Bloody Tears' LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
Bloody Tears

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[14 Sep 2001|05:03pm]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | Slipknot - Me Inside ]

First entry in my fourth journal. No one can find me this time. Please say no one will find me. I hate people who criticize me. The people that I HAVE to see everyday at school. The ones that leave cruel comments in MY personal journal. So I made up a new username, a new real name, and got a completely new identity. Ugh.
Ugh, we had a pep rally today. *gag* We had to go because it was during school. I tried going out to the car, but the principal saw me...and escorted me to the assembly. Gah! I HATE cheerleaders, I hate sports, and I most certainly hate school! Why do I have to attend that shit?! It's just a bunch of "Rah rah...look at me..I'm stupid cheerleading whore!"
Yeah...well...enough for my first entry. case anyone reads this...know that I didn't create this to leave it blank. I WILL write in it, when I get more time.


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