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canter the course
muaha. [21 Apr 2002|04:32pm]
[ mood | working ]


Worked on my site for a lil' bit today.

*strolls back from Memory Ln.* Just finished gathering pictures for my French project. Mom & I went through some photo albums. Took her mind off things, and I got to snerk at how silly everyone looked way back when. ^_^

french project:
=scan pics, resize {150 x 150 px?}
=find construction paper, make tree
=glue tree, label
=type paragraph up
=PE makeup
=Beatles CD
=Call Karley {before 6}?
=Take walk
=Add to site


i take great amusement in saying that. "mwaha." hee.

3 oxers cleared >> canter the course
my hair is silky today... very soft... n_____________n [21 Apr 2002|01:22pm]
[ mood | full ]
[ music | the procrastination song! ]


My grandmother just left from her hour-long onion-on-the-belt-pointless visit.

My stomache is full of sweets that I shouldn't've eaten: a cinnamon roll, and half a jillion cookies.

And I don't want to work on my French project. I don't know where to start, and I wanted Mumsie-o to help me, but she's lying down, so that's out for a while.

So in an hour or so, I'm going to go for a walk, call Karlita, and maybe after all that, I'll muster up the self-discipline to work on my project.

And. Um. Yeah.

Lilacs and Daphnes are pretty. They smell nice. ^_^

Erica? Doesn't it go Denial, Anger, Bargaining, then something that starts with a d, and then Acceptance? Or...?

canter the course
[21 Apr 2002|11:27am]
[ mood | blah ]


I don't want to do my French poster. Firstly, I don't know really where to start. Secondly, I just don't want to do it.

Dagnabbitpooshyfudgingunthothiness of it all. >_<

On the upside, this cheered me up very muchly. I *love* the look on Bucky's face in the 3rd and last frames. *gigglefits*

I have to do pictures of my family for this French family tree thing. The thing is, we don't have *any* pictures of my Mom's side. It'd look kind of lopsided if I didn't have her side all pictured. *hee.* Plus the fact that I called my mom's side "strange" {Mes autres tantes et oncles (les freres et les soeurs de ma mere) sont ... etranges.}, my teacher might get the impression I don't like that side very much {well, I don't.. but..}, so.. yeah. XP Maybe I'll just do immediate fam's pics. *shrugs*


And blah sommore.

canter the course
there are cats and lemons and floating heads for mood icons, but why not horses? [20 Apr 2002|03:16pm]
[ mood | indifferent ]

I'd rather sit and do nothing than do something.

what the hell?

You're the Harry Potter Soundtrack!

You're really very cool, and you carry a nice tune. You rarely turn sour, and are good at calming people down.
You make things right!

Which piece of Britt's Harry Potter merchandise are YOU?

Find out here

canter the course
[19 Apr 2002|03:18pm]
[ mood | peaceful ]

Enjoying the last few quiet seconds of peace before my siblings storm through the doors in three minutes.



I'm so tired. I want to sleep. I think I'll just take a walk or two today, not run, and sleep. -.-

2 oxers cleared >> canter the course
[current sound]: me, hissing at the keyboard {seriously} [19 Apr 2002|02:20pm]
[ mood | irritated ]
[ music | *hissbaresfangshiss* ]

I have this type of keyboard.

Now, anyone else with this kind of keyboard know how to take screenshots?


canter the course
[19 Apr 2002|08:57am]
[ mood | unhealthy ]
[ music | blackbird >> beatles ]

You know how Oreos are in rows?

I just ate a whole row this morning.

Healthy breakfast. *snort*

2 oxers cleared >> canter the course
[13 Apr 2002|12:30pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | cheers theme ]

Some freaky morman guys came to our door and tried to convert me. Weirdos. One of them was all, "What do you think of when you hear the word 'prophet?'' I'm thinking go the fudge away you little thwips!

Next time they come around, I'll either just shut the door, or pull some weird conversion on THEM. *g*

And I'm so proud of myself. My site's making progress.

I love conversations with Ellen )

4 oxers cleared >> canter the course
[13 Apr 2002|10:13am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | elevator music ]

Hey Anna, my AIM isn't working, would you mind just posting a comment? And then I can thank you and thank you and thank you and thank you many many times over for your shibbiness. ^_________^

On another note: I haven't posted because there's nothing to post *on.* I have very little of a life... especially on school-less days. ><

I didn't want to go to the AWSEM meeting downtown, so blah. Mum's sleeping still. I think Dad went back to bed, because he was so bored. Older brother is sleeping {all he does is sleep and eat and work, or hang out with friends. Never see the fellow anyways}. Younger siblings are watching TV, and I rarely associate with them, either. They're either whining or complaining or playing outside.


Tulip festival today. That'd be fun to go to. Or my Aunt's.

Tomorrow is Packy's 40th birthday! Aww, happy birthday, Packy. ^_______^

And. Um. Lina, your horse is gorgeous. Lily, have fun in Disneyland. Lemon, cheer up. Anna, you're shibby thothy. Elsa, hope those prats leave you alone. Aya, you *can* stay on task! ^___^ Emma, feel better. And. Um. Everyone else, you're all very, very thothy. ^____________^

Might have to work on my site today, if this boredom continues.

7 oxers cleared >> canter the course
[12 Apr 2002|04:43pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | the radio ]

My mother has very poor timing.

She had a cigarette right as I was headed out to run. Blast. *waits*

May day hasn't necessarily been bad... just boring. I would like days off so much better if they were eventful. *_*

canter the course
[11 Apr 2002|09:13pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | jainy >> five for fighting ]

The bags under my eyes are like basins.

No, bigger than basins.

Like... something bigger than basins that I can't think of right now.

ee!! W&G;! *zoom*

And remember: chocolate is good.

1 oxer cleared >> canter the course
Hello. [11 Apr 2002|07:48pm]
[ mood | cravey-y ]
[ music | chocolatey goodness... ]

My name is Gravie, and I am sorely, sorely addicted to chocolate.

*sits down*

4 oxers cleared >> canter the course
[11 Apr 2002|05:02pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

The second part of that bloody state test was hard. Just because we're in Geometry this year, he felt the inclination to give us the 10th grade tests. >< On the plus side, I got to miss a buncha French to finish it. ^____^

Language Arts was *so* fun today. It had {most of} the entire hall talking about it--excitedly and jazzedly, too: it really appealed to almost everyone. I was very proud of myself for posing some shibby statements, but then I think I lost a point or two because I contradicted myself. *sheepish giggle*

The Neilson's {the twins who, I swear, are Gred & Forge exactly} were shouting and really really riled up... and giving really eccentric metaphors like, "The leprachaun is always green;" "stepping over the endline widens the field;" "the rainbow has six colors;" and "the law is like this pencil!" It was crazy. They were *hilarious* though; Mr. Shuttleworth was in tears laughing so hard.

And this one guy, James, he showed up in a suit and tie and briefcase: all lawyer-like. ^__^

Emily came from English right before Health, so all through the class she was just fuming mad. {Their team lost, too.} Funny.

And, compared to English class, the rest of the day was *really* boring. Even health didn't seem as exciting, which is unusual.

*yawn* And I had more to say, but I forgot. Maybe later.

slaking the quizzlebob drought )

canter the course
[10 Apr 2002|09:13pm]
[ mood | pleased ]

Chocolate is good.

Thank you, Canada!

Prep for debate, set alarm, stretch, sleep.

canter the course
You know... [10 Apr 2002|05:44pm]
[ mood | drained ]

I was rooting through my junk mail {email, making sure it was all junk}, and I saw this advertisement that proclaimed, "Lose 30lbs in 30 days!" First of all, how the by-golly-wow do they find my email? And honestly, if they're advertising something like that, you know it isn't a healthy dieting program: you're only supposed to lose one to two pounds {maximum} per week... not day. Conniving *refrains from colorful adjective* pooshheads.

And how I get 23 junk mails daily is beyond me.

So. My day: math & french deathly boring. Debates tomorrow in English. Worksheets in science. Pushups in PE. Notes in History. And in AWSEM, we got this wonderful lesson on why women have miscarriages, and who's more prone, which led to blood types and punnet squares and molecules and this and that and this and that. Mrs Profit is very neato. ^^

And. Um. Oh. Homework:

  • Read chapter 11 in SS book for test tomorrow

  • Do Ch. 11 worksheet

  • French wkbk, p54

  • Prep for debate

  • Current event article {Yay! Canada!

  • *sigh* I'm so tired, and although it's next to nothing, it's more than I'd want to be doing right now. ><

    canter the course
    I feel so ... stupid. [10 Apr 2002|07:15am]
    [ mood | exhausted, & very,very stupid ]
    [ music | it's only me >> m. etheridge ]

    I had the alarm all set and ready to go, and I even tested it last night to make sure. I figured out why it wasn't going, and I was just all set. Of course, I woke up this morning at seven, and was really mad at the alarm that didn't go off. Why? Because when I tested the bloody thing, I turned it waaaay down so it woudln't startle anybody.

    I just forgot to turn it backup. ><

    canter the course
    "Betcha by golly wow..." [09 Apr 2002|10:41pm]
    [ mood | full ]
    [ music | scrubs theme ]

    Chocolate is good.

    1 oxer cleared >> canter the course
    You know... [08 Apr 2002|04:14pm]
    [ mood | perky ]
    [ music | jainy >> F4F ]'s people like Mr. Shuttleworth that make middleschool more enjoyable. It's people like him that boost someone's self esteem, and it's people like him that really know how to make a big cheesy grin find its way to one's face.

    He read my paper to his afternoon classes, & raved about it.. ^__________________^

    After I heard about that, well, nothing could really compare in excitement...
    He's also taught me how to properly edit papers... Not just that "is the punctuation correct & in the right spot?" sort of editing, but really edit: the why's and the how's and the specify's and everything. This came into practice last night, while, as I was watching Alias {we like that show. n_n} Brandon came in and asked me to edit his paper. Felt bad for him, he's a senior and some of his mistakes were quite elementary. Ooh well, I still love him, and I hope I helped. X\

    *hee* In science, though, Ms O'Neil moved me, and so now I sit near the back, next to this kid, Anthony, but since we have like 35 people in our classroom, & not enough lab desks, Jordan has to sit on a stool. Ms O'Neil situated his stool right by my labtable. {just a lil' sidenote, I can't say I really like him anymore... I came to my senses, and just realized that I'm not there yet. n_n} He's a very quirky person. We'll just leave it at that.

    So anyways... In PE Emily raved about my paper... I didn't know what to say, but I was pleased inside. ^_^

    Have to design a town & color my township tonight before my lesson. ><

    Horsie lesson. Very shibby with this whole daylight savings thing, because now it'll be sunny. ee!

    I had every intention of running this morning. Usually when I do, before school, that is, I get up at six. That alarm went off this morning, and man... I was just like NO. So I didn't run. Ehhh. *shrugs*

    We're going to be doing a debate in language arts. It's about the justification and morality of breaking the law under certain circumstances. This will be interesting.

    And. Um. Yeah. I think that's everything for right now.

    2 oxers cleared >> canter the course
    [07 Apr 2002|06:55pm]
    [ mood | chipper ]
    [ music | we didn't listen to any music, so i have none in my head. ]

    I had the most wonderful day, today, despite daylight savings. ^___^

    After church, Dad took my lil' sister & brother & me to the beach for the day... just to go for a walk. He's really stressed at work, and just wanted to get away. At first it was supposed to be all rainy and cloudy, and it sorta was, at first.

    We went to SeaSide to check out the beachhouse my family will be renting in July, and just mosied around to see what's changed in a year. Spiffy. Then we headed to Dooger's--it's definitely not a first class-five-star restaurant, but it's one of those places you love in spite of that, because of all of the wonderful younger-day-memories. I snarfed down a slanich, then Dad ordered me ice cream. ^^ It was a later lunch, but it was food to fill the hole.

    Then we headed off to canon beach to take our walk. It was ebb-tide, so we got to see all of the lil' tidepools and things. Climbed over the rocks into caves and through puddles. The most exciting thing we saw was a sand-crab (starfish, muscles, snails, and then anenomies, too), but it was just really neato. The sun poked through, and it was pretty nice. ^____^

    I did math on the way home, too. ><

    I would comment on everyone's entries right now, but I'm in a big rush... my older brother has a paper to write tonight {due tomorrow. I think procrastinating is inherently passed down through generation in our family... from my mom}, so I've got to be going...

    Hugs to all, and hopefully I can comment tomorrow. *waves*

    3 oxers cleared >> canter the course
    [07 Apr 2002|07:02am]
    [ mood | tired ]
    [ music | some song by sublime ]

    I don't think I like dalight saving's time. *yawn*

    I propose an extra hour of sleep, plus the extra hour of daylight.

    canter the course
    [06 Apr 2002|05:57pm]
    [ mood | hungry ]
    [ music | the different >> melissa etheridge ]

    Accomplished today:
    =gallery at my site
    =glompishness-of-anna for helping me with my new LJ layout
    =organized my site a lil' more
    =ran | weights
    =made this month's calendar pic

    Yet to do sometime
    =math sheets
    =english paper
    =get off of the computer for a bit and stretch my legs.
    =discuss p. account {& online thingy & mail-pres.}


    canter the course
    [06 Apr 2002|01:56pm]
    [ mood | geeky ]
    [ music | hands clean >> alanis morrissette ]

    I've spent the entire morning/beginning part of my afternoon working solely on the little things in my layout, and on my site, and scanning pictures for the gallery in the former.

    I have done zero homework. *giggle*

    Okay, I ought to buckle down and get a few things done, today:

  • math sheets? try to scream and shout and swear through them

  • english paper >> contemplate corrections

  • ponder p. account {& online thingy & mail-pres.}

  • procrastinate

  • Okay, so the last one isn't supposed to be there, but we all know that that's the only thing I'll get done, so I might as well accomplish something on my list. ^_^

    3 oxers cleared >> canter the course
    HTML pooshiness [06 Apr 2002|12:42pm]
    [ mood | curious ]
    [ music | soak up the sun >> sheryl crow ]

    Anyone know the code for having a thumbnail link open up in a new window? {and a regular link, for that matter, too}

    ...not for LJ, but for my site...

    4 oxers cleared >> canter the course
    *squeal* [04 Apr 2002|07:36pm]
    [ mood | giddy ]
    [ music | talkin bout a revoluton >> tracy chapman ]

    Immortalized by the famous "Draco Sinister" (by Cassandra Claire), you are witty, sexy, and the typical bad boy girls love. You are paired with Ginny or Hermione, because they remind the author the most of herself. You have sudden special powers that enable you to go along special Voldie-killing missions with Harry and Co. At first you get on everyone's nerves, especially Ron's, but soon everyone learns to love you.

    Find out which Draco you are.

    Ahh! *squeak* Lily I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you for this quiz! I have a very nice picture of Leather!Draco in my head, and, combined with the insane amount of chocolate I've consumed in the last hour, I'm hyper and happy and feeling very thothy right now. Oh, you've made my day. *^_____^*

    My name is Gravie, and I am addicted to chocolate: once I have just a bit, I'm stuck until I've made myself ill. And that is all.

    canter the course
    o.O [02 Apr 2002|05:07pm]
    [ mood | reluctant ]

    So. School day went by fast. That's really all there is to it.

    I had a horse lesson last night, and Lemon got to come along. She met Petey, and saw me ride him, and saw the barn, and took pictures with Petey & I. It was very very fun. ^^

    So hopefully I'll be getting those pictures developed soon, and... yes. New icons perhaps, and then updates on my site, and goodness like that.

    And because I'm bored, & don't want to do my homework:
    a quizzlebob )

    canter the course
    *insane happiness* [01 Apr 2002|01:00pm]
    [ mood | jubilant ]
    [ music | drops of jupiter >> train ]

    It's a gorgeous day.

    The sun is shining, the sky is blue.

    I might have a lesson today... even if I don't, I might get to go out to the barn anyway.

    Cheese is very yummy.

    I love my friends.

    I love making people happy.

    Life is very good. ^________^

    canter the course
    [01 Apr 2002|12:30pm]
    [ mood | hungry ]
    [ music | the grass is always greener on the other side >> some ... guy... ]

    I like cheese.

    I also like quizzlebobs. ^^

    quizzlebobs )

    2 oxers cleared >> canter the course
    ee! [31 Mar 2002|09:51am]
    [ mood | awake ]
    [ music | the redwall theme ]

    Happy Easter, everyone!!

    Announcement: I have non-conformist hair.

    And that is all, for now.

    another survey. ^^ )

    canter the course
    {insert insane cackle here} [30 Mar 2002|01:10pm]
    [ mood | predatory ]
    [ music | the corndog song! ]

    Go here, then click "View interactive sneak peek online."


    It's almost as good as the wax's fish-torture-tank. *eeehehehee.*

    1 oxer cleared >> canter the course
    Opinions? [30 Mar 2002|10:32am]
    [ mood | indecisive ]
    [ music | johnny a ]

    Do you like the mouse-over with a grey background, or just the plain white on my site? [not the enter page, but the main one proceeding] I think I like just the white, and leaving the text just green with no mouse-over background... I'd like some opinions though...? ^^

    *hates decisions*

    3 oxers cleared >> canter the course
    whee! [29 Mar 2002|06:44pm]
    [ mood | hungry ]
    [ music | sail away >> enya ]

    I had a great horse lesson today. So very pleased. Petey was in wonderful spirits. I love him so incredibly much. He's the greatest. But I won't rant about that now. So we got out in the arena (outdoor today! whee!) and then I ended up sitting/standing there for over an hour--at least, because Lynne was schooling horses and having her advance students work on troubled horsies. So I got to sit and watch for over an hour. It was great. I learned so much. Then I got to actually ride. Petey and I did a small course, only four jumps, but it went great. They weren't too high, but higher than normal, and... yeah. ^^

    I have this awful habit of hunching over when I canter, which makes everything go ploosh. Lynne got after me today, and I believe I have broken this habit. I'm so proud. ^^ Plus she thought that I was very talented. I was most pleased. Then asked Mum why I'm not out riding more than once a week... I knew the answer, but Mum replied with "time." It's not time. And then I was very thankful for all my parents do and try to do for me. *warm fuzzies*

    I hope I can have a lesson on Monday and Lemon can come.

    No pictures taken of Peteykins today, which was unfortunate. He was all spiffed-up and purty *and* in a good mood, but we ran a good hour or two over to begin with, and Mumsy was late.

    Lily? I'm so sorry about last night. Muchly sorry I couldn't come back on once I got booted to finish the conversation, but my brother was on, and the computer was being pratty. ><

    Worked on my site a bit today, too. To any HTML inclined soul: is it possible to have multiple mouse-over hover attributes in a CSS style sheet? Example: I'm trying to get my mouseover links to have an underline-overline attribute, have "x" amount of letter spacing, and be bold. Is that possible?

    I tried... )

    canter the course
    Good morning, world! [29 Mar 2002|07:25am]
    [ mood | chipper ]
    [ music | orinoco falls >> enya ]

    Gorgeous day outside. Well, sort of. A few clouds coming in, but I can hear the birdies chirping and the sun is partially shining. This is very thothy.

    Horsie lesson today. ^___^

    I had to wake up at (exactly) two am last night (er... morning...) for a bathroom break. I heard my Mum & brother actually having a deep conversation then. At 2 am!

    I have a weird family.

    Wow. Already Friday. That's kinda scary.

    1 oxer cleared >> canter the course
    Please keep your hands and arms and any other appendages inside the vehicle! [28 Mar 2002|03:42pm]
    [ mood | bored ]
    [ music | man on the moon >> ? ]

    To your left, you'll notice a tumbleweed rolling dryly by, and to your right, you will notice that Gravie has a very little of a life.

    * yawn *

    canter the course
    Mmmm. [28 Mar 2002|01:11pm]
    [ mood | amused ]
    [ music | the radio ]

    Go Pie, Man!

    Take the What Kind of Pie Are You? Quiz!

    This quiz was made by KG

    Actually I was cherry. Didn't like that, though. So I cheated.
    I could go for some pie right about now.

    more quizzlebobs )

    canter the course
    Bill! [28 Mar 2002|09:50am]
    [ mood | thankful ]
    [ music | "apollo college" commercial. *shudder* ]

    I'm Boromir/Bill! What LoTR Ship Are You?

    Um. Okay. Moving on...

    barracuda, y'know how when we were in Cali, and you did your hair like that net-thing with the rubber bands? How there were sections, and then you separated them into littler ones, and so forth and so on? I've decided it should be called a Fractal Tree. hee! ~_^

    Moulin Rouge!

    That is too fun to say.

    When I get over my overwhelming laziness, I'm going to make a new icon.

    And that is all.

    1 oxer cleared >> canter the course
    Hm. [27 Mar 2002|09:28pm]
    [ mood | tired ]
    [ music | moulin rouge ]

    Just finished watching Moulin Rouge. Interesting movie, to say the least.

    I think I just like saying "Moulin Rouge." Try it, everybody! "Moulin Rouge!" Now wasn't that fun? Yes. Yes it was.

    *yawn* I needed something to say. And that was it.

    2 oxers cleared >> canter the course
    [27 Mar 2002|10:27am]
    [ mood | peaceful ]

    It's usually helpful to have something to say when you write an entry.

    Unfortunately, I don't.

    1 oxer cleared >> canter the course
    >_< [26 Mar 2002|05:17pm]
    [ mood | sick ]
    [ music | out of love again >> five for fighting ]

    I think I'm going to be sick.

    I want to go run. But I don't think I can.

    canter the course
    [26 Mar 2002|05:04pm]
    [ mood | full ]
    [ music | out of love again >> five for fighting ]

    I just got back from seeing "Ice Age." I liked it, for the most part. ^___^ Jolly good.

    We were going to go to the zoo, but it was *all* full: no sparking spaces or anything. So we went to Red Robin for lunch. I had to snarf down the Mudd Pie waaaaay fast because of my pooshy little brother, who was pretty ruthless when it came to eating that thing. So I had about half of it, give or take a bit, then we went to the theater and I had most of a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Pieces. Oh I do think I'm going to be sick. Plus those cookies from last night, and I didn't have the healthiest of breakfasts. *hehe*

    And... and... I think that's everything for now. ^^

    canter the course
    [25 Mar 2002|08:26pm]
    [ mood | good ]

    I just ate three or four of those sugar cookies. The ones with the really thick frosting and are all crumbly. Yes, those. And I feel happy. Sugar! *sinister grin*

    bink, you remodeled!

    My internet is being so un-Thothy. So is LJ. I managed to kick it on, but still.

    We might go to the beach tomorrow. That means no compyooter. *sniffle* *hugs her friends* Eh, I'll say g'bye t'morra.

    Fear Factor! Woo!

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