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Tuesday, March 12th, 2002
1:00 am
*puts gun to right temple*

here's for convincing myself that i was in love with one of my best friends

*bang bang*
(and no i'm not actually killing myself)
quote of the day:

"I'm sorry for leading you on"

he wasn't leading me on, i was just being stupid

stupid stupid stupid stupid

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12:03 am
i'm broken

if i dont' talk very much, i'm sorry

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Sunday, March 10th, 2002
11:57 pm
people, pay attention:


and i want it to be grand. i want to plan and go to washington and oregon and california and i want to meet people and i want to *pouts*

so people, pleeeeeeeeeeeease, let's all go on a road trip.... and make mix cd's and mix tapes for it *depending on the car* and sing.. and visit... and hit on random people that we meet..... let's do it in style...... let's put brittney to shame....

and i want to have friends come with me and we'll party into the night and meet all sorts of people and go to washington and find jen's twin and abduct him! then we'll go abduct sizz and meet kelsey and desirony (heh, need to remember her name) then.. then we'll go down and meet pandy and meg and maggie and andrea and erika if we can unearth them.....

then we'll wisk ourselves away to the east coast. or alabama. and maryland. and boston, and we've gotta have fun and i think i just remember that some of the people i want to go might be doing stuff this summer, well, they better not be *points*

people, lets DO IT!!!!

current mood: excited
current music: Jimmy Eat World - Sweetness

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2:49 am
i feel really disturbed right now.

i was lying down trying to go to sleep, and letting my mind wander, as it often does. and i started having a kina half-daydream it, i was losing my virginity, not graphically mind you, it wasn't that sort of dream.... it started out with kissing..... and it was all sad and beautiful and i just got swept away in it.... then i realized it

i was...... fantasizing about losing my virginity.... to him


and it wasn't bad because of him, its bad because of how much i'm...... subconsciously (and consciously too, i guess) in love with him...... sigh

you know who him is by now? you might.... you might have a hunch.... you might know for sure.....

feel free to comment and guess..... i won't judge if you're wrong.... or right

*cries softly..... in a not too bad sort of way*

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Saturday, March 9th, 2002
5:19 pm

Which Gackt are you most like?

quiz by mcvarmazi

aw :)

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12:37 am
I realize that it may seem that I add people randomly to my userlist... and sometimes i do *nods to pande... but for those of who where it exists some rhyme and or reason why you're on my list.....

hi, my name's greg and i go to AHS

if you don't know any greg's, ask at least one person you know about a greg. and i'm not tomc, btw.

other news today.... watched six hours of anime, 2 of which included pon poko *faints* soo many screams of horror there..... the showing had to end at 12 though, and there was like.... 5 minutes left of the movie....and there isn't another meeting till after break, but that's ok, i'll live.

school was tiring, saw people being kicked out of the library left and right 6/7th period *nods to the people who have lj and know all too well what i'm talking about (nods to mercurialtear)

i have like no homework this weekend, which just leaves me to sleep, goof off, and lust about those whom i can never attain. le sigh, as a certain wonderful person i know would say, but i doubt she wants to be nodded to.

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Friday, March 8th, 2002
4:21 pm
tests )

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Thursday, March 7th, 2002
11:55 pm
why do we always want what we can't have?
lessons learned
why did I listen to my heart when it said
still go back for more.

god, listening to this song makes me cry. too damn wonderful. too damn meaningful.

current music: The Ataris - Between You And Me

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9:20 pm - Things I love about Hoshi
the way she types jkhdajdjedj when she's excited

the way she can say:
that is so ldsljgasdg"
and still sound so coherent

the way she says oot and fookin etc

the way we can talk about yaoi and hentai and porn and keep a sense of humor about it

the way she can send me fabulous songs that make me cry then we can talk about how we're crying about it

that's all for now, but i heart her big time

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Wednesday, March 6th, 2002
11:31 pm

You are Beaker!
You are very quiet, and your vocabulary mostly consists of a series of beeps. You don't assert yourself; because of this, you have a tendency to get hurt.

anime anime anime

i want to download call me - cowboy bebop because i saw it in a friend's lj and thought "omg, i must have it"

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Tuesday, March 5th, 2002
10:33 pm
Tests and whatnot and so on and so forth )

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Monday, March 4th, 2002
3:21 pm

you have an ominosity quotient of


you are really ominous.

find out your ominosity quotient

in english today we started our research groups

he is my partner. he came over and asked me. and all this time near him leads to one and only one thing, me liking him even more. a lot more. i had a portent of doom on the bus ride home. it didn't end badly, but the fact that i was thinking about it was an ill omen.

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Sunday, March 3rd, 2002
6:53 pm
Stuff )

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2:24 pm
/me initiating Clay into the world of geekdom
/me is giddy
/me is mIRC'ing like the king of nerds
!your mom

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1:36 pm
my björk knowledge level is


I'll study the björk faq and then try again.

test yourself at

yeah baby

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Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
11:18 pm - again?

current mood: bored
current music: Moe. - Nebraska

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Wednesday, February 27th, 2002
8:53 pm
too much friggin teenage angst. i've been reading war of the princes, fucking good stuff. i feel like swearing, heh

TONARI NO TOTORO, TOTORO!!! *gets down with his dirty self*

*shakes a mad groove*

*busts a funky beat*

*gets down with you MOM*

ooohhhhhhhh i got you there. ha. ha ha . haha.

well, i'm sorry for everyone and stuff, but we taurai earth elementals get tired sometimes.... especially when we've had a history test and math homework.

current mood: gloomy
current music: Joe Hisaishi - Tonari no Totoro

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Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
9:47 pm - A Requiem for the Wisdom of Mr. Simmons
May we never forget his wise, wise words:

A snow day is a no day.

(har HAR he rhymed)

And the sponges release male and female sperm to travel through the water to the cellophates of the receiving sponges.

(classic. simply classic)

Describe the history's of post-evolutionary man.

(history's? goddamned history's?)

No, we're not going to have a donut party today. We're going to start a whole new chapter and have a test about it because of two people.

(that's not as stupid as it is horrible and mean)

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2:31 pm
i didn't feel this bad this morning... only kinda blech....

now i feel like 100% crap

you know when your phlegm builds up so much you can almost taste it? and when you breathe you CAN taste it? bleeeech.

*falls over and reads more of the history chapter*

well i've got something to say, i killed a baby today

well i've got something to say, i raped your mother today

*boogies to AFI*

current mood: sick
current music: afi - last caress

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1:04 pm - it speaks the truth lol

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