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Below is user information for The Devilgrrl. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:jendevil (220948)
Name:The Devilgrrl
Website:Lick The Star
Location:Crown Point, Indiana, United States
Bio:We're all naked when the day is said and done.


fuck me, i'm beautiful
Memories:12 entries
Interests:abstractism, alice in wonderland, andy warhol, angelina jolie, anne rice, ayn rand, belly button piercings, bif naked, bikini kill, bisexuality, biting, bjork, bob marley, burgundy, burton snowboards, caffeine, candy necklaces, cheeba, chicks on speed, chokers, coffee, consciousness, control, cunnilingus, darren aronofsky, e. e. cummings, egotism, erraticism, explodingdog.com, fairuza balk, fasting, feet, fight club, francis ford coppola, french kisses, fucking, girls, green eyes, gucci rush, gypsies, hairless bodies, hip huggers, hipbones, hippies, hoodies, incense, insomnia, iridescence, jefferson airplane, jefferson starship, john waters, kathy acker, last man out, le tigre, lesbians, lewis carroll, lick the star, literature, live, lolita storm, long kisses, lucid dreams, making out, mara'akate, meditation, miniskirts, moby, modernism, mohawks, monkeys, monty python, mudding, muds, my bed, my boyfriend, mystery, nakedness, naturalism, navel piercings, necks, nerd rockers, nine inch nails, no doubt, nudists, nudity, objectivism, old man pants, old man sweaters, our lady peace, palm reading, palmistry, pelvises, peter paul and mary, phish, piercings, pink floyd, pink hair, pj harvey, plaid, plaid skirts, pleated skirts, poe, pollack, poppy z. brite, portishead, punkers, punks, purple, red hair, rings, riotgrrls, rivers cuomo, robots, rocking out, scarves, schoolgirls, self-control, sequins, sexuality, sexy panties, shaggy hair, sharp teeth, shaving, short skirts, sky blue eyes, sleeping, sleeping naked, snatch, snowboarding, sofia coppola, soulmates, stanley kubrick, star patrol, succubi, sugarhigh, superstar, swanky.org, taco salad, the craft, the lou reeds, the misfits, the virgin suicides, toes, toned backs, tongue piercings, tongues, unnatural hair colors, valparaiso, vampires, weezer
Friends:60: ample_paranoia, ardent_eyes, blueygdragonfly, brittany0928, brownie0728, changingmichael, chaos_committee, coffeeandcigars, cyanidestars, darksteppa, destroyedbyyou, djantigame1, dreamserpent, drippingwhisper, dull_glitter, echoluster, emomusicart, fallacious, fallenstarlette, forsooth, glencheck, green00eyes00, hula_man, i_nuts, lbccitylights, lide, lilmisspunker, lins268, litopunkrawk, lowtek77, lyekiss, mafiadominatrix, mastercriminal, my_confession, napalmheart, om_bodhi, phizzled, prettylola21, punkerspelunker, punkgurlie, punkskabetty, ravergrrl, riotgrrrrl, rockmusicnerd, secret_elixir, shiootshnit, shot96, skemop, starbrite367, supremacy, tames, twstedbeautiful, valveeta, vinyettimafia, whyifail, wyckedkitten, xholes2pleasex, xreddan, xxspyboyxx, yeanface
Account type:Free User

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