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Jini's LiveJournal:
Monday, June 25th, 2001 | 11:36 pm |
better times since my last journal, i've gone to 2 ocncerts...yay! Fighting Gravity, which was sweeeeeeeeet. they performed with Rustic Overtone and the Clarks, who were both pretty good as well. And the Better Than Ezra, Dexter Freebish, Everything concert was pretty good too. BTE was alright...their songs went up and down on the quality scale. Dexter Freebish was OFF THE HOOK...they were mad sweet. Everything kinda sucked, but wahtever...it was still pretty fun. I went to that concert with Maura...and an old creepy guy tried to dance with me...yuck yuck yuck. that was scarring. and maura kept laughing at me about it..but that actually made me feel somewhat better and not so bad about it, so yay for maura. umm....oh...school...well, I can't go to camp with my cousin any longer because of summer school..since i did fail lit and bio..because i am a MAJOR SLACKER. it's bad stuff..but i think i can get better, and find some will power within me to do enough work to survive and get decent (waaay more decent than what i got this year) grades. there's still some stuff to work out with summer school and shit, but it's kinda resolved. oh! jake came over to my house a couple days ago, along with some other jazz band parental people who are on the committee for organizing the trip the british jazz band kids are taking to come to richmond. my mom volunteered our house for the meeting (unbeknownst to me), so it was a happy suprise when he showed up. we didnt get to talk much, other than the "business" at hand, but it was still good to see him. Current Mood: contentCurrent Music: Anything, by Goldfinger (just bought the cd today) | Monday, June 18th, 2001 | 1:33 am |
2nd journal (how creative) ok..so, school's over, yet i don't feel..elated, like i thought i would. i figured i would be sooo relieved i was out. but no..i am very distraught, actually..about my report card. i am dreading it. see, there's a couple classes i think i might have failed, which means that if i did, i might have failed for the whole year, which would be horrible horrible HORRIBLE. i dont want to ruin my summer with summer school, or possibly not come back next year to gsgis.awww man, that would suck awn it. i slacked off in work in some classes..which..i know, is very poor. i just was never focused or motivated...but i feel so bad now, and hope i havent ruined everything. AUGGHHH!!! i wish there was something more i can do...but i dont think finishing work now will help..there's a chance teachers will be there monday, but i dont think they'll except anything, as the last day for that was technically friday, june 8. omg...i hate this. i cant believe i was so stupid enough to not concentrate on work all those times, and now it's caught up to me. at least i think it has. i swear i will work my ass off if i can come back next year...and hopefully freshie and soph. year wont count...i hope i hope. but i'm dreading my grades..and my parent's reactions to them. yeesh..its a scary thing..they're gonna go ballistic. i cant stop thinking about it..and whenever i do, i feel this huge pit of disappointment in myself, in my stomach. oh gosh..i dont know what i'm gonna do. ok..enough of that. i just feel worse each time i think about it. i just got back from philly, from my cousin's wedding shower. yay! i got to see a bunch of my family..they're great people. and my aunt..i got to see her again..i think the last time we went up was new years. she has ALS and is pretty much a vegetable..which i guess is always pretty depressing, but i'm glad i got to visit. let's see..oh! dude! friday was graduation for seniors, and i didnt actually go to the ceremony -couldn't find tickets - but i signed up for community service for helping out at the reception afterwards for a couple hours..so i served punch. i'm so happy i did that..it was so much fun, and i got to say a final goodbye to a bunch of people. that part was kinda sad, i guess, but the main thing was that i got to see everyone. there were a couple senior friends from last year (alumni) that were there..alana and david...that was cool seeing again. and also courntey, meha, alison, and john were there, as they have senior sibs. hmm..nora and jake wise were there also..dont know why..i guess just to say goodbye to ppl also. ugh..right..more bad news..jake has a teensy crush on someone...devin..which he just told me today. so i'm kinda crushed, but hopefully it will be nothing..or i can get up the guts to do something more abotu it. ok..seniors, were of course there - and the main ppl i wanted to see. let's see..i saw and said so long to carol, grace, alan, catie, crystal, and alan. i somehow missed anita, sakeena, and devin, who would have been nice to say goodbye too. i also really wanted to see joe and michael again, but no luck. ah..but of course, i finally saw 2 of the ppl i really wanted to see=) that would be brian wohlert, and of course doug. doug more so than brian, no duh, but brian came over, gave me a hug, and all was happy. i'll miss him, he was a cool guy. i was at my punch table most of the time, and there was only abtuo 20 minutes left of the reception, so i was about to go looking for doug, when he and rachael came by on their way out=). he had a big smile on his face, and came over and hugged me (a lot of hugs at that reception)..but then said "graduatin party after i finish trig in 8 weeks". so...he didnt graduate yet..but after trig, he's free, so that's all good. oh, and they said goodbye, and as they were leaving, rachael called back "have a good summer". so..now i know she knows who i am, and doesnt, like hate me or anything, which i was worried about just becuase i'm a very paranoid person. OH! i almost forgot doc! doc was there - yay!!!.. she came to see crystal, i think.i talked to her for wuite a while..and things are happy with her. so..yay..everything that day was happy. unless i thought about my report card...that was not happy. it's hard to not think abotu it though..but it's so depressing. i have to be constantly be thinking about something else..which is kinda hard..so going to sleep is rough. i think i should go now though..and hope for the best trying to get to sleepyland. goodnight. Current Mood: worriedCurrent Music: some jazz instrumental of misty (jake's solo song) | Friday, June 15th, 2001 | 1:51 am |
First Journal Just filled out the "current music" space..listenign to refrain on napster. good song. doug told me about that song..he said he couldn't get it out of his head for a week..and i know why, it's a great song. but it actually meant something more to him, i think...i'm not quite sure what it's significance was. but i downloaded it cause of him..and voila, listening to it now. everyone left me online about 30 minutes ago. dandy, i dunno why your not on..probably sleeping. good for you - i wish i was. doug isn't on, probably because he has graduation tomorrow - ::sniffle::they grow up so fast :'( stefanie is usually up late too, but she already signed off for the night. sigh. school's finally out, and people are free to stay up late - no obligation to go to school the next day, and for once no one is on. woah..well..hm...rachael's on really weird..she's been on for 10 minutes. Oh, and she just signed off. how strange. hmm..i guess i should explain things - doug is a good friend of mine, a senior at GSGIS who is graduating later today. Rachael is his girlfriend of 3 months, and i've never talked to her, yet i have her sn...because i am pathetic. no, i don't like doug, although i do love him, and i'm not stalking either him or rachael. but still, it's fun to watch her from afar, read her aim profiles, and observe her personalities. she seems like a good person - doug picked a good one. actually, she reminds me of my older sister, however, i don't think i would have easily become friends with my older sister if we weren't related, and just met at school or somewhere. ah well..that's what siblings are for..people nature choses to be your first friends whether u like it or not. i am SOOOOOOOOOOO TIIIIIIIIIIRED. you might be wondering why i'm staying up, instead of going to sleep, as i have already mentioned we are out of school for the summer. well...most people are done with it all, but i, being the biggest slacker ever, still have some work i need to finish and bring to teachers tomorrow. oy, i really shouldn't be doing this instead of finishing my work, but i can't help it..it seriously is a problem. but enough of my school troubles now..more on them later...back to work oh..and thanks dandy for telling me about this online journal thing. it's really helping me get stuff out..since there is no one here to talk to. well...i don't plan on telling anyone i've started this yet..but eventual;ly i'll probably tell u, and can thank you appropriately then. hmm...one more thing to say..i hope doug writes my that supplement. he said he miiight do one, since he only wrote 3 short lines in my yearbook, including the phrase "i'll be missing you and your anal problems". i wrote him a really nice birthday card, something gates would call something with "SOOOOUUULLL!!!", so i'm expecting something back. i hope i'm not expecting too much, cuz then i'll feel disappointed, and then guilty i felt disappointed, cuz he was still nice enough to write me something more in the first place. he better write something..shoooot maaan, i'll kill dat boy. what am i talking about? i've been around liz and her funny "ghetto talk" too much. well..i just hope i get something from him soon, if he is gonna write it, so i can stop worrying about it. arg. anyway, peeeeeeeeeaaacccceeeeeeee oh..that i got from doug too. the "peace". i use it constantly now..ask anyone. Current Mood: tiredCurrent Music: ALL - Refrain |