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hee hee hee [20 Jan 2005|01:21pm]
Your Porn Star Name is: Sandra Spunk

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NYE pics! [16 Jan 2005|02:03am]
[ mood | tired ]

With my pals on NYE at Contempt at Remote Lounge (I can never keep my eyes open!):

And a Chris sandwich:

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back from florida [14 Jan 2005|02:32pm]
[ mood | working ]

i miss the nice weather :(

Villainy wears many masks, none of which so dangerous as virtue
You're Ichabod Crane!
Actually the most normal main character of a Tim
Buron movie (or atleast of this quiz) you may
be well educated in your field but may suffer
from fainting alot

Which Tim Burton Movie Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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oh my [09 Jan 2005|03:48pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Your Erotic LJ dream by cozzette
you went to bed feeling
You began to dream aboutneveranygrey
who wasdominating you
inyour car
withwhips and chains
which made youtwitch
but was interupted byheathen_panzer
who began totake pictures
You awokescreaming
and you hopethat dreams do come true
chance of that happening:: 29%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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merry fuckin xmas ya goyim! [25 Dec 2004|02:21am]
i love lambics!
my head hurts.
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my issues. [21 Dec 2004|10:37pm]
[ mood | confused ]

too difficult to explain in essay form so i cut and pasted from an IM.

Punchbuggy: im sick of being confused

Punchbuggy: i really dont get it anymore
Punchbuggy: not even the smallest things

Punchbuggy: like 24 hours a day it seems i'm totally at a loss to understand or explain my existence
Punchbuggy: or anyone's

Punchbuggy: comes from thinking too damn much

Punchbuggy: not even why, but what and how
Punchbuggy: you know?

Punchbuggy: well i dont quite get how we bundle what we consider our "self" up from the mass of meat and senses
Punchbuggy: and our perceptions
Punchbuggy: and go about our lives as if this is nothing
Punchbuggy: do you have the faintest of what i mean

Punchbuggy: it's especially difficult for an agnostic
Punchbuggy: atheists have science, religious people have god
Punchbuggy: i have nothing
Punchbuggy: i'm just totally at a loss

Punchbuggy: i guess i feel if i cant understand it, i cant enjoy it fully
Punchbuggy: ...or at all, lately
Punchbuggy: too hard to explain fully but i think you get me

Punchbuggy: its tough
Punchbuggy: and then not having anyone to help me out
Punchbuggy: ...i feel alone, lots

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like whoa, man [20 Dec 2004|12:41am]
[ mood | beh ]

J G Thirlwell does the music for Venture Brothers? Did I know that before tonight?

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fork yeah! [15 Dec 2004|12:08pm]
[ mood | amused ]

My LiveJournal 12 Days
My True Love gave to me...
12 fenskis a-rubbing.
11 lythaeums a-yelling.
10 veeohlas a-squatting.
9 final_resources a-grunting.
8 newwavegirls a-glaring.
7 dizenchanteds a-groaning.
6 slayn2gss a-gyrating.
5 teal shadesofyous.
4 singing ubermenschs.
3 Panamanian starrais.
2 rat misterfurs.
And a stckhlmsyndrome in a raspberry tree.
Get gifts! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
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The Power of the P-U-S-S-Y [14 Dec 2004|01:19am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | guess ]

VDjGarionV: whats that from?
VDjGarionV: sounds familiar
Punchbuggy: i just started listening to the jay-z vs r kelly cds u gave me
VDjGarionV: nice
Punchbuggy: i absolutely died when that came on and when i realized what he was saying
VDjGarionV: o yeah
Punchbuggy: i was on the subway grinning from ear to ear
VDjGarionV: that song
VDjGarionV: lol
Punchbuggy: and then when r kelly gets way into it and starts crooning about the pussy
VDjGarionV: nice
Punchbuggy: that was fucking hysterical
VDjGarionV: yes
VDjGarionV: very powerful indeed
Punchbuggy: it changed my life
Punchbuggy: i mean, like r said, at some point, we all want a piece of pussy.
Punchbuggy: it opened my eyes!
Punchbuggy: and my pussy!

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[13 Dec 2004|12:25pm]
twilight is love
brought to you by the isLove Generator
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:pondering: [13 Dec 2004|12:05pm]
[ mood | mad PMS yo ]

note to self:
idea for future research:
Do defensive plays in Scrabble correlate with ego/personality defenses?

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[05 Dec 2004|02:23pm]
[ mood | crappy ]

i took a bike ride to try and defrag...but my system still has some serious errors...
maybe i'll have to reboot?

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existential crisis [03 Dec 2004|10:16pm]
[ mood | weird ]

all day I have been spaced out of my gourd...wondering what am I, who am I, what is this thing called existence? do my senses deceive me? and so much more, deep, answerless questions, looping around endlessly in my mind until I shut myself off to avoid blowing a fuse...
so, how was your day?

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jeez christ i'm dying here [29 Nov 2004|10:23pm]
[ mood | amused ]

If you were on South Park, what would you look like and who would your friends be? (for girls) by vexedfusion
You are a WHORE!
Dun dun dun, this is you...
Percentage of people who like this character..: 76%
The Jewmisterfur
The Fat Onefaye_valentine
The Loverwhatgoesup
The Poor Onejet420
The Gay Teacherlordravage
Kyle's Bitchy Momveeohla
Go here if you are a guy South Park character memegen for guys
All imgs made here.... The Southpark Character Site
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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politics are stupid. [16 Nov 2004|05:19pm]
[ mood | blank ]

But part of this is actually really funny...

What is your presidency like?
LJ Username
Political Party
Campaign Slogan
Celebrity Endorsment
Vice President bluefairie
Cheif of Staff prosicated
Secretary of State lizgrr
Scandal caused by relationship with pink_bot
Scandal Embezzeled money from "Let Every Orphan Have Shoes" fund
Approval Rating - 90%
This quiz by malaisia - Taken 10294 Times.
New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes

Who will give you an orgasm?
by leslie13
So, who will make you moan?Your best friend.
How?Saying "Go, go orgasm!"
Will it be good?It'll be fucking amazing!
Quiz created with MemeGen!
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quizzes make weekend-long paper writing bearable! [14 Nov 2004|01:02pm]
You are 67% Virgo

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hoorah! [14 Nov 2004|01:27am]
You are .swf You are flashy, but lack substance.  You like playing, but often you are annoying. Grow up.
Which File Extension are You?

You are Windows 98.  You're a bit flaky, but well-liked.  You don't have a great memory, but everyone seems to know you.  A great person to hang out with and play some games.
Which OS are You?
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RIP ODB [14 Nov 2004|01:20am]
:tilts my 40:
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haha white guys [12 Nov 2004|12:39am]
[ mood | tired ]

You Are Beer!

You don't need to get totally wasted when you hit the bars.
More of a social drinker, you just like to have fun with your friends.
And as long as the beer keeps flowing, you're a happy camper.
But don't mix things up: "Beer Before Liquor, Never Been Sicker!"

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back from beyond the... [02 Nov 2004|12:31pm]
[ mood | not bad ]

so i aint been feeling 100% lately, but I won't go into details or bitch and moan too much for the sake of friends that may be reading this whose current situations are way worse and probably won't appreciate it. :-P
in any case, i had a nice time on halloween. called up my friend who goes to pratt, got into costume and had absinthe and listened to rasputina and johnny cash with arty undergrads. somehow got in free to mofo and danced on stage, drank plenty and gave my number to a cute boy.
school's been getting very hectic, but i am somehow managing to stay (mostly) on top of the game.
less sunlight is getting me down, but the trees are beautiful...

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