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look at me! i'm not complaining! [19 Dec 2001|10:07am]
i've got nothing to say except i luff you too cawi!
i'm so bored. school sucks. i'm not gonna participate in gym today ... i think this is my 2nd time, so i might get a detention for not wearing my gym clothes ... maybe i should just wear them and not participate.
it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

nothing witty to say [18 Dec 2001|09:35am]
my parents are letting(?) me stay at my grandmother's house this week, which is cool, even though it was their suggestion.

anyway, last night when i was packing my stuff i forgot to bring guitar picks, so i made one out of cardboard. it sounded like shit.

today i bought most of my own candy for the german club fundraiser. i've got like a pound of chocolate. hahahaha! enjoy your pound of no-chocolate bitches!!!

i really hope we (ricky, regi, derrick and i) get to practice this weekend. it's starting to suck that none of the god damned bands i'm in are willing to practice. bastards. and why do i get recruited for bands so frickin' often?

i'm in:

-a band with jesse
-a band with eric, sam, and kelly (our drummer that doesn't have a drumset)
-a band with matt and katy's friend steve (this seems to be the only band with any hope)
and last but not least:
-a band with regi, ricky, and derric (derrick is a rad drummer, plus he has a studio, strangely enough)

am i doomed to be a band-less wonder forever?

"guys have bands the way most girls have shoes"

ok, enough of that, here comes the funny.

Q: What has 1,000 legs and can't walk?
A: Jerry's Kids.

Q: Why did Helen Keller's dog run away?
A: You'd run away too if your name was nrmph dunf (or mutter deaf-sounding noises).

Q: What did Helen Keller say when it was cold out?
A: Nothing. She was wearing mittens.

Q: did you know that helen keller had a dollhouse in her backyard?
A: Neither did she.

that better get some laughs, dammit

i was watching AMC on saturday, when i saw the new worst movie that i have ever seen. "can't stop the music." this is a movie starring, get this, THE VILLAGE PEOPLE!!!! they played themselves, and steve guttenberg played their manager!!! i am not fucking kidding about this. this movie exists. it's a 1980 musical, and terrible for even musical standards. words cannot describe how bad this movie is,... unless those words include "fucking," "gay," and "terrible." the "YMCA" music number alone is enough to make anyone cringe where they sit. i never thought that boxing could look gay, but somehow, they pull it off. the slow-motion roman wrestling scene is the most homo-erotic scene in movie history (not including gay porn and Batman and Robin in its entirety). don't get me wrong. just because something is gay, doesn't mean it is terrible, but this movie is terribly-made, uninteresting, and poorly-written, assuming that there actually was a script, that is. the dialogue is god-awful, at best. i am actually at a loss now about the movie. i can't describe anymore about how bad it is. if you are curious as to how bad it is, check it out yourself. it's your life, if you want to waste it.

god damn this post is long. i just wasted a whole class period writing this crap. the kid in front of me is being productive by looking at softcore porn. i admire him. it's weird how i'm the youngest person in most of my classes. what did these people take in highschool? what other classes were there?!?!?!
13 fucking hot dogs| it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

some things are stranger than fiction [17 Dec 2001|09:30am]
my weekend, with the exception of saturday night, sucked ass.
friday my mom made me go to dinner w/her and my grandma, which meant i couldn't go to baywalk. i was really pissed.
i spent the night at my grandmother's house, and i didn't do much.
saturday morning i woke up at the crack of ... dawn to go to saturday school, which started at 8. it was actually pretty fun, i just sat and read and talked to ryan flemming about stuff. that was pretty neat. when it was over i went home and slept. i woke up at 5-ish, got ready for zack's show, then called cari at like 6:30. i don't remember what i did between 6:30 and 8, but i'll try and remember. at 7:30 i got to the realm, but no one was there, so i walked to starbooty and bought a new ear ring, then at 8 or so, i ran into ash and alena and some other people. we walked around until 8:45. i could go on and on describing everything i did, but i'll spare you.

15th hole was pretty good, atleast 2 of their songs were original, i think.
free sample was ok, vocals needed work, zack had an excuse, jeremy's vocals just sucked beyond reason (no offense bro).
their original stuff was best, their last song sounded like "hey kid" by the ataris.

when i got home i wrote 2 songs. the first one is almost AFI-ish, the second is more pop-punk like green day. btw, rick, we need to practice this weekend, i made a set list, now get off your ass!!

Take the Corporate Mascot Test at Willaston's Lounge!

i have now updated.
4 fucking hot dogs| it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

[14 Dec 2001|09:24am]
it's been a while since i've updated. not that it matters.
i think i'm ungrounded tonight, even if i'm not i'm gonna hope that my parents let me go to baywalk tonight.
i miss using my computer. i think this is the longest i've gone without downloading any songs in a looooooooooong time. i'm such a loser.

this story is a few months old, but:
"Backstreet Boy Kevin Richardson issued a statement Friday apologizing for a comment he made on MuchMusic last week. In the wake of the terrorist attacks on America Richardson told the Canadian Cable Music Channel viewers, "I just think we are a little bit of an arrogant nation and maybe this is a little bit of a humbling experience what has our government done to provoke this action, that we don't know about?"

i never thought i'd see the day when i agreed with a backstreet boy.
10 fucking hot dogs| it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

beer-bong? [11 Dec 2001|09:19am]
i'm grounded at home, i'm not allowed to use my computer or watch tv until friday. my dad won't tell me why but i'm pretty sure it's because i cursed at him on saturday. bastard.

with all this spare time i finished (started) my research paper for mr. chittum's class. i finished it in one night. w00t. then i walked to the library and got "the perks of being a wallflower" like cari and katy suggested. then i came home and read. it's a good book.

on another note, old school saturday night live is so unfunny it scares the shit out of me. there is nothing freakier than sitting around with a bunch of people and having to watch those angonisingly cliche, not funny sketches go down like the twin towers. what's worse i suppose are the types of people that try to "make it" seem funny by laughing half-heartedly and so on.

anyway, to kill the time i'll post some good dead baby jokes:

Q: How are my old shoes like a dead baby?
A: They are both found in dumpsters.

Q: What's the difference between garbage and a dead baby?
A: You can't eat garbage.

oh yeah,

Q: what do you call a show about 2 vietnamese hicks crimefighters?
A: gooks of hazard

if you get the last one, you're as sad and pathetic as i am.
2 fucking hot dogs| it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

love is what i got *la la la* [09 Dec 2001|11:15pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | finch - awake ]

today i stayed in bed all day. well, until about 7:30, then i watched simpsons, had mountain dew and cheesecake for dinner, then i watched simpsons some more.
then i watched the sublime behind the music, then i started crying because brad nowell is awesome, then i played guitar.

i just got out of the shower, now i'm getting ready to dye my hair red with lipstick.

and quig, tuesday meant much more to me than that *wink*. lol.

2 fucking hot dogs| it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

no use for a title .... yet [09 Dec 2001|12:45am]
ahahahaha. blazing saddles is the funniest movie in history. i think the 70s were cooler than now because now you can't make a movie like blazing saddles because people would get pist about lines like these:

"we'll accept the niggers and the chinks, but not the irish"

last night was neat. i went to baywalk with cari, zack, gina, regi, selah and ash were all there. i told ash that i don't hate her anymore. cari and i ran around in the rain. then we walked to the pier and we just talked about stuff. i like talking to her. then we walked back, and went to johnny rockets. the girl who works there that goes to lakewood (can't remember her name, blah) gave us a discount, and by discount i mean she paid for our food.

cari, you're the coolest person ever, i don't tell you that enough, but you're really great.

today i didn't do much. i went to my grandmother's house, then i came home. here's the most interesting part of my day:

my dad: what's wrong with you?
me: nothing, why?
dad: why do you have that pitiful look on your face?

i'm pretty sure he'll ground me for that, but atleast he's leaving me alone for now. i don't even know why i got so upset with him for asking me that.

i'm gonna update my webpage and devote an entire section to cari, the bestest girl in the world.
3 fucking hot dogs| it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

[07 Dec 2001|05:42pm]
[ music | afi - i wanna get a mohawk ]

i'm going to baywalk later on with cari and probably ricky. that's gonna rock my nutsack because cari rules. i hope too many people don't show up, but the more the merrier, i always say. wait, i never fucking say that.
this post was stupid. point: sleep depravation

7 fucking hot dogs| it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

movies to rent [05 Dec 2001|12:42pm]
-jay and silent bob strike back
it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

your suit can't hide the truth [04 Dec 2001|11:02pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | descendents - i don't wanna grow up ]

i called cari earlier. that was fun.
then me and my dad went for a drive. that was fun too.
nothing more to say. drew's lj entry reminded me that i should watch reservoir dogs while i go to sleep. that's gonna be fun.

it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

[04 Dec 2001|10:00am]
a few days ago i was talking to cari about how the stupidity of a girl is directly proportionate to the size of her key chain. if she has any more that 0 (rare exceptions can be made for 1 if you can put up with her) decorations (little wood surf/skate/snowboards, lobsters, stuffed animals, fake cell phones, real cell phones, or anything else that is considered cute because its a miniature size of the real thing) hanging with her 2 keys, you can bet she's a fucking idiot.

the same goes for the girl's font size/color.
let's compare:

cari: lilac on a white background, size 10, perfectly normal.

the girl next to me in computer class: size 24, lime green on a hot pink background, and it's one of those obnoxious ass fonts like "Joker" or something.

ok, now for the keychain comparison:

cari: i've never even seen her keys.
the girl next to me: makes a point of pulling them out of her purse and flashing them around because they're connected to her cell phone, she also has a mini photo album on her keychain. A PHOTO ALBUM FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!!!
14 fucking hot dogs| it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

[03 Dec 2001|05:38pm]
my mom gave me more cough syrup and i'm totaly zooted right now. it's akward as hell.
my head is spinning. i'm gonna try and update my webpage ... i just hope i don't screw it up too badly.

i'm so trashed right now. i hate this. drugs are bad. even dextromethorphan. it seems so harmless. quite the contrary. just say no to DXM. never thought i'd say just say no, but JUST SAY NO!!! the worse part about this is that you know your wasted and there's nothing you can do to stop it. all the puking and praying in the world won't help you.
it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

dumbass [02 Dec 2001|10:16pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | blink - dude ranch ]

klumbi: would u dump cari for jess
americanzero95: no
americanzero95: i would dump cari for tom delonge
americanzero95: and she would dump me for tom delonge
klumbi: y not for jess
americanzero95: i dunno, i don't really think i'd dump cari for anyone
americanzero95: cari's the best
klumbi: that would be so cute if it made sense but i doesnt
americanzero95: how doesn't it make sense?
klumbi: nvm
americanzero95: ok?
klumbi: lol

i taught myself blink songs on the guitar, it's really fun.
i'm allergic to robitussin, so now i've got a rash. plef.

2 fucking hot dogs| it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

[02 Dec 2001|04:50pm]
Hello, I'm Bwadwee. I'm too bored to talk to anyone so I have an away message. I cough alot. Cari is the bestest person ever. That is all. The End.
1 fucking hot dog| it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

[01 Dec 2001|11:53pm]
[ mood | sweaty ]
[ music | consumed - bye bye fatman ]

yesterday was fun. cari and i saw the black knight, and part of enemy at the gate. then we walked to the pier and ran around the beach with our shoes off. that was fun-o-rama. monday cari and i will have been together for a month. isn't that neat?
i got a new guitar on friday. it was only $119 plus it came with a case, which was really rad.

i'm gonna write a bunch of songs on guitar about a bunch of girls, and it's gonna be rad. then i'll add the bass and drums parts and teach them to eric and kelly and sam.

7 fucking hot dogs| it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

yay! i'm not tired!! [30 Nov 2001|06:50am]
[ music | rancid - radio ]

i went to bed at about 6:40 last night and didn't wake up until 6:13 this morning. i feel really well rested. this is a neat feeling.

anyway ... crap, i still have to print my notes for the quiz in epstein.

i'm too lazy to actually make my lunch so i just grabbed a bag of marshmallows and 2 cans of mountain dew code red and stuck them in my lunchbox.
i wish i were kidding.

1 fucking hot dog| it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

[29 Nov 2001|09:36am]
stupid whitney quote(s) of the day:

(1) "topher liked me the most out of all the girls he had at once"
(2) "the getup kids aren't emo"
(3) "i know more about green day than you
(4) "if you didn't like cari you would hate her
me:"i knew her for like a year before we went out, what are you talking about?"

she's gonna have kids one day. *d'oh*
2 fucking hot dogs| it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

[29 Nov 2001|03:11am]
[ music | sr71 - empty spaces ]

What's your first name? ] brad
Your sign ] capricorn
Where do you live ] st. pete, florida
Do you have a boy/girlfriend ] yes
Have you ever been in love ] sure
Where do you shop at the most ] *cough*hot topic*cough* shut up. pacific sunwear
What color is your hair ] currently it's this ... grayish blonde hybrid ... it's weird
What color are your eyes ] brown
How tall are you ] 5'4
Do you smoke ] not regularly
Do your friends smoke ] some
Is your hair short or long ] long for me
Do you like to shop ] no
What sports do you play ] competitive sports suck, skateboarding is cool
What turns you on ] personality(boobs), intelligence(boobs), boobs(boobs)
What turns you off ] stupidty(penis),dishonesty(penis),arrogance(penis)
What place do you go for fun ] downtown st. pete
What do you do for fun ] write/listen to music, skateboard, create chaos
What are your favorite foods ] pizza, shrimp fried rice
Do you look like anyone famous ] dave from sum 41
Who are the most attractive people you know ] *cough*cari*cough*
Do you wish to be like your parents ] nope
What perfume should a hot girl wear ] perfumes are icky
What are you listening to right now ] spoon - believing is art
How many hours do you spend on the phone ] about ... 1 day, at max, i hate the phone
What are your favorite shoes ] pumas, chucks, vans
Who is the coolest person in the world ] tom delonge
Do you think you're weird or funny ] i've been told i'm both
Who was the last person you called ] cari
Where do you wanna get married ] someplace in europe
Who is the hottest girl/guy in your school ] i don't know, nor do i care
What are your favorite girl names ] lila, leyla, maria
What are your favorite guy names ] erin, skyler
What's your worst memory in the past 5 years ] i'd have to say all of 7th grade
What's your favorite childhood memory ] that time i dressed up a dog ... no wait, that was the little rascals, that time i was wearing a tuxedo and dancing on the living room table, i was like ... 2, it's weird to think about it, i didn't even have a little sister yet
What is your favorite fast food restaurant? ] wendy's
Who do you really hate ] that fucker in my gym class that was singing some really vulgar song behind cari at lunch
Do you have any brothers and sisters ] yes, one sister
Are you stupid ] "stupider like a fox!" - homer simpson
What are you addicted to ] music, heroin, this fucking computer
Do you like jewelery ] not really, especially since cari keeps taking it!
Do you like to dance ] in the privacy of my own bathroom
What's your favorite subject in school ] english
What time is it ] 2:52 am
What college do you wanna go to ] USF, mostly because i don't wanna leave home
What school do you go to now ] lakewood high
Do you sleep a lot ]yeah, when i can, my sleeping schedule is really errratic
Whats your favorite radio stations ] "every now and then, i turn it on again, but it's plain to see that the radio still sucks" - kris roe (the ataris)
Are you a night person ] fo sho
Are you a morning person ] sometimes
Whats your favorite TV station ] i kinda stopped watching tv, probably fox or comedy central
Do you shave ] not anymore
Do you get along with your parents ] more so than before
What room do you spend the most time in ] the living room
How many rooms does your house have ] 7
What do you wanna be when you're out of school ] a musician, or a teacher
Are you ticklish ] yes
What are you wearing right now ] trans nine pants, sublime shirt, pumas, navy blue hoodie
Do you go to church ] no
Do you like to watch PDA ] PDA?.
Do you show PDA ] what the fuck is "PDA"?
Who is your favorite cartoon character ] milhouse
What's your favorite fruit ] pear
What's your favorite veggies ] mushrooms, celery
What was the best day of your life so far ] january 26, 2001
What are you gonna do today ] go to school, not do any of my work, come home, sleep, rinse, repeat
Do you wear body spray ] no?
Who is the sweetest girl ] ???
Who is the sweetes guy ] ???
Are you wearing nail polish now ] no
If so, what color ] no
How many rings or necklaces do you own ] rings: 0, necklaces: 1
Do you wear a watch ] no
Did/Do you have braces ] no
Are you tired ] yes
Do you have freckles ] no
What are you thinking right now ] there are still like 9083487593 questions left
Are you having fun ] feh
What time is it ] 2:59
Who makes you laugh ] cari, ricky, eric
Who's your favorite teacher ] mr. epstein
What is your favorite dream ] the one i had when i got home from school ... this kid in my bio honors class asked to borrow a pair of dickies (pants), and i pulled them out of my pocket and handed them to him, then whitney started throwing musical notes at me
What is your worst dream ] the one where you're falling ... no, i like that actually, it's really fun
What's your worst memory as a little kid ] next question
Have you ever cheated on anyone ] yes, i'm a bastard

What's Better? Choose Both, one or neither.
Rap or R&B; ] rap
Pop or Rock ] rock
Rock or Metal ] rock
Classical or Jazz ] neither
Hanson or Manson ] neither
No Doubt or Garbage ] no doubt
Jewel or Fiona Apple ] jewel
Offspring or Nine Inch Nails ] old offspring
Sugar Ray or Tool ] neither

Your Opinions
What do you think about Country ] every group of people has their own music. i happen to think that the group of people that claims country (shitkicking, truck driving, confederate flag waving hicks) are fucking tards.
What do you think about Heavy Metal ] worst music ever
What do you think about Rap ] the only good rappers i can think of are 2pac, the beastie boys, and dmx
What do you think about R & B ] stupid whiney little fags
What do you think about Nine Inch Nails ] meh
Yes or No. Like The Beatles ]no
Yes or No. Like silverchair ] no
Yes or No. Like Janis Joplin ] no
Yes or No. Like Limp Bizkit ] no
Yes or No. Like Deftones ] yes
Yes or No. Like Radiohead ] no
Yes or No. Like Everclear ] yes
Yes or No. Like Shaggy ] no
Yes or No. Like Pink Floyd ] no
Yes or No. Like The Misfits ] yes
Yes or No. Like Less Than Jake ] yes
Yes or No. Like Matthew Sweet ] no
Yes or No. Like Crazy Town ] no
Yes or No. Like Tom Petty ] no
Yes or No. Like Blink 182 ] yes
Yes or No. Like The Bloodhound Gang ] no
Yes or No. Like Our Lady Peace ] no
Yes or No. Like Foo Fighters ] yes
Yes or No. Like Sublime ] yes
Yes or No. Like Grateful Dead ] no
Yes or No. Like Marcy Playground ] yes. i like sex and candy.
Yes or No. Like 2 Pac ] yes
Yes or No. Like The Doors ] no
Yes or No. Like Oasis ] no
Yes or No. Like The Cure ] no
Yes or No. Like Weezer ] yes
Yes or No. Like RATM ] yes
Yes or No. Like Candlebox ] no
Yes or No. Like Marilyn Manson ] no
Yes or No. Like Cold ] no
Yes or No. Like Alien Ant Farm ] no
Yes or No. Like Tool ] no
Yes or No. Like Nine Inch Nails ] no
Yes or No. Like Static X ] no
Yes or No. Like Pearl Jam ] no
Yes or No. Like the Beach Boys ] no
Yes or No. Like Def Leppard ] no
Yes or No. Like Queen ] no
Yes or No. Like Elton John ] no
Friend(s) that looks most like you ] eric, because i stole his glasses, but other than that we still dress the same (more or less)
Friend(s) you go to for advice ] katy
Friend(s) you have the most fun with ] eric, cari, katy, katy's friend drew, ricky and a bunch of other people
Friend(s) you can do nothing with and still have fun with ] see above
Friend(s) you've dreamt about ] pretty much all of my friends
Friend(s) you tell your dreams to ] anybody that cares to listen
Friend(s) you tell your secrets to ] strangely enough i tell whitney alot of stuff

This or That?
Long or short hair ] long?
Dark or blonde ] dark
Mrs. Sensitive or Mrs. Funny ] sensitive
Good guy or bad guys ] bad guy
Dark or light eyes ] dark
Ears pierced or no ] yes
Tan or fair ] ...i'm black?
All american, homey G, or grunge ] skatepunk
Accent or American ] accents are rad
Mt. Dew or SURGE ] SURGE! do they even still make it? the last time i saw it i was in daytona
McDonalds or Burger King ] burger king
Coke or Pepsi ] Pepsi
Rather marry the perfect lover or perfect friend ] friend
Sweet or sour ] sweet
Chocolate or vanilla ] chocolate
Tea or coffee ] coffee
Sappy/action/comedy/horror ] comedy
Shine or rain ] doesn't matter
Top or Bottom ] doesn't matter
Favorite season ] fall.
Strawberry or Cherry ] strawberry
Cake or cookies ] cookies
Cereal or toast ] cereal
Car or truck ] car
Night or day ] night
Pager or Cell phone ] neither
Bunk bed or waterbed ] bunk bed
Chewing gum or hard candy ] hard candy
Lights on or off ] on

2 fucking hot dogs| it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

[28 Nov 2001|09:54am]
today in 1st period whitney called green day sellouts. i asked her why, and she told me how she "saw this thing on vh1 about how they signed to a major label". that was her only reason. it didn't matter to her that in almost 10 years they haven't changed their music. or the fact that their shows are still only $8.50. or the fact that they have more credibility than alot of punk bands simply because they were actually poor growing up. besides, it's not like it was a recent change, they've been on a major label since like '93. i could go on and on about why whitney's totally wrong, but i can just say this: she likes staind and linkin park, why the hell should i listen to her opinion of music?
13 fucking hot dogs| it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

[28 Nov 2001|12:52am]
December 21-
Students For A Free Tibet Benefit.
Doors at 6:30, Show Starts Promptly At 7:00PM. $8.
Band Lineup is: TBA, Race To Win, September Engagement, Fat Hat, Next Season, and The Know How
1 fucking hot dog| it's labor day and my grandpa just ate

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