LiveJournal for Tara.
Thursday, March 21st, 2002 |
Updated elsejournal...again. But, nothing spectacular. However.. I do think I shall start writing elsewhere, more often. As well as here. Maybe I'll open a window.. A bit of cold fresh air might do me some good. Yah. I hope. Mrph. |
And.. If it weren't so fucking cold out, I might actually go out driving again. Mrr. But, oh well. I'll stay in tonight. Prolly better choice anyway. Yah. | ||||
And this would be why its so cold outside.. 14 degrees. Brr. No wonder my car was so cold. Hands went numb, just from the steering wheel. Erph. Gotta love it. Was nice earlier, a little windy, but nice.. then its freezing come night. Meh. Weird. And of course, it has to be the one and only time this week I actually forgot to keep my coat or sweatshirt in the car. Figures. Good thing it was a short drive. Brrr. *shiver* And thank god for free heat in my apartment. Boy its nice. ;) | ||||
Wednesday, March 20th, 2002 |
I wanna plaaaaaay. *pace pace pace* I'm bored, can'ya tell? ;P Rp! Somewhere.. Anywhere.. Anyone? Please? *sniffs* |
Oooooh.. Final Fantasy!
Ugh. I've got such a headache.. *whimpers* But, on the bright side, I found the stupid DMV. Finally. After driving around and missing it..at least once. I found it. And, got my shiny new Nebraska drivers license. Couldn't license/register my car yet.. Forgot about the title and all'a that. Hasn't come in yet, so.. I wait a little longer for that. All the while, sounding like a total ditz, because I was tired and my head hurt and.. Erph. Oh well. I'm back home, thankfully. Got lots of cleaning to do.. And, maybe I'll make brownies. Mmm. |
Okay.. I didn't quite get to cleaning, but.. I did update elsejournal. So.. Yah. Finally, I know, but.. Anyway. There ya go. :P | ||||||
I'm back.. And feel better. Driving did some good, it seems. And.. I found a Wal-mart, so now I have a car kit for my CD player. Whoo! Now.. What to do? Sleep, prolly.. But, hrm. I gotta clean, also. Maybe I'll clean, then sleep? Or something. :P |
Tuesday, March 19th, 2002 |
I want to.. Run. I don't know why, but I do. Run....or just drive. I dunno. I'm just restless as all hell, and have been nearly all night, for whatever reason. Mrr. I wonder if there are any all-night Wal-marts or anything around here. S'what Mom and I'd do, when we were both awake and restless. We'd go there, and browse, for however long it took to get tired and whatnot. Mrr. Oh well. I'll do something. Maybe go for another walk, maybe just go out and drive around for a bit. Or.. I could hit the fitness center.. Hrm. No. I don't think that'd work.. I wanna /go/ somewhere. Get out and go. Mrph. |
Sunday, March 17th, 2002 |
I.. Have Taco Bell. *purrs* Yes, I went out and got it. Waited till I felt better to do so, of course, but.. Mmmmm. Taco Bell. Was less expensive than I thought it would be and.. Even if the guy at the drive-thru window was a bit of a jerk(Had a bit of an attitude, and short changed me.. So, I insisted he give me the correct change before I left. And, he did. So.. Hah. :P), it was worth it. Yup. Mmmm.. Food is good. Definately. *purr* |
I have this sudden craving for Taco Bell.. Why? I don't know. But it sounds really really good right about now. Though.. I really shouldn't waste the money. Erph. Not to mention, driving around at this point prolly isn't such a good idea, but.. I am feeling better. Had this weird lightheadedness or something earlier, which made driving quite interesting. Not quite lightheaded, but kinda... Not quite all there, detached-like. Not to mention the headlights of other cars, even when I looked towards the edge of the road to avoid the glare, were still way too bright and they hurt. Erph. No driving for me.. Not till I'm feeling better. Though, I feel better now than I did not too long ago, I still feel weird. Ick. |
Went to anime night.. Well, sorta. I was there for an hour and a half, and then had to leave. *shivers* I don't do so well in small cramped rooms where the smell of BO from the guy behind me, and the overall smell of sweaty people was almost enough to make me gag. Guh. Not to mention, I felt really really out of place. Everyone there seemed to have been here many times before, except for the stinky guy behind me. He was also a newcomer, and apparently not pleased with the setup they had there. A TV, speakers, and a VCR. Sheesh. Picky picky.. But, oh well. It was pretty good, for the most part. The anime, that is. Stuff I'd never seen before, but.. Rather entertaining, for what bit I did see while I was there. Oh yeah.. And did I mention some of the looks I got while I was there? On my way out, especially. This one guy gave me the hungriest look I'd seen in awhile. *shiver* Gross. Anyway.. I'll stop ranting now. Maybe if I go next time, I'll bring someone I know along. Yah. |
I've decided that the state of Nebraska is evil. At least in its fees.. Especially concerning autos. Registration fee, licensing fee, titling fee.. Sure. I understand that. But add in a wheel tax, auto tax, VIN inspection fee, etc. Not to mention the fees for getting my license transfered over and pet licensing fees and shots and whatever else they need. Oh yeah.. And apparently alot of this, though I didn't know it, was supposed to be done in my first 30 days here. Joy. So.. I'm sure I'll have a late fee added to a couple of those things as well. Guh. I know I shouldn't be complaining, but.. Oif. Oh well. I'll just pay em like a good little new resident and quit complaining so much. At least for now.. Especially at 3 am. *yawn* Tired. Flop. Sleep good. Yah. ;P |
Saturday, March 16th, 2002 |
*giggles* Spoiled, spoiled cat.. And, I suppose I'm not helping that much. *ahem* Loki has brand new toys to play with. Why? Uhm. Because he's adorable and, well, because I felt sorry for him being alone most of the day. So.. He has two new things to play with. And, as far as I can tell, he's enjoying them immensely. *giggles* Cute lil' kitty. |
Friday, March 15th, 2002 |
Whew! Long day.. But, pretty good, overall. Didn't get to get my hair cut like I wanted to today, but.. I got everything else done, pretty much. Running all over town and stuff. Along with a brief visit or two to Loki, make sure he had enough food and water and his litter was clean. Also, spent some time just playing with him. Give him some attention while AJ's gone and all. And speaking of.. I think he misses her already. Everytime I come in, he's waiting by the door, and.. He continues to wait, even after I've come in. Looking at the door, looking back at me, then back to the door to just wait for a few more minutes. Aww.. Poor kitty. | ||||
Mrph. I should sleep.. I'm tired. But, I can't quite get there. Too many thoughts, I guess. Hate when that happens. It gets late, and I get to thinking about stuff, then.. Bleh. I dunno. *sigh* | ||||||
Random-ness.. I wanna cut my hair. Re-dye it too. Maybe I'll get it cut tomorrow. Between my other things I have to do. Hrm. Yah. Its bugging me, getting long again. Need a nice short cut that keeps it out of my face, but doesn't look too-too scary on me. Heh. ;) | ||||||
Thursday, March 14th, 2002 |
Well.. That was an interesting experiment in cooking. Or rather, baking. I made cinnamon bread.. Sorta. It doesn't look all that wonderful, though.. It does taste good. My next batch should be better.. Or one can hope. Though, I will admit that it is disappointing to see what you hoped would be something, kinda..flop on you. *sigh* Would've prolly come out better, had the center cooked a bit faster. Baked it for an hour, like the directions said, though.. The center was still gooey, so.. Baked it for another half hour before it finally cooked all the way through. However, the top kinda got a little too brown, in the process, and I guess I didn't grease the pan quite well enough, so.. It kinda fell apart a bit and came out kinda bleh looking. Though, upon testing it, it tastes pretty good. Its just not as visually appealing as it should be. Oh well. :/ |
*squee!* I got a car! And.. And.. I love it. Its so....Its mine! ;) I've only had it for a few hours now, but.. *purrs* I love it. I really really do. It drives nice, looks nice, and.. Just. Purr. No other words to describe it. Eeeee! Next on my list.. A job. Yes. And with this car, that should be much much easier now. *beamks* Yay. Though.. I do have to be really really careful with it, not that I wouldn't be already, but.. With no insurance for a couple days...er. Eek. However, once the money fully goes through(Dad's bank was being a pain about it..).. I should be good. Yes. *purrs* I have a car! *bouncesqueeflops of to bed* Exhausted. Whew. Long day. *poof* |
Wednesday, March 13th, 2002 |
Argh. My airbed is leaking.. I figured there must be a small leak in it, because I always woke up with a flat or almost flat bed(Not to mention kinda sore from sleeping on the floor, pretty much). Bleh. I found the leak, and now its bigger and its in a spot difficult to put any kind of tape or anything on to seal it off. Any suggestions? Wonder if they have airbed patch kits like they do for waterbeds? Prolly not.. But, hey, it might help. Or something. Mrph. |
LiveJournal for Tara.