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Thursday, January 24th, 2002
8:01 pm

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8:42 am
Today's the sort of day that made me really glad I had orange juice ready to drink. And puny granola bars. Damn your impudent puniness!

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Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
7:52 am
So I'm sitting here staring at code way later then I should be, and I can't figure out why my code won't convert decimal to hex properly. I pick a value and run through with it, and then realise that when I copied and pasted "if" statements to convert 10-16 to the appropriate letters, I never actually edited the letters, and thus they were all 'a'. Like 'duh'! hahahaha!

8 am is a decidedly abnormal time for me to be alive. I best git my code on so I can gits me some sleep.

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Sunday, January 20th, 2002
8:23 pm
Humans are stupid. I need a people strainer, I can dump in the human race, and all the stupid people would fall out of the bottom. The first 2 to fall out would be Jon and Cabelle. How on earth can someone try to convince you that your own boyfriend is gay? "but I'm dating him, he's obviously not gay!" "yeah, well, so and so told me that he was, so he must be". And it's like they actually think I'll be concerned/bothered by this. I've dated bi people before, even if he did like guys (and I'm pretty sure he doesn't) I could care less, cause he obviously likes me too! Garrrg why are humans so stupid?!

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12:40 pm - poop!
Siege79 (12:31:05 PM): paint is tasty
Siege79 (12:31:13 PM): like poop
Siege79 (12:31:15 PM): :-)
ptochei a (12:31:22 PM): poop is healthy for your lungsies!
ptochei a (12:31:23 PM): =D
Siege79 (12:31:30 PM): all textured and sticky
ptochei a (12:31:35 PM): I agree completely!
Siege79 (12:31:38 PM): yeahhhhhhhhhhhh
ptochei a (12:31:45 PM): I prefer "chunky" to "creamy"
Siege79 (12:31:46 PM): excellent
ptochei a (12:31:52 PM): spreads well on crackers too!
Siege79 (12:31:52 PM): oh, of course!
Siege79 (12:31:56 PM): true
Siege79 (12:32:07 PM): we can have poop for din-din tonight
Siege79 (12:32:19 PM): i saved some from my last batch
ptochei a (12:32:27 PM): ooo good idea!
Siege79 (12:32:28 PM): it was really soft
ptochei a (12:32:36 PM): mmmm
Siege79 (12:32:43 PM): ......laughing.......
Siege79 (12:32:52 PM): ........picking nose.......
ptochei a (12:32:59 PM): *poops*
ptochei a (12:33:02 PM): quick! eat it!
Siege79 (12:33:04 PM): (scratching butt)
Siege79 (12:33:07 PM): yum!
Siege79 (12:33:15 PM): (slurping sounds)
ptochei a (12:33:17 PM): nutricious and delicious!
Siege79 (12:33:30 PM): mmm,mmm, good!
Siege79 (12:33:41 PM): campbell's should make poop broth!
ptochei a (12:33:54 PM): ooo then we could fill a bathtub with it and bathe in it!
Siege79 (12:34:02 PM): that would be nice!
Siege79 (12:34:12 PM): i enjoy a warm poop bath every now and then
ptochei a (12:34:22 PM): hell, who doesn't?
Siege79 (12:34:27 PM): satan
ptochei a (12:34:37 PM): and saddam I guess too
Siege79 (12:34:41 PM): i understand he's the urine type
Siege79 (12:34:59 PM): of course, but i think saddam just humors satan sometimes
ptochei a (12:35:00 PM): yeah, I hear they don't get much poop down in hell anyway
Siege79 (12:35:08 PM): no, not really
ptochei a (12:35:12 PM): it's mostly gets shipped straight up to heaven
Siege79 (12:35:21 PM): it is worth a lot down there though
ptochei a (12:35:21 PM): God loves scat
Siege79 (12:35:32 PM): i want that on a t-shirt!
ptochei a (12:35:38 PM): haha! yes!
Siege79 (12:35:43 PM): god loves scat!
Siege79 (12:35:47 PM): excellent!
Siege79 (12:36:22 PM): oh my god. we're going to hell. a poop-less hell.
Siege79 (12:36:30 PM): it will be wet
ptochei a (12:36:36 PM): better enjoy it while you can here then!
ptochei a (12:36:41 PM): into the sewers!
Siege79 (12:36:45 PM): good idea!
Siege79 (12:36:55 PM): yes, the sewers indeed!
ptochei a (12:37:04 PM): I bet the Ninja Turtles were into scat
Siege79 (12:37:06 PM): (scratching armpit)
ptochei a (12:37:22 PM): *scratches balls*
Siege79 (12:37:24 PM): i'll bet they were. that whole living-in-the-sewer thing
Siege79 (12:37:39 PM): (masterbates and sprays screen)
Siege79 (12:37:50 PM): i got love juice on the keyboard
ptochei a (12:37:53 PM): ooooo!
ptochei a (12:38:04 PM): *has anal sex with herself*
Siege79 (12:38:04 PM): (farts)
ptochei a (12:38:12 PM): now *that* takes skill!
Siege79 (12:38:31 PM): i just gave birth to your mom!
ptochei a (12:38:43 PM): your mom just gave birth to your mom! ooooooh!
Siege79 (12:39:02 PM): your mom just gve birth to you!
Siege79 (12:39:09 PM): oh...wait. nevermind
ptochei a (12:39:11 PM): that's what your mom said last night1
ptochei a (12:39:12 PM): !
ptochei a (12:39:37 PM): I can give birth to poopies=D

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Saturday, January 19th, 2002
10:47 pm - updated

If I was getting paid for that, I'd spent the extra pain in the arse time to make it look good in netscape, but I'm not, so I'll just stick to being lazy & making people feel like fools for not using IE=p

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Friday, January 18th, 2002
2:59 pm
Dropped off my application to graduate, step one is complete! I may have also found a potential job, w00! Now I just need the motivation to persue it=p

current music: Outkast - B O B (Bombs Over Baghdad)

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12:34 pm

The world frightens me greatly. Man I wanna go stuff my face now=d

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Wednesday, January 16th, 2002
8:15 pm
An entire day, down the tubes with shopping. Ah well, I satisfied my sesame chicken cravings for a bit at least, and got some pointless stuff I don't need. Man it's cold. Oh yeah, remind me to get my application to graduate, that must all be completed by the 25th, and there's no way I'm staying at VCU after this year, ech!

So, class tomorrow, I should do some reading. A meeting with my boss tomorrow, with luck this means some mad hours=d Possibly an lovely afternoon with Ramsey tomorrow as well, if the time constraints don't wig out on me. Oh, goth night tonight? Perhaps, depends on if Carolyn actually calls. Either way I'm fine, I could use the exercise, but I could also use the spare time. Eh, Que sera.

current music: Gompie - Who's Alice?

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Tuesday, January 15th, 2002
7:37 pm
So I just passed a nonstop at the vcu arcade that started with orion78 (evil evil, only the 2nd time I've passed it), and included 3 catas and an 8 footer in a row, my lungs practically hacked their way out of my ribcage, but I passed! My company (ex-chris, dolph, lawrence, and that dude whose name I dunno but sat by me at the stephen king talk at the honors house) seemed fairly nonplussed, but I was happy. And so I eat pasta soon. Waaah I never got to meet kevin! I feel vagualy accomplished, I made a banner for Paul that was better then the frst banner I made for myself, thus vague signs of improvement in skills or something.

Started classes (all 2 of them, heh). Lots of coding ahead of me (blast you Java!), at least I know someone in my classes though, always a good thing. I wish I could make my scanner work=\

And whyyyyy can't I find my @!^%@#!^%@ NEWSWEEK?!?!?! GRRG....

current music: veruca salt - volcano girls

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Sunday, January 13th, 2002
10:48 pm
Once upon a time I percieved macaroni and cheese as the root of all evil. Yet now, I am on my 3rd serving of Easymac for the day. Funny, how people change.

Classes start tomorrow, I don't have any until tues night though. Damn this is good macaroni. I saw a friend I haven't seen since high school today, and discovered that I really don't care much for whiskey (well, I kinda knew that before, but sometimes we all need a refresher).

Did I mention that blue lights rock your world?

Ooooo...! go to . As of when I just checked the list, my meme was at #22! how cool is that?

current music: Eve 6 - Beautiful Oblivion

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12:29 am
meme count = 11487!

4th Mix Solo is the shiziznit. I long to pass Orion, I need to work on Insertion for 5th as well=d

I love my roof, I need to clean it though, it's all junked up fom Angel of Death remnants, I'd like to make it more presentable for company=p.

Mmm italian food rocks your world. Much italian food is the same color as my goggles, which also rock your world.

I fear that I will fall asleep tonight and have nightmares about what The Rock is cooking!

current music: SoaD - Bounce

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Wednesday, January 9th, 2002
10:03 pm
blaah de blaaah.

VCU has 4th mix solo, it rocks your world. I shall be playing some mad ddrin' action with the Jasons with luck tomorrow, possibly with Ramsey on Saturday, and whenever else my wallet will let me!

Played 5th mix yesterday, it rocks your world, spent part of my gift certificate at Express, got a size 10 skirt that fits looser then how what I'm pretty sure is at least a size 12 skirt that I got from Liz fits, ahh sweet clothing logic. As we were running to the car, Anne slipped and fell on some ice and sprained her ankle unfortunately, so we were in the hospital a bit. Things with Chris seem ok, if nothing else he seems oblivious to the fact that we ever dated or had any connection, ah well.

You know what sucks? Social anxiety disorder. Not that I have it horribly, but I think my life is much happier with the internet. Like ordering a pizza, you can do it online, what a joy! That's like one of the scariest phone things to do as far as I'm concerned, well placing an order, or anything where you have to have extended interactions with strange persons and have to provide much information for them. Phones in general are scary, calling from them more so then answering them though. And asking people for help in stores is scary too=d

( I have exciting conversations with Scott! )

current music: the 7 jump in my head

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Monday, January 7th, 2002
11:35 am
I wish I had gotten up after the first time I dreamt this and wrote it down. So I dreamt about nuclear holocaust again. There were earlier bits in the dream involving, visiting some location in a car, possibly I was with my parents, at night. There was something going on, or some holiday, or something like that, since there were other people about. But, they were all asleep. It might have been a campground, come to think of it. I wandered off by myself at night. I believe I was in pursuit of a bathroom. I wandered into some building, and I might have appeared as if I was breaking in, as for some reason random law enforcement appeared. Other stuff happened that's all fuzzy now, but I ended up being in a vehicle with one of 2 people, we were driving somewhere, they were some form of government or law enforcement, we were aware of the need to get away, there was danger, and then the sky lights up. We saw the mushroom cloud start to rise, get bigger, and then envelop us, as it enveloped us it was as if bits of smokey tissue were puffing out of it, and outlined the car and the sky, inside the cloud there were almost lightning bolts coming down from the the sky and connecting to the ground. I remember it feeling like something, oit wasn't quite pain, but I had the awareness that whatever I was feeling was the beginning of my death, that I'd have a few days of decay left to live through. People were running, and I really had the urge to leave the car and go in search of a person I really cared about. But I stayed in the vehicle with my guests, whoever they were, and becuase of their status we went in a futile search of some underground location to shield us from the effects of the disaster, hopeless in that we already knew it was too late for us.

Funny, how dreams work. That you can wake up from a nightmare about an atom bomb and find it frighteneing to cross the room to your desk becuase of it (considering the likelihood that nuclear holocaust has of reaching its arm out from underneath one's bed and grabbing them).

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4:23 am

Take the Eliteness Quiz Today!

I imagine one of the reasons I rarely get anything productive done is becuase I'm always online taking quizzes like these! arrrg!!!

Blech, the angel of death has fallen and awaits my eager hands to strip it nekkid! man, too bad it's so cold outside, I might go out anyway though, considering it's sportin' my prized goggles=d

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Sunday, January 6th, 2002
4:30 pm

You are Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the Fourth
A strange and fun loving kid. You are an expert computer hacker and have all the really important, meaningful dialog in the series :).
Which Cowboy Bebop Character Are You?

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1:18 pm - woah...

So is this kinda like the Columbine imitators, only terrorist style?

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4:17 am - I have multiple light bulbs!
and the clock says 4:20, what a coinkydink! Hrmm. Angel of Death is still hanging in there, I told scott I'd go out on the roof and fix it's mouth (sadly it fell at some point yesterday) but lack of ambition has prevented me from doing so thus far. I still have alot of reading to get done. I should buy eggs tomorrow, then I can get cash back from Commie Pride, so I get eat tasty veggie chinese food tomorrow=d

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2:11 am
So..the meme was started a little over 48 hours ago. I put a counter on the main page of it. Admittedly I've been there a few times, no more then 10 I'd say though, and I know a few people prolly took it a few times. But, as of right now, the total hit count for it is: 990! success! I've tried following the meme paths but I couldn't, yet it's obviously spreading by that number. Dear God it is, almost 1000 hits! woo!

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Friday, January 4th, 2002
5:41 pm

THis is what Scott and I did all afternoon! With luck there shall be pictures of the front coming as well in time. 'Tis an angel of death, we put a red light in front of it so it glows at night, it's got wings, my goggles, a razor part for the mouth, spikey around the neck, one arm points outward, the other hand is raised, with a sword in it, and the sheath (huh huh I said "sheath") hangs around its arm-neck! wee! Hooray for progress that will probably all melt tomorrow!

current music: front 242 - motion

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