LiveJournal for m i s s . d r e a.

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Monday, March 4th, 2002

Subject:shona rocks!
Time:11:33 pm.
Mood: grateful.
Music:(11 days) It's Majik - the kgb.
I don't know if I've ever mentioned this before, but Shona fucking rocks. She's possibly one of the best people I could have ever met and gotten to know. I know that I haven't see her recently, but that doesn't change my feeling towards her. This also applies to a lot of the bunnies that I've talked to. Shona, and everyone else are like fucking family to me. I love this. The best people in the world. Ever. I couldn't ask for better people to meet. They're like the older sisters that I've never had. And no one will ever know how much this has changed me, for the better. It just, so much rockage. I heart it. I heart everyone. So fucking much. Muah.

You guys mean so much to me. Thank you for rocking so hardcore like that. Sluts. Muah
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Subject:check it. solemite style..
Time:9:14 pm.
Mood: bored.
Music:we're not from the ghetto - locale AM.
Was I the only one who saw the cuteness in this one?

Mike and Bobby look so nerdy. Yet, adorable at the same time. They're foxy like foxes! Meow.
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Subject:you on milk. yum.
Time:7:14 pm.

Take The Ice Cream Flavour Test!*

I'd personally rather have you. On milk. Cold milk. Yummy..
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Subject:swanky mcswankers.
Time:6:39 pm.
Mood: happy.
Music:reality - moniker.
Member | posted 03-03-2002 10:38 PM
oh my gawd, you guys are so rockin'...
reasons i love allie:
she's a fatboy
she took it
she always buys the vodka

reason i love drea:
she's asian
she's a [ska] whore
she's heinous and it's cute

reasons i love daniel:
he calls himself danielmite

reasons i'm generous:
i have cards
i give people my vodka
i have lots of snax

luv, gretchen

Rawr. Thats so fucking pie. Meow. I've been making lots of animal noises lately. What does that say about me? Hmmm...

Gretchen Rocks.
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Subject:shadowy men on a shadowy planet.
Time:4:49 pm.
Mood: content.
Music:dirtbike heaven - solemite.
I'm not feeling as shitty or sad as I did yesterday, if anyone cares. I've been super sad lately. I think I need to go see my bunnies more often or something..Meow. I don't know. I'll do anything to keep me from thinking about the shit. Rawr.

Yowza, I might go to Oaktown this Saturday. I have a potential boy to go with. Plus, if I do go with him, I'll be taking his virginity. >=) muahaha..

I love taking virginities. So much fun..

Anyways, yeah, I'm not as sad. Which is good. I need to go eat. I haven't done that in a while..

Drea Steals Virginities. Watch Your Back...
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Sunday, March 3rd, 2002

Subject:someone shoot me.
Time:9:06 pm.
Mood: sad.
Music:tears - rufio.
I don't know why I even bother with this. I don't want people to feel sorry for me, it's just everything now sucks. I can't help but feel left out, everwhere. It's not left out on one thing, it's everywhere. And this feeling bites. I talk to someone, and it's like I'm talking to a wall. No one gives a fuck. I went through this before, and it's like in on a journey back to hell. I just want to cry. I hate this. I feel like in nothing to people. They probably care for me like they care about the gum under their shoe. I just--I don't want to feel like this. No one really cares about me. It's like, they can live with me, but they wouldn't care much if I wasn't there. I feel so left out! I hate this. It's not even just feeling left out. It's feeling like I'm not worthy of their presence. That's how I think they treat me though. There's no they in particular, it's just everyone right now. And I know that I'll grow from this, but it hurts so much right now. I've never cried so much before. I've never had the want or need to feel sad and cry. This year has been the worst. So much changing, so much emotion, so much--hell. And I thought I would always be accepted by my peers, and by my friends, but I guess it was all just one fucking fallacy. I don't know what's missing in my life, I just need it. I've never felt this unappriciated before. Ever. I don't like feeling shitty and witnessing other people's happiness. I envy what they have, bliss. Why can't I have that? I just want someone to reassure me. I want someone to tell me that everything will be better tomarrow. I want someone to hug. I want someone to hold. I want someone to confide in. I want someone who loves me for me. I want something that I know that I'll never be able to have. I'm ugly on the outside. And I felt beautiful on the inside, but I'm ugly both ways. I just want to be able to get the same amout of love I give. I give so much love to everyone, and I get to talk to a wall in return. No one believes in me. Everyone sees me as an obnoxious brat. And I know it. I've worked so fucking hard to be happy. I've wasted too much time. Crying. I'm crying. It's tears of nothingness. I just wish, for once, I was loved. I wish I had a shoulder to cry on. I wish for once that I was accepted for me. Me is who I am. And I can't change that. I'm sorry..I just can't. I feel like I'm a mistake to the world. I feel like I've disappointed everyone. I'm sorry. I'm just fucking sorry.

"Tears are feelings we can't say." - Rufio
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Time:7:27 pm.
Mood: cranky.
Music:crush - willknots.
My LiveJournal is being a pain in the arse. It's not letting me look at other journals. It's not even letting me look at mine..

If this post doesn't work, the computer is in for one swift kick..
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Time:5:28 pm.
Mood: excited.
Music:responsibilty - mxpx.
Registered User
(3/3/02 2:36:12 pm)
Reply | Girls have Cooties
okay this has nothing to do with girls...or cooties...or girls having cooties....nevermind...

Drea- After a LONG ass night of music and drinking.... lets just say... I got home at like...ahhh well ummm 6am... but no worrries...I GOT YOUR CD!!!! I am sooo good! I was worried I would forget... So, right when I walked in the door Chris was like "Jaimeeeee whats up,, How are you" (as he was video taping my every move *scary*) and I was like "ahhh hold on I have to go get dreas cd!" haha...and then after the show at the party we started talking about you and chris thinks its so cool that you are into them and got a cd and @#%$...hehe umm yeah... I will tell you all the the good ass details from the night later...when everyone isnt reading it...haha but yeah I just wanted to let you know I got your cd- now I need your addy.

~*JAIME*~<---currently has the hangover from HELL!!!!

ah! Jaime rocks. I'm so psyched to get the CD. eee! yeah, jaime and chris talked about how pure sex i was. haha..PURE SEX! yowza. dude, i can't wait to here her story. she always has good stories, always very interesting. one day, i'm gonna marry her 12 year-old brother, henry. haha..

I love Jaime! I'm so stoked to get the CD. Rockage!
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Time:1:21 pm.
Mood: bouncy.
Shirley rocks! She used my poem. I feel so very flattered..
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Subject:My harmony..
Time:11:52 am.
Mood: surprised.
Music:dont ask - willknots.
You are constantly hoping that your good fellowship and attitude and your "love for your fellow man (or women)" will give you peace of mind .... You need people- You need people around you to care for you and to show you that they care. It is this hope that keeps you going...The hope that makes you the type of person that indeed you are. Your own need for approval seemingly makes you always ready to help others... and in exchange you seek love, warmth and understanding...You will always listen to others and you are open to new ideas which hopefully will prove fruitful and interesting.

Now there are many things in life that you require as being essential to your well-being ... but try as you may - something always seems to be getting in your way .... a word of advice .... "keep trying" and you may be pleasantly surprised to see just how matters turn out - .

Loneliness is soul destroying and at this time you feel lost and lonely, perhaps it is because you feel so frustrated that you are prepared to go out of your way to become emotionally involved with someone who could accept you for what you are ... You are egocentric, antagonistic and quick to take offence, although it must be said, you can control your pent-up up emotion and thus avoid open conflict.

You are trying to prove yourself .. not only to yourself.. but also to everyone around you...There is much that you would like to say and do .. but the situation warrants self-restraint .. and that is the last thing that you have on your mind..It would seem that you have an unsatisfied need to ally yourself with others whose standards are as high as your own. You want to be different - to stand out from the crowd. This is subjecting you to considerable stress but you tend to stick to your attitudes despite lack of appreciation. Of course, you are finding the situation uncomfortable and would like nothing better but to break away from it. But you don't like the idea of compromise. Your main problem is that you are unable to resolve the situation because you continually postpone making the necessary decisions ... You feel that if you make the wrong choice this would lead to such opposition that you would not be able to command the esteem of others. It is essential that those around you are prepared to comply with your wishes and respect your opinions. Only when this compliance is established, will you feel at ease and secure.

You feel that you need to move on. You feel that you are not appreciated or valued for what you are .. and that the time is "now". Failure to do so will not afford you the conditions to prove your worth.

Take the test. It's astonishingly accurate.

This test is so accurate, it scares me. and you think I'm kidding?
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Subject:i think that i just need to say this..
Time:11:23 am.
Mood: thankful.
Music:lemon tree - a dance mix..
i want to say thank you to everyone. i just want to thank everyone for helping me write a chapter in my story of life, talking to me when i needed to talk, and hugging me. i dont think that anyone really knows how much i care for them. i sort of have a wierd way of showing my love towards people. i think it's wierd anyways. sometimes, i can be a complete bitch, but i just wanted everyone to know that i'm greatful to have their friendship and company. it rocks. i mean, without who i have today, i wouldnt be who i am. the events that have happened, good or bad, have done nothing but strengthened me as a person. and i am truely greatful. i cant go out and thank everyone, but i can give you all a cyber hug. [hugs] O==(^_^)==O hehe. i dont know what has come over me, to post this, but i'm just needing to thank everyone i guess. no one will ever know how much they have played a big part in my life. Anyways, thank you all. [muah]

I love you all. Very much. Thank you for being a part of my life.
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Subject:the locals.
Time:2:07 am.
Mood: calm.
Music:here and now - letters to cleo.
"I just wanted you told hold me, because the world can be so lonely. It's just meant to be that way." - I like this quote a lot. It's from the song "Eryn Smith". It's super swanky.

Ska Whore reunion, yo. It Shall happen again, in the near future! The Ska Whores will be rocking out. Haha..

I should go to bed. But I'm not that tired anymore.
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Time:1:24 am.
Mood: amused.
Music:popeye the sailor man - mxpx.
Gretchen Rocks. She's just a little too hardcore and swanky for me.
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Time:1:04 am.
Mood: bored.
Maria rocks. Hardcore, baby.

I'm on a Marquee-Spree, yo.
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Time:1:01 am.
Mood: amused.
Such a cutie. A nerdy kind of cute. But cute nonetheless..

dashboardglory: drea...
VOLC0MGRLE: keith..
dashboardglory: drea...?
VOLC0MGRLE: keith...?
dashboardglory: keith...!
dashboardglory: HI!!!
VOLC0MGRLE: hi!! :-P
dashboardglory: what is up my lovely girl who doesn't wear a skirt?
VOLC0MGRLE: nothing much my pimp who has a six-pack.
dashboardglory: my six pack sucks
VOLC0MGRLE: my skirt sucks. what's your point :-P
dashboardglory: hmmm...

yeah, we're cool.
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Time:12:28 am.
Mood: tired.
Taty Rocks more for passing on my love and wanting to take pictures for me! Love for you.
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Subject:blah. blah!
Time:12:23 am.
Mood: bitchy.
I'm locking my brother out of the house tonight. He wouldn't let me go to the show. And, he didn't take me to the play. So I did nothing. All night long. How sad. Super sad.

Lock him out, then give him a swift kick in the nuts. I'm honestly pissed.

Why am I related to a fuckface?

he's okay. i guess--sometimes.
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Saturday, March 2nd, 2002

Time:10:00 pm.
Mood: working.
I'm working on a new look for my LJ. It's going to change a lot. So, I suggest you refresh your browser every now and then. Haha..
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Subject:oooga booooga. boo!
Time:9:21 pm.
Mood: mellow.
Music:who would've though - rx bandits.

you have an ominosity quotient of


you are somewhat more ominous than average.

find out your ominosity quotient

Who's your match?

I need to get a life.
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Time:8:05 pm.
Mood: bored.
Music:ska punk chick - alien spy.

you're a bored, innocent little blue-haired girl. take the quiz here.

Why do I constantly feel like people are lying to me? When I ask for the truth, I honestly want the truth. That's why I ask for it. I don't appriciate being lied to. It's the worst. As brutal as the truth may be, that's all I want. Truth. Fuck. I also feel because of who I am, people don't like me. Not that I care too much about it. I'm just urked about the reasoning behind the hate. Most of the time, the person will deny it or say "I don't know". You have to know if you came to those conclusions. Usually, that person is thinking of all of the reasons in their head. I know how they work, I'm a peer. I have to know. I feel a little too mature for them. Ha. Yeah, I'm cool.

I was reading through blogs and LJs today. It was really interesting, reading about the person's day. and outlook on life. some of it is really insightful. some of it is pretty damn funny. god, i love those girls. i'll love them more then they will probably ever know. just--when we all talking, there's just some sense of security. something like that. i cant really expalin. it's just really--it's great.

For some reason, I feel very stupid today. I've been slacking. Not good at all...

Sara Rocks. Hardcore!
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LiveJournal for m i s s . d r e a.

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