting, you know that?
Mood: happy
Music:none, because WinAmp won't work

(1 wish came true | wish upon a star?)

Star Log: No virus, stupid false alarm
Logged at: 7:38 PM
Back on my own computer, all my work is done, life is good. Except I now have to set up a timeline for heading up to MA on college visit (darqstar and lnitefall, I need to talk to both of you about that) for my dad but that's doable. Since the big test that determines whether or not I get to graduate is this week, teachers will most definitely be slacking off on homework. That means I should have opportunity this week to do both the timeline and my Gold Award paperwork and get that sent in to council.

I need to request the information stuff from BU - I sent in info requests to Olin and Drexel and Hampshire, even though the only one I really plan on looking at is Olin. I'm going to start up a college search journal - paper, because I really don't need one online - to keep track of where I request information from and what the pros and cons of each college are and things like that. Stop looking at me cross-eyed like I just grew four heads. I can be organized, honest.

My stomach can stop hurting now. I've finished all the stuff I need to stress over this weekend.

So yes, this is the organized me that you never see because she only comes out when I have enough discipline to haul her out of her filing drawer. Since I think I'm much more amusing without her, I tend to leave her in there.

'Rin-san, come home. I have free time I can bother you with now and I'm not depressed thinking about my weekend.

Time to go fiddle with the BU stuff and then see what I can request from various other things and get that college journal started. Then I'll play a little bit of FFVIII and then I'll go to bed. Or read. One of the two.
Mood: nauseated
Music:none because WinAmp is acting up

(wish upon a star?)

Star Log: Commence the wild dancing with joy!
Logged at: 5:51 PM
It's done! I can now sit and laugh at all my fellow juniors because my English thesis is done and 10 to 1 odds says nobody else has even started theirs yet! Woohoo! Only thing left to do is get copies of the sources and make the corrections she makes, but what's that compared to writing the whole thing and doing all the research?

I'm FREE! Or at least I'm somewhere in the vicinity of free, or I will be when I finish my Spanish homework. I just had to share that delectable bit of news with everyone though.

It took about 5 hours, which is right on schedule for what I thought it was going to take. It's scary how well I can estimate how long assignments are going to take. Spanish will be an hour, probably a little less, and the chem lab will be less than that provided I can find the data and figure out what I'm doing. At the rate I'm going though, I may even have some free time tonight when everything else is done! Wahoo!
Mood: ecstatic
Music:Star Wars -=- Learn About the Force

(wish upon a star?)

[ 20 shiny stars ]
[healing scars]

isshoni Fuu + Ferio
aishiteru Folken split personality 'Rin-san
guardian Y Hisokasidekick spotlight \ Kero-chanvillainous Kunzite
itsumademo Kenshinbishoujo Neo-Queen Serenitybishounen Omiseigaku Hamasaki Ayumi
standing ovation ♫ flutei animei want to be a chemical engineer()))  silver  )))>

Leaving so soon?
Anime RevolutionWhimsey: Home of Chaos Inc and other things.Scarred but still shining...Sylk.Tsubasa: Things With WingsCliqued: Text Cliques Galore


I manipulated the graphics myself using Microsoft Pain(t). The buttons are the property of their respective sites and site owners. Omi, sadly enough, doesn't belong to me.