1. How do people often describe you?
on crack

2. Where do you go come Friday night?
I'm out dancing.
I prefer to stay at home reading.
I'm at the computer, where else?
To my neighbor's house, I'm babysitting.
The pub.
Shopping for a new corset.

3. What character will you play in this summer's hit blockbuster?
The sexy damsel in distress.
The annoying child star.
All the unpopular kids in the school.
I don't particularly enjoy films, thanks.
I'm not an actor, I'm in charge of the special effects!
The sidekick.

4. What's your favorite book?
War and Peace
I don't read, I listen to music.
I can't read, I'm still in kindergarten!
The Onion
People magazine
Harry Potter, what else?

5. Last Words?
Certainly not.
*shakes head*
Too late, I'm already gone.
Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!

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