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Crucified Cherry

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blah. [21 Mar 2002|10:06pm]
-i'm exhausted
-i have cramps that could kill a horse
-my mom isn't going away this weekend
-my back is killing me
-boys are stupid
-girls are almost worse
-i'm dying for some advil
-my fingers hurt from playing bass
-they were playing one of my favorite chili pepper songs on ER
-i'm again on my weight-loss crusade
-i miss conan

all in all it was a productive day.
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it's half right? [20 Mar 2002|10:50pm]
Test Results
You think of yourself as being sexy, angry, sarcastic, and moody.
Others think of you as being strong, fiesty, cranky, and adorable.
Your relationships can be described as deep, blue, polluted, and dirty.
When stressed, you feel calm.
Take this test here.
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D-U-M-B everyone's accusing me [20 Mar 2002|10:44pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | ramones - "53rd & 3rd" ]

green day did pretty decent ramone's covers on that rock n' roll hall of fame thing.
i hate eddie vedder.
i realized that i forgot how much i liked the talking heads.
i have cramps that could kill a small horse.

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hey hey hey. [18 Mar 2002|06:06pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | buffy ]

there is nothing more annoying than when the message board is busy and i can't check my private messages. grr.
i just spent an hour exercising. i need to lose weight.
i lost about six pounds in january but then i gained it back. stupid me. i'm sure those damn peanut butter cups didn't help. more grr.

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how nice, being it was my favorite character as a child [14 Mar 2002|05:05pm]

i love elliot smith more than you do.
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[10 Mar 2002|03:40pm]
[ mood | touched ]
[ music | alanis morrisette - "Still" ]

i watched that Laramie Project thing on HBO last night.
I must admit that i taped it and cried about ten different times.

i'll write more later.

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YES! [09 Mar 2002|03:15pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

i got new shoes and Dogma is on.

today cannot get better.

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dead sexxxy. [08 Mar 2002|10:13pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Elliot Smith - "Needle in the Hay" ]

The events of today (or the non-events of today) does not have any kind of relation to the title. at all.
i feel anything but dead sexxxy.
I feel like i'm going to cough up a fucking lung, as well as about 126 of my other bodily organs.
but hey, who's complaining?
I'll just sit here watching my tape of Rufus Wainwright on Zach Galifianakis' show.
Speaking of which, when the fuck did good ol' Zach Galifianakis get a show?
I saw promos for it on VH1, sure, but i hardly recognized him for some reason because i just didn't think he'd have a show.
He's too smart for it. It's amazing that he is in the same kind of occupation as Carson fucking Daly.
Plus, the man does NOT get enough piano time. That's his whole deal. That's what makes him so beautifully different. He has this gorgeous backround music he's playing, yet he's sarcastically stating the awful truths about the world today.
This show cannot be a good idea. They're all going to rape who he is and what he's about and make him this corporate puppet with a $25 Casio keyboard from Radioshack. Sooner or later, he won't be happy, he'll try to get out, and they'll break him.
Or maybe I'm wrong.
I can't say that i wasn't happy to see him have a show so randomly because, seriously, I have been really into him since i saw him on Conan for the first time a few years ago. Ever since then, Zach has been on my Top 3 favorite Conan Guests list. The rest of the list goes as follows:

1) Sarah Vowell - This women is the epitome of the smart, funny women.
She is so wonderfully sarcastic and gorgeous, i love her. Her book, Take the Cannoli, is probably one of my favorite books EVER. I strongly recommend it. very very much so.
In one of the passages in her book, she talks about growing up with a gunsmith as her father:
"I am a gunsmith's daughter. I like to call my parents' house, located on a quiet residential street in Bozeman, Montana, the United States of Firearms. Guns were everywhere: the so-called pretty ones like the circa 1850 walnut muzzleloader hanging on the wall, Dad's clients' fixer-uppers leaning into corners, an entire rack right next to the TV. I had to move revolvers out of my way to make room for a bowl of Rice Krispies on the kitchen table."
Come on. It's fucking gold. Then, in another passage, she talks about getting goth and how she was having trouble thinking of a "goth" name:
"When I was pondering a good goth name for myself, I paged through my reference books on death and dying looking for something gruesome. Nothing felt right. Maybe it's because I came of age in the '80's and I've seen Blue Velvet too many times, but to me, the really frightening stuff has nothing to do with ravens and rats. The truly sordid has a sunny Waspy glow. Therefore, I tell them, the most perverse name I can think of is Becky. It turns out that by saying the magic word "Becky" I have suddenly moved up to the head of the class, gothwise. As Monique puts it: "You are understanding the pink of goth. You've skipped a couple of levels and went straight to pink."
It's genius. Go get the book now. Or i will Kill You.

2) Sarah Silverman - She's another one of the beautifully smart, cynical, but still sexy, smart women out there.
If you remember, she got into that whole controversy about using the word "chink" in a joke while she was on the Conan show. If people actually LISTENED to the whole joke instead of tuning in for the one, little word, they would have seen that it was a smart, funny joke that makes you think. It's too bad that there is so many closed-minded people in the world, Sarah should be much more beloved. She actually also wrote and was featured on Saturday Night Live, briefly, some years ago.
She's just so funny. Look:
"My grandmother died recently. She was 97, so obviously I suspected foul play. I am paying for a full autopsy and full rape exam. My parents think I’m crazy. I’m not crazy. Oh please, God, I hope they find semen in my dead grandmother’s vagina!"
It's hilarious. all good things.

3) Zach Galifianakis - I explained my love for him above.

I see Le Tigre in less than a month. wonderful.
I'll now go back to drowning myself in Rufus Wainwright and Elliot Smith..

comment if you must.


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[08 Mar 2002|05:00pm]
BurningBlueEyes [4:55 PM]: i hate the world
SmarterChild [4:55 PM]:I don't. I'm all about love! []
BurningBlueEyes [4:55 PM]: fuck you.
SmarterChild [4:55 PM]: Oooo... "bad language"...

What's up, BurningBlueEyes? You hanging out with the "wrong crowd"?
BurningBlueEyes [4:55 PM]: i hate you.
SmarterChild [4:55 PM]: Sorry to hear that. I hope you change your mind.
BurningBlueEyes [4:55 PM]: i hope you get castrated.
SmarterChild [4:55 PM]: me get castrated?
BurningBlueEyes [4:56 PM]: yes, you get castrated.
SmarterChild [4:56 PM]: Oh really?
BurningBlueEyes [4:56 PM]: damn straight, you eunuch.
SmarterChild [4:56 PM]: Uh... what was that?
BurningBlueEyes [4:56 PM]: asshole.
SmarterChild [4:56 PM]: You're cursing a blue streak, my friend. What's up?
BurningBlueEyes [4:56 PM]: i hope you get fucked up the ass with a twenty-inched dildo.
SmarterChild [4:56 PM]: I tell you, BurningBlueEyes. I've heard lots and lots of people curse. And YOU...

Are, well... one such person.
BurningBlueEyes [4:57 PM]: you really do suck.
SmarterChild [4:57 PM]: Hey hey, take it easy.
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call me crazy. [07 Mar 2002|04:35pm]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | "These Days" - Nico ]

I know now that Jay isn't right for me at all.
I had a dream that I was in London, and we were on a bus, and he had suitcases and i was empty-handed.
So we were on this long fucking bus ride, and we were sitting next to eachother, but we weren't saying a word.
Finally, his stop came, and he took his bags and he got off.
He turned around and looked at me, and he looked like he was going to say goodbye and he came closer to the door again as if he was going to come hug me or something, and just before he got to me the bus started to leave.
He didn't try to stop it, and I was unaffected.

Thinking about this dream has made me come to the conclusion that he just isn't meant for me or something to that extent.
if anyone who has read this, and they know how to interpret dreams, please email me or something, i'm dying to know what is happening.

Anyway, let's see, what else.
I'm going to dye my hair black. and i'll probably cut it too.
I go Le Tigre tickets for March 29 here in NY. if any LT fans are going, get back to me and maybe we could hang out at the show or something.
I feel like i've been coughing up a lung this week. yummy.
I definitely need more friends. my friend count is dangerously low.
The Last Call with Carson Daly show i went to aired last night and you could see me on tv for about 12 seconds, tops. wwoooo.
i have such an urge to watch kevin smith movies right now. i have to definitely arrange a movie day with james sometime soon.
i'm tired.

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[05 Mar 2002|05:20pm]

Which Angelina Are You?
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[05 Mar 2002|05:11pm]

Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
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[05 Mar 2002|05:05pm]

Who's Your Inner Buffy Bad-Girl? Find out @ She's Crafty
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[05 Mar 2002|04:55pm]

Which My So-Called Life Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
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i always get courtney [05 Mar 2002|04:41pm]

Who's Your Inner Music Industry Diva? Find out @ She's Crafty
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i'm on a binge again [05 Mar 2002|04:38pm]
so sorry, in advance, but these fucking banners are so goddamned fun.

between these, daria fan-fiction, and kevin smith movies, i do not know what is better.

Who's Your 80s Movie Icon Alter-Ego? Find out @ She's Crafty
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[02 Mar 2002|10:54pm]

Which Rainbow Brite kid are you? By Growing.
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[02 Mar 2002|10:51pm]

Take the Bear Quiz by Krysten
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[02 Mar 2002|10:48pm]

You're the Female Cenobite known
as Terri.You too like pinnhead came
to earth to bring down souls to torture,
and also like pinhead you're a pretty
rocking dresser! You also have a nasty
smoking habit!
What Horror Movie Villian am I?
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[02 Mar 2002|10:45pm]

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