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LiveJournal for Janu Pufff.

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Thursday, March 21st, 2002

Subject:Funny MSN Screen Names
Time:2:28 pm.
Severe PMS cramps and assgasms

The American Dumbass

I'mPissedOff@You.com™ (Yeah, that one kinda sucks.. o_O and you need the ™ or it won't work)



I don't have any good fùcking witty remarks right now


Miss Ass

Mister Ass

I'm like milk.. I'll do your body good!



SOY MURDOC (lmao.)

Oh, and Lawton.. I took you off my AIM buddy list because you never talk to me anymore anyways.
Comments: Read 8 or Add Your Own.

Wednesday, March 20th, 2002

Time:7:48 pm.
Hate list

Kim Teichler

Paul Teichler

Kassidy Minnich

Beth Watson

Chris Edwards

yeah, them were.. were my only friends in real life. Expect a lot more.. I dunno.. patheticness I guess.
Comments: Read 8 or Add Your Own.

Monday, March 18th, 2002

Subject:The first issue of the Raúl Chronicles ^_^
Time:6:13 pm.

Do you like? ^.^;;;;; My scanner's broke so I had to draw it on the comp ><


lol, that's all for today. ^_^; Let me know if I should continue with the Raúl chronicles..
Comments: Read 8 or Add Your Own.

Sunday, March 17th, 2002

Time:4:26 pm.
Mood: sleepy.
The Raúl Chronicles - Session One

Issue one - Raúl goes to Iowa

Issue two - Raúl gets a good 'ol fashioned Iowa welcome, a spin-kick to the face

Issue three - Raúl gets lost in the Dubuque mall while shopping with Jane

Issue four - Raúl gets shot with a stun-gun

Issue five - Raúl gets molested by a burly black man

Issue six - Raúl gets caught masturbating

Issue seven - Raúl gets laid

Issue eight - Raúl gets drunk

Issue nine - Raúl has a hangover

Issue ten - Raúl is captured by the Taliban

Issue eleven - Raúl escapes

Issue twelve - Raúl goes back to Iowa

Issue thirteen - Raúl tells Jane to quit making these stupid fucking movies about him

Issue fourteen - Jane keeps making the stupid movies anyway

(LMFAO.. I'm gonna make these comic strips or Flash movies o_O; )
Comments: Read 32 or Add Your Own.

Time:8:59 am.
Haha I got a new user icon XD Murdoc's Godlike Ass... haha... I also changed my journal style.. would someone PLEASE tell me how to edit styles without having to have a paid account? I have to use LJ as my primary journal now 'cuz I can't use Deadjournal and Parajournal died.. ;_;
Comments: Read 3 or Add Your Own.

Thursday, March 14th, 2002

Subject:I'm still alive.. ^-^;; Here's Raúl's parents..
Time:7:10 pm.
Comments: Read 12 or Add Your Own.

Saturday, March 2nd, 2002

Time:4:20 pm.
Mood: distressed.
Music:Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young - Carry On.
I hate myself and I want to die says:
I'm not going to eat dinner today

I hate myself and I want to die says:
I'm not going to eat anything..

Tenchi says:
Your momma will make you even if she has to stuff it down your mouth.

I hate myself and I want to die says:
She won't

I hate myself and I want to die says:
I'll beat her down if she tries to stuff food down my throat

Tenchi says:
Or she will look at you giving you the evil look

I hate myself and I want to die says:
I'll give her an even eviler look

Tenchi says:
than she'll hope across the table and stuff you with food

I hate myself and I want to die says:
Then I'll leave o_O

Tenchi says:
you'll look at her like she was crazy

Tenchi says:
might laugh to.

I hate myself and I want to die says:

Tenchi says:

Tenchi says:
You better not!

I hate myself and I want to die says:
I will O_o

I hate myself and I want to die says:

Tenchi says:
what is Hardcore Wresteling?

I hate myself and I want to die says:
I dunno

Tenchi says:

Tenchi says:

I hate myself and I want to die says:
*ponders self stabbage with fork*

Tenchi says:

I hate myself and I want to die says:

I hate myself and I want to die says:

I hate myself and I want to die says:
*stabs herself with a fork*

Tenchi says:
I am Uncle!

Tenchi says:
Uncle! From Jackie Chan!

Tenchi says:
Gow gaw gomei gaw. * places his hands on you and heals you wiping out all your bad memories. *

I hate myself and I want to die says:

I hate myself and I want to die says:
Comments: Add Your Own.

Sunday, February 24th, 2002

Time:11:33 am.
Mood: loved.
Janu gonna die o_o;

Pfft. Yeah, right! Like I'm really gonna live that long..... XP
Comments: Add Your Own.

Saturday, February 23rd, 2002

Time:9:54 am.
Mood: happy.
Music:Outlaw Star - Expectation.


You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding.

Find out your color at Stvlive.com!

Great. Yellow is like, my least favorite color. u.u;
Comments: Add Your Own.

Friday, February 22nd, 2002

Time:7:52 pm.
Life sucks...
Comments: Read 1 or Add Your Own.

Monday, February 18th, 2002

Time:4:55 pm.
[1] What's your first name? janu
[2] Middle name? esther
[3] Last name? beals
[4] Nicknames? janerz, janey, cabbit, baby, sweetie, cutie, afriiee, quistis, afro, afmo, insane jane
[5] Age? sixteen
[6] Sex? female
[7] Birthday? july 26th, 1985
[8] Your sign? leo
[9] Where do you live? iowa
[10] Do you have a boy/girlfriend? yep
[11] If so what's her/his name? raulito
[12] Have you ever been in love? yep!!
[13] Who are/were your crushes? mike (Seifer) for a while, but now i have a crush on, love, like raulito!! ^___^
[14] Do you have any piercing, or want any? not yet, but, i'm gonna get my ears and my bellybutton pierced
[15] If so what do you have/want pierced? i'm getting my ears and bellybutton, so obviously those must be the things i want pierced o_O
[16] Do you have a tattoo or want one? i don't have one, but i want one, of japanese kanji writing saying 'love'.
[17] If so what kind and where?
[18] Where do you shop at the most? video stores, for anime X3
[19] What color is your hair? reddish blonde
[20] What color are your eyes? greyish blue
[21] How tall are you? about 5'4"
[23] Do you smoke? no, but my mom does, so i usually smell like ciggarettes o.o
[24] Do your friends smoke? yeah, they smoke.. weed o.o
[25] Who is your best friend(s)? raulito is my best friend as well as mi novio! ^-^
[28] Do you like Bath & Body Works? yeah.. i have a bunch of bottles of B&BW; lotion.
[29] Kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? herbal essences or finesse shampoo and pantene pro-v conditioner
[30] Is your hair short or long? it's very long
[31] Do you trust people easily? HELL NO
[32] What sports do you play?i don't play sports, unless playing playstation counts. o_O
[33] What turns you on? raulito, or anything that reminds me of him
[34] What turns you off? anything that isn't raulito or doesn't remind me of him
[35] What place do you go for fun? the computer
[36] What do you do for fun? sit in front of the computer, draw, play video games, and stare at the floor.
[37] How many phones do you have in your house? two
[38] How many TV's do you have in your house? five
[39] What's your favorite foods? tofu, spaghetti-o's, alfredo, raulito.. mmmm... o.o
[40] Do you look like anyone famous? no
[41] Do you think Ricky Martin is muy guapo (very handsome)? no
[42] Who is the most attractive person you know? raulito! ;)
[43] Do you think you are attractive? not really
[44] Do you wish to be like your parents? HELL NO
[45] What cologne should a hot girl/guy wear? cotton candy perfume, like me :)
[46] What are you listening to right now? a movie called 'frighteners'.. it kicks ass X3
[47] What time is it? 5:09PM
[48] How many hours per day do you spend talking on the phone? none.. talking on the phone makes me feel sick o.o;
[49] Do you have your own phone line? no
[50] Have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex(NOT family)? IRL?
[51] What are your favorite shoes? a pair of tiny black high heels that nobody but me can fit on their feet XD
[52] What kind of clothes do you sleep in if any? cow pj's
[53] What's your favorite soda? creme soda
[54] What things do you say a lot? 'sup yo?, biyatch!, whatchuu talkin' bout?, pffft
[55] Are you the serious, loud, happy, or shy type? when i'm around people i know pretty well i'm loud and happy but when i'm around people i don't know i'm quiet, serious, and shy
[56] Who is the coolest person in the world? raulito
[57] Do you think you are weird or funny? i'm very weird
[58] What would you prefer Thong or Bikini? NONE! o.o just kiddin.. anythin that don't ride up my ass works.
[59] Who was the last person you called? radio station
[60] Where do you wanna get married? mebbe in texas..
[61] Who is the hottest girl/guy in your school? hell, i dunno, i hate them all! they're a bunch of ugly stupid snobs.
[62] What's your worst memory in the past 5 years? some fucknut kids putting sheep brains in my lunchbox because i'm a vegetarian
[63] What's your favorite childhood memory? wading through my backyard when it got flooded o.o
[64] What is your favorite fast food restaurant? arby's
[65] Who do you really dislike? everyone but raulito and a few other special peoples
[66] Do you have any brothers and sisters? brother
[67] If so, names: charlie
[68] Do you have a spa? no o_O
[69] Are you stupid? yeah
[70] What are you addicted to? raulito and my computer
[71] Do you like jewelry? yeh
[72] Who do you wish you were like? myself
[73] Who has it easier, boys or girls? boys, cuz they don't get that time of the month o_O
[74] Would you rather be short or tall? i like my height, which is pretty short, so, i'd rather be short.
[75] Do you like playing pranks on people? eh, i guess
[76] What's your least favorite subject in school? they're all pretty easy and good, i don't have a particular least favorite..
[77] What's your favorite subject in school? uhm.. art and spanish
[78] What time is it? 5:18 PM
[79] What college do you wanna go to? art school in chicago
[80] What school do you go to now? preston high
[81] Do you have a Playstation or Nintendo-64? playstation
[82] Do you sleep a lot? yep
[83] Whats your favorite radio stations? i dunno
[84] Are you a night person? i would be if i didn't have a fucking bedtime u_u
[85] Are you a morning person? i've adjusted to the things i need to deal with, so, yes, i am.
[86] Whats your favorite TV show? i don't watch tv
[87] How often do you shower? at least once a day, sometimes twice
[88] Do you get along with your parents? i try.. *sigh*
[89] What room do you spend most time in? the room the computer is in
[90] How many rooms does your house have? i dunno
[91] What do you wanna be when you're out of college? author or artist
[92] Do you swear a lot? yeah
[93] What's your favorite flower? dandelion.. it isn't a fucking weed to me!
[94] What are you wearing right now? *talks all sexy-like* i'm wearing a pair of slippers with clouds on them, a pair of flowered panties, a silky black bra, a pair of tight camel pants, a button-down scarlet colored blouse, dog tags, and a winter coat.. becuase it is FUCKING COLD IN HERE!! X(
[95] Do you go to church? no
[96] Do you believe in God? sorta.. i have my own religion
[97] Do you believe in love at first sight? not really
[98] What color tooth brush do you use? light blue
[99] How many times a day do you brush your teeth? usually two
[100] How do you feel right now? fine
[101] Do you have a job? no, but i need to get one..
[102] If so, what is it?
[103] What's your favorite fruit? strawberry, apple, grapes
[104] What's your favorite vegetable? carrots and lettuce
[105] What's your favorite candy? fruit snacks of any kind
[106] What's your favorite day? saturday
[107] What are you gonna do today? listen to my mom talk about dying
[108] Are you momma's little angel? i'm mama's lil bitch
[109] Do you wear body spray? sometimes
[110] Who is the sweetest girl? me (haha XD) just kiddin.. hmm... jen
[111] Who is the sweetest guy? raulito!!!
[112] How many rings or necklaces do you own? about three rings and twenty necklaces
[113] Do you wear a watch? well i did but the fuckin battery ran out
[114] Did/Do you have braces? no
[115] Do you have freckles? no
[116] What are you thinking right now? raulito, and moving to texas
[117] Are you having fun? no
[118] What time is it? 5:27 PM
[119] Who makes you laugh a lot? raulito
[120] Who's your favorite teacher? stewart i guess >.> hehe
[121] What's it doing outside right now? being cold
[122] What is the best concert you have ever been to? three dog night.. the only concert i went to.. but it kicked ass!
[123] What is your favorite dream? the one about the killer wolf woman XD
[124] Are you tired of filling this out yet? yeh x_x
[125] Who of your friends do you think will get married 1ST? me
[126] Who sent this lovely survey to you? nobody.. i stole it from someone on parajournal XD
[127] What's your worst memory as a little kid? getting in a horrible car accident that almost killed my mom and paralized my brother for life when i was nine (1995)
[128] Have you ever cheated on anyone? HELL NO!!!!!!
[129] Have u ever been cheated on? hope not....
[130] Do you believe in ghosts? yes...
[131] Are most of your friends music freaks? sorta
[132] What do you feel when you think about the person who sent you this? like i said, i stole it from a pj, from a person i don't know, but she sounds cool XD
[133] Have you ever paid for a pay-per-view? no.. i don't even have cable or anything.. just local channels
[134] Do you buy mechandise on your favorite group/singer/band? i buy pink floyd stickers
[135] What TV station is better? MTV VH1 or BET? i dunno, i don't watch them
[136] What is the worst show on MTV? dunno
[137] What is the best show on MTV ? jackass, andy dick.. i dunno if they were on mtv but they kick ass XDDDD
[138] What is the worst CD you own? 98 degrees XP want it?
[139] What's your favorite movie Soundtrack? the x-files
[140] Friend(s) that looks most like you? jessica and kass
[141] Friend(s) you have the most fun with? raulito
[142] Friend(s) you can do nothing with and still have fun? raulito
[143] Friend(s) you've dreamed about? raulito, kim (rinoa)
[144] Friend(s) you tell your dreams to? raulito, mike and my mom (yes, i consider my mom a friend)
[145] Friend(s) you tell your secrets to? raulito and mike

On Guys (girls answer):

[146] Boxers or briefs? boxers
[147] Long or short hair? long
[148] Dark or blonde? dark
[149] Tall or short? short
[150] Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny? both!
[151] Good guy or bad guy? good
[152] Dark or light eyes? dark
[153] Ears pierced or no? nah
[154] Tan or fair? don't matter
[156] Freckles or none? none
[157] Stubble or neatly shaved? stubble!
[158] Rugged outdoorsy type or sportsy type? raulitoy type.. hehe
[159] All american, homie G, or grunge? homie G
[160] Accent or American? accent XD

On Preferences:

[184] Mt. Dew or SURGE? mt dew

[185] McDonalds or Burger King? neither

[186] Coke or Pepsi? coke

[187] Rather marry the perfect lover or perfect friend? friend, but, raulito is both XDDD
[188] Sweet or sour? sweet
[189] Mr. PiBB or Dr. Pepper? mr pibb
[190] Tea or coffee? tea
[191] Sappy/action/comedy/horror? horror
[192] Cats or dog? cats
[193] Ocean or pool? both
[194] Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? nacho cheese
[195] Mud or Jell-O wrestling? jell-o! yumm... *drool* o.o;
[196] With or without ice-cubes? without
[197] Milk white or chocolate? chocolate
[198] Shine or rain? shine
[199] Top or Bottom? top
[200] Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? summer
[201] Vanilla or Chocolate? chocolate
[202] Skiing or boarding? boarding
[203] Biking or blading? biking
[204] Cake or cookies? cake
[205] Cereal or toast? cereal
[206] Car or truck? car
[207] Night or day? night
[208] Gloves or mittens? mittens
[209] Pager or Cell phone? cell phone
[210] Bunk bed or waterbed? waterbed
[211] Chewing gum or hard candy? gum
[212] Motor boat or sailboat? motorboat

What's your favorite?

[213] What's your favorite color? blue

[214] What's your favorite Number? 7

[215] What's your favorite Drink? creme soda

[216] What's your favorite Animal? cat

[217] What's your favorite Holiday? christmas and easter

[218] What's your favorite Quote? when i die, i wanna be buried face-down.. so the people i don't like can kiss my ass.
[219] What's your favorite Sound? music
[220] What's your favorite Ice cream flavor? strawberry
[221] What's your favorite Song? pictures of matchstick men
[222] What's your favorite Book? the hobbit, lord of the rings series
[223] What's your favorite Movie? x/1999 anime movie and harold and maude rl movie
[224] What's your favorite Place? room with da comp
[225] What's your favorite Game? final fantasy 7
[226] What's your favorite Scent? cotton candy, strawberry
[227] What's your favorite Shape? square
[228] What's your favorite Texture? smooth
[229] What's your house gonna look like? a shack or trailer in the woods
[230] Where are you gonna live? texas or alaska o_O
[231] How many kids do you want to have? 2, a boy and a girl
[232] What does your ideal girlfriend/boyfriend look like? raulito
[233] How do they act? raulito
[234] What's your dream date? raulito
[235] Do you like to call or be called? be called
[236] Move anywhere, where would it be? roma, texas
[237] Buy any car, what would it be? black pontiac grand prix
[238] What time is it? 5:42 PM
[239] If you needed cash really badly, would you be a stripper? no
[240] What is the one thing you would never ever do? strip for people, have sex with people i don't know
[241] Are you glad this EXTREMELY long survey is FINALLY done? yes *whew*
Comments: Add Your Own.

Sunday, February 17th, 2002

Subject:Yay.. I need to post him on the site
Time:9:35 pm.
MM-Egg Adoption Certificate

Name: James

Age: 12 days

Height: 18 cm

Weight: 12 lbs

Adopted On: February 17, 2001

Adopted By: Janu

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Wednesday, February 13th, 2002

Time:4:48 pm.
What have you got to lose?



They.. can't last forever...

Neither can I...

Thank god for that.
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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002

Subject:What journal wouldn't be complete without some stupid little test?
Time:8:29 pm.

Are you a Bitter Hermit?

I have no idea who I am and The Bitter Hermits don't either. I should get some professional help before I infect them too!

Chance I would leave my home voluntarily: The Voices Say I Can’t
Chance I would leave my computer voluntarily: She’s Pretty

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Time:4:34 pm.
Raulito and I got a Domain!!!!!!!!
Comments: Read 1 or Add Your Own.

Wednesday, January 30th, 2002

Subject:Hey peoples
Time:3:48 pm.
Hi ^-^ I made another website. It's a personal site about me, it's cool ^-^ That's all I've gotta say!
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Wednesday, January 16th, 2002

Time:7:04 pm.
Hi! Still alive!
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Saturday, January 12th, 2002

Time:12:35 pm.
Well, amazingly, I ain't dead.. almost died, though, if you're wondering. I almost killed myself two days ago. I won't do it, though.. I promised you (you know who you are) that I wouldn't. I won't break a promise to those I love, and, thank you, for giving a shit and talking me out of it. Hi to the person who added me to her friends list.


I'm still alive.
Comments: Read 2 or Add Your Own.

Monday, December 31st, 2001

Subject:Uh.. ok.. o_o
Time:10:48 am.

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

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Tuesday, December 18th, 2001

Subject:Deadjournal's.. dead for a while.. expect more posts here
Time:3:41 pm.
Mood: chipper.
I found out Brian has an AIM screen name (which I'm not giving you) and I'm gonna talk to him tonight.. that butthead.. He has a new nickname. It's "Hey ass!" He seems to like it ^_^;.. but, hey, it's Brian, the pothead man.. duh. Does anybody read this? If you do, post a comment and I'll send you five hundred bucks in the mail. ^_~
Comments: Read 10 or Add Your Own.

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