Lisa's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]

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The Missing Tooth ~*~ [22 Oct 2001|02:57pm]
[ mood | embarrassed ]

My little filling in my front two teeth fell out and I'm not gonna get that fixed until Wednesday afternoon ... that means two more days of walking around trying not to laugh ... you know how hard that is for me?!? Tonight I'm gonna get 4 Dashboard tix and I'm gonna turn my LiveJournal into a paid account ... at least for half a year ... Maybe I'll change my username because of all the scandalous happenings lately ...

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How come its okay for you to joke around but its not okay for me to? [21 Oct 2001|11:18am]
[ mood | okay ]

So many eventful days ... but I can asure you this one wont be since I have a shitload of homework and Rach just deprived me of a BBYO football game ... so sad. I'm actually thinking bout joining her chapter after Daina told me I have no real background. And I really dont like BBYO ... unless it was just an excuse not to like Lynn and why she never had any time. Well anywayz, last night ... Ahh, Erica just got mad at me ... anywayz ... what was I talking about ... right, so last night ... before going out with Rachael and Erica to the Flyers Skate Zone to meet Andy and whoever else was there, I went to Rachaels to work on math. Well instead of doing that, we ate chinese, went online, did our hair, broke rachaels mirror in attempt of her not seeing me pee, got scared of the trenchcoat man, watched rachael dance, sing, and act crazy. Then my parents came and we went to the skating place. We met Andy there and while there I saw the Parsons, Rachaels pants kept falling and she had to get them stapled so her thong wouldnt show so much, everyone thought we were lesbians again cuz we're so close ... its fun to see how excited the guys get, though, Rachael flirted with Andy, Andy flirted with all 3 of us, Chad tried to get with me, Steven tried to get with all three of us and I must say he didnt leave "empty-handed" thankfully I had nothing to do with it. Nick wasnt there and too bad for Erica and Rachael, neither was Jim. But we had fun anywayz just skating around and bothering the Parsons and asking them if i was hot and theyre like "ahh, ahh, dont touch me" and meanwhile his friends are like "yea" and jane was right, the Parsons can be annoying but theyre funny. Jane told Stomel that I'm weird online ... how am i not weird offline? Hmm, so later on Andy, Rachael, and I left without Erica to go to Coffee Works since we thought Erica wanted to stay and at Coffee Works we saw Sara Sherman and Allison "the one that lives across the street from me" and there we got shakes that took the people an hour to make and saw Rachaels neighbors who are close to her parents and they heard her talking bout Vodka and then saw her on Andy's lap. Haha, Rach ... so smooth. So then we come back to play a couple fone tunes and then wait outside in the cold. You might wanna read Erica's Journal for some more info ...

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Sore shoulders and expanding stomachs ~*~ [18 Oct 2001|09:19pm]
[ mood | Still sore ... ]

1 - My shoulder is still really sore.
2 - I complain about writing too many LJ entries but yet I still keep going.
3 - Rhada hooked me up today at the cookie place while I was at the mall with Erica and took a dollar off my price ... but the milk was rancid.
4 - While purchasing the milk, two guys go up to Erica and say "How old's your friend?" Erica responds with a "16" to which they say, "She got a man?" "No." "We'll be back later." Thankfully we left before they came back. And then we're walking back to the car through the food court and my mom says to me, "Lisa, boys look at you. You got pretty." And I was like "Umm, thanx mom, I guess."
5 - I eat too much. NOTE TO SELF - Cut down on shit.

D-C : 2:23 (jog)

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Who's Athletic? ~*~ [18 Oct 2001|04:21pm]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | Sum 41 - Heart Attack ]

So I'm looking at colleges while listening to SUM41 ... tomorrow nights the concert. So anywayz, I'm looking at colleges and sports and different divisions and yea, I'm athletic and I play basketball, tennis, and soon track ... but I don't have one sport that I really stand out in. So will I be able to play for college ... especially if its Division One. So did being athletic really pay off? What sport am I SO good at? Yea, during gym or whatever I stand out while playing with the rest of girls, but I don't have one major sport that I'm really good at. :( Erica will be here in a half hour so we can work out again ... get me in shape for basketball. I'm still gonna be dying during practice though. Oy ... it takes more than natural ability these days...

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Grades Don't Matter ~*~ [17 Oct 2001|06:21pm]
[ mood | worried ]

Thank you for that reminder after handing me my "38" paper, Mr. Falat. "Its the learning experience that counts." Right...well he IS giving all the 876345 people who got below an 80 an oppurtunity
to make it up. I just hafta come in at 7:00 in the morning 2 times for extra help and only then do I get to make it up. Arg.

Yea, so I SHOULD be doin my homework...seriously, why am I so lazy? Anywho, Erica got blood on my arm today during lunch. She bites the skin around her nails and so she was hitting my arm or something and then we both look down on my arm and theres random blood on it. So I ran into the bathroom in fear of her mother having genital warts or something...ya never know...STD's arent only passed down through sex. Everything always starts with a Virgin. EVERYTHING. I really should do my homework. Hmm, so the stats of the day :

After exercising like a crazy bull with Erica yesterday, my running stats are as follows:

400m run : 1:35 (this past sunday)
400m jog : 2:04 (also this past sunday)
Driveway - Cropwell Corner : 2:35 (yesterday)

I know I'm outta shape. I have 5 weeks to get back into it.

"nice" : 3
"crawling" : 4

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Listless, Letharic, and the infamous Lazy Lisa ~*~ [17 Oct 2001|06:11pm]
[ mood | lazy ]

Why am I so freakin lazy?

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Freckled Frogs ~*~ [16 Oct 2001|03:33pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]

I'm in SAT Review class today and after getting a quiz on something we werent even supposed to study, the teacher, Mrs.Forchion, starts going over the next 479837 words we hafta know. While going over the word "disingenuous", Sarah, some girl in my class, says that the terrorists can be disingenuous as they are crafty and skilled to have done what they have. I agree to an extent and elaborate on my idea. She, obviously disagreeing with my comment, throws her hands in the air and franticly shouts "No, No, Stop, Stop...My ears!" You can imagine the class's reaction. So we talk more and she initially disagreed with my comment that an insane person, whether not directly considered a terrorist, who fills lettes with anthrax and starts biological warfare is in fact a terrorist. She says "no, theyre just an insane person." And for some reason my definition of a terrorist disturbed her so much that we spent the last 15 minutes of class or so arguing. Towards the end she says to me, "You, only an 11th grader think that you have all the answers to life. But however, I, an experienced teacher of 30 years am wrong." Besides the fact that she underestimated my intelligence, she went off on how she can never be wrong. That is dogmatic...I use that word since it was on the crazy little 50 word a week vocab test she gave us today. Its a freakin elective and we get more work in it than in my English class. But thats beside the point...I just said to her, "I dont think I know everything, its just what I believe and I'm not saying I'm necessarily right, its just what I believe." The class rang and I left alongside of Talia talkin bout how crazy this freckled frog is. Talia is still amazed that a black person can have freckles.Thank goodness I only have her for one marking period which is already half over. But on topic of this whole belief thing, I'm starting to question more things and realizing how narrow-minded my parents can be and starting to be more of my own person. Maybe its a sign of growing up...or maybe I'm just really hungry. I'm gonna go make myself something to eat and then I'm goin joggin with Erica. I should start keeping my times. Maybe I'll keep em in my LJ.

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Stigmata ~*~ [15 Oct 2001|11:16pm]
"Your eyes are open, but you see nothing."
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Karobas and Peezdas ~*~ [14 Oct 2001|11:54am]
[ mood | sore ]

Don't ask me for an English translation...If you really know, ask the Band-Aid Queen of Karobas herself (AOL : Rachael516) So last night Erica, Rachael and I went skating. We were supposed to meet Andy at The Flyers Skate Zone...problem was, he didnt specify which. Well first we went to High Ridge because Ericas mom thought thats where we were going so she gave us directions there. Then we called The Flyers Skate Zone and found out it was in Pensauken a good 45 minutes away and after getting lost several times and being yelled at by Erica's dad who continuously called us Peezdas, we finally got there but only to find out we were at the wrong one and the one Andy, one of the guys we met in Haddonfield last week, works at is in Vorhees...which would make sense since he kinda lives there and goes to school there but anywho, we get there and decide to stay. So then this guy starts swooning over us and ties our skates and follows us and then goes upstairs and watches us from above...freaky. So then we finish skating (I'm pretty good and Erica fell on her ass, haha) and we go sit outside waiting for my dad to come and while we do Erica and Rachael have dance offs while I play music on my phone and then we start acting crazy and guys are watching us so we pretend we're lesbians...without doing anything too stupid...and they are all standing at the door watching...why does that amuse them so? So then my dad comes and the guys are like "aww, come back" but despite their cries we go to Blockbuster. There we're looking for porn and the guy hears us talking bout it and hes like "I found some movies for you." Hes like 20 and he has some other friend with him and then two of which starts arguing with me and gets up in my face and i'm like "umm..." And the guys like "we take turns fucking her. Thats the only reason we brought her along." and then he mentions something bout a swastika, or at least thats what Rachael told me she heard. So we finally find a suitable porn called "Swimming Naked" with like David Duchovny acting as the narrarator guy. Its like A Tales From The Crypt kinda thing except its porn...included like 3 little pornos. The first one was pretty good but the rest sucked so during the last two we just gave each other messages...ah, no sexuality invloved, haha. Hmm so then I talked to daina and erica helped me be strong. So i asked her why shes my friend and she told me that shes asking herself that same question and then shes like I donno, I cant give you a whole philosophical answer like you do and i was like (or actually erica was like) "uh ok, daina...buhbye" and that was that. Biatch, she doesnt know why shes my friend. So anywayz, we talk to matt some more and record ourselves and send it to him while he sends us random pictures of cartoons in toliets. Then Rachael and Erica fight over whos sleeping with me on the fold-out (I felt loved) and so they do rock-paper-scissors and Erica wins and then Rachael is all scared to sleep alone because theres a guy wearing a trenchcoat in my then morning comes and Rachael leaves and Erica and I go to Dunkin Donuts. We eat, go home, and I hafta go running in 45 mins...ahh, i hate running...I'm really sore :( Every time I hang out with Rachael and Erica I always have a long-ass entry...thats gotta say something...

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Back From The USSR ~*~ [13 Oct 2001|12:04pm]
[ mood | drained ]

Err...I mean SATs. I dont feel like thinking about it anymore than I have but that was some crazy stuff. Verbal I crapped upon, but the math section was good. Don't you just hate it when you realize you did something wrong but its too late to correct it? In all situations, not only the Verbal SAT. Arg, I'm gonna go lay down.

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