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Thursday, April 18th, 2002
5:04 pm
my life is finally falling back together.

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4:38 pm - long december and there's reason to believe....
maybe this year will be better than the last.

but does anyone ever notice how it never does? it just keeps getting worse.
and worse.
and worse.
well maybe not worse. but just, different. or just exactly the same. which is just as bad. everybody hopes for something better but it never comes. kind of depressing, isnt it?

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Wednesday, April 17th, 2002
3:24 pm - april 17th, 2002
yeah states was lots of fun. i had a great time. missed being home, but thats okay. the weather is so nice i love it. makes me so happy. fun times to the max 2001. means summer is coming, i cant wait. so yeah, not much is happening lately. maybe things will get exciting soon. off to go find something to do...

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Friday, April 12th, 2002
4:36 pm - mmm cha mmm
yeah states is tomorrow. should be lots of fun! im excited. im gunna miss people at home. so yeah, waiting for matt to get home from track. going to shellys tonite. yeah. alright im going. ill see everyone on tuesday!

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Thursday, April 11th, 2002
9:14 pm - fun with numbers
age I am -- 15

people i have slept with -- 0

times i have been in love -- 1

Times i have had my heart broken -- lots of times

hearts i have broken -- not quite sure

months i have been single -- im not single

continents i have visited -- 1

age when i first flew all alone -- never done it

the number of boys i have kissed -- 5 i think

the number of girls i have kissed -- 0

the number of things that would technically be classed as forces suicide on attempts but actually weren't -- 0

drugs i am addicted to right now -- 0

the number of people i would classify as true, i could trust with my life type friends -- at the most, 5

the number of piercings -- 2

the number of tattoos -- 0

the number of times my name there are appeared on film credits -- 0

current mood: bored
current music: will and grace

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5:34 pm - bright sunny days
makes me happy. this week was alright. states this weekend. im excited. didnt really do much this week but thats okay. missed my student council meeting today, i feel bad. but my mom needed me to do some work for her. i feel bad, she does so much. for like the first time in my entire life, i find myself somewhat looking up to her. like today, when she called me at school telling me i had to come home today b/c she had work i needed to do and i got home and i had to make cookies and finish her presentations and make sure my brother was doing what he was supposed to be doing and clean the kitchen, i didnt mind at all. normally i would pitch a fit, but i dont know. feelings have changed. but whatever. today was a good day. and matt is coming over which will make it even better.

current mood: a.o.k.
current music: mtv in the backround

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Monday, April 8th, 2002
11:53 pm - FINALLY!
so i get the wise idea that "hey, i'm not going to start writing my paper until 9:30" and 2 1/2 hours later, im finally finished! it probably wouldnt have taken me as long had i not spent like half of that time staring at my computer screen thinking about how much i did NOT want to write it. but oh well. but today was a fun day. it was nice seeing everyone at school. and afterwards me, matt and danny hung out for a while. good times good times. well im off to bed. nite!

current mood: sleepy
current music: my computer decided it doesnt want to play sounds anymore.

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Sunday, April 7th, 2002
9:22 pm - last day of break
so sad, so sad. well today i got the "wonderful" idea that "wow. my room is REALLY messy. lets clean it. and not just like the floor and stuff. but ALL of it." dont ask why. so thats what i did. and 3 hours, 2 giant garbage bags filled with junk, a huge box full of magazines and one needle through my finger (mind you i havent even touched under the bed or in the closet yet, god help me) it hardly looks any cleaner. i was going to save this so-called project til like i moved out to college or something, but i figured i might as well get a two year head start on things. at least i feel like i accomplished something over break. but after that little adventure i went over to matts grandparents for dinner and then hung out at his house for while. not a bad day. have i started writing that english paper yet? noooo. eh, ill just leave it for tomorrow. states next weekend! im excited. should be fun. well im off for bed, have to get up early tomorrow. sigh....

current mood: sad
current music: no more break. but hey, only 10 more weeks of school!

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Saturday, April 6th, 2002
11:02 pm - just because there is nothing else to do....
Series 1: Basics
Name: Emily
Birthday: August 13, 1986
Birthplace: detroit i think
Current Location: Clinton twp. MI
Current School: chippewa valley hs
Current Job: i have none, but i really need one
Eye Color: brown.
Hair Color: blondish brown
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: leo
Innie or Outtie: Innie

Series 2: What's Your Favorite...?
Music: whatever suits my mood. i guess mostly emo (or "post hardcore" as mitch likes to call it) stuff thats calming, with good lyrics that i can relate to
Cartoon: simpsons, spongebob
Color: blue, yellow, orange, green
Movie: so many good ones, probably empire records
Book: i don't read that much so i dont know
Song: i couldnt choose
Language: english, i dont know any other ones
Beverage: dr. pepper, cherry coke
Food: mmm strawberries, im on a big strawberry binge lately
Subject In School: probably my history class
Weekend Activity: i have no weekend activities. i sit at either my or matts house. so i guess i would have to choose that
Perfume/Cologne: whatever smells good

Series 3: Who is...?
the prettiest male you Know: pretty? i dont normally think of guys as pretty. if the meaning of this question was most attractive, then i would have to go with matt
the prettiest female you Know: i dont know, its hard to choose
The weirdest person you Know: probably danny. i have no idea what the hell comes out of his mouth
Funniest Person you Know: all my friends are pretty funny
the Loudest Person you Know: mmm maybe cheryl
the Quietest Person you Know: my friend katie, but i love her anyways
the Sweetest Person you Know: matt
the Sorriest Person you Know: mitch always says he's sorry for things he never does, its cute
the Scariest Person you Know: hot orange girls. not just the normal hot brown girls, but the ones who are truely orange
the Sexiest Person you Know: well i always thought melanie was pretty hot... haha jk.
the sneakiest person you know: hmm i dont know
Your best friend: i dont think i've been a good enough friend to people lately to consider them my best friend. but melanie and shelly. and matt. and danny.
the Person that Knows the Most about you: a lot of people know bits and pieces, matt probably knows the most about who i am now. shelly and melanie know the most about me up to like 4 months ago. so the three of them combined
your Crush?: matt is my boyfriend
Most Boring Teacher: ms lang just flat out sucks.

Series 4: What is...?
your most overused phrase on aol: thats cool. haha.
the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: ugh. another boring day.
the last image/thought you go to sleep with: whatever i was thinking about that nite
the first feature you notice in the opposite sex: smile, eyes, hair
the wussiest sport: umm, probably golf
the song that best descibes you: andrew w.k. party hard. hahah. actually i dont know. different songs for different days
your best feature: i dont know, you tell me
your greatest accomplishment: i never really did anything that great
your most missed memory: i could go on and on and on.....
Inside jokes: i dont know, theres some good ones

Series 5: Do You...?
take a shower everyday: yes, i cant stand not showering
have a(any) crush(es): if you consider a boyfriend a crush
think you've been in love: yes
want to get married: yeah, someday
Believe in yourself: depends on the day
have any tattoos/where?: nope
piercings/where?: one in each ear
get motion sickness: yeah when i go in circles, i dont do well with that. for example, roller coaster- no problem. those swings that swing around- not in a chance in hell i'll get off one of those w/o throwing up
think you're a health freak: nope
get along with your parents: my dad- yeah. my mom- eh.
like thunderstorms: i love them

Series 6: Your Future:
Age you hope to be married?: i want to get married kinda young. like early-mid twenties. it would make me feel secure i guess
Number and Names of Children: i think 2 would be good. a boy and girl. julie or melanie and matt
Where do you see yourself at age 20?: probably in college
Descibe your Dream Wedding: with someone who makes me happy, me in a beautiful dress, lots of flowers (but not too gaudy), i dont want a huge wedding, maybe a big after party, but like no more than 50 at the actual reception. it being outside would nice if it was a nice like may day. (you can tell i've thought about this. i think every girl has)
What do you want to be when you grow up?: i have no idea. i'd like to be a psychologist or a teacher i guess
What country would you most like to visit?: id like to visit europe (yes i know, its not a country)

Series 7: what you think of the opposite sex[or same sex]
best eye color?: blue eyes are pretty. so are nice colored brown ones (like honey haha shell) green is cool. i dont care
best hair color?: brown or black
short or long hair?: on most guys, short
best height?: a little taller than me.
best articles of clothing?: shirts, pants, whatever
descibe your dream mate: someone that understands me and is willing to listen to me. who i feel comfortable with, who i can joke around with him and he wont take it seriously, who i can spend hours upon hours with and not get bored, who holds me at just the right time and knows what to say to make everything seem alright, even though it isnt. and seeing them smile brightens up your day. alright i'll stop there

Series 8: Other:
What do you Wear to bed?: pj pants and whatever im wearing
when's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal?: theres normally one or two on my bed somewhere
How many rings untill you answer the phone?: normally one or two.
How many houses have you lived in?: 2
How many schools have you gone to?: 4
What color is your bedroom carpet?: a light pink with lots of stains
If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three things with you what would you take?: someone i love, cds and cd player. saying things like "well i'd take a boat, food, and cell phone so i could get off the island" really piss me off. THATS NOT THE POINT OF THE QUESTION!!! sorry just had to get that out

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1:40 pm - and one more thing......
even though you're not here.....


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11:49 am - but on a birghter note....
im finally getting my cable modem hooked up to my basement computer. thank god. still doesnt make up for my sweater though.

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11:34 am - pity me
the one time my dad decides to put my wash in the dryer, my sweater, which does NOT go in the dryer, was in the bundle of clothes. now it shrunk a little bit and the zippers are all curvy like b/c the metal doesnt shrink along with the fabric. it was one of my favorite shrits. sigh. so sad. so sad.....

current mood: disappointed
current music: further seems forever

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Friday, April 5th, 2002
11:37 pm - survey oh survey

[1] be invisible or be able to fly? fly, ive always wanted to
[2] be rich or good looking:? rich so i can buy a really cool house
[3] small and fast or strong and slow? small and fast
[4] have a lightsaber or a hoverboard?: lightsaber b/c star wars is that cool
[5] read minds or have a time machine?: as much as i always want to know what people are thinking, i guess id rather have a time machine b/c there is always things that i bet i'd be better off not knowing
[6] be a hacker or a bank robber? hacker, you can do more damage
[7] be tough or nice?: be nice
[8] be talented or clever?: talented, there are so many things i wish i could do
[9] have a boy/girl friend or a sweet car?: boyfriend, they're that much more wonderful
[10] breathe underwater or see in the dark? breathe underwater.
[11] have a good body or be a good lover?: be a good lover
[12] have a better memory or have more experiences?: more experiences, even if you can remember them, you can at least enjoy them for the time being
[13] be shy or have bad breath?: depends on whether or not you can get rid of the bad breath
[14] bruce lee or jackie chan?: hahahahha danny sanderson would like this question
[15] die by falling off a rollar coaster or by being lit on fire? falling off a rollercoaster, being lit on fire would suck
[16] die by drowning or by being buried alive?: im terrified of drowning, or anything that has to do with large bodies of water, so id have to go with being buried alive
[17] own a big cabin in the Rockies or a small apartment in New York City? small apartment in nyc. i love city life
[18] grow 2 feet or shrink 2 feet?: neither, either way i'd look like a gump
[19] snore or talk in your sleep? talk in my sleep
[20] get 5 piercings or 5 tattoos? piercings. i'd scar from the tattoos and they'd look all discombobulated.
[21] forget your name or everyone else's? mine i guess. everyone else could remind me of it
[22] be stranded on an island with a clueless hottie or someone gross with survival training? survival training. i could get out of it at some point
[23] have wheels instead of legs or wings instead of arms?: wings so i could fly
[24] change your past or know your future? i kinda like just living for the moment not knowing what happens next. and i obviously didnt screw up that much for it to be affecting me now, so i guess neither
[25] power to calm everyone down or get them really excited? excited. i dont think my friends really need to be calmed down
[26] always lose or never play? always lose, it happens to me anyways
[27] know it all or have it all? know it all
[28] be normal and ignored or brilliant and disliked? normal and ignored. i dont like the feeling knowing that people hate me
[29] wake up and find yourself in the middle of a desert or the middle of the artic? desert, i hate the cold
[30] have a dumb song stuck in your head all day or hit your funny bone every hour? dumb songs dont hurt when they are stuck in your head, so id have to go with that
[31] give bad advice or take it? take it, i'd feel bad if i gave it to someone
[32] never be sick or never be sad? never be sick, life is boring when you're always happy

-if you could have more of something what would it be? money i guess
-if you had to trade places with someone who would it be? i dont know. no one seems to be that much better off than i am.
-what person, band or celebrity would you get rid of if you could? ugh. so many, so many.....
-if you could wish evil on someone what would you do? i'd somehow make them see whatever it was that they did to make them deserve to have evil wished upon them and make them feel really really bad about. then they could do what they please to fix the problem
-what would you want to be remembered for? whatever impact i had on that individuals life.

current mood: calm
current music: finch

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Tuesday, April 2nd, 2002
6:23 pm - i am invincible just as long as i am alive
mmmm thanks to the kahls for introducing me to john mayer. but yeah, went to ms. bakers house this afternoon and dan was there. fun times. i missed her house. i havent been there in a while. i think they're coming over tonite with mitchell and pataract might stop by after his soccer game. i wonder if pat likes me calling him pataract.... oh well. i like it, i guess thats all that matters. i hope break gets better.... i need a fucking pick-me-up. (thats from something, i just cant remember what) have a nice nite everyone!

current mood: optimistic
current music: john mayer - comfortable

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1:07 pm - *sigh*
break sucks and so do i.

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Sunday, March 31st, 2002
9:53 pm - make my day and fill this out
1. When did we meet?

2. How did we meet?

3. Have we ever met in person?

4. have we ever talked on thee phone?

5. Have you ever seen me cry?

6. Have you ever seen me dance?

7. Describe me using three or less words.

8. If you could spend a day with me, what would we do?

9. Have we ever gotten in a fight?

10. Have you ever dreamt of me? If so, tell me about it.

11. If you could give me a present, what would it be?

12. Would you hug me?

13. What do you REALLY think of me?

14. Do you know something about me that no one else knows?

15. Do you even know how old I am?

16. Anything you wanted to tell me but never got a chance to?

17. Wanna makeout?

18. Who should i go on dates with?

19. Name one thing you don't like about me.

20. Insert clever song lyric here:

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Friday, March 29th, 2002
10:11 am - when emo kids go bad, part 2
yeah, went to dashboard last nite, it was fun. got to see the anniversary, which rocked. seafood was really good. ben kweller kinda sucked. and dashboard was pretty cool too. i was glad he didnt just play through places you have come to fear the most and then like two other songs, he did a good mix of stuff. some new songs too, which sounded cool. but then again, its no longer "im dashboard confessional," its "WE'RE dashboard confessional." and the "new" ep is really just 4 songs off of swiss army re-recorded with the band, so if you were for some reason thinking of buying it, dont. but other than that, it was a good nite, lots of fun. it ended really early, like at 11:00, it was weird. so we went out to coney afterwards. good times. but anyways.....

BREAK IS FINALLY HERE!!!!! im excited. even though im not really doing anything at all, it'll still be awesome not having to go to school for a week. hmmm what to do today? i dont know, maybe something for dannys birthday, whatever. but yeah, no one but me is up at like 9:30 on your first day of break, so yeah. except for melanie, yay! but yeah, im off. have a SUPERB day

current mood: sleepy
current music: anniversary - your majesty

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Thursday, March 28th, 2002
3:05 pm - dashboard in 3 and a half hours.....
nine things you wear daily:
* jeans
* shirt
* socks
* shoes
* bracelets
* rings
* necklace
* belt
* glasses

eight movies you'd watch over and over:
* empire records
* office space
* mallrats
* 10 things i hate about you
* sweet november (hah mel)
* any star wars movie
* ferris buellers day off
* high fidelity

seven albums that matter:
* reggie - greatest hits
* reggie - promotional copy
* saves the day - through being cool
* jimmy eat world - clarity
* saves the day - cant slow down
* thursday - full collapse
* get up kids - 4 minute mile

six objects you touch every day:
* my bed
* my computer
* my refridgerator
* my dog
* my toothbrush
* my brush

five things you do every day:
* eat
* l/j
* sleep
* listen to music
* stuff w/friends

four bands that you couldn't live without:
* reggie
* get up kids
* saves the day
* incubus

three of your favorite songs at this moment:
* thursday - concealer
* get up kids - ten minutes
* some song by further seems forever

two people that have influenced your life the most:
* friends
* more friends

one thing you could spend the rest of your life with:
* mitch dip

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Wednesday, March 27th, 2002
5:46 pm - bored?
should i do history homework?
eat food?
pointless entry?
i changed my screenname to oOinacrashOo for those who care.
have a nice day.

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Monday, March 25th, 2002
2:45 pm - ice cream makes me happy
i love food. but yeah, this weekend was pretty cool. relaxing, i guess you could say. i had no desire to anything other than sit, which was pretty much all i did. fri nite me and matt went to dannys house then we picked up swingers (which might i add SUCKED ASS) and watched it at matts house. danny did a funny thing w/rice krispie treats, made my nite. saturday i had to go to a band thing in the morning/afternoon with the other danny, it was alright i guess. then i went to the mall with matt and we hung out for the rest of the nite. and yesterday me matt and danny watched memento, which was cool, i love that movie.


im so excited. even though i have nothing to really look forward to (other than dashboard on thursday, yay!) it'll still be fun, at least i hope so. most of my friends will be gone, hope they all have fun! history test this week..... ugh. time for some more food, bye!

current mood: hungry
current music: my dog barking

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