Brenden [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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OMGxORZ [Jan. 10th, 2005|11:04 pm]
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[Nov. 5th, 2003|09:39 am]
Whoah! an update, bitches!

Actually I changed this layout to an old on I have on my current journal @, so all the links and info go to that journal...pretty nifty, huh?

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boo [Sep. 1st, 2003|11:58 pm]
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fuck deadjournal [Jul. 24th, 2003|11:32 pm]
come here
goodbye deadjournal
new blog
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fuck you [Jul. 24th, 2003|10:20 pm]
[mood | calm]
[music |Madonna - Words]

Ten bands/artists you couldn't live without:
[1] Madonna
[2] Lil Kim
[3] Paul Oakenfold
[4] Michael Jackson
[5] Jay-Z
[6] Nelly
[7] Britney Spears
[8] Shakira
[9] Christina Aguleria
[10] The Romantics

Nine albums that are important to you:
[1] Bjork's Greatest Hits
[2] The Deeper and Deeper Single
[3] Jurassic Park Soundtrack
[4] BTTF: Soundtrack
[5] Madonna-Music
[6] Erotica
[7] Everclear -The Afterglow
[8] The Barenaked Ladies
[9] Madonna-Ray Of Light

Eight movies you'd watch over and over:
[1] Lilo And Stitch
[2] The Brintey Spears concert
[3] BTTF Trilogy
[4] JP
[5] Meet The Parents
[6] Zoolander
[7] Mulan
[8] Shrek

Seven things that annoy you:
[1] Customers
[2] Skin on pudding
[3] My mom
[4] Robin
[5] My has no rubber mouse thing and it hurts now
[6] The constant "ding ding ding" in my car for no reason
[7] Heat
Six of your favorite songs(currently)
[1] Dirty Boogie - The Brian Setzer Orchestra
[2] Hidden Place - Bjork
[3] Ding Dong Daddy of the D Car Line - Cherry Poppin' Daddies
[4] Noting Fails - Madonna
[5] That 70s Song - Cheap Trick
[6] Surfer Girl - The Beach Boys

Five TV shows you watch regularly:
[1] Nothing really...
[2] maybe the Simpsons?
[3] nope
[5] narrowed it down to1

Five of your all-time-favorite books:
[1] Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
[2] Red Raptor
[3] Left Behind
[4] The Confederacy Of Dunces
[5] Lord of the Rings: TFOTR

Three albums you've bought recently:
[1] Bad Boys 2 Soundtrack
[2] Jewel's new one
[3] Bjork's Greatest Hits

Two Artists you would like to do the NASTY with:
[1] Britney Spears
[2] hmmm....Britney Spears

One band whose music would be described as writing the soundtrack of your life
[1] Madonna....hahah..."Words"
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nevermind [Jul. 24th, 2003|10:02 pm]
went to stefanies
and pickered her upper
and then we went to get tina
hello tina
she's nice
then we went to her house
(a different one)
and then we dropped off stuff
then we went to the mall
and then we went to kmart
and then i took them to stef's house

i am having a taco taco
and i must go to CSUN tomorrow
and i'm going to die
i need to go to work because i forgot something
and then after CSUN i go to work
and then i'm going to hang with leo

oh...i got pumas today
i was so excited
and i got lion king on DVD and free crap
and the stitch movie on preorder
whoo hoo
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awwww [Jul. 24th, 2003|06:50 pm]
[mood | exhausted]
[music |Objection (Tango) - Shakira]

work was fun
tim has been the greatest person in the world to talk to...
and he's great
*I meant to hit Brenden*
....i swear...
i was so delerious at work
someone left flowers on my car...
i'm kinda freaked out
because it's just weird...
but i wonder who left them...haha
i still got flowers though
i'm so pooped
happy birthday leonard.
i can't believe his family isn't doing anything for him
so we're prolly gonna hang out tomorrow...
samantha (not buckhehe) stopped by work again...
i have to call her tonight...sooooooooO!
i'm tired and i'm going to clean my room biggie time
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haahahahaha [Jul. 23rd, 2003|11:58 pm]
stef: whoa ...
stef: you're a walkin slut
me: i know
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arhrhghghah [Jul. 23rd, 2003|06:03 pm]
robin is "back"
and wendi is stupid enough to take him back
i am so not ok with it
and i told her and omg
i was so ready to quit
and she was like "please give him another chance'
and i said i would, but if he goes back to the same old shit
i will be soooo not cool.
and it's so cool
if i leave...jenny and miguel leave....
if jenny leaves....rebecca leaves
if miguel leaves....carlos leaves....
if carlos leaves...john & ashley leave....
if ashley leaves....erica leaves....
if john leaves....tim and jason leave....
if tim leaves....then there's nobody left....
isn't that cool
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yawnnnnn [Jul. 23rd, 2003|12:13 am]
got new oven thing
met some hot chick...wendi's niece
she's an actress
was on a lot of stuff...kinda like you'd recognize her, but not know what she's from
gave me a picture and signed it hahah
picked up a doggie and went back to porter ranch
met naomi, matt, and claire
saw LOTR:TT at the cheap theater
good times
the end...
gabe's gonna make me go online at 2am when he gets off work...haha
so i sleep until then! :)
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yawn [Jul. 21st, 2003|10:43 pm]
got home from work
amanda bell said hello
naomi, matt, and dana said hello
leonard came by and said hello
i closed
i open tomorrow
the end
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HAH [Jul. 21st, 2003|01:04 am]
i figured out my phone
i can get all that crap they charge $2 for...muahahha

and .wav files...omg
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whoah [Jul. 20th, 2003|09:13 pm]
randomly my was like let's go to lake castaic
so we did with deanne, mark, dyland, gparents, anna, and wayne.
good times
really crowded and hot but it was fun
then we chilled at the gparents until
just a kickback day before i have to go back to work....sigh
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ehhh i'm bored [Jul. 19th, 2003|11:02 pm]
What Is Your Animal Personality?

brought to you by Quizilla

hey hey... i dunnoo....
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hahaha [Jul. 19th, 2003|06:39 pm]
<----------- saw this in Maxim and i had to use it! :)

saw X2 today....uhhh...not much...had some beans and ice cream
also got my check...yay
I'm muchos tired...i have to get to bed earlier today!
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ack [Jul. 19th, 2003|09:51 am]
it feels so odd not working...
i feel like i should be there
but hey my check's in i'll have someone get it for me
i'm enjoying my uhhh oatmeal...yum
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ehhh [Jul. 18th, 2003|11:33 pm]
today was uneventful
i slept in which felt good...
sat around...played some video games with dylan
we went and rented some movies
i look like a chipmunk hahah
robert called me and he was like "i'm gonna stop by"
and i was like "uhhh no"
so yeah...
i'm just tired...
tomorrow i dunno what i'm gonna do tomorrow...
my jaw is sore....not so much the
hahah i'm watching old school...
"we're going streaking!!!"
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heh [Jul. 18th, 2003|07:02 pm]
You are DORY!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
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hehe [Jul. 17th, 2003|11:22 pm]
today was pretty chill...
sat in bed
played a game with dylan
gparents came over and deanne took care of me
she also made some cool comments
that made my day
but uhhh i got a call from someone i met a few days ago
and they asked how i was and how the surgery went
leonard texted me, but nobody really called me
so i was like happy.
maybe i'll be able to get back to work soon...but for now i have the
weekend and tomorrow off to sit in my room
allllllllllll alone....sigh
but it's like a mini vacation
i had like noodles and i'm not really hungry
and jamba juice with a spoon
so i'm gonna drift asleep...i'm already
woozy from the vikadin
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wow [Jul. 17th, 2003|07:49 pm]
it didn't work
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