Yasha Otata's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
Yasha Otata

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[ come to me, my prey... ]

Oh, All The Craziness! [23 Apr 2002|09:08pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

Last night (or, this morning, more likely) I had the WEIRDEST strung out dream...

It was one of those dreams that shifts from setting to setting, time to time, POV to POV, plot to plot. Like that Ally McBeal show.
WELL, anyway... it jumped around, and around, but finally I got to the Mall with my favorite cousin, Cara (she's like a sister to me), and we were looking for food. More specifically, a Burger King for some fries. (I like BK fries) Well, Cara and I got split up.
The mall became a large, elaborate, gorgeous Opera Hall... With many, many, spiraling white marble staircases (a common thing in many of my best adrenalin-packed dreams). And I was running up and down the beautiful red carpets on the stairs and in the halls... I was so ecstatic! I love places like that in real life, and in dreams, it is HEAVEN. Then, the twisting, winding staircases widened, and spread apart from each-other.That was ok. The Opera Theatre Halls gradually became a mall again. With four Corridors in the shape of an "x" or a "t". I lept from the bottom steps (a custom I have... sort of a ritual) and the shoppers slowly faded out until there were only a few dozen.
I thought (strongly) that I should find Cara again. I began to walk around looking for her. For some odd reason, I never really left the center.
I felt something... and looked ahead into the West Corridor. There, in all his terrible, beastial glory, stood The Devil. He was huge and red and scary and on all fours. He was horrific, yet strangely appealing... I didn't want to see him. But he was there. I closed my eyes to him and tried to ignore him. I felt him there like a heat.
He grabbed me with one of his large claws. Yet I stayed calm. I felt no fear. I knew that he could not hurt me, as long as I stayed calm and strong to my faith in goodness. He threw me in a prison where I learned of an evil scheme.
The Devil had taken a girl, a pure maiden, in which he would implant his evil spawn. He also needed one who was pure to supply the energy for the growth of his "child". I was to be the sorce of energy. He had found a beautiful, fair-haired girl for the other. I could sense her purity. It seemed to radiate from her. I did not know why The Devil had chosen me. Surely I was not "pure". Then I understood. She was pure of heart, I was pure in name (kaitlin, from the greek kathros, "pure"). He drew me from my cell. He forced me to hold the stunned Pure Heart on a slab of dark marble.
I had to be over her, holding her down. The Devil came behind me... I closed my eyes. He told me to press my lips to her, to share my power-sorce. I did so. Then he began to rip and tear her flesh. I peeked out of the corner of my eye, pulling my lips away from her, and saw strange instruments... hornlike things, pushed into her. I knew that The Devil was too powerful for me to stop him, and I knew that he could force me to stay. I closed my eyes again and held tight to the poor girl. She felt to cold. She was dead.
I gasped.
The devil looked up from his work... He threw me across The Corridor with one great hit. He roared at me for not keeping her full of my energy. I had killed her. He wanted to kill me. But he couldn't. I was an important piece to his puzzle.
He threw me once again in a cell. He would not kill me. He could still use me... I could hear him, trying a new plan... he released me back into the Mall...
I could see the people again... but they were disfigured, rotting, possessed... they were being tortured, because of me. The victims called out to me... Some tried to kill me... I yelled to The Devil that he would not persuade me to help him bring his evil into the world.
He became less animal and more human. He tried to seduce me into his wicked congregation. I refused. He became enraged...

I had slept in! I didn't care! I wanted to know what was going to happen! I could miss first hour! IT WAS JUST STUDY HALL!!!!

[ come to me, my prey... ]

Weee!!! [09 Feb 2002|01:15pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | No music, instead its "Dr Zorba: On Your Health", a radio health talk show on National Public Radio ]

So, like I went to see "Lord of the Rings", and like, its, like, the BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!
Go see it!
Now, don't think that I am a raving lunatic that loves every movie of a certain genre or that has certain actors in it that comes around. My last movie that I thought was a must see was "Legend" starring Tom Cruise and Tim Curry. THAT WAS YEARS AGO. (and it is a very, very good movie, RENT IT TODAY!!)
It kinda leaves you hanign' at the end, but it's great otherwise. If you see it and like it you will think "Hey, where's the rest of the movie??", if you see it and LOVE it you will think "Oh my god, it's all I could have ever hoped for and more..." and then you will start crying and people will stare at you a bit. Stupid people...
SO. Go see LoTR. It's great. And Elijah Wood is practically from next door!! (Cedar Rapids is close enough in the world to be considered 'in the neighborhood')

[ 1 victim ] [ come to me, my prey... ]

Something [14 Jan 2002|12:11pm]
[ mood | devious ]
[ music | KFMW Rock108 ]

Hey, Hol! I wrote something in my LiveJournal!

[ come to me, my prey... ]

blah blah blah [01 Nov 2001|07:52pm]
[ mood | weird ]

My name in Spanish class is "Patata Sagrada". It means "Sacred Potato".
I flirt with Frosh and Soph boys. And make them touch my smooth, smooth legs.
I call my boyfriend a whore.
Darth Hannible Neko and I like to bite. YO PICO!
look i can type wiyh my nose
Red and black are my favorite colors.
Bald green guys that are tall and have fangs are often thought to be sexy by me.

[ come to me, my prey... ]

Whoa, scary stuff... [20 Oct 2001|10:47am]
[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | Mr TV ]

Yesterday morning, our school had it's first bomb threat.
We (my 3 cousins and I) arrived at school and everybody was heading toward the parking lot. We, slowed down (in the van) and a teacher told us that we were to report to the Youth & Agriculture building at the fairgrounds, next to the school's parking lot. We were in the parking lot on the way to the building and I saw Mr Bridge. I asked him what was up and he replied, "There's a bomb threat."
Well, we all sat around in the Youth & Ag and talked and stuff. Then, at about 9:30, we were given the ok to head back to the school. The seniors stayed back to pick up.
So we go to 1st hour class, and I have Mr Jonas for World Literature. We are all sitting around and Ms Curry comes in. Apparently, Mr Jonas had ruptured a varicose vein and was bleeding like crazy. So, ya know, the ambulance came to get him, and as they were wheeling him out on the stretcher and passed the door, he calls out "And read Omar (mumble-mumble)'s Rubiyat for Monday!"
He is such a character...
And the rest of the day was fun and games... Well, not really...

[ come to me, my prey... ]

ACK! Update!!! [15 Oct 2001|06:14pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Powerman 5000 - Tonight the Stars Revolt! ]

Wow, I haven't been here in FOR-freakin'-EVER...
Um, I have a boyfriend, his name is Mark, he's squishy and snuggly...
School is a bore...
Hannible is just SO FREAKING CUTE!!! ...
and not much more.
(see why I don't write in here more?)

[ 2 victims ] [ come to me, my prey... ]

I was off in LaLa Land!! [29 Aug 2001|06:13pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | the birdies chirpin' and the engines roarin' ]

Oops! I kinda haven't writen in a while. ^-^;;
Well, don't yell at me. I have had work, school, and other things keeping me busy.

Oh, and I almost go t fired... Heh heh heheh...

Aaaaaaaaaand.... I dunno. School's been ok. I'm going to Jurassic Park 3 tonight... Um, that's about it...
Besides some stuff that you pry dun wanna know about...

[ come to me, my prey... ]

WOOOOOOOOOO!!! [09 Aug 2001|07:47pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Rock 108 (the radio station) ]

So, yeah... *smacks on her Wrigley's <-DOUBLEMINT-> Chewing Gum* So, I was like, BORED and stuff, so I went online and started looking at Garg stuff. And- OO! Savvy just came online! she's cool. But, yeah, any way... I um... great, now I forgot what I was gonna say... FUU! Thanks a lot, Sav...
Ummm... I drew a cute lil pic and got it scanned, but that's about it for that. It's Piccy-Hunny all tied up and gagged hanging up-side-down and demon-me sayin something like "YUMMY!! COOKIES!!!" No, wait... It was "So, Mr Nibbles (my cat, Hannible)... What do you say we find out if Nameks really -DO- have genitallia or not?". And then Mr. Nibbles says "Squeak!" aww... I love you, Hanni-poo!

[ 1 victim ] [ come to me, my prey... ]

*hums to herself* 9_9 [07 Aug 2001|12:53pm]
[ mood | okay ]

Well, lunch consisted of Pokemon fruit snacks (I enjoy biting their heads off) and 1/4 of a laaaaaaaarrrrrrrrge cream puff. ^-^ mmm... health foods...

Aww, Hanni-boo is cleaning himself... how cute.
Hey... I wonder what that's like... *licks herself*
Salty... ^.~

I am still doing typing fun for my Bahma. She is so impressed by my wonderful style and stuff... Yeah...

Well, I think thats that for now.

Oh, PS.... HI ARIBA-SAN!!!!
and... Holly, where are you? :(

[ come to me, my prey... ]

Mmm... there's a creampuff in the fridge... [06 Aug 2001|01:50pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | the sound of the guys working on the roof ]

It's hot and sticky... x_x
But, its August, what else would you expect?

I love my new zip-up red hooded sweatshirt that says BROOKLYN across the front! ^-^

Lessee... I typed some Class Reunion stuff up for my Bahma (gramma) and I ate the last piece of cake in the fridge and I ran some errands and I umm... did some stuff...

I think that I will go and read some more HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The web addy for the official site is: http://www.h2g2.com/

[ 1 victim ] [ come to me, my prey... ]

Ugh... [05 Aug 2001|02:40pm]
[ mood | pleased ]
[ music | Fatboy Slim - Weapon of Choice ]

Work work work wrokw rowkr workworkw rowkr workw rowkrowk WORK...
and a little shopping.

Don't get me wrong, work is great. You get money and it keeps you (me) out of trouble. (most of the time). But it seems like I'm working more and more. And not just at Richard's Food Imporium*, but around the house and stuff, too.

I went to work with my mom Friday. She was stationed at the Kennedy Mall in DBQ. Iowa was having their little "TAX-FREE HOLIDAY" and EVERYTHING was on SALE. I got lots of accessories, Gundam Wing buttons, clothes (my mom was more exited at the GAP than I was...), and the first episode of Oh! My Goddess. FIFTEEN BUCKS! The movie is only about 30 minutes long!!! geez... But I also got a leather bound edition of "The ULTIMATE Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" book. I am so happy ^-^ People, read the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy series! There are 6 books.
They are funny.
They are scifi.
They are British.
DUDE. What more could you WANT??

*The name of this establishment has been changed in order to not embarrass certain persons. And because the actual name sounds like a porn shop of sorts.

[ 1 victim ] [ come to me, my prey... ]

I feel so special! [30 Jul 2001|11:27am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Powerman 5000 - The Son of X-51 ]

I really must thank Holly (GreenAngel) for helping me out and stuff.

Ummmm... there isn't much more to say right now.

[ come to me, my prey... ]

First entry of all time.... [29 Jul 2001|05:52pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Um,.... testing....?

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