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Sunday, February 10th, 2002
11:08 pm - Why I HATE Moulin Rouge
The movie makes fun on Bohemianism while projecting the facade of being Bohemian. If it would not have been completely 100% corporate, it is possible I might have been able to tolerate it. But NO. It's not. Plus I threw up after watching it because its insane camera angles made me nauseated. In my opinion, Moulin Rouge is worse than Annie, yes, Annie.

current mood: aggravated

(3 glances | look in the mirror)

Friday, February 8th, 2002
10:01 pm - In a place occupied by cowboys and useless people...
Thank god that the Holiday Inn Express in College Station/Bryan has a computer with internet access. I can't stand not having it. My live journal, oh, my precious. Just kidding. The Science Bowl is tomorrow and I am not ready, oh well. Who cares if we lose? I certainly don't. It looks good on the resume, which is all I care about.

I would like to comment that my two favorite foreign films of all time are Cinema Paradiso and Amelie. Now that that's out of the way I can continue rambling on about my uneventful life. Aunt Candi is in town. Yippee. I can't go to the AAH Valentine's party, un-yippee. Another un-yippee: The left shift bar on thius comp sticks. Yuck.


PS-if you want to reach me, email me @

current mood: bitchy
current music: The Ice Machine

(1 glance | look in the mirror)

Thursday, February 7th, 2002
1:21 am - Hello highlighter...
Brian Gaston=Sadistic man trying to ruin my knees
No, actually I love Brian to death. But he's not a celebrity so he can't be on Jesse's "list".
I rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed.
I can't do a cartwheel.
Round-offs are easier than cart wheels.
Even though I have rehearsal with the insane Brian Gaston who I love and hate simultaneously, it will be a good day because Aunt Candi is coming and I get to work on my research paper.
Gotta love grammatically correct yet insanely long sentences. Unlike the latter.
I've been reading Walden way too much.
But this is a good thing.


PS -- Vote Tony Sanchez

current mood: drained
current music: No Angel -- Dido, gotta love her.

(look in the mirror)

Tuesday, February 5th, 2002
5:21 pm
How's life, all? Mine es mucho good. Went to Measure rehearsal, pondered life's meaning, then studied for the goddamn science bowl. I don't want to go to Aggie-land and there's nothing you can do about it. Except threaten to take away my car. Which they did.

Off to splay some giglots,

current mood: awake
current music: What's the Buzz -- Jesus Christ Superstar

(look in the mirror)

9:24 am - Away too long, I know.
I know it's been a very long time, but now I'm back. So, how's every little thing in the world.
Yankee Doodle rehearsals started last night and I pulled a hamstring. But it's feeling better now.
I finally figured it out. The point of Jon Watson's existence is to torture me.
Brian Gaston is arguably the funniest person alive.


current mood: chipper
current music: Part of Your World, from, yes, The Little Mermaid

(look in the mirror)

Friday, January 25th, 2002
12:27 pm
It is my personal opinion that this makes me the coolest person in the entire world:

By Meeki

Take the Test now!

Making me even cooler is the fact that I bought this great new sweatshirt that has velcro letters you can put on it. Right now it says "I LOVE SEAN BIGGERSTAFF". Irony, huh? I'm going to go change it now to "ECLECTIC..."


PS - LimeWire is working again! Yay!

current mood: bouncy
current music: Everywhere -- Michelle Branch

(1 glance | look in the mirror)

Thursday, January 24th, 2002
8:42 pm - Bored me...
Nothing exciting is happening today... my mommy said I could go to the Nelly Furtado concert, I guess that's cool. Anyone wanna come with?

Life, yes. Well then, I have nothing to say. I'm leaving in three days. I guess that's good. Or not.

Boring Love,

current mood: bored
current music: Turn of the lights -- Nelly Furtado

(look in the mirror)

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002
8:34 pm - Me?
I'm Jack!

What FIGHT CLUB character are you?

I'm happy with this result. Being I always related with Jack and when I first saw the movie I said "Look, it's me".


(look in the mirror)

8:34 pm - Me?
I'm Jack!

What FIGHT CLUB character are you?

I'm happy with this result. Being I always related with Jack and when I first saw the movie I said "Look, it's me".


(look in the mirror)

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
10:01 pm - Cool. Or not
I'm in a good mood today. Measure rehearsal went well. I got to read the whore, go me. I actually got to read TWO whores. I mean, how cool can you get. Much cooler. Exactly. Well then.

I'm just sitting listening to the radio "So I listen to the radio...", excuse me. Anyone obsessed with The Corrs will get that. But then again, Corrs fans are rare. I got to talk to Chrisitie briefly. And that's extremely cool. I can't believe I still keep in touch with someone I haven't seen in nearly six years. Scary, it was six years ago I went to SeaWorld camp. Ah, how time flies when you're old. Or not.

Besides reading two whores in one day, this makes me cool. or not. :
You are Rhonda!
Aren't you just a princess! Yeah, you know what's cool. Is that guy wearing orange and red??? Yuck!

take the what hey arnold! character are you? test


current mood: silly
current music: Expo 2000 Radio Mix -- Kraftwerk

(look in the mirror)

8:10 am - Oh yeah, I'm cool...

I am Richie Tenenbaum. Who might you be?

current mood: discontent
current music: My father washing out his coffee mug

(look in the mirror)

Sunday, January 20th, 2002
4:18 pm - MUAHAHAHA!

You are ... Jessica Lovejoy
Jessica Lovejoy
Take the Simpsons Quiz @ Space Monkey Mafia dot com

(look in the mirror)

Saturday, January 19th, 2002
10:39 am - In light of other entries...
Everyone writes such long beautiful entries. And then there's Phoebe's short little online quiz result journal. It doesn't make any sense. I took yet another online quz. It told me I was the How British Are You? Quiz. I'm happy with that, being I am 82.5% british. That makes me cool. Really. It does.

I'm leaving for a week next week. We're going up norht. It will be my first plane trip since August. I must say, even in light of current events, I am officially psyched about flying again. Note to self: get world "psyched" out of vocabulary before college visits. Replace with "fuckshit". Should be sufficient.

My mom did some research on Hamilton, it sounds awful. Oh well. We're already scheduled to go there. I don't even know why we're going, I already know I'm going to Smith. "Backup," Mommy says, "backup." We're not even going to see Alex. Sorry, hon. Note to self: Eliminate "hon" from vocabulary. Replace with "doll". Should be sufficient.


(look in the mirror)

10:29 am - How me
you are happy and a renthead.

Take the web's most accurate personality test now!

(look in the mirror)

10:20 am - Written yesterday, just forgot to post it:
Promised to write more. Here I am. I love Drops of Jupiter. It is the best song in the entire world, followed closely by Suddenly Monday and Piano Man. I'm listening to it right now. What euphoria. I'm sending it to my dad. I know he'll love it. Let me rephrase taht. I HOPE he'll love it.

I have a busy day booked for tomorrow. EARLY in the morning I'm going with Daddy to his work. I'm going to lick envelopes or something like that. He really doesn't want me to go, but I'm forcing him. What can I say? I'm evil. Even if I don't have anything to do I can catch up on my reading. I'm reading this completely awesome play right now called The Last meeting of the Knights of the White Magnolia. Everyone with a bit of time on their hands should read and/or see it.

After my work *yay!* I'm going to one of my favorite places in the world. The library. Yes, the library. I savor our brief encounters oh so much. I think I'm going to check out This Side of Paradise. It's supposed to be amazing. I guess I'll get some books on the progressive presidents also. I have a research paper to write on them. My level of psychedness is very high. I love research papers.

On Sunday, I will probably go see a movie at the Imax. I'm torn between CyberWorld 3D and Dolphins. My life is so complicated. I made a comment to Mommy about how glad I was that the homeschoolers generally don't go to church and she threw a fit. She wants me to love Trinity like she does, but I don't. I don't want her forcing anything on me. Oh well. I'll live.


current mood: anxious

(look in the mirror)

Thursday, January 17th, 2002
10:00 pm - I'm cute...

What obscure animal are you?

(look in the mirror)

8:05 pm
"Dick Button fans will come and kill you in your sleep!"

--My mother

current mood: blank

(look in the mirror)

Wednesday, January 16th, 2002
11:03 pm
You're a dangerous person -- very ambitious, self-aware and self-reliant. You know what your strengths are and how best to use them to your advantage, and you know what your weaknesses are and how to downplay them. You can either be a great leader or a great tyrant, but you'll definitely be great. Chances are you're also very sarcastic.

Get Sorted!

current mood: pleased

(look in the mirror)

10:43 pm
If anybody ever tells me I can't do it, I say this. Shut up. I can do it.


current mood: high
current music: Drops of Jupiter -- Train *my new favorite song*

(look in the mirror)

10:43 pm
If anybody ever tells me I can't do it, I say this. Shut up. I can do it.


current mood: peaceful
current music: Drops of Jupiter -- Train *my new favorite song*

(look in the mirror)

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